
This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” October 28, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: All right, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is The Ingraham Angle from Washington tonight. America in lockdown. That's the focus of tonight's angle. Now this may not surprise you but the Left is lying again.


JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But this administration has just given up. Over the weekend, the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows went on television and admitted that they've waved the white flag and declared surrender.


INGRAHAM: What a fraud this man is. Of course, he's talking about COVID.

Neither the president nor his team have given up on anything but Biden has.

Everything about his presentation and his tone just reeks of surrender.

It's so bleak. He wants America to be permanently defined and changed and he's all in for using this Chinese virus to do it.

And while Biden cynically hides his real COVID agenda, the experts he'll be slavishly following have already spilled the beans.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NSAID: I think it will be easily by the end of

2021 and perhaps even into the next year before we start having some semblances of normality. If you can get restaurants to open at almost full capacity, you could have sporting events to be able to be played with spectators, then I think that's going to be well, well into 2021 and perhaps beyond.


INGRAHAM: I thought he didn't talk about anything except medicine. Well, that man should carry around a miniature goal post with him for each media parents and then he should move it when he speaks because that's what he's done with COVID metrics. Now remember 15 days to slow the spread, to save the hospitals?

Well, now it's forcing us into years of misery, years of isolation and economic devastation, all put on America in order to supposedly eradicate the virus completely. Now back in April, I first warned you about the danger of this COVID goal post shifting.


INGRAHAM: The curve was flattened but now that's not good enough. Now they tell us we can't go back to our old life until almost a new bureaucracy is created to save us. The goal post keeps shifting on what has to be done.

How can the public be confident in what they're hearing from the health officials if things keep changing?


INGRAHAM: Wow, we've been doing this for a long time. Now we're told that shut downs are heroic and opponents of shutdowns are selfish. Of course the New York Times today hailed Melbourne, Australia as a success story. Why?

Because they were emerging from a get this, 111-day lockdown.

Five months with people not being able to travel more than about three miles from home. No restaurants, no sports, no churches. They couldn't even go outside for longer than an hour at one point.

They're still not allowed to hug their friends. Their economy is shredded but that's what they wanted. What is that what we want? Most Americans probably don't realize what their lives will become in a Biden-Harris presidency? The media know that Democrats will be hurt politically if Joe's coming shut downs are widely publicized now.

Thus they only report skewed data with zero context to scare grandma and suburban women into supporting Biden. Now Europe already showed us that restrictions of long lockdowns don't work. They did all that, shattering their economies in the process and yet their case numbers are still now exploding.

In an intent to build on their failure, Europe is doing it all over again.

Talk about giving up. It's the definition of insanity. And liberals here have given up in other areas as well. They've given up on our history so you know, they allow it to be trashed and defamed. They've given up on traditional shows of patriotism because after all, the anthem and the flag are vestiges of a systemically racist nation.

They've given up on the rule of law, watching as cities are looted and burned. The liberals have given up on the constitution, on the second amendment and basically they're done with the entire first amendment.

Again, it was written by a bunch of old dead white guys.

Think about how wild this is. When Clinton ran in 1992, his campaign theme was don't stop thinking about tomorrow. It's very hopeful. For Obama, it was all about hope and change. Beautiful. But for Biden, it's all doom and gloom. The long dark winter he wants to drag us into. Just look at him.

He's constantly scowling.

And listen closely, he's laying the predicate for what his experts will tell him to do. Shut it down.


JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Even if I win, it's going to take a lot of hard work to end this pandemic. I'm not running on a false promise of being able to end this pandemic by flipping a switch. We'll let science drive our decisions and we'll never ever quit. That's how we'll shut down this virus.


INGRAHAM: Very inspiring. Number one, President Trump didn't say he'd flip a switch to end the pandemic. Number 2, you can't 'shutdown' a virus by hiding from it. Immunity can only be acquired three ways. First, you can get the bug and survive it, herd immunity. Second, you can get vaccinated and the vaccine doesn't hurt you, even kill you.

And third, you're already partially or entirely immune due to something called cross reaction with other viruses and that's where T-cell immunity comes in. So when Biden says we're going to let the science drive our decisions, that means unelected medical experts will dictate when our kids can go to school, when we can go to church and when we can drive or travel anywhere to see relatives or friends.

Democrats have opted to use fear instead of substantive arguments to win this election and the ultimate sign that the Left has given up on America is when they work overtime to silence their opponents. Remember, it all started on college campuses and now the censorship is being perfected on social media.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter's Jack Dorsey, they testified today virtually of course before a Senate committee today. They denied any intent to influence the election despite the fact that they censor Trump but protect Biden as Twitter did with the Hunter Biden story.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Why did Twitter make the decision to censor the New York Post?

JACK DORSEY, CEO, TWITTER: We had a hacked material--

CRUZ: They weren't hiding what they claim to be the source. Is it your position at Twitter when you can't tell the source, blocks press stories.

DORSEY: No, not at all. Our team made a fast decision.


INGRAHAM: But what happened just a few weeks ago when a story about the president's tax returns came out.


CRUZ: Did Twitter block the distribution of the New York Times story a few weeks ago that purported to be based on copies of President Trump's tax returns?

DORSEY: We don't find that in violation of our terms of service in this policy in particular because it's reporting about the material. It wasn't distributing the material.

CRUZ: OK, well, that's actually not true. They posted what they've reported to be original source materials and federal law, federal statute makes it a crime, a federal felony to distribute someone's tax returns.


INGRAHAM: Ted Cruz just schooled these guys. These tech companies have abused their power and are now acting essentially as an outside censorship bureau for the Democrats. Where would that leave the voices of independent thinkers during a Biden administration? You'll be silenced. That's where it will leave you.

The Left's efforts to shut you down and lock you in will continue until the Democrats begin to feel real political pain. Blue State governors in Michigan, New York, Illinois and California, they obviously don't care about the needless, emotional turmoil they're inflicting on children and families.

But President Trump has never given up on you.


DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning.


INGRAHAM: In fact all of the people on the political scene today of all of them, perhaps in the entire world, the president is the most optimistic. He trusts and he loves the hard working people of this nation and unlike Biden, he doesn't believe the government has the right to manipulate them into giving up their freedoms or their dreams because of a virus.

The president doesn't downplay the tragic consequences of COVID but instead he forges ahead as we rapidly develop vaccines and other therapeutics and by the way his optimism isn't blind optimism. It's informed and it's necessary.

Our government has no right to deny us our basic liberties until the experts are satisfied. Where is that in the consultation? On Tuesday, we'll either choose a future of prosperity, freedom and happiness or one of the decline, despair and lockdowns.

I still think Americans are a lot smarter than the experts think and that's the angle. Joining me now is Eric Trump, Executive Vice President of the Trump organization. Eric, I know you've been on the road campaigning but they are trying to shut down America through these big tech companies and unelected health bureaucrats. Which should concern voters more?

ERIC TRUMP, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: Well listen, both Laura. I mean, I thought your opening was absolutely beautiful, you hit the nail on the head but I mean when I was sitting there in the front row of the debate the other day and Biden comes out and says you know this winter is going to be a winter of darkness and I see my father say no, no, no, we live in the greatest country in the world.

It's going to be a winter of white, it's going to be a winter of happiness, we're going to get our schools open, we're going to get our churches open, we're going to go back to our tea ball with our kids, we're going to go back to our hobbies. I mean a winter of darkness, who says that? And by the way, I can tell you Laura, I mean there's no one that's done more miles around this country than me and our family in the last year couple of months.

People aren't buying this anymore. People want to get back to lives and it's also naive to think. Only a career politician who's been you know make money off of every country in the world China, etcetera, etcetera has the luxury of locking themselves in their basement for months and months on end.

I mean people have to make a living for their families, for their - for their lives. People want to live the American dream. People want to take a vacation. People don't have the same luxury as Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and you know members of the elite media. They don't have that option.

They need to make a living so they can support their families.

INGRAHAM: Are you surprised at how many women especially, it looks like have been I don't know if they're lulled into thinking that somehow the experts can save them from the virus or they misunderstand the lethality of the virus. It's very tragic and it's been horrible for the country and heartbreaking for American families but none the less, it's something that overwhelmingly people survive and they can tolerate and young people obviously quite well.

But are you surprised about what you're seeing in the skew in the female vote so far at least in these polls?

E. TRUMP: Honestly though to tell you the truth I mean what I do notice Laura is, I noticed when I'm back in New York all right, people are much more susceptible to it, when you go to other places. When you're in Washington D.C., when you get out to America, I mean people want to live their lives. Again, people want to go to church, people want to work.

People want to celebrate with their kids. They want to get back to life and you notice a very different sentiment in New York City than you do you know about COVID than you do and you know in heartland America. You just do and people rolling their eyes to not COVID, COVID is horrible and COVID hurt the entire world but we have to be able to fight through.

And I think one of the things I'm very proud of my father, my father got it. He was the first one to come out and say this was no fun but we're also Americans. We don't - you know in our DNA, we weren't meant to be locked in a cave nor again do we have the luxury to be locked in a cave.

And you know that's why you have to fight through it and we've done in terms of best therapeutic and the best vaccines but we also have to live our lives. We are a free country. We are free as Americans, we have to live our lives, we can't just be locked up because Dr. Fauci says so.

INGRAHAM: Now Eric, I want to get back to this Big Tech hearing. Senator Thune asked Mark Zuckerberg a question that seemed to somehow stump him.


SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): My understanding is that the person that's in charge of election integrity and security at Facebook is a former Joe Biden's staffer.

MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO, FACEBOOK: I'm not aware of the example that you say of someone in charge of that this process who worked for Biden in the past so what we can follow up on that.


INGRAHAM: Eric, the guy controlling the messages on this election from Facebook worked for Biden and Zuckerberg doesn't know that. Is that believable?

E. TRUMP: Of course. No, of course not believable. I mean Lora Laura, just zoom out for a second. They blocked Kayleigh McEnany, the White House Press Secretary last week. Twitter literally blocked her on - you know blocked her off of the platform.

They've thrown Don off the platform for 24 hours. They've censored you and they've censored me and they've censored three-quarters of the people watching. They censored every single person who reposted that New York Post article the other day and it only goes one way. I mean it only goes one way.

And you better believe they also have their fingers on the dial. I mean, if I put something out that they disagree with, the numbers are down. I mean I can just see it based on engagements and likes so you can't tune on yours.

They are censoring us. They don't do it to the other side and it's gross but Americans are seeing through it. Believe me Americans see through it.

And quite frankly, the one thing you don't want to do Americans is take away their free speech. This is our first amendment rights for a reason and I'm telling you people aren't happy about. I think it's actually become probably the number one issue in politics in the last couple of weeks.

INGRAHAM: Too much power, it's ruled by oligarchs and experts, the way it's looking. Eric, great to see you. Good luck out there on the campaign trail.

And the experts have cited Europe and Australia as kind of role models for the handling of COVID but violent protests are breaking out across Italy and Spain as people are just sick and tired of these extreme restrictions and limits on their freedom.

And as the Angle mentioned in Melbourne, residents just ended a 111- day extreme lockdown so could this all be in your future? Today, we caught a glimpse of which countries Dr. Fauci thinks we should be emulating.


FAUCI: Australia is one of the countries that has done actually quite well.

I believe. New Zealand has done well. Some of the Asian countries have done well. If you look I mean I would like to say the same for the United States but the numbers speak for themselves and we are essentially still going on a day by day basis, getting worse and worse.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an epidemiology professor at Stanford and a Stanford institute senior fellow. Dr. Bhattacharya, if Dr. Fauci is holding up Australia as the gold standard, can we assume he would advocate if he was really being now really open, similar lockdown measures here if he had the chance?

DR. JAY BHATTACHARYA, EPIDEMIOLOGY PROFESSOR, STANFORD: I mean Australia in Victoria and Melbourne day, the last 111 days has been nothing short of say draconian. They've suppressed - I would say they've suppressed the civil rights of basically everyone living there.

I think lots of people are seeing you know people going in the park alone, walking alone, told not to sit on park benches, pregnant moms arrested because they were thinking about arranging a protest. I mean I think if that's the model, I don't think Americans will accept that.

And the other thing I would say about Australia is that the lockdown didn't come at no cost and Australia in Melbourne from the lockdown, we've had a

30 percent increase in suicide attempts among adolescents and young adults over that period. There have been stories of newborns who couldn't - who had heart problems who couldn't get medical services because of restrictions in travel and because of the lockdown again.

And then also the familiar cutting back of needed medical services for cancer patients, diabetes patients and many others. Lockdowns don't come at zero cost.

INGRAHAM: But also Dr. Bhattacharya, sorry to interrupt but is there any evidence that a lockdown has ever - or a quarantine, whatever you want to call it of a nation as large as the United States would be feasible, practical, unless you're going to call out the military on the people or that it would actually work because presumably you would open up the country at some time, correct?

BHATTACHARYA: Yes, I mean no lockdown in history has ever eradicated a disease, even for a place like Australia which is an island continent, it's not - they're not disconnected from the rest of the world. They'll have to continue to do lockdowns forever if they want zero COVID.

In the United States, zero COVID is not a possible outcome. It simply would come at too high a cost. We'd have to destroy the nation to get to that point.

INGRAHAM: Well, a lot of people think that's part of - that's part of the goal here. End up resetting the nation or whatever you want to call it in order to force new social change. California which you know well as you hail from, in California Governor Newsom actually has restrictions in place about how you can celebrate Thanksgiving.

I guess it's like a 2 hour limit or what. America, are you paying attention? Is this really happening in our country? Answer is yes and it'll be nationwide if Biden wins.

BHATTACHARYA: You're allowed to go into the bathroom once though as long as it's sanitized properly.

INGRAHAM: Oh, bathroom breaks are allowed. Dr Bhattacharya. Oh my goodness.

Thank you so much for joining us tonight. It's always great to see you and coming up, it's 2016 all over again. The liberal media seem to think that Texas is now a tossup. Does Karl Rove agree? We're going to find out. Also former NFL pro turned Utah congressional candidate Burgess Owens could flip his district red next week. We're going to talk about it. What it means after this?



BIDEN: Have a transitioned from their own industry? Yes. We need other industries to transition to get to ultimately a complete zero emissions by 2025. It has to be replaced by renewable energy. We have to move toward a net zero emissions. The first place to do that by the year 2035 is in energy production, by 2050 totally.


INGRAHAM: 2025 - 2030 - 2050. It's unbelievable. That's not all that despite his protestations, he's also pledged to ban fracking and he's also pledged to ban new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters. Now I'm going to translate this for you. Joe Biden wants to destroy the oil and gas industry, period.

But why should you care? Well, for starters the industry as a whole supports nearly 10 million jobs according to one study. 5.6 percent of all U.S. employment and if you were to ban the new oil and gas permits on public lands, that would lead to a loss of 1.4 million U.S. jobs by 2022 and shave $700 billion off the U.S. GDP.

Now what else does our robust production provide? Well, think about it. Oil and gas provides security. Since 2018, when we passed Saudi Arabia in petroleum production, we've been the largest oil and gas producer in the world so why would Joe Biden actively work to kill jobs, hurt the economy and increase our dependence on foreign sources?

Joining me now is Karl Rove, former deputy Chief of Staff for Bush 43 and Fox news Contributor. Karl, great to see you tonight. As a Texas resident, obviously you know this issue inside and out but just by ending the leasing on federal lands, tell us about what happens there. Was it a 120,000 jobs by 2022?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it'll cost more than that and think about it. They say they're going to do it on day one. Think about this.

Houston's economy is largely driven by the fact that all the exploration in the Gulf of Mexico is directed, funded, staffed and executed largely out of the city Houston.

So you take that big gigantic bit of business and the Houston economy is going to get hit hard. Think about the downstream. A lot of that oil and gas that comes out of the gulf goes into petrochemical refinery - petrochemical facilities, refineries, power generation.

All of those are going to be hurt when you start to say no future development in the Gulf of Mexico other than what we've already permitted.

It's going to - it's going to result in the Texas, the royalties from drilling on state lands in Texas will be diminished because of attack on fracking and the attack on oil and gas production and oil and gas transport.

They're going to - they're going to stop agreeing to new pipelines to move the product from West Texas to the Gulf, where we refine into product but the state gets a lot of money for our schools. Largest source is local property taxes. Second largest source is the oil and gas taxes.

And our universities, we have two great university systems. University of Texas and Texas A&M. They're funded, what's called the permanent university fund whose income comes from drilling for oil and gas on state lands and that would all be hurt as you crack down on fracking, crackdown on the infrastructure, create more rules and regulations.

For example saying, you can't begin a well that will have - that has methane production and natural gas production unless and until you have the capacity to take out of that oil well, all the gas and put it in a pipeline someplace. You can't flare it any longer even though you know that basically means you find the oil and gas above a certain amount of gas in it.

You've got to then get the pipeline to there before you can produce one barrel of oil or 1 MCF of gas.

INGRAHAM: Oh, it is devastating to all the mom and pops that depend on the industry for downflow jobs, all the charitable work that the oil and gas industry does throughout the region, not just Texas and way beyond and people forget about all of that.

And Karl, this leads me to my next point so NBC news, you probably saw this moved Texas to a tossup and Cook Political doing it as well saying a huge surge in early voting suggests that we can see record turnout in a state that's added many new residents since 2016, that also adds a level of uncertainty.

Well, Texas hasn't voted Democrat since 76 Karl, meaning Joe Biden is the next Jimmy Carter perhaps but what does that mean and do you think that's accurate?

ROVE:  No, I don't think it's accurate, and neither does Joe Biden, because for the last two months he's been making these regular announcements that they were going to come hard for Texas, and we've reserved $5 million worth of television advertising in two weeks. They get up on the top of that.

Sorry, we're not going to execute that buy, but we're going to buy television in another two weeks when we can sucker you into it.

Texas is going to be red this year, no if, ands, or buts about it. Less than an hour ago I was on a joint program on the 2020 elections with Paul Begala, who was originally from Texas, now lives in Virginia. He said, well, Texas is going to fall. I said, how much do you want to bet, buddy, $100?


ROVE:  And I got him on record. He not only said would Trump lose Texas but that John Cornyn would lose Texas and that Joe Biden would win it, and M.J.

Hegar, who is about as leftwing and nutty as you can imagine, would win as well. So I've got $100 riding on it.

I want to go back a second on energy, because there is something I don't think people have paid much attention to. Remember in that footage you just had, he talked about a zero carbon by 2035. Here's what that means. By 2035 he wants to end the 70 percent of electricity generation that comes from fossil fuels, virtually all of it, most of it from natural gas, some amount from coal, and a very small amount from oil itself. But by 235, 70 percent of electricity that today is generated off of fossil fuels, he wants it gone.

What does that mean? At the same time, he is going to make demands that we all get into electric cars. So he's going to be increasing the demand for electricity while it takes offline 70 percent of the production that we have of electricity. And what that means is billions dollars of investments in plants that could run for the next 40 or 50 years is going to be gone.

And what is that going to do to utility bills? It's going to jack them up, and it's going to put us like California where we have brownouts.

And you're right, one out of every 20 Americans is employed in the oil and gas business or chemical refinery, and gone.

INGRAHAM:  We've got to roll, Karl, but people might not like Trump's tweets, but they're really not going to like rolling blackouts and never- ending shutdowns, OK. So his tweets, OK, you don't like all of them. But rolling blackouts and rolling shutdowns.

ROVE:  And higher utility bills. And higher utility bills, dramatically higher.

INGRAHAM:  Thank you. That's the cherry on the ice cream Sunday. Karl, great to see you, thanks so much.

ROVE:  You bet.

INGRAHAM:  And with control of Congress on the line, the GOP is looking to win big, take back the House next week. And it just may be the nearly 30 African-Americans Republican candidates running right now who could push them over the finish line, like my next guest, Burgess Owens. A new poll has the former NFL player up by one point in Utah's fourth Congressional district. He joins me now.

Burgess, to look at the polls and not necessarily yours, but others, everyone is supposed to be demoralized in the Republican Party. I am not buying it.

BURGESS OWENS, (R) UTAH CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE:  Same here, Laura. By the way. And I have a news flash, and this kind of gives you an idea of where our country is at this point. About an hour before coming to the show, we got an email from Deseret News, a major news outlet here, that they are actually ceasing our advertisement five days before the election, and they decided to pull our ads. I have no idea why.

I know that my opponent has been 95 percent negative in false ads, and $10 million of PAC money from Pelosi. So if I can say this, that's not Utah value. We believe in diversity of thought in every way possible. We believe in not being negative. We want to agree to disagree. That's the old school way of doing thing. And to see this kind of bias and censorship is what we're now seeing across our country. So we have a lot to look at this year as Americans, and I just hope that we truly do understand we are at the edge. We cannot allow for the idea that we could be censored or stopped from talking, because that's what we, the people, do best. We talk, we get to our issues, because we have --

INGRAHAM:  No, they don't want to talk. They want to cram down, shutdowns, blackouts and regulation out the wazoo. They don't to talk. They want to force Americans into submission.

By the way, Symone Sanders is saying that President Trump is failing, Burgess, black Americans. Watch.


SYMONE SANDERS, SENIOR ADVISER TO BIDEN CAMPAIGN:  Do not think black business owners across this country, many of whom have had to shutter their doors, are complaining. They are asking for a plan from the federal government to mitigate this virus. This is just a further demonstration of how this administration has failed the American people, has failed back Americans in this country.


INGRAHAM:  Your response to that, Burgess?

OWENS:  She is living in La La Land. The reason why they are concerned right now is the amount of black Americans, Hispanic-Americans, gay Americans, Asian-Americans, that are waking up and leaving that plantation.

And I'll say this. This is our time to come together like no other, Laura.

I've had a chance to meet 25 to 30 of my fellow constituents out there. And I'll say this, it's the greatest class I've ever seen. If America can just give us a chance. I'm played in a Super Bowl game. I know what it is to have a team that truly is all in to the same endgame. We have a time right now, we can get back the House, to truly put together a solution that we have not had before, because these people, they are patriots. They're not politicians. They're looking at representing a president who knows what American leadership is all about. Give us a chance America, and I can promise you four years, House, Senate, and our presidency, four years we will have an unbelievable renaissance in our country that everybody is experiencing --

INGRAHAM:  And Burgess, the reason you resonate is your optimism and your belief in the American people, their hard work, and their ethics, and our history, the good, the bad, and the difficult. But you ooze that optimism, and I think people bet on optimism over pessimism every day of the week.

Burgess Owens, best of luck to you in Utah's fourth.

OWENS:  Thank you.

INGRAHAM:  All right, you take care.

And coming up, what Joe Biden's latest slip up really means about who will be in charge if he wins. Raymond Arroyo is here with "Seen and Unseen"



INGRAHAM:  It's time for "Seen and Unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. Joining us now with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor, author of "The Spider who Saved Christmas," and it just landed on the "New York Times" bestseller list. I can't believe they didn't blackball you there, Raymond. Congrats, by the way.


INGRAHAM:  Now, in the final push to Election Day, the candidates are hitting the trail. Biden was back home in Delaware today, shocker, but he was in Georgia yesterday.

ARROYO:  He was. And if you listen closely, Laura, it's clear that Joe off script is unsure of who exactly is at the top of the ticket. And whoever painted that backdrop behind him was similarly confused. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  My name is Joe Biden. I'm Jill Biden's husband, and I'm Kamala's running mate.



BIDEN:  You all think I am kidding, don't you?


INGRAHAM:  He sounds like Mr. Magoo.


ARROYO:  Laura, every Biden rally feels like Joe is blocking an intersection during rush hour, all the horns are going off. But given his memory lapses, it's no joke for the people to assume that Kamala will be the president should Biden win. But he also seems confused about basic relationships. Isn't Doug Emhoff Kamala Harris's husband?


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  We're not losing focus on securing the many pathways to 270. But my wife Jill, as you know, Doug Emhoff, Kamala's wife, are there. Kamala will be back later this week, I think on Friday.


ARROYO:  Kamala will probably be back every day under a Biden administration. She'll be the lady in the Oval Office. Easier to find her that way.

INGRAHAM:  Is it just me, or do I sense that few people are aware of these continual lapses? We all have verbal slip ups, but these seem to be about fundamental issues, like where he is or who he is.

ARROYO:  They're not covered, Laura.


ARROYO:  They're simply not covered. We're the only people that cover them and watch these events, I think, from beginning to end.

INGRAHAM:  Biden was in Warm Springs, Georgia, yesterday, where he offered another dark and dreary vision for America. And then he makes a play for faith voters.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  Pope Francis asked questions that anyone who seeks to lead this great nation should be able to answer. And my answer is this -- I want to unite this nation and to heal this nation. Our votes must free ourselves from the forces of darkness.


ARROYO:  Now, just to remind everybody, Laura, this is a candidate who supports abortion on demand up until birth. He wants religious employers and nuns to pay for abortifacients and abortion care for their employees.

And this is a guy who wants to shut down even church worship and make bureaucrats in charge of worship. Is that a program or agenda of light? I don't understand this. This is for the un educated faith voters. That's who that pitch is for.

INGRAHAM:  But Raymond, don't you think he also -- he looks just unhappy.

And he has that kinds of look where it's all negative. And it's not a ride you want to go on.

ARROYO:  It's sad.

INGRAHAM:  If people are voting for that, then good luck. That's all I can say.

ARROYO:  Laura, everybody is sending surrogates out there to plead their case, OK? The Trump kids have gone crisscrossing the country, thousands of people showing up. Biden has deployed people like Cher to Phoenix and Vegas. And if you are going to lip-sync a song, it's best that you move yours lips when it starts. And I guess she tried that once or twice.



CHER, SINGER:  Until cellphones came out, I didn't know what was going on in the black community. I didn't know what was going on in the Latino community.


INGRAHAM:  I thought she was retiring about 12 years ago. Wasn't she never going to perform in public, just like Streisand? And they always show up like bad pennies.

ARROYO:  Laura, the farewell tour started in 2002. She is still on the road. This is unbelievable. She couldn't be more off key and out of touch with America. You listen to this and you just go, what is happening? What is this? I can't imagine why they would send her on the road.

INGRAHAM:  I don't have any words for what I just saw.

Another Biden surrogate, Robert De Niro was on MSNBC offering this trenchant analysis on Trump.


ROBERT DE NIRO, ACTOR:  We've seen enough of his behavior to get way as much as we need to be able to make a diagnosis.

He wants to be rape and pillage and plunder this country. It's the same, as they say, playbook, which I've always been saying, as Mussolini, as Hitler, as any autocrat dictator. They just -- it's classic.


INGRAHAM:  I thought he was trying out for a mall Santa position, or maybe he looks like Mandy Patinkin there. He's like just leaning back. Come on kids, come on my lap. It was troubling. Raymond, we've got to roll.

ARROYO:  Deeply unhappy.

INGRAHAM:  Very, a very unhappy man.

ARROYO:  Thank you.

INGRAHAM:  Great to see you.

And why does Joe Biden offer words of consolation for a knife-wielding criminal attacking police, but not for an actual police officer killed in the line of duty by illegal immigrant? Plus, a curfew is underway in Philly after two nights of looting. Is that working? We're going to take you live to the ground in moments.


INGRAHAM:  Two nights of looting leaving Philly on edge tonight after the shooting death of Walter Wallace by police. Joe Biden tweeted out a message, condolences, but failed to mention Wallace's long and violent rap sheet, and the fact that he was armed with a knife when he rushed at police. Biden once again taking the side of a criminal over law enforcement just as he did in the Jacob Blake case in Kenosha, Wisconsin, earlier this year.

But interestingly, when a black officer was murdered in Texas about 10 days ago by an illegal immigrant, heard nothing from Biden, nothing. Tonight, there's finally a curfew, by the way, in effect in Philly. Let's go to Julio Rosas, reporter who is live on the ground there. Julio, the curfew seems to be working, but not after all that damage was done.

What can you tell us about what's happening and that directive -- wasn't there a directive that apparently went out to the police?

JULIO ROSAS, SENIOR WRITER, So this is the first night of the curfew. There was no curfew last night when we saw mass looting. Tonight, there has been some scattered reports of attempted looting, maybe more or less not as successful as it was on previous nights.

But because of just the sheer numbers of looters that were hitting it, especially in northern Philadelphia, the police were ordered to prioritize their type of responses. And it's similar to what I was telling you last night where they would go bar one store that was being ransacked. But then they left, presumably to go to a more urgent call, and then that would result in the looters coming back.

So it appears that -- and I saw multiple times where there was just entire parts of a strip mall looted, and cop cars were just driving on by, presumably to more urgent calls, because remember, there were some shootings in the area.

INGRAHAM:  Now, Julio, Eric Lipton of "The New York Times" tweeted out this out about the coverage of what is happening there, "very notable the intensity of tweets from conservative voices looking to amplify or draw attention to looting in Philadelphia. Yes, it happened. "The New York Times" covered it as well. Just remarkable how conservatives want to elevate it." I guess you're one of those conservatives, and so am I. Julio, your response quickly?

ROSAS:  It's just unfortunate that someone who appears to work at the paper of record doesn't want this very notable event to be reported in any meaningful way. But I understand riot coverage is dangerous work, it's hard work, but people need to do it, because people want to know what's going on. And so I'm more than happy to pick up the slack if "The New York Times"

doesn't feel the need to do it.

INGRAHAM:  That's a very diplomatic way of saying what I would say, Julio.

Thank you, and stay safe out there. Thanks for the great reporting.

The Twitter CEO shocking transformation had us thinking of someone else.

The Last Bite next. 


INGRAHAM: All right. I'm saving my Jack Dorsey stuff. We ran out of time, but be sure to tune in tomorrow. Raymond Arroyo will be in Tampa, Florida.

What's being billed as Trump's biggest rally yet. He might even be making a surprise appearance elsewhere. Hmm.

That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" team take it all from here, Shannon.

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