
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 9, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Zimmerman's lawyers taking heat for their questioning of Trayvon Martin's parents. Critics say the defense team went too far while cross- examining Martin's mother.


MARK O'MARA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY FOR GEORGE ZIMMERMAN: You certainly would hope that your son, Trayvon Martin, did nothing that could have led to his own death, correct?

SYBRINA FULTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S MOTHER: What was your question again?

O'MARA: You certainly hope -- as a mom, you certainly hope that your son, Trayvon Martin, would not have done anything that would have led to his own death, correct?

FULTON: What I hope for is that this would have never happened and he would still be here. That's what -- that's my hope.

O'MARA: Absolutely. And now dealing with the reality that he's no longer here, it is certainly your hope, as a mom -- hold out hope as long as you can, that Trayvon Martin was in no way responsible for his own death, correct?

FULTON: I don't believe he was.

O'MARA: Yes. And that's the hope that you continue, correct?

FULTON: I don't understand what you're trying to ask me.


VAN SUSTEREN: And the defense calling Martin's father to the stand to testify about the 911 call. But did that backfire?


TRACY MARTIN, TRAYVON MARTIN'S FATHER: Basically, what I was listening to, I was listening to my son's last cry for help. I was listening to his life being taken. And I was coming -- trying to come to grips that Trayvon was here no more. It was just tough.


VAN SUSTEREN: Daryl Parks, the lawyer for Trayvon Martin's family. He joins us. Nice to see you, Daryl.


VAN SUSTEREN: Daryl, very tough for parents in a case like this, for any set of parents, when their son has been shot. But I'm curious, how do they think the trial is going from the prosecution's perspective? Many people watching it think that the prosecution's got a very tough haul ahead of them.

PARKS: Well, Greta, we've always believed from the very beginning that this was not a tough case. You have seen in our system plenty of cases with less evidence where people go to jail. I think this is just a case that, although it's gotten all this attention, where the defendant has mounted a very hefty defense to try and get from up under the evidence in this case.

Well, fortunately, there's plenty of evidence in this case that people really believe that George Zimmerman is guilty. So we remain encouraged. It's been tough for them. You may have noticed today, I did take them out of the courtroom some because they're getting pretty tired at this point. They've been there every day and sitting there every day under the cameras with all this attention is a lot. So you may have noticed Mom was missing a little bit today. But she's still here. She's still in the courthouse and seeing this through.

VAN SUSTEREN: Daryl, do -- does the mother -- (INAUDIBLE) the mother first. Does the mother think that this is a fair trial?

PARKS: Well, she understands and we explained to her -- one of the good things, Greta, is the fact that she has our legal team around her. We explained to her that the state has the case and the state is carrying the burden. And in carrying the burden, they have put on enough evidence to present their case.

Now, the decision as to how much they put on is entirely their decision. Obviously, they put on enough evidence that they were able to get past a directed verdict in this case.

VAN SUSTEREN: But that's -- I mean, that's pretty -- I mean, it's -- it's rare that a defense ever wins sort of motion (INAUDIBLE) judgment acquittal, a directed verdict, as you say.

But I'm curious, is, like, when she was on the witness stand, did she think that she was treated with respect? It is cross-examination. But does she have any sort of complaint about the way that she's been treated in the courtroom?

PARKS: Well, no, I think -- let me divide it up. I think that the way the system is treating her, whether it's the law enforcement, the deputies or the bailiffs in the courthouse, the judge and other personnel who are part of the system have treated her very nicely, and we're very grateful to them.

Whether or not Mr. O'Mara went too far in his questioning -- I think it speaks for itself. I think the world knows that that is not how you address the mother of a 17-year-old kid who has been murdered, right? And so I think that the verdict that we'll see in this case will address a lot of different things in this case. So he knows he went too far. And I think -- I think, you know, it speaks for itself.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you prepared your clients? I mean, this is -- I mean, usually -- usually, a lawyer has to prepare a defendant for either a guilty or a not guilty verdict. But this is an unusual situation, you representing the parents of a deceased child. Have you prepared them for the possibility -- I don't know what the jury's going to do, but the possibility of an acquittal?

PARKS: Well, you know, we talk about it briefly, but we don't talk about it much, right? Our faith is in God, even though, yes, I'm a lawyer. And I think they understand there's a possibility that it could go the other way.

But right now, they have all the faith in the world that this guy is not going to get away with shooting an unarmed kid. It would send the wrong message from this jury to do so. So they believe that, fundamentally -- fundamentally -- this guy has to be held accountable. No matter what he says, he caused the situation completely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Daryl, thank you very much. We'll be continuing to watch the case. Thank you, Daryl.

PARKS: Thank you for having me.