
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 29, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and perhaps, Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Republicans have waited eight long years to win back control of the Senate and they may only have to wait six more days, if all goes, well, as the polls are predicting for the Republicans. They show GOP candidates widening the gap in several key Senate battlegrounds. But it isn't entirely hopeless for Democrats for some reason remain tight in states like North Carolina and New Hampshire. And they can even get a surprise in Kansas, but I doubt it. If Republicans don't win the Senate on Tuesday, Charles Krauthammer has some plant advice for them.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Given the climate, I think it would be, you know, I think GOP can't win back the Senate in a climate like this maybe the party ought to look for another country.


PERINO: Let me start with Kimberly.


PERINO: Because, there's -- we've been talking a lot about the Senate races because that's probably the most important thing that's happening, there's a lot of governor's races, so the House some sort of forgotten about. But today, there's an article in the Washington Post talking about how originally in the House, it looked like the Republicans might pick up five to seven seats.


PERINO: It's now right, they're actually now that's possibly in double digits and they're looking all the way up to 14 or 15. John Boehner, the speaker of the House has raised $100 million for NRCC and GOP candidates and despite a very narrow field, it look like he might be able to increase his majority which no one has been talking about.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, that's the little -- that's the sleeper of this whole discussion, which is everybody's got the eye on the Senate, Boehner's got the eye on the House, he's less try to run up the score, that's what you do baby, it's not sports unlike in politics, I think it's necessary. Why not try and create an even larger majority so you have more political capital, more wherewithal to be able to get the fast done that you need to get done by resounding vote. I don't like the idea. Bob, of course is against.

PERINIO: Bob, let me ask -- I have a couple of questions for Bob, I want to start, Bob though, because we are -- it is October 29. And you said there was going to be a big October surprise.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Two months -- two days left.

PERINO: Two days left.


PERINO: Is this surprise still happening?

BECKEL: I really don't want to talk about it. Can I talk about the House?

PERINO: Were you bluffing about the surprise?

BECKEL: No, I wasn't bluffing.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, of course he was.

BECKEL: About the House, Boehner has a real reason to want to increase those seats because he wants to get away for being held hostage by the Tea Party, which is happened to it many times. And secondly.

PERINO: Guilfoyle, how you.

BECKEL: Here's the problem, here's the problem with that, and that is that they wiped out so many Democratic seats last time around, there aren't that many seats for them to pick up, and that's the problem. But I think he wants to get of the -- it's got the Stockholm syndrome, he wants to get out of the Tea Party box, and I think he might be able do it.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: That's the opposite of the Stockholm syndrome.

BECKEL: It is?

GUTFELD: Yes. OK, well, just want to correct that.

BECKEL: I mean, Stockholm we want to be in, who wants to be with those people?



PERINO: Can I ask Eric, and I'll come back to you for a second round.

BECKEL: Please.

PERINO: Eric, I have talked to a lot of people in the last 24 hours.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Who's there for you?


PERINO: Thank you, because I do my research.

GUTFELD: That's true.

PERINO: Some of them are pessimists, but -- and some are optimists, yeah, all Republican I mean, -- do I talk to anybody else? I'm just kidding, not really. Anyway, some are optimists, some are pessimists, and last night the pessimists sort of had me down in the dumps. But today, I broadened my pool, people I was talking to and the optimizing seems to be winning out.

BOLLING: Can I give you more optimism.

PERINO: OK. I'm sure OK.

BOLLING: The Harvard put out a study today, they released study, 2,000 young people, ages 18 to 29, and this is kind of interesting, so 51 percent of the people polled of those -- among those who are definitely going to vote said, they would like to see a Republican run congress of the House and Senate. That's up from 55 percent who wanted Democrats to run in 2010, and you saw that election went, 61 percent are worried about another terror attack, and 57 percent to 39 percent disapprove of the affordable care act. If people from Harvard and a young people polled -- Harvard polling young people around the country are that much in the GOP camp, that's really, really good.


BECKEL: Please have the size likely voter that's Republicans.

BOLLING: No, no, you know.

BECKEL: The College -- Republicans, the Democrats are not going to be voting.


BECKEL: That's probably right.

BOLLING: Here's what it said, here's what I said, It's among likely voters is the poll, but of those who are definitely going to vote about a quarter of them.

BECKEL: That's right.

BOLLING: 51 percent of those people prefer the GOP.


PERINO: I have enjoyed so much, this math lessons from the two of you. Let's look now at Jon Stewart, because he makes a point that Bob is making us way which is, it doesn't make sense for Democrats not to have President Obama come to campaign with them because they need to turn out their own vote. Let's take a look.


JON STEWART, THE DAILY SHOW: The president, nobody likes him, everybody hates him, even Democrats, running frantically from Barack Obama, like he was the bad guy and one of those, Chainsaw massacre movie of the year. (LAUGHTER)

STEWART: You have here every couple of years.


PERINO: But one reason why they might not want him there is because, if you look at the Fox news poll that was released last night. The question was, if President Obama's policies were on the November ballot, would you vote for or against, and those numbers bear out the same they've been about the same for like the last three weeks. People are unhappy with President Obama's policies by about 58 percent. What do you think, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, Jon Stewart is wrong. They're not, they're not running from President Obama, they're running from themselves and they're running from John Stewart. Because they're all three from there -- the identical failed beliefs, which is what that poll is pointing to. They are saying it's him, when it's all of them. And using the Texas Chainsaw metaphor implies that the candidates are actually the victims, they are not the victims. Jon Stewart is not a victim, they are the accessories. They created the monster that they are now running from. It wasn't -- there not you know, they are not innocent in all of this, they believe in everything President Obama believes. And I just want to go back, the Republicans should not be beaming at this point. The only reason why the Republicans are winning is because the Democrats are losing. This is not a victory, it's a reprieve and it means little if you don't actually have a greater vision and a monster candidate that's gonna win 2016, this is just a stay of execution, if you don't come up with an idea. And lastly, could you race.

PERINO: I disagree with you.

GUTFELD: All right. But you could raise your right arm for a minute.


GUTFELD: Just raise your right arm. Just raise your right arm. Take a look at this.

GUILFOYLE: What's wrong?

GUTFELD: Take a look at her arm.

PERINO: And that's a bracelet that has made for me.

GUTFELD: I thought you escaped from the back seat of a cop car. BECKEL: And Dana.

GUTFELD: It's like half of, half of the hand cuff.



BECKEL: That could be point out?

GUILFOYLE: What a weird though.

BECKEL: You said 58 percent has not changed in the last three weeks and that's right because those people are now voting, have been voting for against Obama, Obama's people for a long time.

PERINO: Obama's.

GUILFOYLE: Can I have a word of caution.


GUILFOYLE: To kind of burst the bubble a little bit, but not really to put the mandate over it.

PERINO: And I'm gonna disagree with it.

GUILFOYLE: You notice how -- no matter what happen, no matter what momentum, turn out the vote, all the opportunities in their favor somehow the Democrats managed to be able to find, like a bag full of votes, likes with prancing (ph), all the sudden to win and very close election.

PERINO: I also noticed this, this is why, can I just -- I want to disagree with you about this.

GUTFELD: Only if you show the bracelet.

PERINO: OK, here's the bracelet.

GUTFELD: See, it's half of a handcuff.


GUTFGELD: Hey, whatever you're into.

PERINO: You have no idea, right. Look, OK, the Republican Party is besieged with people who are like the Danny Downers, I'm calling them. OK.


PERINO: If you read more about this in the next day or so because I have a column coming. So Democrats, if they have a bad day, no Democrat says, they had a bad day, if Democrats are ahead, they have no Democrat to stay. Yeah, but we really, really suck.


PERINO: And we're probably gonna lose. And I think the Republicans have got to shed this negativity, because, look at the candidates we have this time around, I think they're very good. You had also, people from the - all sorts of candidates, incumbents have gone to campaign, they knows they're non-stop, Marsha Blackburn, Kevin Mitmor (ph) Rogers, Ryan Paul has been everywhere, to Ted Cruz, they went up to Alaska to help Dan Sullivan. I think that in some ways we need to just let the Republicans have their day and that complains so much that they're not doing enough, because winning back the Senate is a huge deal.

BECKEL: You answers the change their normal view of life.

GUTFELD: yeah, this is how we are. We don't like politics.

PERINO: No, I thought that things that's changing. OK, like, I think.

BECKEL: Oh, the smiling ones, yeah. PERINO: Yes, I think that the angry old Republican is changing to a more optimistic view.

BECKEL: Really?

PERINO: Yes I do, and I think that bears out in most of the states, Joni Ernst for example in Iowa, happy candidate.

GUILFOYLE: You loved her.

PERINO: Cory Gardner, he's like -- in fact the Denver Post, even -- the Denver Post which believe me, they love the Democrats, they endorse Cory Gardner over the incumbent Mark Udall because he said, he will run at one- issue campaign about women, and he was like a sour old guy. Anybody with me, Eric?

BOLLING: Yes, but also I think it comes from the other side as well. I think the electorate is sick of President Obama and President Obama keeps saying I'm not on the ballot, but he really is. Remember when President Obama turned to Dmitry Medvedev and said, "Don't worry after election I have a lot for you to do if I want to do." Remember when he says, "I have a pen and a cell phone, I can do want I want to do" he's gonna expound the executive orders. There are checks and balances throughout the constitution that Obama keeps side stepping. People are tired of that though, they're tried him saying, "I'm gonna go around Congress and get this done." In the end the ultimate check and balance is the voting booth. And I think this time they hates us, had enough of the Obama's policies. When young people, 18 to 29 say at 57 percent.

BECKEL: We don't want Obama.

BOLLING: We don't want Obama.

BECKEL: Get your numbers straight.


BECKEL: Will you take that into account, likely voters.


BECKEL: Likely voters.

BOLLING: No, no, I'm only talking about the GOP ones, 57 percent.

BECKEL: Of the likely voters.


GUTFELD: But Bob, if it were the opposite, you would be shouting it from the skies.



BOLLING: Young people disapprove of Obamacare, when have you ever heard that?

BECKEL: No, no that's not right.

PERINO: Do you still.


PERINO: OK, can.

BOLLING: Do yourself a favor, folks, go to the Harvard study online.

PERINO: Bob, I would like to give you a little lesson on voter turnout. OK? So the Democrats traditionally, that's been very good. Republican, voter turnout they've tried this time around, we'll see how that turns up. But there's something else that we were talking about the green room that the Republicans have done differently this year, I wonder if you can give us a view of voter turnout.

GUILFOYLE: A little tutorial.

BECKEL: Well, they have picked up, I mean they have been way behind the Democrats in doing this, but they finally I think they recognizing that that part of the campaign process is an important part. The Democrats have always put a bigger percentage of expenditure in getting out the vote. Republicans are of heavily in advertising, I think now the Republicans is really is peel some of that off and put it into turnout the vote, and they should, I mean that's the right thing to do. And also to suppress the -- I want to suppress Republican votes as much as I possibly could, by sending in letters, saying that if you vote the wrong place, you gonna go gym. (ph) That thought that was fine.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, wow. No, you didn't.

PERINO: But you're also talking about absentee ballots and.

BECKEL: The absentee ballots are now much closer between Democrats and Republicans. If you look at this time the last three elections, Democrats had by far and away in a large number of absentee ballots because, they focused on that, they had somebody in charge of that, Republicans now are doing that. And a lot of these stations assign to early vote which something that had not been happening up until got a decade ago.

GUILFOYLE: What do you think the impact of that will be?

BECKEL: I think it will impact the Republicans.

PERINO: Let me ask this about the.


PERINO: Because in a wave election, that this turns out to be one. The states representative and the state Senate, all the way down ticket it's called, they tend to do very well, and I have a question for you, Greg. We have one minute left, if you -- if the Republicans win, whether it be nationally or in the state Senate. What would be the first thing on your agenda, in order to get pass.

GUTFELD: You got to go for the pipeline.

PERINO: Keep the pipeline.

GUTFELD: Guys, you got to go for the pipeline, you got to go for what's going to help America. You have to start thinking about jobs, you have to start thinking about energy independence.

PERINO: For the first thing is energy.

GUTFELD: The first thing.

PERIONO: And jobs, it's everything.

GUTFELD: Everything, absolutely.


GUTFELD: Also what you can do for me, Greg Gutfeld.

PERINO: OK. Were gonna hold that and take into consideration. Eric, what are you on that?

BOLLING: I actually did a speech on Sunday and that was the question, what would be the first thing, jobs in the pipeline, number one, get yourself self sufficient in energy and a lot of people said, "Reform immigration before President Obama does it because that's coming down the pipeline his side." But I would say.

PERINO: And by that time it's the president does it in the next two months.


GUILFOYLE: It's fascinating, what about to repeal Obamacare and rewrite the whole thing.

BECKEL: That's never happen.

GUILFOYLE: I can tell you.

GUTFELD: What about the unicorn abuse?

PERINO: That is a serious.


BECKEL: Anything of those things he's talking about, do tax reform, tax reform, tax reform, they get along with that.

PERINO: Did you say tax reforms three times will the Republicans win the Senate.


BECKEL: They got a problem in the Senate and that's they don't get tax reform, there dumber than I thought.

PERINO: He snapped his suspenders three times. The Republicans will win the Senate, here we go.



PERINO: I don't anything about that.

GUTFELD: It's the binder snapping.


PERINO: The nurse who fought her way out of quarantine in New Jersey she's not finished fighting. Kaci Hickox is now about going to the fire quarantine in Maine and she's gonna tell you why, coming up.


BOLLING: The Obama administration still won't ban travelers from West Africa who might have Ebola from coming into the country. And even worse, it's now considering intentionally bringing foreigners with the deadly disease, virus, to America for treatment. Fox news exclusively in pained an internal memo that outlines a process for bringing noncitizens here for care, Adam Housley revealed the details last night, watch.


ADAM HOUSLEY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: What it would basically do is circumnavigate current U.S. law by allowing non-citizens to be admitted here, brought here really we pay for them to come here to the U.S. for treatment. Now these non U.S. citizens would basically given a fast pass. They be giving -- we put on parole, really be a whole new system they have to be set up to monitor these patients that to find hospitals for them to go to. And untold by somebody, a very senior member of the state department, each patient, according to this document would cost $500,000 for treatment.


BOLLING: Wow. The state department's denying signing off on the plan.


JEN PSAKI, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKEPERSON: The document reference was drafted by a mid level official but not cleared by senior leaders, there are no plans to MedEvac non-Americans who become ill with Ebola to the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It says that it was approved by Nancy Powell, the head of the Ebola coordination unit. Doesn't that suggest that it was fairly further along in the process?

PSAKI: Sometimes they're people listed, that doesn't mean they cleared it.


BOLLING: Sometimes they're listed, and they signed off it. Greg.

GUTFELD: We know, we saw President Obama talking today in front of all those doctors, it's an ongoing parade of straw men and false choices. Either you treat the doctors like heroes or we're going to stigmatize them. That's not true. We adored astronauts and they were quarantined, we can do both. This -- you talk to any doctor, I talked to Dr. Siegel today, this Ebola asylum idea, and I hope it was just an idea, you have to be against for purely medical reasons because, the only people at risk for Ebola are those people who are close to patients with Ebola. So basically, they're gonna putting U.S. nurses and U.S. doctors at risk. We don't need any more cases there.



BOLLING: Non-citizens though.

GUTFELD: That was point -- my point is, you don't need that.

BOLLING: Why Greg?

GUTFELD: We don't need to do that. I'm talking about that because you're putting U.S. nurses and U.S. doctors at risk. I'm thinking it was the product of a brainstorming meeting that was all storm and no brain.


GUILFOYLE: It was a really bad idea.



BOLLING: Did you see those doctors behind President Obama today? And how pressure he is. Some of them were within -- haven't finished their 21-day were all clear yet, they've come back from Liberia or one of the three affected countries. But that close to the president of the United States.

GUILFOYLE: I think none of these makes sense. If they're that desperate for a photo-op to put even the president at risk, just be careful, what's the big problem here? Why can't they just do the right thing, it doesn't even seem to be that difficult. You don't have to have a medical degree to understand what's the best thing, and by the way, the tax -- U.S. taxpayers are gonna be footing the bill from all of this, and there's only four hospitals in the United States that have biocontainment units, each of them with 11 beds each, so right now at Bellevue they are outsourcing NYU Langone because they are so burden just with caring with the doctor, the U.S. doctor that's there, Dr. Spencer right? So now they can't even pull a chair for the patient that they normally take that influx. That are tremendous financial expense and a burden to U.S. patients, this is a bad idea. I'm ready to talk about this nurse too.

BOLLING: In a second, we get to the nurse one second. Bob, it seems to me like this is so outrageous that they would float the idea of foreigners coming here with Ebola, be treated here just to keep our eye off the ball and some of the other things that are going on and maybe name with ISIS.

BECKEL: I don't think that's -- I want to congratulate Kimberly, it is the first Republican of gonna heard wishes Obama good health.



BECKEL: And you too, I'll take that back for the most part. No, I would say, I don't think it's to detract anything, I think it's the right thing to do. These people work for U.S. agencies and U.S. corporations, why not.

BOLLING: OK. Dana with this one nurse.

PERINO: I would take this one, because this is what I think could possibly had happened is that President Obama, remember when he had the cabinet room meeting and he brought everybody together, this is when, I think right around when he announce that Ron Klain was going to become on the Ebola czar. And I would imagine given that, they are -- they were late to get to this and so they're trying to figure out all the things that are possible, that they probably asked mid level staffers, and you know, I don't think -- I wish that they wouldn't always be thrown under the bus, because they probably said, send to the president any idea, OK? And then maybe it was rejected, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was still in the hopper, but I'm not against them at least thinking about things. You know American taxpayers have donated so much money to Africa and they have done a huge amount on AIDS, on other sort of diseases that come up, like river blindness, things like that, and it's an investment worth protecting and I think this is just one of the ideas that probably wasn't gonna go anywhere and that the mid level staffers should not be criticized for it.

BOLLING: Let's move on to this. Nurse Kaci Hickox would turned to the U.S. from West Africa last week where she help treat Ebola patients was forced into quarantine in New Jersey, fought it every step of the way, and now she's back in her home state of Maine and she's still vowing to fight her quarantine orders there, watch.


KACI HICKOX, QUARANTINED NURSE: I truly believe that this policy is not scientifically nor constitutionally just. And so I am not gonna sit around and be bullied by politicians and forced to stay in my home when I am not a risk to the American public. If the restrictions placed on me by the state of Maine are not lifted by Thursday morning, I will go to court to fight for my freedom.


BOLLING: Bob, you're raising your finger.

BECKEL: Yeah, if this woman would stop whining so much and keep in mind that she was exposed to Ebola, 21 days in Maine at home, ain't a bad deal.

GUILFOYLE: No kidding.

BECKEL: So you can just do it.

BOLLING: K.G. by the way, do you want to talk the legal implications of this or no?

GUILFOYLE: Maybe. She represents, take a look at her, everything that best and worse, you know, about this country. Because the bottom line is she did go over there and give up her time and put herself in jeopardy to treat other people. Should have stop there, because now she's just slashing at her patriotism and at her good deeds and by diluting it by making a big stink, she looks like she's trying to get attention. This is 21 days, if you care and you have devoted your life to the health and safety of others and give itself a thing, why can't you give us a little bit of your time, by peacefully staying at home, reading, you know enjoying a good book, right? Dana and I have said that if this was you, you would be reading 100 books in 21 days.

BOLLING: A lot of people are saying she was so concern about the people of West Africa.

GUILFOYLE: And not us?

BOLLING: How about the American citizens.

PERION: Well, I think scientifically, she's right. But I also think that it probably isn't that much to ask to accept the -- I think the reasonable response of the governors and maybe this -- I hope it doesn't discourage people who want to go and help, from going to help, but they are probably going to need to factor in a three-week long quarantine when they get back. In fact the state of California just established that --

GUILFOYLE: Protocol.

PERIONO: Protocol. Thank you, I was looking for that word. They did that today at the state of California, everybody that wants to go and help, they should go and help I think, but they have to see the factor in it.

GUTFELD: I think the nurse may seem arrogant but she isn't wrong. You know, there may not be a compelling reason for her staying home other than public concern, and is that good enough? I think it is. We go back to the ground zero mosque, which they were completely in their legal rights to build, but should they have. And that's the thing that she's completely in a legal rights to do what she pleases but should she have, knowing there's public concern, shouldn't she just bite the bullet? I mean, it's not a lot to ask.

GUILFOYLE: Isn't she close any case?

GUTFELSD: This goes back to the false choice argument, that either you think she's a hero or demonizing her? No, we're not. We're saying you do agree.


GUTFELD: Now can you just hang out for awhile?

GUILFOYLE: Right. Isn't she getting paid, like Come on?

BOLLING: You know the old joke, what's the difference between God and this Ebola nurse? God doesn't think she's this Ebola nurse.


BOLLING: Coming up, it costs big bucks just to send one child to college, a dad in California has eight, and although he could says, he could save up, he won't, he won't sent them, won't sent them and maybe surprise in (inaudible)

GUILFOYLE: Will hear next, live.



GUTFELD: In the Washington Post, a dad explains why he isn't paying for his kids' college. He says it's better to teach them the value of work, which then teaches them about money while also pointing them towards professions that they light like. It makes sense: college doesn't corner the market in education. Did I learn anything there? I'm not sure. I was drunk.

That's my point. You should help your kid figure out what he loves, because all college teaches him to love is college. Four years of fooling around, stumbling home drunk and sneaking in, what's not to love? I loved it so much, I did it until I was 40.

Worse: college teaches you to love yourself. Take the current novelty of identity as achievement, which values being instead of doing. A shtick on the self, college becomes therapy that champions internal infatuation. The result, self-righteousness that's inversely proportional to naivete.

No longer an incubator of ideas, the classroom becomes an impenetrable bubble where only the mold of grievance grows. Real-life experience, which brings you into contact with actual real people, matters none.

But we know that real work leads to true independence, not this phony rebellion advocated by pierced T.A.'s. We used to call it the school of hard knocks. It was the lost art of self-reliance. If we bring that back, we might rescue this country from the incubated elite currently in charge. We better do it fast: their diapers are full.

Speaking of diapers, K.G.


GUTFELD: You have a child, allegedly. I've never met him.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I have pictures of the child.

GUTFELD: Though I hear he's a bundle of joy.


GUTFELD: Does the parent have a point? Self-reliance is a lost -- are you going to force your kid to find his own way through college?

GUILFOYLE: He's already saving his money in his "superman" wallet.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. He hordes cash so hopefully it's going to add up to something.

PERINO: K.G. is -- she's a bargain hunter and a saver. And she's passed this on to Ronan.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I have. So we're thrifty in a friendly way, and we like to be generous with others, but nevertheless, we're responsible with our finances.

So that's how I'm raising him. He's got to have jobs like I did.


GUILFOYLE: It wasn't like "Kimberly, are you going to get a job?" I had three jobs. I'm all about it. You've got to be recession-proof, too. Why not teach self-reliance? Say you want to go get an education? School is a great thing.


GUILFOYLE: Reward yourself with it by getting a job, paying for it. When I wanted to go to law school, what did I do?

GUTFELD: Yes. We won't get into that.


GUTFELD: You know what? I bet...

BECKEL: That tape's not around anymore, so you don't have to worry about it.

GUTFELD: I bet if you home -- I bet if you homeschooled Ronan, all of his classmates would want to enroll.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. There's a few that have signed up already.

BOLLING: And the dads.

GUILFOYLE: K.G. Academy.

GUTFELD: Parent-teacher conference is every night.



GUTFELD: ... you have offspring, hard to believe. I didn't...

BECKEL: Not so hard to believe.

GUTFELD: I didn't pay for college, and I can say that I didn't take it seriously at all. And I guess it's because you value stuff that you get for free far less. I know I did.

BECKEL: Your skewed judgment about colleges and universities, which has gotten to the point now where it's -- it's mind-boggling; it's stupid is there are a lot of...

GUILFOYLE: He loves it.

GUTFELD: That's not evidence.

BECKEL: Let me give you an example. I went out on parents' weekend to meet my child, who goes to University of Boulder. Three out of five of her professors were conservative.

GUTFELD: Really?

BECKEL: Three out of five. Now, does she work...

GUTFELD: In Boulder?

BECKEL: At Boulder, yes, believe it or not. They took all the Redbooks back and they hid them.

GUTFELD: They were conservative by your standards?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly.

BECKEL: No, no, no. They were self-proclaimed conservatives. Believe it or not, they liked you guys, and they didn't like me on "The Five."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, so they were really smart.

PERINO: They liked you but not, like, agree with you.

GUTFELD: That makes them normal.

BECKEL: Well, that's right. I think that's right. But listen, I think the idea of working to get yourself into college is a good idea. I think working at college is a good idea.

GUILFOYLE: I did it.

BECKEL: I think it makes some sense. You know, I actually have not followed my own advice on that on my daughter, but I think that if you can afford it, you ought to do it. If you can't, I don't think the idea of not paying for it is not going to make them work harder. She works very hard.

GUILFOYLE: No, and you can get an allowance, like get a job, whatever.

GUTFELD: Eric, you're a self-made man. Isn't there a belief that when you become successful, you want what's best for your child? And often what's easier, because you don't want them to go through the same stuff you did. So that's why a lot of parents will pay for the best colleges.

BOLLING: And maybe that's the mistake. I think the thing that motivated me, by far, more than anything else -- yes, parents motivate -- but seeing how they had to live and not wanting that and wanting more and working harder to get it was a big thing. So a lot of us -- I'm guilty of this myself -- I give my son things they don't make them work for. It's probably a mistake, and so he'll never have that drive when he's out in the workforce to say, "I'm not going to get that unless I work hard for it." I knew I wasn't going to, so I had to do it. But by not providing that incentive, that kind of organic incentive to work harder, it's an mistake I'm guilty of myself.

BECKEL: Maybe a lot of that may be nature, though. I don't say it's all nurture. I think some kids are born with the idea that they want to be...

GUILFOYLE: They have drive.

BECKEL: Don't blame yourself on that yet. See what he does.

GUILFOYLE: Well, what about loans, scholarships and grant programs?

GUTFELD: Well, Dana, you actually got a scholarship at your school.

BECKEL: Gee, that's a surprise.

PERINO: My parents would have paid for college, but they loved it that I got a scholarship.

GUTFELD: What was your scholarship for?

PERINO: For the speech team.

GUTFELD: Fantastic.

PERINO: And I loved it.


PERINO: I loved the speech team. I highly recommend it.

I just don't think that telling your children that you're not going to pay for college, it's not child abuse.


PERINO: And it also -- it forces you to focus and to prioritize.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

PERINO: And there's a lot of good options in schools. You don't have to pay $55,000 a year tuition.

GUILFOYLE: You're right.

PERINO: By the time Ronan goes to school, who knows what it will be?

I also think that there should -- I think that colleges should place a two- year moratorium on their graduating students to not be allowed to work for the university for two years, and if they have to go out into the world, go out and do something and then apply and want to come back. Too many people end up taking their work study program and making it their actual careers and they end up in the schools. And I think that they should be encouraged to -- kicked out of the nest.

BECKEL: Greg, you had a free ride to college, but still -- if you pay for it yourself, you'd still have been stone drunk and in bed for two years.

GUTFELD: I think I would have gotten out of it sooner.

BECKEL: Maybe. OK.

GUTFELD: I know. I went to Berkeley.

GUILFOYLE: And I went to U.C. Davis, but here's the thing. You had to have good grades. They take the top 3 percent in the country. So the point is work hard, get good grades. Then you can get into a school that is more affordable and top notch. And California's U.C. system or any of the state schools are quite good.


Dana, did you get a letterman's jacket in speech? Did you get a little -- little letter.

PERINO: In college?


GUILFOYLE: Scholarship.

PERINO: Well, actually, in high school I did.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's nice.

PERINO: But we had terrible colors. No offense, Mustangs.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?

PERINO: But I mean, gold and maroon.

BECKEL: Mustangs?

PERINO: It doesn't look good on me.

BOLLING: Halloween in high school.

GUILFOYLE: I was also offered a softball scholarship. No one cares.

GUTFELD: I care. All right. I don't care.

BECKEL: I got a scholarship.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, right.

BECKEL: I did. I got an athletic scholarship, full ride.

GUTFELD: All right, ahead, we discuss catcalls. I never heard of them.

PERINO: What about dog calls?

GUTFELD: Oh, please.

What it's like being a woman walking the streets in New York City. Stick around; you might find out.


GUILFOYLE: Love it. A lot of women out there have probably experienced this. Catcalls when you walk down the street and a random stranger, well, he hoots at you.

One women in New York City just got more than 100 of them in just 10 hours, during an experiment with a hidden camera. Feast your eyes on this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How you doing today?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I guess not good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Girl, how you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Somebody's acknowledging you for being beautiful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You should say thank you more.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: God bless you, mami.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, look it there! I just saw a thousand dollars.


GUILFOYLE: I don't even know where to begin with this. OK, Bolling, we're going to start with you. Let Bob conjure up some thoughts.

BOLLING: I watched this video. It's about two minutes long. And she goes through her day in New York City. She walks through -- look, I'm not going to condone it. But I will tell you, nothing was disrespectful there. There were a lot of people saying, "God bless. You look fantastic." They were very complimentary. She may not have wanted it, but I find it hard to find where there's what she calls verbal harassment going on. Am I wrong?


PERINO: I guess verbal harassment is in the ear of the beholder.


GUTFELD: Tell that to Van Gogh.

PERINO: I'd have to choose a side.


PERINO: Look, I think there's an interesting thing of what it -- a distinction between what is being friendly and what is flirting and what is offensive.

GUILFOYLE: What happens to you, Dana, in New York City?

PERINO: Absolutely almost nothing. Except for one time, a guy that was -- unfortunately, he was sleeping on the street, but he loved my coat.

GUTFELD: Well, there's a reason. It was freezing.

PERINO: No, it had flowers on it and he said it looked very pretty.

BECKEL: Don't consider that to be a complement.

PERINO: You know what? I've never been somebody that had -- like, if I walked around the city for ten hours, there would be nothing to watch.

GUILFOYLE: At first I thought that was 10 minutes. I was like, wow, that's a lot. But ten hours?

GUTFELD: Here's the simple science behind it. Catcalls are possible because the situation is fluid. So men don't have to deal with the rejection, because the woman keeps walking. So nobody catcalls in an elevator, where there's awkwardness and the woman could tell you to shut up.


GUTFELD: But here's the issue. I find this to be a bit classist, because my initial approach to my wife, who's very clumsy -- most men, when they're approaching women, who are generally interested in you and want to talk to you, are clumsy. They'll be at a bar. They'll say, "Hey, how are you?" or "What's going on?" And it's silly.

She's finding fault with men on the street saying hello to her, which may, in fact, be their only way of contacting women. It's their bar, and she's walking through it. And so it seems a bit, I don't know, like she's kind of -- like if these guys were in a bar or a supermarket, she probably wouldn't feel the same way. I don't know.

PERINO: But the fact that this guy walks with her for five minutes, that is creepy. And I wouldn't like that.

GUTFELD: Yes, I know.

BOLLING: The guy following her around, that was the one where...

GUTFELD: I think that was Kilmeade.

BOLLING: Probably.

GUTFELD: He was with her for five minutes. That was terrible.

BOLLING: The other ones that she showed, I find them -- I found them, like -- you know what? They weren't disrespectful.

GUILFOYLE: And now we go to our FOX correspondent on this issue.

BECKEL: I just think she got 100 catcalls. Let me add 101. Damn, baby, you're a piece of woman.


GUTFELD: Thank you, Bob.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks, Bob.

GUTFELD: Yes, but an overwhelming number were just saying hi. I think you've got to stop -- there were, probably no doubt, jerks in there. But you can't -- you can't...

BECKEL: She was...


GUTFELD: ... thrown all men into a pile.

BOLLING: When we walk down the street, it happens to us all the time.

GUTFELD: I hate it. I hate it.

GUILFOYLE: Well, let me tell you something. I think there's men that are quite nice and appropriate, and they compliment. But I'm telling you, walk about New York City. If you don't have a jacket or something on, if I walk out in my FOX News -- forget about it.

GUTFELD: You want to stop catcalls? If a guy is obnoxious to you, you take your phone, you take a picture of it. And then you put it on Gutfeld's "Catcall Shame Board." And then you can go -- you can have the guy's picture, and that will stop it.

GUILFOYLE: Can I give you a Facebook...

BECKEL: You should wear a jacket.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks. Whatever.

All right. So I've got a quick tip, though. This is important. Because the other day I felt very uncomfortable. I thought somebody was following me in appropriately, and so I pretended to talk on the cell phone like I was talking to my friend. Because I was in a little bit of an isolated area. So they would understand I had, like, a direct, live feed. I think that's a good idea.

BECKEL: "I've got to slow down here for a second to let dude this catch up." OK, sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Except you talk on the phone. All right. Is that a wrap? I'm out.

GUTFELD: They gave up.

GUILFOYLE: Be respectful to women.

BECKEL: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: It's appropriate and important.

Next, did you see that wild rocket explosion last night? Well, guess how much it cost you, the taxpayer? Your money up in smoke, coming up on "The Five."


BECKEL: No one wants to see hair money go up in flames, but that's what happened last night when NASA launched a $200 million unmanned rocket to resupply the International Space Station. And this is what happened.




BECKEL: NASA's calling the explosion a, quote, "catastrophic anomaly." Luckily, no one was hurt, but was this really worth the taxpayer money?

I'd like to make a comment first, if I could. One is that was done by a private contractor who launched that, which is everybody's asked. They asked to do that. And secondly, this economy has gotten far more out of NASA in real dollars than NASA has ever lost in their entire budget.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, that was actually a great thing.

BOLLING: All righty.

PERINO: We all agree.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's a good -- it's a fair point. By the way, if you use failure as a reason to close down things, we'd never have vaccines, because health companies spend billions and billions of dollars on failure. And think of all the great technology we got from space -- from space, from NASA, including Tang. I love Tang. That's why I'm wearing this shirt. It is the color.


GUTFELD: Pop Rocks.

BECKEL: Isn't it interesting that the cell phone -- the cell, they make...

BOLLING: In fact that thing was putting a cell, I believe -- no, this was a space -- there was another rocket that launched this afternoon that was putting a satellite up for cell towers.

GUILFOYLE: But we've turned the program over to Russia.

BOLLING: Quick point. Part of the problem is that we're using a 40-year- old engine, Soviet engine in that rocket.


BOLLING: It exploded. The way you really do it is the way Elon Musk is doing it with SpaceX, where he's building all his own rockets. Eighty-five percent of the rocket that he puts in the air is built within SpaceX, his private company. Now, he's getting a lot of help from the government. I think he got a $500 million loan. But he's, you know...

GUTFELD: Better than Solyndra.

BOLLING: Right. There's actually something coming from it.

BECKEL: So do you -- you agree with me on that. Don't you think that the program, NASA, from the beginning, frankly, has had -- has contributed more to the economy in terms of innovation?

PERINO: Definitely, and what probably was of the boldest decisions a president has made in modern times was President Kennedy's...

BECKEL: Put on the moon.

PERINO: ... decision to try to get us to the moon. And to think...

GUTFELD: It never happened.

PERINO: The moon is only this big.

GUTFELD: You people still believe in that? That hoax?

BECKEL: Kimberly, I was talking to our one of our contributors who was an astronaut who flew on the space -- International Space Station. He -- and he's very conservative. He said, if you hadn't have done all this stuff without the government and without NASA, it would have been trillions and trillions of dollars.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Well, listen, I'm upset, actually, the Obama administration has been exporting the space program, and they've basically let other countries take the lead on it; most notably Russia. I think he has no interest in maintaining this program. And he's slowly but surely downsizing it until it won't exist anymore in the United States.

BECKEL: You know, I'm sorry...

GUILFOYLE: What's next, the Internet?

BECKEL: I'm sorry, I wanted to get through a whole block without hearing a bad Obama comment, but "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing," and Kimberly gets to go first.

GUILFOYLE: Well, last night I attended the Green Beret Foundation's gala fundraiser here in New York City. The event honored FOX News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes and his wife, Beth, who were presented with the lifetime achievement award by General Jack Keene for their staunch support of our nation's military and Green Berets. Mr. Ailes spoke proudly of these heroes.


ROGER AILES, FOX NEWS CHAIRMAN/CEO: When President Kennedy helped form the Green Berets, he knew that someday they'd be needed. The values and principles that lead you to go in harm's way willingly are unique American traits. The people in room, particularly the Green Berets, have my greatest respect; because they are prepared to risk everything for an idea, and that idea is called America.


GUILFOYLE: It was a great event. It was a privilege and honor to attend and to see so many people from the FOX News family there. And Greg was there and Bolling from the table. And of course, Bill Hemmer was the master of ceremonies last night. It was a fantastic event. It was an honor to meet all the Green Berets, as well. And thank you for your service.

PERINO: Very nice. Bob, can you top that?

BECKEL: I certainly can't. Anyway, I've been going over the Senate and the House. I want to bring up a board about the governors' races this year. There's -- if you look at this board, there's 16 Democratic governors that are either safe or not up for re-election this year. Twenty-two Republicans are safe or not up, 14 of those.

There are 12 tossups. Of those, I predict that the Democrats will win seven and the Republicans five.

PERINO: Hmm. That's very important. We might talk more about that tomorrow.

GUILFOYLE: Sounds good. Greg.

GUTFELD: It's time for...


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner.


GUTFELD: All right. Fans of Gosling almost died.

In Greenland the Duck Ultimate Cliff Diving Championship. This is -- I'm going to show you Webster McFeather, going for a record death defying jump. He's a gosling. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A perfect launch. And a controlled drop. This is as good of a descent as is possible to make.

It's parents are there to meet it.

It's a little dazed, perhaps, but all in one piece.


GUTFELD: And the good news he made an excellent meal for myself later.

PERINO: Come on. Is that why you have the feathers coming out in your teeth?


GUTFELD: They did come out.

PERINO: All right. That was amazing. Eric.

BOLLING: All right. So tonight's game seven of the World Series, San Francisco at Kansas City. After going down two games to none, Kansas City is trying to make an amazing comeback.

But by the way, they did that in 1985. They went down 2-1 and came all the way back to win the World Series. Quickly little factoid.

Game seven has always been won by the home team. Kansas City would be that. However, San Francisco is one darn good baseball team.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. You promised me a win.

BECKEL: San Francisco is going home without a title this year.

GUILFOYLE: You promised me a win.

BECKEL: Forget about it.

GUILFOYLE: I don't like the term "shut out."

PERINO: Come on, Giants, rally. Come on, teams. Go.


PERINO: All right. Look, Facebook has created an algorithm which shows which party you support, based on the music that you listen to. Take a look at this full screen. Come on, Josh, get it up.

All right. According to this graphic, if you're a big lefty, you're a fan of Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and Adele. OK? Bob, that might be you.

And if you're more likely to support Republicans, you probably like country. OK, that's me.

Eric, if you like Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Journey and a AC/DC, you're middle of the road.

BOLLING: That's what I've been trying to say all along.

PERINO: That's it for us.

BECKEL: That's a crooked road is all I can say.

PERINO: "Special Report" is next.

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