
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 30, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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LAURA INGRAHAM, GUEST HOST: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight: Is there trouble brewing between the Clintons and President Obama?

In a surprise move, Bill Clinton endorsed an underdog in a Colorado Senate primary race, directly opposing the White House's handpicked candidate. Presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs was asked about it yesterday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bill Clinton has apparently endorsed Andrew Romanoff in the Colorado Democratic primary. How do you respond to that? Are you amused, dismayed, infuriated?

ROBERT GIBBS: Are those -- D, none of the above.


INGRAHAM: So what's going on here? Joining us now from New York, Fox News contributor Dick Morris, the author of the book "2010: Take Back America."

Now Dick, I have this view that Bill Clinton is enjoying every minute of his new status as the political savior in race after race. And this Colorado story is just one of my favorites of the last couple of weeks. Tell us about it.

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DICK MORRIS: Well, I think he is enjoying it, but I think this is not motivated by that. I think it's a carefully choreographed move pas de deux of Hillary and Bill to put a little bit of daylight between themselves and Obama.

You have Bill's endorsement of Romanoff. And after all, the administration thought so much of Michael Bennett, his opponent, that they sent someone to offer Romanoff a job. They didn't want to make him a czar, so it didn't work, because his name's Romanoff. But anyway, they offered him a job, and he didn't pull out. But for Clinton to then endorse against Bennett, that's a pretty heavy thing to do.

Secondly, Bill Clinton, a few days ago said well, look, we have to keep the oil out from the Gulf, stop it from gushing and all that. Those are the main tasks. Let's concentrate on those, and let's not be savaging BP. Let's not be attacking them. Let's not be criticizing them. They're good people trying to do the best they can. And only after the spill's cleaned up, do we have time for that, implicitly really slapping at Obama for the way he's handled it.

At the same time, you have Hillary, who is gradually expanding her jurisdiction. It was Hillary Clinton, the secretary of State who broke the story that Justice was going to sue Arizona over immigration. It was Hillary Clinton, the secretary of State who said in a speech it was her personal opinion, not reflective of the administration, that the rich are not paying enough in taxes. Now could you imagine Madeleine Albright or Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice saying that? I have a big column on this on my website DickMorris.com. Those kinds of statements…

INGRAHAM: Well, Dick, tell us about how this spins out.

MORRIS: Those kinds of statements are not made without they're having choreographed them together.

INGRAHAM: Right, but how -- OK, so they're choreographing it to what end?


INGRAHAM: How do you see this in the wild thought process that is yours and your column, how do you see this playing out? Is she going to challenge Obama for the nomination?

MORRIS: Well, she's not in the on-deck circle yet. And she certainly isn't in the batter's box, but I think she's picking out bats from the bat rack in the dugout. Now if Obama recovers and wins Congress and his ratings go up, she'll be a good person and not going to run until '16. But if Obama craters, and loses Congress, and there's a groundswell of demand from the grassroots of the Democratic Party for a new horse to represent them in 2012, we all know that Hillary's sense of loyalty and integrity would preclude a candidacy.

INGRAHAM: Dick, would she ever consider -- I kind of know the answer to this, but what you think. But would she ever consider being No. 2 on the ticket with Obama if he decides to dump our favorite Joe Biden?

MORRIS: As she once famously said, I've had that job already.

INGRAHAM: Yes, she -- well, she kind of did. But she wouldn't do that, right? No way?

MORRIS: I don't think so. But I think that -- I think -- well, you know, it's a comedown from VP. The other thing that I think is going to be interesting to watch is these boys and girls are from Chicago, and they played politics pretty rough there. And I'll bet that you will see a shot by Obama against Bill Clinton. You won't see any more Haitian appointments or missions to North Korea. You will see some putdown coming out there, because they have to respond to the Romanoff thing. It's politically as serious a challenge as McChrystal's Rolling Stone interview was as a military matter.

INGRAHAM: Wow. Hey, we only have about a minute, Dick. But let's talk about the management of the oil spill. I think so much time has gone on, people are kind of just, OK, all the oil is spilling out. Hundreds of thousands of, you know, barrels coming into our Gulf every day. But now it looks like the administration is finally getting around to waiving the Jones Act and allowing boats to come in. I think Bush it took him two or three days…


INGRAHAM: …to have a similar waiver. And this has taken 70 days.

MORRIS: Well, I had a unique perspective on that. And again, there's a column on my website about it. I went to Alabama. And I met with Governor Bob Riley, the Republican governor. And he said when the oil started to spill, he said hey, look, I have 160 miles of Alabama coastline. I want booms that are not the light little things that can't stop the oil. I want 20-foot high, several ton booms, sink them down there and screen off the coast. And he went all around the world, collected the global inventory, put them out there. And then the administration decided, no, we're going to move him to Louisiana where Carville had just had a press conference attacking them. OK, Reilly said, I'll put snare booms right offshore, so we'll catch the oil as it comes into shore. Fish and Wildlife said you got to protect the sea turtles, can't do it. Then he said, OK, I'll put 400 men and women on the beaches to scoop it up manually when the oil comes in. Ut-uh said OSHA, they can't work more than 20 minutes out of every hour and every two hours they need a break because of the heat.

INGRAHAM: A nightmare. This is just -- I don't know.

MORRIS: And that's what's going on. Every little agency has its own bureaucratic fetish…

INGRAHAM: It's just fiefdom.

MORRIS: …that gets in the way of protecting this -- these beaches.

INGRAHAM: All right, Dick, we appreciate it, as always. Thanks so much.

MORRIS: Thank you.

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