
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

No Respect

President Bush can't seem to get any respect these days. First it was TIME — now The Times. TIME Magazine last week left the president off its list of 100 most influential people — a list that did include Rosie O'Donnell — and yesterday The New York Times had this photo of Mr. Bush and the queen on its front page. The top of the president's head is cropped off — and look at how he is described in the caption — "Before an A-list, white-tie dinner, the masses had a chance to see Queen Elizabeth the second, with an American escort, at the White House."

Terror Arrests

The Council on American-Islamic Relations yesterday issued a statement reacting to the arrest of six Muslims in a plot to kill scores of American military personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

The group condemned the alleged conspiracy, but added: "CAIR also requested that media outlets and public officials refrain from linking this case to the faith of Islam. The council asked mosques and Islamic institutions in New Jersey and nationwide to report any incidents of anti-Muslim backlash."

But the government's complaint details one suspect as saying he is "doing it in the name of Allah." And another is quoted: "When it comes to defending your religion, when someone is trying to attack your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad."

Blown His Top

The irascible chairman of the House Appropriations Committee seems to have blown his top again. You may recall a few weeks ago we showed you Democratic Congressman David Obey's outburst at some anti-war activists who had cornered him in a congressional hallway.

Now The Politico newspaper reports Obey's wrath was directed at anti-war presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich — following a question about the privatization of Iraqi oil during a party caucus.

Fellow Democratic member Maxine Waters says Obey cursed Kucinich and described the language as "unfairly harsh and disrespectful." It's not clear exactly what was said and we probably couldn't repeat it anyway.

But one person described as "an astute observer of congressional behavior" told the paper — that "if you haven't had a certain part of your anatomy ripped by Obey, you were not a member of Congress."

No Good Deed...

A Wisconsin gas station owner who thought he was doing a good deed by offering gasoline discounts to senior citizens and people supporting youth sports organizations has found out about that old adage that no good deed goes unpunished.

The state of Wisconsin has ordered him to raise his prices. The government says offering the discounts violates the state's Unfair Sales Act — which requires stations to sell gas for about nine percent more than the wholesale price.

The owner says he now worries his customers will think that he's eliminating the discounts in order to increase his profits.

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.