
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Tom DeLay Takes on Judges

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is once again lashing out at federal judges, telling conservative religious activists that the judiciary has "run amok" and that Congress "should reassert its constitutional authority over the courts."

Appearing via videotape from the Vatican, DeLay told a conference that the judiciary has "overstepped its authority on countless occasions"... ignoring what he called "the legitimate will of the people."

Meanwhile, asked about recent criticism of judges by congressional leaders, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told a crowd at Goucher College in Maryland that tension has historically existed between Congress and the courts. "I hope we see an end to this," she said, but predicted it won't happen any time soon.

Conspiracy Theory

Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords isn't backing away from his statement last week that he's bitter over the war in Iraq and believes that the administration has plans to invade Iran in order to pave the way for the president's brother Jeb Bush to win the White House in 2008.

Jeffords' spokesman says the Independent senator was merely giving his take on a theory that's floating around. But the Chairman of Vermont's Republican Party said Jefford's suggestion that the president would take the nation to war and put lives at risk for political purposes ... is what he called "the highest level of irresponsibility."

Sci-Fi Legislation?

A Wisconsin lawmaker has proposed a bill that would prevent the government from "requiring" citizens to be implanted with microchips. State Representative Marlin Schneider admits that he doesn't know of any plans for mandatory chip implants, but tells the Wisconsin LaCrosse-Tribune that the technology is already in use.

Thousands of chips storing a patient's medical records have already been voluntarily implanted in some people in the U.S. And some European nightclubs offer an implant allowing patrons to charge drinks without a credit card -- letting bartenders make the customer's favorite drink before they even sit down at the bar. Schneider, a long time privacy advocate -- says he wants to guarantee that the process remains strictly voluntary.

Presidential "Hypocrisy"?

Cuban President Fidel Castro has called President Bush a "hypocrite" for attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II. In a 4 1/2-hour speech, he quoted the pope's criticism of Third World poverty, foreign debt, excessive consumerism, exploitation and war, arguing the pope was most offended by capitalism.

On the other hand, Castro insisted, the pope's opposition to communism has been exaggerated. Castro said the pontiff has been falsely portrayed as "an angel of death for communism and socialism." The Cuban leader argued that the Pope had been the "biggest headache” for the U.S.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report