
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," June 20, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: An American newlywed of 11 days dies while scuba diving on her Australian honeymoon. And tonight, her American husband -- he's been charged with her murder. But did Gabe Watson kill his wife? And if so, why? Eleven days after their wedding, Tina and Gabe Watson went scuba diving on the Greet Barrier Reef. Tina mysteriously died during that dive.

After a month-long inquest, Daniel Watson has been charged with his wife's murder. A warrant has been issued for Watson's arrest, who is believed to be in the United States.

Joining us from Birmingham, Alabama, is Sergeant Brad Flynn from the Helene Police Department. Sergeant Flynn is the lead American investigator on the case. Welcome, sir.


VAN SUSTEREN: Sergeant, what was it that has led to suspicion that he killed his wife?

FLYNN: Too many unanswered questions, too many variances in his stories, and more red flags than I could begin to count.

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VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Give me an idea of some of the red flags that Gabe Watson murdered his wife, Tina, 11 days into their honeymoon? What are the red flags?

FLYNN: I'll give you just a few. In reference to some electrical equipment that he had that he claims was not working because he had his batteries in backwards, or was working because he had the batteries in backwards, was possibly used to put distance between him and the group. He had differences in the current strength, where the current was stronger on his second interview, or when he came back in on his own accord, than it was when he was saying in his first one, like the current was almost selective and that it picked Tina and not him, that Tina was too heavy for him to bring to the surface, when, in fact, everyone under water is, in fact, weightless, things like that that caused a lot of suspicion by the Queensland police.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So he goes on a honeymoon with his wife of 11 days. They go scuba diving. He's an experienced scuba diver. She is not. And a number of years have past, almost five years have passed since that honeymoon, and it was only recently that they began the inquests in Australia to see whether or not this was -- this is a murder or not, and if so, who might have likely have done it. Now, where is he now? Where does he live?

FLYNN: He lives in a suburb of Birmingham, and we believe him to be at his residence.

VAN SUSTEREN: And a warrant was issued in Australia. Do you know if he intends to surrender on that warrant and go to Australia?

FLYNN: We do not know that at this time. We are awaiting confirmation from the Australian authorities sometime with in the next week as far as when the warrant will be completed and submitted through the international channels. At that time, contact will be made with Mr. Watson's counsel and any arrangements will be made then.

VAN SUSTEREN: What does Gabe Watson say happened to his wife? I'm sure that he's not saying that he murdered his wife. He's probably -- I'm sure he has a very different recitation of the events that day.

FLYNN: That's just it. We really don't know. We've got upwards of 16 different versions of the story that all have plausible holes in them. And that's why we believe this case should be tried in front a jury and let that jury decide, in fact, what did happen because at this time, we just have a guess, but we don't really know.

VAN SUSTEREN: What would possibly be a motive of a man murdering his wife 11 days into their marriage? What's the suspicious -- what's the suspicion as to motive?

FLYNN: Well, Greta, we've been asked by the authorities in Australia to not really elaborate too much on a possible motive. They're only wanting us really to discuss the intangible facts at this time that were really discussed in the coronial inquest.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, was a motive discussed in the inquest?

FLYNN: There were several motives that were discussed. I just don't want to elaborate too much on them because it allows too much speculation, and I want to respect their wishes.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, was the inquest open?

FLYNN: Yes, it was.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, then -- you know, then it seems to me that the -- you know, you could require us, I guess, to jump through hoops and to go to Australia and go to their transcripts, or you help us out and tell us what at least -- because it seems bizarre that a man who says "I do," I love her 11 days earlier, you say murdered her.

FLYNN: Yes, I won't disagree with you that that seems kind of crazy, but that's -- I'm just going by what they're giving us. They're asking us just to not elaborate too much on motives.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, that makes me, you know, suspicious of the inquest, that they're trying to withhold -- you know, they're trying to manipulate and say, Don't say this, don't say that. If they want to play it straight and put their cards on the table and have a public inquest, but then they sort of want to spoon feed the American media when they've got an American charged with a terrible crime, makes me wonder a little bit about the inquest.

But anyway, why are you on this -- why are you working on this case?

FLYNN: Because her family came to us several months after the death, asking questions, wanting to know if we might could help them obtain information from Australia. At that time, we contacted the Queensland police in an effort to obtain some information on behalf of the family. After several conversations, they asked us to -- if we'd be willing to help on the Stateside investigation. We agreed that we would, and our cooperation began at that point.

VAN SUSTEREN: Sergeant Flynn, thank you. Certainly is an intriguing case, and whatever the justice may be, we hope that justice is served in the end. Thank you, sir.

FLYNN: Thank you, Greta.

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