
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," September 21, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: All right. Thank you. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. We have a lot to get to. So let's dive right in.

Relentless surrender, that's the focus of tonight's "Angle".

Now, it was almost a year ago to the day that the UN heard from an American president, who was unabashedly proud of our country, who knew that America is freest when we're strong, happy, prosperous.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: For decades, the same tired voices proposed the same failed solutions, pursuing global ambitions at the expense of their own people. But only when you take care of your own citizens, will you find a true basis for cooperation. As president, I have rejected the failed approaches of the past. And I am proudly putting America first, just as you should be putting your countries first.


INGRAHAM: Oh, what a difference a year makes!


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: As a global community, we're challenged by urgent and looming crisis, where in lie enormous opportunities, if we can summon the will and resolve to seize these opportunities. Will we meet the threat of challenging climate, or will we suffer the merciless march of ever worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, longer heat waves and rising seas?


INGRAHAM: My stomach was turning the same color as that UN wall there. So depressing. Sure, he did give a nod to how we're going to stand up against terror and defend ourselves and our allies. But most of it came off as the usual internationalist mush you'd hear at a, I don't know, like a Davos panel discussion maybe.


BIDEN: As we close this period of relentless war, we're opening a new era of relentless diplomacy, of using the power of our development aid, to invest in new ways of lifting people up around the world, of renewing and defending democracy.


INGRAHAM: Wait, wait, wait, before Biden worries about lifting people up around the world, he should try lifting people up around America. A new poll found that on that very important question, our citizens are increasingly pessimistic. "54 percent of registered voters say the country is heading in the wrong direction, 41 percent say it's on the right track. That's a stark difference from June. It's basically inverted when 53 percent of voters said the country was on the right track."

Wow! Well, it's no wonder. Biden is a one man wrecking ball of a president. Everything he touches, I'm talking everything, every initiative he undertakes blows up on the American people.

Now, the man who pledged to solve COVID, has presided over approximately 234,000 COVID deaths. And that's with the vaccines that the Trump administration handed him. Now, whenever the opportunity presents itself, Biden and company resort to threatening, bullying, punishing and isolating Americans, who for whatever reason, weren't convinced by their vaccine lobbying. And now millions of parents, even those who have been vaccinated themselves are outraged at coming vaccine mandates for kids.

Now, when you really think about it, if Fauci could vaccinate infants in utero, he would. The risk benefit analysis is just completely irrelevant. Now, if Biden were smart, he would have nicely shown Dr. Fauci the door long ago. But let's face it, none of them can really quit COVID, because they like controlling people. And it's a good excuse to force mail-in ballots next year. That's an added bonus.

Now, it may sound simplistic, but I think packed college football stadiums tell us a heck of a lot about the direction we're headed in politically next year. And it's not toward Biden. On the economy, Biden wants us all to surrender to the climate crazies, eliminate oil and gas as soon as possible, and live in a world where we travel less and earn less. Skyrocketing gas prices, inflation, tax hikes, it's all the cost of doing business in Biden's America.

And Americans who are struggling to pay the bills, I guess they're supposed to just sit back and applaud when social justice fashionistas like AOC glide in and out of fancy galas and smile for the cameras. But where they don't want the cameras is where the real story gets really ugly for Biden, that's at our southern border.

The citizens in Del Rio look like refugee camps in Sudan, squalor, hunger, children crying, makeshift shelters, please for help. Is this what Biden meant by build back better? It's criminal what they're doing. It's all part of Biden's nefarious and purposeful surrender of American sovereignty. But don't you dare ask him about it.


BIDEN: We've got a lot of work to do. So thank you all very much.



INGRAHAM: Does the regime press have a shred of dignity left? Do they ever say no to the handlers of Biden who are always nudging Biden toward the exit or urging him not to speak? Think about the contrast from how they comported themselves when Trump was standing on stage.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN CHIEF DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENT: Mr. President, if I may ask one other question. Are you worried--

TRUMP: That's enough, that's enough.

ACOSTA: Mr. President, we're all just going to ask one of the other folks--

TRUMP: That's enough.

ACOSTA: Pardon me, ma'am. I'm - Mr. President?

TRUMP: Excuse me, that's enough.

ACOSTA: Mr. President, I had one other questions if I may ask on the Russia investigation. Are you concerned?


INGRAHAM: What a buffoon! But now, it's the media's relentless surrender of their own integrity, all to prop up a flailing, failing president.

Now on the international front, of course, the Biden implosion is just as stark. Beyond Afghanistan with all the carnage there, we're in a losing struggle with the CCP, and Biden somehow thinks he can make it all better by sucking up to them.


BIDEN: All the major powers of the world have a duty in my view to carefully manage their relationships. So we do not tip from responsible competition to conflict. The United States will compete and will compete vigorously and lead with our values and our strength. We will stand up for our allies and our friends. We are not seeking a new Cold War, or a world divided into rigid blocks.


INGRAHAM: Who on earth is writing this limp prose? Well, they obviously have no idea how the Chinese mind actually works and plots. This is all seen as a complete abdication, relentless weakness in the face of China poised to overtake us, economically, and militarily, if we don't turn things around.

The fact is the climate plan that Biden is so proud of is a recipe for our economic suicide. And as China watches Secretary Blinken sputter and as they hear John Kerry drone on, they just laugh. Is this administration really this naive?

By killing our oil and gas industry, we'll be fulfilling the left wing fantasy though of looking more like Europe. One problem. Europe's now in the middle of their own energy crisis. And, of course, Europe has always preferred though a weaker America. That way they can exploit our old alliance, free ride off our goodwill, then demand more concessions when they don't get their way.


BORIS JOHNSON, PRIME MINISTER, UNITED KINGDOM: But I will say about Joe Biden, dealing with the new American president, yes, it is a breath of fresh air in the sense that there are some things on which we can really, really work together.

SCOTT MORRISON, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA: The issues we discussed in our partnership today, really do reach out to so many others out in terms of how we address the global challenges.


INGRAHAM: Now, what a good old [ph] pal he is. Well, Biden's relentless surrender may pull well on the other side of the pond and down under, but he's hemorrhaging support here.

In battleground states, such as Iowa, he currently has lower poll numbers than Trump had at the height of the pandemic and impeachment. And if Biden continues down this path of relentless surrender at home and abroad, he'll face a relentless red wave in 2022. And that's the "Angle".

All right. Joining me now is Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. Senator, this UN speech running from reporters, today was another disastrous day for Biden on the world stage. But does that translate into any humility at home?

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Certainly, not from Joe Biden and the Democrats. But you're right, Laura, that this speech was a disgrace at the United Nations. Joe Biden walked in the United Nations and slapped a giant 'kick me' sign on Uncle Sam's back.

And in particular, as it relates to China, he bent over backwards to conciliate and appease the Chinese Communist Party. He said, we don't seek a new Cold War. Well, China has been waging a cold war against America, on our workers, and our military for decades. So the question is not whether we seek one, the question is whether or not we will fight back in it.

Yet Joe Biden wouldn't even say the word, China. He's apparently too scared to even mention China's name in a speech addressed to the world's leaders. What kind of signal does that send to them? And what kind of signal does it send to the leaders of Beijing? I can tell you what they're doing right now. They're laughing at Joe Biden.

INGRAHAM: Well, speaking of, President Xi decides very smartly, you know, if someone is a gross violator of human rights. He's very clever in adopting the language of the woke crowd. Watch.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: We need to pursue dialogue and inclusiveness over confrontation and exclusion. We need to build a new type of international relations based on mutual respect, equity, justice, and win-win co-operation.


INGRAHAM: What does equity, justice and inclusiveness mean for the Uyghurs, Taiwan and Hong Kong?

COTTON: Yes. Exactly, Laura. So you're talking about a man and a regime that has crushed Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom that is sterilizing religious and ethnic minorities in northwest China, or putting them in gulags and has destroyed thousands of Christian churches across China. Yet he presumes to lecture us, and that's because Joe Biden's administration basically accepts those terms.

Remember, when Tony Blinken went up for a summit in Alaska and got lectured too, or Joe Biden's UN ambassador said that white supremacy was woven through the origins of this nation.

I can tell you, it's not just Xi Jinping, every two-bit Chinese diplomat and apparatchik around the world goes in to the foreign ministries of countries and tells them that they should not listen to America. They should not lecture China about human rights, because America has its own problems with human rights. And that's all because of Joe Biden and his senior cabinet members, accepting those terms of debate on anti-American grounds.

INGRAHAM: Senator, in National Review today, there was a piece about how it was well done. How the Republicans should not rescue the Democrats at this point in the $3.5 trillion spending bill, reconciliation bill negotiations. Do you agree with that, given this big debate also over the debt ceiling, and where that's headed?

COTTON: Well, Laura, yes, we're not we're not going to rescue the Democrats in their efforts to try to implement the largest tax hike in history and spend $6 trillion on things like welfare and health care for illegal aliens, or welfare for deadbeats who won't work or even look for work, or tax credits for rich people, so they can buy electric cars. If the Democrats want to spend $6 trillion on a party line basis, then the Democrats can raise the debt ceiling by that much on a party line basis to cover their own reckless socialist agenda.

INGRAHAM: Well, we had 19 Republicans agree to that so-called infrastructure bill, which kind of set this on a bit of a glide path. Did it not?

COTTON: Well, I don't think you're going to see that many Republicans vote for it in the House next week. And right now, it looks like the Democrats are in total disarray, not just on that infrastructure bail, or their massive spending blowout, but on the simple act they are trying to keep the government funded next week, even though they control the House, the Senate and the White House.

Republicans have cautioned them for two months now that we will not help them implement this reckless $6 trillion spending plan by raising the debt ceiling. It's time they took it seriously, they funded the government to keep it open past next week, and that they avoid any kind of default on our debt next month.

INGRAHAM: We'll be watching what Senator McConnell proposes. I understand there's some new ideas in the work. Senator, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

And here on the political fallout, Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution, Senior Fellow, author of the new book "The Dying Citizen" out October 5; and Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary, Fox News contributor.

Victor, Biden's presidency speech today basically saying, I'm not Trump. But this may go over, well, and the EU crowd without considering France. But it's not working at home, given what we're seeing in states like Michigan and Iowa for goodness sakes.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTE: Yes. I think he and his advisors, Laura, think that Donald Trump's policies work pretty well, because he never really criticizes them individually. He polled well. But he lost the election, they feel, because he talked too tough. He was too blunt. He tweeted too much. So they feel, policy doesn't matter.

The Afghanistan's a disaster, the border's a disaster, race relations are getting worse, stagflation is on the horizon. But we're going to have this happy therapeutic talk and we can talk our way through it. And I don't think that's going to work, because when things are going well, people have the luxury of whining about the President's tone. But when things are going bad and they're going bad, all the Jerry Ford like the win button and - we remember that out of the 70s, it doesn't work.

And when we look at Biden's rhetoric, it's completely divorced from reality. He talks about brotherhood abroad. He left 8000 NATO troops (inaudible) in Afghanistan, and in most unilateral fashion that we haven't seen in 50 years. He talks about humanity, but we've got Dante's Inferno on the southern border. We haven't seen anything like it. So there's no connection between the rhetoric and the reality.

And then finally, I think the UN stuff doesn't go well, when Tony Blinken says he was going to bite the UN and adjudicate race relations. And when they don't say a thing about the Uyghurs or we're going to praise the WHO when they said that China was very transparent about the coronavirus, and travel bans were xenophobic or racist. That doesn't go very well, I think, with this.

INGRAHAM: Now, when, Ari, we played one of the instances of the reporters being rushed out of the room today once again in the "Angle", but that wasn't the only time it happened today.


INGRAHAM: Apparently, Ari, the White House press pool lodged some complaint and they demanded a Biden presser like please give us a press conference. And Psaki basically said no. That he takes questions from reporters all the time. Ari, as former White House press secretary, what do you say to this?

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, first and foremost, to add insult to injury, when they shoot the White House press corps out so they couldn't ask Joe Biden any questions, it was after the British press corps got to ask two questions to the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

So, you talk about unilateral disarmament, he allowed the foreigners to get questions and wouldn't allow the Americans. I mean, is he that infirm, Laura? Does the White House staff really think that the President is that weak that they have to go to these lengths to protect him?

I was used to get in the practice out of the Oval Office. You have to let the meeting begin. But that was after two or three questions were asked to each Head of State. That is the routine. That's the norm. He is not strong enough to live up to those norms. And so his staff has to protect them. This is a very worrisome thing when the staff goes to these lengths to shield a president from simple Q&A.

INGRAHAM: And yet, we have people, Victor, on television, talking about how fragile democracy is. Not because we have a infirm President in the Oval Office, but because they might reject him, meaning the people might reject him in three years. That's what the press (inaudible) other than climate change. That's what they're really worried about. So what about that?

HANSON: Yes. They're really worried and they're not saying a word that he is systematically trying to repeal all the customs, traditions and constitutional guidelines here at home while he's talking democracy abroad. Electoral College, he wants to get rid of it. 180 year filibuster, get rid of it. National voting law, get rid of the constitutional mandate - prerogative for the states. 50 state unions, 60 years of that, get rid of it. 150 years of nine Supreme Court Justice, junk it.

He's one moment - I do sympathize with his handlers. He's one moment away on any given day from really wrecking his presence by what he says. And I remember when Churchill said of Admiral Jellicoe in World War I, he is the only man who could have lost the war in a day. And Joe Biden can lose the presidency in a day by saying anything, anytime, any person.

INGRAHAM: All right. I got to get Ari on one more comment. Ari, these numbers in Iowa are staggering. I think it's - I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, 38 percent approval, 31 percent approval?


INGRAHAM: Ari, I'm giving him too much. And Michigan, also way down 39 percent. These are battleground states. I mean, Trump won Iowa both times, but Michigan's a really important state. What does that tell you? In right track, wrong track, obviously.

FLEISCHER: Afghanistan really hurt Joe Biden. For anybody who thinks that was a fleeting moments that that was his usual shiny objects and politics, or that was the type of thing that people would forget soon after? No. It was the event that launched the American people to have a reappraisal of Joe Biden.

When American people elected Joe Biden, they elected somebody who wouldn't tweet, who would just be different from Donald Trump. They did not elect someone who would abandon America's allies, who would shut down America's ability to gather intelligence against the Taliban, against Al Qaeda, against China. And especially then to lie about everything on the way out of the country, when he said Americans are having no difficulty getting to the airport when, of course, they were; when he said no foreigners were criticizing him when, of course, they were, especially German and British.

INGRAHAM: Ari, the border, obviously, you can't deny those - that video. That's horrific, gas price is horrific, inflation is horrific. Even the French were mad at us. Yes. I mean, that's a pile of bad news altogether. And Afghanistan, I think you're right, that was the beginning of--

FLEISCHER: Although, the French are mad at you. It might be OK.

INGRAHAM: Yes. That's true, but it is quite something for even us to tick off the French. Gentlemen, great to see you.

And the Border Patrol Union told Governor Abbott that migrants in Texas on a transport bus actually overtook the staff and fled. Up next, we speak to border agents who shared that story. Plus, hear the reaction to Democrats calling their actions at the border, racist. Stay there.



SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): You have repeatedly stated that our borders are not open, they're closed. Do you honestly believe that our borders are closed?



INGRAHAM: He does. Still tell that to the 8600-plus group of mostly Haitian migrants still sitting under the Del Rio international bridge, including more than 300 pregnant women. Do you think they traveled hundreds of miles to sit outside of closed border? And what is the Biden administration doing with the migrants? It does let in.

Fox reporting that ICE leadership is pressuring field offices to fly large numbers of illegals to places like Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, New York City and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. If we had an honest press corp, a curious press corp, a diligent press corp, they'd find this to be stunning. Instead, they're busy promoting a false narrative about mounted border officers and whips.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thousands of Haitian migrants, some of them having had whips and border patrol agents on horseback menacing them.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST: To me it does smack of a bygone era of slavery, aided by reports of people being beaten, whether with a riding crop or the rains.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was not aware that whips, which come from the slave era - slavery era were part of the package that we issue to any sort of law enforcement.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now live from the heart of this crisis in Del Rio, Texas is Brandon Judo; and Hector Garza, President and VP of the national Border Patrol Council. Brandon, border patrol officers, agents are now racist for doing their jobs? Your response tonight.

BRANDON JUDO, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: Yes. The vast majority of border patrol agents are actually Hispanic. So no, they're not racist. If you look at all of those images, you have to look at all of the different angles. Not one of those Haitian migrants was hit with one of the rains. We use those rains to keep the people away from the horses, to protect those people. Those horses have stepped on people, they've kicked people before. They can injure people. You have to keep them away.

And at the same time, you have to control the scene. We have a responsibility to everybody to control that scene, so it stays put. Those individuals were not listening to simple commands by law enforcement officers. So they had to do what was necessary to put them back in the situations where they could be under control. But in no way did we ever hit any one of those individuals.

INGRAHAM: All right, Hector. In addition to the thousands of illegals under the bridge, more than 20,000 Haitians are now gathered in Colombia, in South America, and may soon try to reach the United States. But I want you not to worry because Kamala Harris has a solution to the groups coming in.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have to understand Haiti. I mean, talk about a country that has just experienced so much tragedy. And we really have to do a lot more to recognize that as a member of the Western Hemisphere, we've got to support some very basic needs that the people of Haiti have.


INGRAHAM: Hector, is that the problem that America is not doing more to shell out taxpayer dollars to Haiti?

HECTOR GARZA, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: So you know what, Laura, I think the Biden administration along with Kamala Harris, they don't know what's happening on the border. They don't understand illegal immigration. What we saw today Del Rio, Texas, was kids in landfills, people in very bad conditions.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration is not providing border patrol agents with the proper resources, or the facility so that we can hold these people. I think the Biden administration and Kamala Harris, I think they need to get their story straight and figure out what they're going to do with the border.

INGRAHAM: Well, I think they know what they're going to do, is keep it open as long as they can until they get slammed at the polls. And Brandon, the story about a transport bus that was moving some of the Haitians to a different location. Is that true that the driver was basically overwhelmed? The people just took over the bus and jumped off and what happened here?

JUDO: Yes. That is absolutely true. When they found out that there was a potential - that they were going to go back to Haiti, they got up and they started taking over the bus. They fled from the bus. But it's not just that, Laura. There's now a report coming out that a plane flight to Puerto Prince today when they landed, the Haitians on the bus assaulted three of the ICE agents and every single one of them were injured and had to be taken to the hospital. So, yes, we're looking at this, and we're saying --

INGRAHAM: And that is confirmed. And that is confirmed. Yes, FOX did confirm that, that that actually did happen.

JUDD: So exactly. So when these people find out that they're not going to get exactly what they want, they become very violent. And we've seen that over and over again. And whenever you have large numbers of people together, you also have to be concerned about what's taking place. And that's why Texas DPS has deployed so many of their resources to this era. It's not their job. This isn't their responsibility. Yet they've deployed it because they understand how volatile the situation could possibly turn.

INGRAHAM: But Hector, I said this in the Angle earlier, but when we're seeing these scenes of hundreds of pregnant women, of babies crying, of Border Patrol just, my heart breaks for the Border Patrol officers, most of whom, you're right, are Hispanic, and they're trying do their best. They're being vilified. And it looks like something out of a refugee camp in the Middle East or Africa, but this is the United States of America.

HECTOR GARZA, THE NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: Which I horrible. There's two things that are happening. We cannot do our job, we cannot secure the border while we're busy trying to take care of all these Haitians under the bridge and in other places along the border. There's also the fact that these people are being held in very, very bad conditions. We saw again very horrendous images of kids in what appeared to be like a landfill, a lot were infants. And this is simply a rampant abuse of our immigration system. And we need to stop illegal immigration and we need to discourage illegal immigration, and it all happens at the top with the Biden policies.

INGRAHAM: Brandon, really quick, how many of these people, of these 8,600 left with all these others coming, are actually going to go back to Haiti, in your estimation, given what you're seeing?

JUDD: Most likely very few. If you look at the numbers right now, we are releasing anywhere between 60 to 70 percent of the people that we take into custody. That's not just the Haitians. Anybody that we take into custody, we are releasing between 60 and 70 percent. The administration has released into the United States over 600,000 people --


JUDD: Since Biden has been in office.

INGRAHAM: That doesn't cost anyone any money at all, nothing. It's all free. Gentlemen, thank you. It is beyond disturbing.

And a Melbourne journalist is here live to tell us what it's like living under a biomedical police state in Australia. The video today is shocking, and offers a warning to America. Do not go away.



DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISER TO PRESIDENT BIDEN: Even though, relatively speaking, compared to an adult, they do not get as seriously ill, we have lost more children from SARS-CoV-2 than we ever lose for influenza.


INGRAHAM: OK, more lies from Anthony Fauci, but what should we expect at this point? But what are the facts? In total the CDC estimates more than 900 kids aged zero to 17 died during the last two flu seasons. An even smaller timeframe than this pandemic. By comparison, 555 children have died with COVID throughout the entire pandemic. Horrible, of course, but Fauci is wrong.

Kids aged five to 11, the group Pfizer wants an emergency use authorization for, have had a total of 112 COVID deaths since the pandemic started. There are over 28 million children in this age group. As Phil Kerpen points out, if you reasonably estimate 50 percent of those kids, which is well within the CDC estimates, 112 deaths out of 14 million would be one in 125,000. Phil Kerpen is here, president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Phil, why is the left getting this wrong? Why?

PHIL KERPEN, PRESIDENT, THE COMMITTEE TO UNLEASH PROSPERITY: Well, they seem unwilling to state the simple and, by now I think should be obvious fact that this virus is a typical respiratory virus for children. That doesn't mean that it can't kill children. All respiratory viruses do kill children sometimes, but by and large it's a very, very rare event. And this is not out of the ordinary for children. It's an out of ordinary risk for old people obviously, extremely deadly, but for children it's comparable to flu and RSV and all the other viruses that we've always been comfortable with children being exposed to.

INGRAHAM: And Phil, as heartbreaking all of this is, especially for parents with kids suffering, we never hear about the comorbidities that, sadly, kids suffer from as well that make it more likely that they would be seriously ill, even at this relatively small number.

KERPEN: Right. Even the numbers that we see from the CDC are almost certainly overstated. The CDC's own analysis of death certificates found that in the pediatric age group, at least 35 percent of the deaths had a cause of death that could not plausibly be related to COVID, things like homicides or accidents or things that just couldn't possibly been related to it.

And there have been a few analyses done of the other ones, of the other deaths that could be related, and they found that they almost, in every case, had other very serious preexisting conditions, cancer, other very serious conditions. And so the number of truly healthy children who have died as a result of COVID is really microscopic. We don't have a great handle on it, but it's very, very small. One study Marty Makary did with his research team at Johns Hopkins, I think they identified one, one healthy children that had died with COVID. So it's probably more than that. They probably didn't find every single. But it's a very small amount.

INGRAHAM: But Dr. Fauci, the push for mandates is just literally insane and nefarious. Phil, thank you

Now, in the course of just a few short months Australia has gone from one of the world's freest countries to what is essentially a biomedical police state. Things have become so unbearable that hundreds of Aussies took to the streets in Melbourne today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My children, 13 years old. It's not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let us get back to work. Let us provide for our families.


INGRAHAM: Here now is the man who shot that footage, independent journalist Rukshan Fernando. Rukshan, what has happened to Australia?

RUKSHAN FERNANDO, AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: Laura, that footage was from a couple days ago, but we're into like the third or fourth day of continuous protests here in Melbourne. And right now, I don't know if you can hear, but there's helicopters whirling above the city of Melbourne. There's riot police on the streets, and they're rounding up construction workers and trades people that we commonly refer to as tradies here for voicing their incident and their concern about mandatory vaccinations, and in particularly those workers in the construction sector who don't want to be vaccinated to keep their job. And it's just scenes that we've never seen before in Australia. And as someone that's grown up here in my entire life in Australia, I can't believe that I'm seeing this in my state as well.

INGRAHAM: I saw this video over the weekend of some poor old women getting pushed aside, pushed down by the rows and rows and rows of police and, I guess, military or security officials. And for a moment I looked, and I said, is this China? I know China is looking very rapaciously at Australia, but it looked more like something at Tiananmen Square than you would expect from Australia.

FERNANDO: That's right, Laura. Look, these were just everyday Australians, everyday Victorians. They are protesting. Right now, the government said protesting is illegal, you can't be on the street. So the police are using all sorts of tactics and measures against just ordinary working class Australians. So that actual visual that you talked about, that lady being pushed over, that was during police trying to clear a road up there where there were protesters.

And even after she was pushed over, that particular police officer sprayed her in the face with OC spray. These are tactics that are being used against everyday Australians, and it's, like you said, it's from communist China.

INGRAHAM: And you were, yourself, harassed by security officials, police, over the summer, I guess for attending one of those anti-lockdown rallies, and you caught the incident on tape. Watch.

FERNANDO: About tomorrow.


FERNANDO: I've just got a letter here about tomorrow's action.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's tomorrow's action?

FERNANDO: This is the second time that you guys have come here.

Why do you have my address?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're the police.

FERNANDO: I know you're the police. Why are you looking up journalists? Why are you looking up people who work in the media? I'm a reporter man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know why you were there.


INGRAHAM: Rukshan, that is also absolutely chilling for anyone who believes in free expression in reporting.

FERNANDO: Well, this is the thing, Laura. They have no problem with the mainstream media, for us independent reporters that don't follow that same narrative that the government's putting out there, we're on the ground showing the people, interviewing the people, and just letting their voices be heard. They don't like that type of coverage. So they want to classify people in independent media as protesters as well. And that's why they're using this type of tactic to silence these voices and these stories being told by the people of Victoria and Australia.

INGRAHAM: Australia's making China proud, and that footage -- I can't stop watching it. Rukshan, thank you.

And the Hunter Biden laptop story was buried underneath a deluge of propaganda and big tech censorship. No surprise there. But a new book confirms what we always knew -- it was legit. Congressman Jim Jordan responds, next.


INGRAHAM: Breaking tonight, a "Politico" reporter has a new book out confirming the authenticity of Hunter Biden's e-mails. Wait a minute, this can't be right, though? "The New York Post," FOX, and others confirmed Hunter's incriminating e-mails. We said they were genuine nearly a year ago. Back then "Politico" was promoting deep state propaganda, though. "Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say." That was an October, 2020, headline. But they weren't the only ones running cover for Biden.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: U.S. authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is so obviously a Russian operation. It is so obviously a story that was created by the Trump campaign.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fifty high-level intelligence agents, people who have worked in the intelligence agencies, came out and said this is most likely Russian propaganda.


INGRAHAM: Here now is Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. Congressman it's actually embarrassing. This is now treated as some kind of grand revelation.

REP. JIM JORDAN, (R-OH) HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER: Yes. No, "Politico" figured out, as you said, Laura, what we knew a year ago. We had an eyewitness, Tony Bobulinski. We had the actual e-mails talking about the big guy, Joe Biden. We had the laptop, and we had the fact the FBI was investing that. I'm convinced reporters around this town knew that, but, no, no, no, it was misinformation. And big tech and big media collude to keep important information from we the people in the run-up to the most important election we have, the election of the president of the United States. That's what so offends me and so many Americans. You guys got it right and you got it right on your show, but now the mainstream press all too late are coming out with this information.

INGRAHAM: Now, the day "The New York Post" broke this story, Congressman, Facebook policy spokesperson, whatever that is, said the story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook's third-party fact checking partners. We're reducing its distribution on our platform.


INGRAHAM: We still don't know the status of that fact check. Andy Stone is a long-time Democrat flack obviously had political skin in the game then and now, and he's the guy who said that.

JORDAN: Yes, and frankly, Laura, it's even worse now, because think about this. Six weeks ago in the White House press room, press spokesperson Jen Psaki says what? She says basically these two sentences, most Americans now get much of their news from these social media platforms. We, the Biden administration, are actively working with these social media platforms to limit what we the people can see. She said that from the press room talking about limiting the press in the White House, the plays that's supposed to be the center of freedom where free speech, where the bill of rights and the First Amendment matter. That is what is so frightening.

But here's the good news. It's all starting to unravel. We have got this story. We have the fact that John Durham indicted Sussmann, not as some false statement, some simple false statement made to Durham and his investigators. No, it's not an a false statement indictment. It's the falls statement indictment. It's a false statement Sussmann made to FBI chief counsel Jim Baker back if 2016.

So this, I think, is good news. He is pointing to this same game that gets played with misinformation, feeding it to the press, feeding it to these federal agencies. This is an important, I think an important sign from the Durham investigation. I think this is all starting to unravel, and the American people are seeing it for what it is.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, apparently "The Washington Post" reporting tonight that President Biden will meet with House Democrats across the political spectrum to slow down some of the infighting over that reconciliation boondoggle. Do you expect he's going to bend the knee to AOC and the gang of radicals, or what's going to happen next?

JORDAN: I think what may happen is this will continue to be a big mess. They've done everything wrong. The American people are figuring out when you double spending, when you increase spending at the rate the Democrats, you get inflation. And that means less purchasing power for the American people and the American families. American people are figuring out and Democrats are also figuring out this isn't going to play too well in next year's h since this Biden administration and the Democrat run Congress has done everything wrong.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, we'll be watching, and Republicans can't give them a lifeline in any of this. They should never have given them a lifeline.

JORDAN: Well said.

INGRAHAM: Great to see you tonight.

And up next, a shocking story out New Zealand. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: New Zealand police thwarted a dastardly plot yesterday. After a high speed chase they arrested two men trying to enter the city of Auckland with a large amount of contraband. This must have been serious. Close examination of the police evidence of all of the photos revealed at least three buckets of chicken, up to 10 tubs of coleslaw, and an undisclosed quantity of fries. Yes, they confiscated it. It stinks. You've got to get the fries, give them the fries. People, wake up. Take your countries back from this madness.

That's it for us tonight. Don't forget, set your DVR, you always stay connected with us. Never forget, understand what freedom mean. Freedom Matters, go to LauraIngraham.com, get all that USA made gear, and all for charity this month, to the Tunnels to Tower Foundation.

Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here.

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