
This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on November 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Massive protests in New York City tonight, as thousands of workers march against vaccine mandates. THE INGRAHAM ANGLE sent a camera down there. We're going to have footage for you.

Plus, Biden putters around a Scottish climate conference and a cultural backlash takes flight. Raymond Arroyo explains it in 'Seen and Unseen'. But first, a commonwealth of insight. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Few early on gave him much of a chance, but clean cut family man and American success story Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, decided to go all in in the Virginia governor's race. He traveled the entire Commonwealth connecting beyond the base to first-time voters and those who had voted Democrat last time around, who are now having some buyer's remorse.

Now, we're waiting on him to speak any moment in Leesburg, Virginia. And we'll bring you any breaking news as it happens. But here he was earlier tonight in Virginia Beach.


GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: November, the 2nd, we as Virginians, we get to stand up and make a defining statement about the future of our Commonwealth. A statement that says that we believe that we will soar the spirit in the air as Virginians come in together, not Republicans against Democrats. But Virginians coming together and defining our future.

Virginians rejecting a culture that tells our children that they have to shelve their hope, a culture that says that we have to accept mediocrity. This stopped being a campaign a long time ago. This is a movement led by Virginians.


INGRAHAM: And this was Terry McAuliffe's closing argument.


TERRY MCAULIFFE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA: 50 percent of the students in Virginia schools K-12, 50 percent are students of color, and yet 80 percent of teachers are white. We all know what we have to do in a school to make everybody feel comfortable in school. So let's diversify.


INGRAHAM: Are you kidding me? Well, that about sums it up. One guy promoting a positive pro-family, pro-business agenda for Virginians of all races and creeds; and the other playing to the cheap seats on racial division. It's so revealing and how sad for Terry McAuliffe.

No wonder the trend lines show a solid victory for Glenn Youngkin. McAuliffe, who's already - was governor and an old pal of Bill Clinton's, looks kind of like a caught mackerel gasping for air on a boat deck.

The last Fox News poll has Youngkin up over Democrat Terry McAuliffe by eight points, 53 to 45. Fox 5 DC has him up by 2, so does the Trafalgar group.

Now, as someone who's lived on and off in Virginia since about 1987, I will say that I have never felt a greater sense of urgency here to elect any GOP candidate. Suburban moms who usually meet for coffee at Starbucks, they're now power walking to the polls together. 40-something year old Biden voters are speaking about tomorrow's election in hushed, desperate tones on the sidelines of their kids' peewee football games.

And the official state media outlets are already out spinning a McAuliffe defeat. Well, what do they all have in common? Zero sense of self awareness about why the Democrats are floundering. The reason is simple. Politicians who use racial victimhood as a battering ram and who use our children as guinea pigs for their own radical agenda are finding few takers outside the world of academia and maybe the teachers unions.

First, this specious claim that critical race theory isn't even a thing in our public schools.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just had a Youngkin rally earlier today, Larry, and every single person I asked why are you supporting Glenn Youngkin? It was education, education, critical race theory. I mean, this is - first of all, critical race theory, as we know, isn't taught in Virginia schools. It has one of the best school systems countrywide.


INGRAHAM: Apparently, MSNBC daytime anchors don't have this thing called Google or Twitter, where a few days ago, our friend Chris Rufo, presented documented proof that CRT is most definitely a prominent force in Virginia schools. In fact, it was done under McAuliffe zone administration.

Back in 2015, the Virginia Department of Education told public schools to embrace critical race theory in an effort to re engineer attitudes and beliefs citizens - systems. And by the way, that's not all. In 2019, the State Superintendent circulated a memo to school districts that explicitly champion CRT as an important analytic tool in the field of education.

Now, as we speak, the Virginia Education Department promotes CRT on its website. One page extols the virtues of anti-racism in education, stating "Anti-racism requires acknowledging that racist beliefs and structures are pervasive in education, and then actively doing work to tear down those beliefs and structures".

And even someone who should know a heck of a lot better, like UVA Professor Larry Sabato, mischaracterizes the views of Virginia parents who've led the revolt against McAuliffe in the whole anti-racism curriculum.


LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR OF THE UVA CENTER FOR POLITICS: The operative word is not critical, and it's not theory. It's race. There's a lot of - we can call it white backlash, white resistance, whatever you want to call it. It has to do with race. It's this generalized attitude that whites are being put upon. And we've got to do something about it. We, being, white voters.


INGRAHAM: Wait - a generalized attitude? What? Has he not been watching Loudoun County, rapes covered up, a victim's father thrown to the ground, and my personal favorite, the diversity and equity fraudsters trying to end advanced courses for gifted and talented students?

Now, these are very specific and legitimate concerns parents have about the issues that directly affect the lives of their children. And as far as this being a white thing, since when is quality education a white thing, Larry? One of the most outspoken voices against the far left agenda would beg to differ.


ASRA NOMANI, VP FOR STRATEGY & INVESTIGATIONS, PARENTS DEFENDING EDUCATION: I fit into the intersectional world. I'm a Muslim, I'm an immigrant, I'm a mom of color, I am a single mom. But yet I deny all of these privileges in the new paradigm of the oppression matrix, because we're all human beings. And that's what we need to teach our children.


INGRAHAM: You get it? Officially a white thing, right? Well, instead of being stuck on the defensive, Glenn Youngkin has smartly focused his campaign on bread and butter issues. The issues that transcend party affiliation.

Now, most part parents want the schools they fund to work for them. And, of course, for their children, not against them. Democrats misread the results of the 2020 presidential election. It's obvious tonight.

Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination, Joe Biden did. Biden essentially had a mandate to end COVID. That's about it. His far left base wanted much more, however, and he was too weak to resist them as we told you he would be. And so was McAuliffe, who mistakenly thought he could glide the victory on anti-Trump fumes in January 6.

And this is a recipe for failure not only in politics, but in the media as well. January 6 is their drug of choice, and every day is an overdose.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is so - so encapsulates the whole problem. Everyone with a scrap of honor in them was scared bleepless of getting fired and replaced by a real coup planner, plotter (inaudible)

FRANK FIGLIUZZI, FORMER FBI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COUNTERINTELLIGENCE: The Washington DC Intelligence Fusion Center actually suggested to area hospitals that they stock up their blood banks. We actually permitted an insurrection that would have taken down our democracy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why is it Merrick Garland screaming about this every single day? Why is it the president screaming about this every single day? There's nothing right now to keep Josh Hawley from taking the chains off the back door and letting people sneak in like a high school shooter.


INGRAHAM: This is so pathetic. It's so backward looking. And no one is listening to them, probably got more people watching just then than they did during the day.

Now, the Democrat Party under Biden has gone so far left, it's left America. And even managed to turn off very blue elements in very blue Northern Virginia. Think about it. So much of the success of the Democratic Party in the past four years was in the suburban female vote. As usual, Democrats took them for granted, including Terry McAuliffe.

Somehow they thought they could run to the left on education, on race, on taxes, the economy, immigration, and still keep a lock on women voters. Tomorrow, we'll show you they were very wrong. The one group that Democrats could not afford to alienate, they have succeeded in alienating.

On election night 2020 when so many people were demoralized and down, I reminded you that the Trump policies worked spectacularly. We needed to do - at the time what we needed to do was stick with them.


INGRAHAM: I think when we look at Florida, and focusing on the GOP for a moment, Martha and Brett, the coalition that the Republicans have been able to put together in that state is really something that they should try to replicate as much as possible going forward.

The other story, which I think you're seeing playing out in state after state tonight, is that Trump brought more people into the party and then expanded the base from those blue-collar workers on out.


INGRAHAM: Yes. Ron DeSantis is governing on that same populist agenda that was so successful before COVID hit during the Trump years. It's a model for the rest of the nation, and Glenn Youngkin is smart enough to see this.

Just like he had to campaign in every county in Virginia, Republicans in 2024 will have to fight in every state. Yes, that means a 50-state strategy. The polling is showing us that America has already had enough. 71 percent say the country is on the wrong track. That's horrible for Biden. His RCP average for job approval is just 43 percent. And Republicans are holding an 18-point lead over Democrats on fixing the economy in the latest NBC News poll.

In other words, America now sees that if we go woke, we're going to go broke. Today, only 40 - 35 percent say, the economy is doing well. 65 percent say, it's doing poorly. So the lessons from Virginia and Florida are clear, Trump showed us that pragmatic populist pro-American worker policies, in education, the economy and immigration work incredibly well. And these populist policies work everywhere they're tried.

But the Democrats' socialist approach fails everywhere it has tried. Heck, it's been crashing and burning in urban America for decades. Without safety, without decent schools, with soaring inflation, what do our citizens have to look forward to? A hellscape, I guess.

And all these efforts to stir up racial tensions, it's just not working. Yes, people are sick of it. All right. But it's also wicked, and it's evil. It's evil when The Lincoln Project does it. It's evil when political analysts do it, it's evil when Biden does it. And when Stacey Abrams tries it, and when McAuliffe does it, as he did late today.

Biden's 10 months in office remind us in stark and painful terms of Democrats' failure across the board. This failure continued today in Scotland, where climate control freaks, who only fly private lectured the rest of the world about sacrificing their standard of living. Of course, Biden falls right in line, leaving us essentially unrepresented across the Atlantic.

When they wake Biden up to tell him, his friend Terry is flaming out in the Commonwealth, will he understand the significance of it all? Will he question his decision to cave to the far left at every turn? I wouldn't count on it. But you will. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Tom Bevan, president and co-founder of RealClearPolitics. Tom, the Democrats have gone all in playing the race card in Virginia right up to the last moment. As you have noted, that kind of politics, at least now, is seeing diminishing returns. Has that calculus changed?

TOM BEVAN, CO-FOUNDER & PRESIDENT, REALCLEARPOLITICS: No, I mean, McAuliffe has made this all about this campaign, all about Trump, and on the education issue. Instead of walking back his mistake that he made in that debate, he's doubled down and tripled down on it. And then turned around and said that Glenn Youngkin is using a racist dog whistle.

Now, they brought in Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, to try and activate the black vote in Virginia, which - Terry McAuliffe got 90 percent of the black vote when he ran the first time around. The latest Fox poll has him at 80 percent, Glenn Youngkin's winning 14 percent in that poll. So McAuliffe really needs to get closer to that 90 percent.

And the other reason that they're using this tactic is to try and win back some ground among white women in the suburbs, in the Northern Virginia suburbs, where they have lost ground on the education issue. And that is the beating heart of the Democratic coalition without suburban women and without African-American voters, women in particular, Terry McAuliffe is not going to win this race tomorrow.

INGRAHAM: According to CNN's Jeff Zeleny, McAuliffe is really down, Tom, because Biden's massive spending bills just haven't passed yet.


JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: There's no doubt that President Biden's lower approval rating here now in the Commonwealth, and indeed elsewhere is contributing to this sense of malaise among Democrats; unable to pass an infrastructure bill, unable to pass a broader reconciliation bill of those social safety net programs. So it definitely has contributed to really a lack of positivity about the direction of the country.


INGRAHAM: Tom, have you seen evidence of Biden's agenda is actually hurting Democrats in Virginia and elsewhere?

BEVAN: Well, certainly when the president's job approval rating is at 43 percent in Virginia, it's not helpful to Democrats. I mean, McAuliffe has two problems, right. He's got the education issue, which has exploded and become a really - a movement, again, in those critical Northern Virginia suburbs.

But the Biden agenda is also - I mean, this recent Fox poll that came out said that, 60-plus percent of people think that even if those two bills, the two massive spending bills are passed, that they're either going to not have any effect on the economy, or make things worse. And so this idea that - that passing those bills is somehow the cure all for Democrats. I don't think the data supports that.

So - but certainly the fact that the Democrats have been squabbling, and unable to get on the page, it has - it has contributed to this idea that the Democrats are divided. They're deflated. And McAuliffe is getting no help from Washington, and no help from the President.

INGRAHAM: Oh, it's almost like Joe Manchin over there in West Virginia is kind of waiting to see how this all plays out in Virginia, or is that just a kind of a goofy analysis? But he's talking about the budget gimmicks today and seem quite exasperated about what the progressives are trying to pull in this spending bill, Tom. By the way, Youngkin is about to take the stage.

BEVAN: Yes. I mean, Manchin really, sort of, blew things up. But also - I mean, given his past history on this, I think he wants to get the hard infrastructure bill passed. And then we'll see what he does on the other bill. I mean, I think Democrats were very unhappy with what he did and how he did it, the timing in which he made his announcement today.

INGRAHAM: Tom, great to see you. Thanks so much.

BEVAN: Thanks.

INGRAHAM: And as you see, there as Glenn Youngkin. That's the final push. And he's going to be taking the stage any moment. We will go to it perhaps in the next couple of minutes. He's doing that dancing thing. There it is. Let's watch it. We told him not to dance. Didn't Raymond tell them that? But that's alright, he has a huge crowd there. He has over 3500 people there. I guess now it's almost up to 5,000, according to our friends on the ground.

And who's a better dancer at this point? Is it Terry McAuliffe or Glenn Youngkin? Well, neither of them are going to be on 'Dancing in the Stars'. But the energy and emotion clearly with Glenn Youngkin at this point.

We were driving through Northern Virginia earlier tonight. And parents and kids are kind of on their way to sports practice, coming back to sports practice. They were just having these, like, spontaneous little rallies. And they were just popping up and waving at people. They seem to be getting a lot of positive response. And well, including from this host. But we were waving at the crowd there.

Now, we're going to move on. We'll go back to the Youngkin rally in a moment when he starts talking. But let's go to Chris Rufo here, because contrary to what the Democrats would have you believe, critical race theory is being taught in Virginia. It's also being pushed in corporate America.

In fact, AT&T has created a racial reeducation program that promotes toxic ideas, including that American racism is a uniquely white trait. One senior employee tells journalist Rufo that, white employees are expected to confess their white privilege under a threat of negative performance reviews. That same source also says, employees are pressured into signing a loyalty pledge to keep pushing for change by reading more about systemic racism and challenging others' language that is hateful.

Chris Rufo, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow, contributing editor at City Journal, joins me now. Chris, Glenn Youngkin's about to take the stage and start speaking, I should say, in Leesburg, Virginia in a rocking rally. Critical race theory, a huge issue in Virginia. They tried to wish it away. But, of course, it is being taught in Virginia, and now at big, major corporations across the United States. Give us the bombshell.

CHRISTOPHER RUFO, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: Yes. That's right. I mean, critical race theory is becoming the default ideology of the professional managerial class. It's absolutely taught in Virginia. In fact, Terry McAuliffe promoted critical race theory to all public schools when he was last governor in 2015. And we see it even in a place like AT&T that on the front page of their internal critical race theory training program, they told white employees, "White people, you are the problem".

This is the kind of degrading, dehumanizing, and race-essentialist rhetoric that has no place in our corporations, in our schools. But the elite people of our country, people like Terry McAuliffe, people like Randi Weingarten, these - teachers union president, and even the CEO of a great company like AT&T, maybe a formerly great company. It is all the rage and it's up to us to expose it and to stop it. So I hope that people that are voting in Virginia, get out for Glenn Youngkin. It's time to say no to race essentialism in our schools.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And, Chris, a lot of the work you've done to expose this, it's coming to light all across the country. We're going to dip in. Stick around, we're going to dip in, hear what Glenn Youngkin is saying in his closing remarks in this campaign.


GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: We will not be a commonwealth of low expectations. We will be a commonwealth of high expectations. Friends, this is our moment, where we stand up for our children, for our grandchildren, for our nieces, for our nephews, for our neighbors. And we decide that we, in fact, are going to be in charge of our children's education.

We know, we know that in order to do this, we have to - we have to break the power out of Richmond. We have to have a moment where power shifts away from the marble halls in Richmond, and it moves to the kitchen tables around Virginia, kitchen tables that are bound together by freedom and liberty. But these kitchen tables, these kitchen tables, sometimes - that discussion happens over breakfast after a midnight shift, where we're talking about those issues that are most important to us, those issues that are going to define the future of this commonwealth, those issues that we as Virginians share as values.

From the farms in the Shenandoah, to the docks in Newport News, to literally to - to the monuments in Arlington Cemetery to the banks of the James River, to the school board meetings in Loudoun County. This is where parents are, this is where Virginians are, where we come together to redefine this future.

Folks, this stopped being a campaign a long time ago. And it started being a movement led by all of you, led by you. And as we head to the polls tomorrow, we have to remind ourselves that this Virginia that we know we can build together; this Virginia that is the promise that we have held out for our children and our grandchildren; this promise of Virginia where we can, in fact, see our kids dream the biggest dreams they can think of and go get them; this Virginia where our parents and our grandparents go for a walk, and the only thing they worry about is what they're going to do tomorrow, because today was so great.

This Virginia, where our children can be college ready or career ready; this Virginia where in fact you have more of your money in your pocket versus in Terry McAuliffe's pocket. This is - this is the Virginia promise that we can build together. But that promise hangs in the balance. It hangs in the balance, because tomorrow we must go get it. It will not be given to us. This democracy is not a spectator sport. It has an active involvement. We must go get it. We must go get it.

And so we find ourselves tonight, tonight, thinking about what can happen tomorrow. And what can happen tomorrow will be a statement, a statement that will be heard across this country, because America needs us to vote tomorrow as well. America's watching. Why? Why? Because all across this country, families are having the same discussions that you all have. I get notes all day long, Glenn, stand up for our kids too, stand up for the rights of our children because we can vote this year, you in Virginia do. We have problems in our school boards, we have problems in our schools. Stand up for us, Virginia.

Well, let me tell you. Virginia is going to stand up for them tomorrow. That's what we're going to do.


YOUNGKIN: Friends, do you know what's at stake? We do the future of this commonwealth, the future of this country is going to be decided tomorrow. Our nation's history is our - is our commonwealth's history. And our nation's future is going to be determined by the present. How we vote tomorrow will make such a statement, such a statement for families around this great country to have hope; to recognize that, yes, the values that we hold dear, the values that underpin this country are still alive and well, and we can put them into action tomorrow.

So here we go. Here we go tomorrow, folks. What we need to do tomorrow is show up and vote. We need to show up and vote, because nothing happens unless we fully engage. And then when we fully engage, let me tell you what's going to happen tomorrow. We are going to sweep our statewide offices tomorrow. Sweep them. And we are going to elect Jason Miyares as our next attorney general. And let me tell you - let me tell you, if Attorney General Mark Herring, one investigate the Loudoun County School Board, Jason Miyares will. And we are going to elect Winsome Sears our next lieutenant governor. And we are going to sweep into office a brand new majority in our House of Delegates. But we're also going to win local (inaudible)


INGRAHAM: And wow, Glenn Youngkin on fire on the education issue and beyond in his closing argument for the Commonwealth and for the Virginia governorship. Again, I've lived in Virginia for on and off for 25 years, and I have not seen that type of energy in a long, long time.

Chris Rufo, you're still with us? You're watching this unfold. This is a bellwether perhaps for how things are going to go in the midterm elections, if indeed, Glenn Youngkin pulls out this victory, which is now expected by many.

RUFO: Yes, that's right. And Terry McAuliffe has presented a really grim vision of faceless bureaucrats and school administrators of forcing critical race theory on kids, telling that they're in - them that they're inherently oppressive, and then covering up for sexual predators in schools like we've seen in Loudoun County.

Well, Glenn Youngkin is presenting a hopeful, optimistic vision. He trusts American families, he trusts American parents. He wants to put more power and authority back in individual people. He wants to liberate students and inspire them to achieve academic excellence.

The choice to me is clear. And I hope that the Virginia voters see what's happening. They get around the obfuscation and the lies that have emanated from the Terry McAuliffe campaign. And they embrace their destiny and their future, which I think Youngkin so beautifully laid out tonight.

So to all of you in Virginia, make the best choice. Get out to vote.

INGRAHAM: Chris, thank you. And also for that reporting on AT&T, we really appreciate it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't force someone to have medical treatment that they don't want to have. That's - it's a violation of human rights.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would tell all of our politicians, stop playing politics with our lives and stick to the science.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's coming from the same group that claims to help us the most, that supports us the most is Democrats. And they're enforcing something that they know people of color have rightful like - we're worried about the outcome.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The firehouse near my house is closed. It's out of service. 26 fire houses are affected. 26. And what de Blasio say, that, oh, it's not affected. He's a liar. He's a liar.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When we go to college, we don't look at that person and judge, are you worth saving? But now, our livelihoods and our family's well being is questioned, are we worth it? We never asked that question during the pandemic. But now we're being thrown into the trash, the garbage. It's not right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This city and the politicians that run this city have decided to divide us. They want us fighting each other, because they don't want us to find out that they're the ones that did this.


INGRAHAM: New York City anti-vaccine mandate protesters today, but they're only - not the only ones out there opposed to vaccine mandates. A new NBC poll found that, 50 percent of Americans oppose them with 41 percent strongly opposed among them are many New York City firefighters. In fact, more than 2,300 have called in sick over the past week ahead of the city's vaccine mandate going into effect today.

Joining me now is Andrew Ansbro, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association. Andrew, is the city going to work with a union, or are they in intent on ignoring you and allowing all of these firefighters basically to be forced off of the job?

ANDREW ANSBRO, UNIFORMED FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION: Well, by design, they don't want to work with us. When you tell someone they have nine days, nine days to make the decision for a vaccination or lose their job, they don't want to work with you. Teachers were given over a month. Corrections doesn't have to make the decision until December 1st. So once again, the mayor is showing people that care for criminals have more rights than people that care for the average New Yorker.

I would just like to go back to the notion of 2,300 firefighters have gone out sick for this. The department doesn't share the numbers with us, but the commissioner the department actually said today that he believes it's a sick out, and it's vaccine related. And the vast majority of the firefighters that are out sick or unvaccinated. You can't claim that the unvaccinated firefighters are causing a staffing shortage because this morning you were sending them home. So they wouldn't have been working either way.

Now, it is no secret New York City firefighters love their jobs. They continue to work hurt. And when those firefighters, we believe, are faced with the possibility of losing their jobs, they want to document those injuries before they went out the door.

He is also not taking into account those numbers are skewed by the fact that we have firefighters that are always sick and injured from firefighter related duties even before that. Before this vaccine mandate started, we had 16 firefighters out on medical leave. Firefighting related medical leave for every one firefighter out on COVID leave. One half of one percent of the fire department is out with COVID.

INGRAHAM: There is good some news out of Cook County in Chicago breaking late today. A Cook County judge granted the Fraternal Order for Police's petition for a stay of the COVID vaccine mandate there. Does that give you some hope if there is legal avenue here?

ANSBRO: There are people that claim that we're anti-vaccine. I was vaccinated the first day and I educated my members to the best of my ability as to the vaccine. But from the very beginning, there were a lot of my members that felt they didn't need it because they were already infected previously.

Now, what came out of Cook County today does bring us hope. We are counting on the lawsuits here. We're not anti-vaccine. We're anti-mandate. And we just want our day in court. Eight days, eight days -- I'm sorry, nine days to go from the announcement to compliance doesn't give you enough time to have your day in court. We just want our day in court. And we want to have the ability to be heard.

INGRAHAM: Andrew, this is going to backfire on de Blasio just like so many of his other policies, from defund the police to all the issues that have cropped up with law and order. It is all spectacularly backfiring. But the firefighters who have been through so much deserve a heck of a lot better than this. Thank you for advocating for them, Andrew. Good to see you tonight. Keep us up to date.

And dinosaurs crash into the U.N. climate conference, and Biden gets a cold reception in Glasgow, and in the air. Raymond Arroyo has the details. "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, I do think a larger-than-life speaker addressed the U.N. on climate change.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You could say that again, Laura. This video was actually produced by the U.N. Development Program. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Going extinct is a bad thing. You are headed for a climate disaster. Save your species before it's too late.


ARROYO: The U.N. should save its credibility before it's too late. But that wasn't the only dinosaur to address the U.N. on climate today in Glasgow, Laura. It was practically gymnastic -- fantastic -- Jurassic Park.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No nation can wall it's -- wall itself off from borderless threads. High energy prices only reinforce the urgent need to diver-seried -- diversify sources, and adapt promising new clean energy technology so we cannot only, you know, remain overly reliant on one source of power.

We all must share a cleaner, safer, healthiest planet. We have an obligation to help. And the United Nations, at the United Nations since September, the governments and the private sector and multilateral development banks must also do their work.


ARROYO: They would be better to restrict Biden to just photo-ops and released statements, Laura. I spoke to a member of one of the delegations in Glasgow today off the record. They told me the people in attendance were actually shocked by Biden's performance as well as his rambling syntax. For many of them it's the first time seeing him in the flesh, and it is not an edifying picture.

INGRAHAM: You know what I kept thinking? What does that poor translator do for the other members of the delegation? Wait a second, what? That has got to be a hard job. They need combat pay.

ARROYO: And it was much worse than just an inability to read the prompter, Laura. Biden was 20 minutes late for one appearance, which he explained this way.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Please sit down. I apologize for keeping you waiting. We were playing with elevators. Long story.


ARROYO: Did he push all the buttons like my kids used to do? Was he going from the penthouse to the lobby repeatedly? What is he talking about?

But it is this instability that during a news conference yesterday, the president's staff handed him a list of preapproved reporters to protect him. And these reporters are the only ones he was to call on, including pictures, by the way, so he could see them. Bear in mind, these are the same people he sees almost every day in the White House press corps.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm happy to take questions, and I'm told I should start with A.P. Zeke Miller. Zeke, do you have a question?



ARROYO: Then he said, I hear you have a question. Well, the question I have is, why do you feel that you can create a climate pact, a global climate pact without the major players coming to the table? And why do you need 85 cars and a caravan to ferry you from the hotel to the event? Isn't that creating the climate crisis that you claim you want to stop?

INGRAHAM: Didn't he essentially apologize for America, picking up where Obama left off, this time for Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord because Trump actually cared about U.S. energy independence and our economy and the ability of people to fill up their truck and make choices in their lifestyle and get gas or pay for something for the kid. That's what Trump cared about.

ARROYO: Greenhouse gases actually dropped nine percent under Trump, which is at 1983 level. So that is pretty amazing. But all of this explains, Laura, the popular backlash which started as a profane "F Joe Biden" chant and became "Let's Go Brandon." I hope that NBC commentator who created this with family-friendly rallying is now getting residual. But it's even taking flight on southwest airlines.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're heading east about seven or eight miles an hour, clear visibility, mostly clear skies, about 77 degrees. Thanks for coming out and flying Southwest Airlines, welcome home, and let's go Brandon.


ARROYO: I'm actually not a fan of using the workplace for this kind of thing. If somebody wants to chant it at a game or some other venue, fine. But a professional setting, I think it is the wrong forum. And apparently Southwest Airlines feels the same way. They're investigating.

INGRAHAM: We have to see everybody's ribbons on the lapels on all of their flight attendant. There are so many ribbons, it's like a blizzard of ribbons. Did you serve in the military? No, I'm just standing up what I believe in. Driven is what? I need a laminated sheet along with that antimicrobial wipe that they pass you when you board. I want to know what your ribbons are for.

Raymond, is it true you are about to hit the road for "The Spider Who Save Christmas" who is apparently saving Christmas again this year?

ARROYO: Yes, well, I didn't go on a book tour last year, and I'm doing it now. I'm going to Tampa. I'm in Mesa, Arizona. I'm going to the Villages, Dallas, New Orleans, Houston between now and Christmas. You can go to RaymondArroyo.com for all the details. And Laura, I think I will coerce you into dressing as the Spider who saved Christmas at one of these signings.

INGRAHAM: I'd love to. I'm happy to.

ARROYO: I think it would be a very interactive theatrical event.

INGRAHAM: I am afraid of spiders, but this would be my way of slowly get over my phobia, arachnophobia. But I would be delighted. And I will spin a web of glitter and fun wherever I go.

ARROYO: We're going to pick a day and do a reading.

INGRAHAM: Fun. I would love to. First of all, my kids love your book, so I can't wait. You'll have to surprise me. I will just show up wherever you want me to.

ARROYO: I'm not telling you which one. We're just going to give you the ticket. It will be like Publishers Clearing House. They'll knock on the door, give you a ticket, and off you go.

INGRAHAM: Fantastic, Raymond, thank you.


INGRAHAM: I can't wait to see you again in person Wednesday, November 17th, for the FOX Nation Patriot Awards. We're going to be at the Hard Rock Live Theater in Hollywood, Florida. Gold tier tickets are sold out, but there are plenty of silver and patriot tickets left. It's going to be an awesome time. I want to see you, so get your tickets now at FOXnation.com/PatriotsAwards. And I want to see all of you there, so there's no excuses.

Next up, we turn down the temperature after all the hot air at the U.N. climate summit, so stay there.



ANTONIO GUTERRES, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF UNITED NATIONS: Enough of burning and drilling and mining our way deeper. We are digging our own graves.

BORIS JOHNSON, U.K. PRIME MINISTER: It's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock, and we need to act now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The eyes and hopes of the world are upon you to act with all dispatch and decisively, because time has quite literally run out.

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We only have a brief window left before us to raise our ambitions and to raise to meet the task that's rapidly narrowing.


INGRAHAM: Maybe people would take those hypocrites more seriously if they actually acted as if there actually were a real crisis. While they call for you to eat less meat, fly less, they've turned the U.N. Summit in Glasgow into the world's largest private jet parade. According to "The Daily Mail," 400 private jets have converged on the summit, causing air traffic jams.

Meanwhile, China's president Xi didn't even bother to show up, neither did Vladimir put in. Likewise, neither did China nor India, they've not pledged to cut emissions at all. So what is the point to all of this? And what are dangers for American taxpayer lurking out there?

Here to discuss is Steve Milloy, former Trump EPA transition team member, founder of JunkScience.com. Steve, we wanted to have a debate tonight, shocker, but shocker, most enviro groups either didn't respond, said they couldn't make it work. Your reaction, so by yourself, no one to challenge you, except me, to the extravagant hypocrisy of the global elites on display obviously in Glasgow.

STEVE MILLOY, FORMER TRUMP EPA TRANSITION TEAM: Yes, so I guess they will respond to Media Matters. Look, we heard a lot of hysteria today, Boris Johnson saying it's one minute to midnight, like this is some sort of --


MILLOY: -- we're on the verge of nuclear holocaust, right. It is all crazy. The hypocrisy is just incredible. But what is really going on is what's going on in the United States with Joe Manchin. I think I'm going to build a statue of Joe Manchin when this is all over, because he is singlehandedly stopping the Biden climate agenda. And thank God for him, because Joe Biden was on the verge of federalizing our electricity grid and doing all the bad things that the federal government can do to our electricity grid, making prices go up, making electricity less reliable. They were going to throw out all the fossil fuels from the grid. Germany is trying that. It doesn't work. We are not learning from countries that are experimenting with this. We are just on this crazy path to where the government is going to control everything through climate. And thank God for Joe Manchin.

INGRAHAM: But Steve, they're still in the federal government, they're not giving out permits for drilling. Oil companies are not investing in new technologies for drilling. They are not putting the R and D money because they don't know if they are ever going to get their money out of it now. And gas prices are still ridiculously high, and we're going to have a ridiculously expensive winter in any cold weather climate. So it's not working out so well on that score.

MILLOY: No, it's not. We've stopped the legislation, but what is going to happen now is Joe Biden is going to turn to the regulatory state just like Obama --

INGRAHAM: Yes, where all the mischief is made.

MILLOY: Right. And EPA right now is planning on maybe not regulating CO2 because the Supreme Court is going to be looking at that they announced on Friday, but they are going to use air quality standards as a substitute for regulating fossil fuels. And that is going to be just as bad. They is some ongoing litigation, so we'll see how that turns out. But we are in a dangerous time, but at least the legislation has been stopped.

INGRAHAM: The Archbishop of Canterbury recently made a comment about politicians who are not climate alarmists.


JUSTIN WELBY, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY: They will be cursed if they don't get this right. People will speak of them in far stronger terms than we speak today of the politicians of the 30s, of the politicians who ignored what was happening in Nazi Germany.


INGRAHAM: So if you don't buy into the climate summit, you are a Nazi. So he is apologizing now for that disgusting remark. But what does that say, that they are going there?

MILLOY: They're desperate. Their rhetoric is at 11 now. Reality is destroying their dreams. They're trying to hustle us quickly into giving them the power. That's what this is all about. They're scaring us, guilt tripping us. They want the power now. They're promising emissions cuts 30, 40, 50 years from now, but they want the power now, and that's what it's all about.

INGRAHAM: Steve, great to see you tonight.

And up next, a profile in leadership on the gridiron. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Tonight, we profile a true leader, UVA quarterback Brennan Armstrong who passed for 337 yards and four touchdowns against BYU on Saturday, left the game early in the fourth quarter after throwing his second interception of the night, and ESPN sideline reporter quoted Armstrong apologizing to his teammate, saying "that's on me" referring to the interception. I should've taken a knee. I should have gone down. He broke three ribs, and that's why he probably should have left the game, but he wanted to carry his team as he has all season long. Brennan, we wish you a quick recovery.

Gutfeld is next.

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