
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," September 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Laura Ingraham. This is the INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Only one former President, George W. Bush spoke at a September 11 site. But instead of remembering the events of that tragic day and focusing on those, he used the occasion to smear millions of his fellow Americans, many of whom probably pulled the lever for him twice. My "Angle" will come a little later on tonight. But as you might imagine, my commentary on this one will be unflinching.

But first, you know that old saying when you're in a hole, stop digging? Well, Biden and his party don't seem to get it. They've jumped into a ditch. And then they spend their day shoveling out more dirt. Unfortunately, for us, the more they dig, the deeper the trouble for America.

Now let's start with our fragile state of our economy. All self inflicted.


DAVID CHALIAN, POLITICAL DIRECTOR, CNN: Concern on the economy is largely driven by inflation, fears of rising prices that Americans are facing.

VICTORIA FERNANDEZ, CHIEF MARKET STRATEGIST, CROSSMARK GLOBAL: I definitely think you're going to see some choppiness from now through the end of the year and into the first quarter of next year.

PHIL KERPEN, PRESIDENT, AMERICA COMMITMENT: They said it was transitory. That appears not to be the case now. But they can't fix this problem without abandoning their core policy agenda. So I think rising prices are going to be with us for the foreseeable future.


INGRAHAM: And just today, the Federal Reserve released new survey results showing that Americans expectations of future inflation hit a record high last month. It's the 10th consecutive month that inflation predictions have risen. And smart economists say, there's a good chance we're not going to like what we see when the Labor Department releases the later latest consumer price index numbers tomorrow. The picture will look pretty ugly, they say.

But back to the ditch, the Democrats answer to this precarious situation is to supercharge inflation, and dig us deeper into debt with a monstrous $3.5 trillion spending bill. Now, apparently, you'll pay for it eventually. Because we learned today, they're going to fund this with 3 trillion in taxes. So higher taxes on incomes, corporations, small business owners, capital gains, and that's on top of the huge increase in gas prices since Biden took office.

Now, last week, we urged Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia to do the right thing and resist with everything he has this fiscal catastrophe. And yesterday, he gave us some hope.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): He will not have my vote on 3.5. And Chuck knows that and we've talked about this. We've already put out $5.4 trillion and we tried to help Americans in every way we possibly can. And a lot of the help that we put out there is still there, and it's going to run clear until next year.


INGRAHAM: But Biden is closer to the socialists, and they're not listening.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): It's absolutely not acceptable to me. I don't think it's acceptable to the President, to the American people, or to the overwhelming majority of the people in the Democratic Caucus.

SEN. BEN CARDIN (D-MD): We've already compromised that $3.5 trillion. We don't want to compromise the promises that we've made to the American public.


INGRAHAM: Now, Democrats are doing to our economy what Biden's foreign policy team has done to our national security and our credibility. In other words, smash it into tiny bits. Secretary of State Blinken was forced to admit today in a big hearing on Capitol Hill, that we still after about a month of evacuations, we still haven't gotten every American out of Afghanistan.


ANTHONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: Going back to this weekend, we had about 100 American citizens in contact with us who seek to leave Afghanistan. Those are the Americans we're working with.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you have an exact number?

BLINKEN: I can't give you an exact number.


INGRAHAM: If that number seems kind of odd to or that statement seems odd, well, they've been giving us relatively similar takes now for weeks.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Now, we believe that about 100 to 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan.

RON KLAIN, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: We believe it's around 100. We're in touch with all of them, who we've identified on a regular basis.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It's around 100. The State Department will have the most up-to-date numbers.


INGRAHAM: Well, the truth is they just don't know. And I guess they just don't care, because instead of saving Americans, Biden trekked to California tonight to save Gavin Newsom's political future, less you doubt the priorities of his.

Now, our enemies view all of this, overall, the economy, our foreign policy is ineptitude as an opportunity. Over the weekend, China, Iran and North Korea all decided to flex their muscles. They're confident that America is diminished. And under Biden, we already see that sadly, they're probably right.

Biden standing has deteriorated so sharply and so quickly that Democrat pollster Doug Schoen offered a blunt warning. "Without drastic changes, Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022."

Well, since the Democrats, Biden, they're determined to stay dug in for socialism, I'll bet on their losing big in 2022.

Joining me now is former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Fox News contributor, author of the new book, "Beyond Biden" out on November 2. You can pre order your copy today. Newt, now, they have to see where this is all going with not only one poll coming out, but multiple polls now coming out, showing massive political blowback. So are they just hurrying to get as much socialist stuff done as they can before the midterms? Or is there some other strategy at play?

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: No, I think first of all, your analysis is really right. We did a survey and free market capitalism beat big government socialism by 59 to 16. That's an amazing number. It shows you how the socialists have frankly alienated themselves from most Americans.

I think what's going on is, they watched Bill Clinton, he lost the Congress in '94. They watched Obama, he lost the Congress of the House in 2010. And I think deep down, all of their leadership expects to lose next year. And so they want to ram everything they can through the system before they're defeated. And if that means they defeat 30, or 40 of their marginal Democrats in the house, and three or four or five in the Senate, that's the price they have decided is inevitable. And so, they're going to try to get this stuff through.

I think, however, the Ways and Means Chairman today, when he came out and talked about $3 trillion in tax increases, and was very candid and said, he's not going to share the details because everybody will mobilize in opposition when they see the taxes. Well, that isn't going to work. All across the country, you're going to have people calling their House and Senate members and saying, I do not want you to vote yes on raising my taxes. And I don't see how they get it through the Congress.

INGRAHAM: Well, it's like Obamacare, right? We have to pass it to see what's in it. And so, this is what always happens. So it's always this push at the 11th hour, we got to pass it. And it's 2000 pages long. No one's read it.

And yet Joe Biden is the guy, Newt, who campaigned on getting back to transparency in government. The regular order is any of this. Especially he's going to California to try to save Newsom, even if the polls are up on Newsom now. But is any of this regular order?

GINGRICH: No. And look, first of all, if you are a big government socialist, you despise the law, you despise the Constitution. AOC wearing a "Tax the Rich" dress to the Metropolitan gala, surrounded by the rich, this gives your census in your face willingness to change the rules.

I think what you've got is people who break the law at the border with millions of immigrants. Biden, hypocrite - I'm sorry, hypocritically says, if you're in private business, you got to get vaccinated. But if you're in the postal union, you don't have to.

INGRAHAM: Oh, it's so bad.

GINGRICH: If you're an illegal immigrant, you don't have to. I mean, think about it. You have people who routinely break the rules.

INGRAHAM: Well, they're always allowed to. Now, Newt, so I've mentioned Biden going to California for Newsom, ok. And he's using it as this opportunity to sell this horrific agenda. Watch.


BIDEN: The governor has led this state with poise and strong leadership. We have the bipartisan infrastructure bill that's been passed in is bipartisan. And I believe we'll get done this so-called reconciliation bill that has another several trillion dollars in it.


INGRAHAM: Newt, your reaction to that.

GINGRICH: Well, first of all, you've already had the left, say, if you don't pass my $3.5, the government socialist bill, I'm not going to allow you to pass the infrastructure bill. So in the House, they have this gridlock. Because if they can't pass the $3.5 trillion, they're not going to get the infrastructure. I don't think they can pass the $3.5 trillion in the Senate. I think Manchin has now really dug in. They're not going to pass it in the Senate.

And so does the left then blow up and refuse to pass the infrastructure bill. But what's deeper is, president of the United States who talks about, oh, several trillion dollars, this is going to be a 10,000 page bill with $3 trillion of tax increases, $3.5 trillion of spending. And it is virtually insane to do this in the face of inflation.

INGRAHAM: Newt, it's - the polls for Biden keep dropping, and they keep digging. Newt, thank you.

And while the Biden administration is blaming Trump voters for vaccine hesitancy, there's one person close to the president who has done his part since last year to sow doubt.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us I should take - that we should take it, I'm not taking it.


INGRAHAM: Her part, obviously. And she continues her nefarious anti-vax campaign to this day. Tweeting last night, that we need to take more action to protect the vaccinated. But if the vaccinated aren't even protected from COVID by getting vaccinated, well, many on the sidelines they're going to ask what the heck is the point? This is credibly confusing to most people.

Joining me now, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford; and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. OK, Dr. B, I a.m. continually stunned by this messaging from the White House. And now we'll get to the booster thing in a moment, but your reaction to Harris' tweet last night.

JAY BHATTACHARYA, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, STANFORD: It's absolutely shocking to me to hear essentially an anti-vax message come out of the mouth of the Vice President. The vaccines for the audience are incredibly effective at protecting people against severe disease.

If you're vaccinated, you don't need to be protected against your disease. The vaccines already do that. The message that we have to protect the vaccinated is essentially a message that is going to undermine confidence in the vaccine unnecessarily and is a dangerous message, I think. And that the vice president should retract.

INGRAHAM: And gentlemen, I want to get to another bombshell new study revealed in the Atlantic today that "Roughly half of all hospitalized patients showing up on COVID data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of the disease."

Dr. Risch, does this or does this not indicate that the data itself may have been incredibly misleading as reported?

HARVEY RISCH, PROFESSOR, YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Well, it's true. It's the same finding that we found earlier this year for children and the reason why children are hospitalized with COVID, or for COVID. So now we have the same finding in adults and about the same magnitude.

But the good thing about this is, it means we're doing a lot better than we thought. That the deaths are really down with the Delta wave compared to the original strains from early this year, in the winter, and so on. And that means that a very large fraction of the American public are already immune between natural post infection immunity and vaccine immunity. American public is very highly immune already.

INGRAHAM: And we know, Dr. Bhattacharya, that some - it looks like beginning to see some healthcare companies who are mandating a vaccine are accepting a natural immunity as an alternative in the form of an antibody test within the last three months, I guess. Does that give you any hope that Fauci and company will ever recognize kind of immunology 101 about prior infection, and the protection you get?

BHATTACHARYA: It's amazing actually. Yes. Laura, it's been an amazing denial of the basic fact that after you get COVID and recover, you are protected against severe disease, and actually probably better protected than the vaccine itself, if you hadn't been previously infected. So in that denial of science, that basic scientific fact, actually I think fuels vaccine hazards. If you can't trust the scientific community and the public health community to acknowledge a basic fact like that, well, why would you trust them on other aspects?

I think it's really heartening, as you say, Laura, to see that some entities, healthcare entities are finally recognizing. I wish that that it would spread to the entire public health community that would acknowledge that. And if they're going to do vaccine mandates certainly to make that as a proviso where it's just either vaccine or immunity would suffice.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And, Dr. Risch, on this issue of the boosters, I know, a couple of the top vaccine experts, (inaudible) FDA had resigned. And are now saying that rushing to the booster before the people who are vulnerable are vaccinated is not smart. There seems to be a growing divide on this issue of the booster and whether people truly need the booster or should be rushing out to get the booster who otherwise are not vulnerable. Your thoughts on that?

RISCH: Well, the original plan that we should have had is to protect the vulnerable, whether by vaccines, whether by medications. All of the methods that we have available should have been aimed primarily at protecting vulnerable people, high risk people, elderly people, people with obesity, diabetes, comorbidities, chronic conditions.

So now we have people, who for whatever their personal reasons, have escaped from the narrative, and are seeing that the people who need to be protected are the high risk people. And so they're finally coming on side what they should have seen a year ago.

INGRAHAM: And, Dr. Bhattacharya, before we let you go, this - now a new concern that the government may require vaccines for Interstate travel in the United States on airplanes and trains. Do you believe that will increase vaccine hesitancy, or get everyone who is not vaccinated to get out and get vaccinated?

BHATTACHARYA: Well, I mean, I think, the thing is it may increase vaccine uptake. I mean, people want to be able to travel across states, but they'll feel coerced into doing so. And so what I'm afraid of is that it will increase the distrust that people have in public health. Why are they - they will feel forced. And they'll say, well, why are they - if they are so good, why am I being forced to do it? I think it'll undermine public health in the long run.

At the end, while you may get a short run bump, because people have to travel across state, it will, in the long run, be worse for public health. It's just not worth it.

INGRAHAM: Doctors, thank you so much. Good to see you both tonight.

In a particularly ugly and disappointing address in parts, former President Bush chose to commemorate 9/11 not by simply unifying the country, but in the process smearing millions of his fellow Americans. In moments my "Angle", takes on his words and explains how this should help crystallize the views of the current GOP. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: We won't be fooled again. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".

Now, there was a lot of speculation swirling among media types and political junkies about why Joe Biden didn't deliver a live address at one of the 9/11 memorial sites on Saturday's anniversary? Conservatives snicker that it was because Biden's handlers worry that he'd embarrass himself and liberals blamed it on the possibility that Biden actually might be booed, while speaking. He didn't want to have that.

But I have another theory that's just as plausible. Why would Biden need to speak at all, when George W. Bush would do it for him?


GEORGE W. BUSH, 43RD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within. There's a little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But then there's disdainful pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols. They are children of the same foul spirit and it is our continuing duty to confront them.


INGRAHAM: Of course, Bush isn't talking about confronting the foul spirit of Antifa or BLM. Remember, their rampages and riots caused death and destruction coast-to-coast. Do you remember President Bush speaking out about any of that? When they scream that America is inherently racist, did he ever raise an objection and say, No, it's not? When they tried to burn down St. John's Church across on the White House, did President Bush decry the defiling of that national symbol? No and No.

Whoever wrote those remarks for Bush this weekend, and of course, they were written for him, also, in effect, wrote them for Biden and former Presidents Obama and Clinton as well. On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, how cynically clever of the Democrats when Biden's on the ropes to have a former Republican president slash at Trump and his supporters? Of course, the elites who despise Bush for the eight years he was in office lacked it all up.


DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: This will now be built into his legacy. It is standing up and saying things like that about truth and about what is real and what is right and what is factual.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: Children of the same foul spirit is a striking line from George W. Bush. This is the biggest platform George W. Bush will have for the year, maybe for several years.

KASIE HUNT, CNN HOST: It's clear he felt like he needed to send a moral message. And also, I think lifted people up in an emotional way also.


INGRAHAM: Well, Bush and Obama have coordinated before and hitting Trump. One day in October 2017, both men in separate speeches hit Trump without mentioning him by name, of course. And when Benghazi went down and four Americans died, remember, Bush did not speak out. When Obamacare was rammed through without a single Republican vote, Bush did not speak out. When Biden created a humanitarian national security and economic nightmare at our southern border, of course, Bush did not speak out.

But when Donald Trump began to slowly but surely call out and dismantle Bush's globalist legacy, Bush couldn't stop himself. Then it became personal.


BUSH: bigotry seems embolden. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories, and outright fabrication. We've seen nationalism distorted into nativism. We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade. We've seen the return of isolationist sentiments. In all these ways, we need to recall and recover our own identity.


INGRAHAM: How exactly would that be any different from what any prominent Democrat would have said then about Trump? For Bush, it was only worth speaking out to defend his own legacy, never to stand up for true conservatism. Amidst the avalanche of praise for his Saturday remarks, let's not forget that after seven years of war, the loss of nearly 5 million manufacturing jobs overseas, a little more than that actually, and the 2008 financial crisis, Bush's approval rating was in the high 20s at the end of his last full year in office.

Republicans under Bush lost the House, they lost the Senate. And John McCain, who doubled down on Bush's record, got shellacked by Barack Obama in 2008. Turns out GOP voters had had enough. The country had had enough.

And now after they lost their grip on the GOP for good, the old Bush establishment, well, they're older, but not wiser. Bush's remarks set the stage to boost Biden and the Democrats. They're flailing with their agenda now and poised for a wipeout in 2022. But Bush came in to try to do a temporary save. And all the media can do, all the Democrats can do is attack Republicans as racist, white supremacists and insurrectionists.

The entire thing is pathetic. And most of all, it's revealing. It shows that they know that their agenda is delivering despair, and will not improve the lives of average Americans.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What this fence, it's not just sad, it's dangerous that we are in a situation where we need the fence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was an incredibly damaging attack on our capital, but, B, the seeds of that still continue.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the effectiveness of terrorism that you got to always be prepared because you don't know when the First Amendment event with this group now could turn to a terrorist attack.


INGRAHAM: Of course, they're talking about this rally next Saturday that no one I know has ever heard of. Their view and Bush's view is that since the Republican party is no longer follows the Bushes and the Cheeneys, it should essentially be labeled as a terror organization.

Now, this idea is being openly discussed among the left. Let's not kid ourselves. The Bush has helped raise $150 million for Jeb's 2016 run. And in the end, Jeb dropped out before getting to his own home state primary, and they still don't get it. They're not mad at the people who called him a war criminal, or Hitler, who ridiculed him every week on SNL.

The Bushes are mad at the Republicans who rejected their policies. They all claim that Trump was the devil incarnate for demanding loyalty of the people who work for him. But the truth is the Bushes were the ones who demanded personal loyalty, regardless of how their policies affected the country.

Now, this is all hard for me to say actually tonight, because I always liked the Bushes personally. But when I questioned and ultimately helped torpedo, Bush's nomination of the supremely unqualified Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, the Bush White House made it clear, they wouldn't ever deal with me again.

You see, you can never go against the family. So the old Bush guard has declared an unwinnable war again. And this time, it's against the 74 million plus Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020, and who didn't vote for Jeb in 2016. I'm sure they hope that the leftist historians will treat them more kindly in the future than they have in the past. Maybe they will, but I doubt it.

So while Bush was trying to appeal to that very media that has demonized him for years, here's what Trump is doing.



DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I'm doing OK. That's a lot of medals. I don't have that many medals.

I grew up with you. And you are New York's finest. You're incredible people.

I love you.


INGRAHAM: That's kind of what happened to the GOP, it found its real bass again. The fact is most conservatives long ago shook off the alure of the Bushs. We found new leaders, including exciting young governors who will fight for us instead of against us. And we won't be fooled again.

And that's the ANGLE.

Joining us now is Byron York, "Washington Examiner's" chief political correspondent, a FOX News contributor, and author of "Obsession." Byron, you wrote about the speech pretty much as soon as it was over. Why did you feel so strongly about what you had heard?

BYRON YORK, CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, "THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER": For some of the very reasons that you just said. This was the speech that Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, if they had given speeches on September 11th, this is part of the speech they would have given. And the other thing is parts of Bush's speech were just jaw-dropping. He decried the divisiveness in our politics today, and yet he was entirely, completely unself-aware of the role that his own actions had played in creating those very divisions.

The war in Iraq was certainly the most divisive event in American history in the last 20 years until the election of Donald Trump, of course, which had something to do with the war in Iraq. And then the most incredible thing, the reason I wrote about it, was that Bush signed on to this idea you hear from the left, mostly from the left, on MSNBC and other places that September 11th and the January 6th Capitol riot were essentially the same. The Capitol riot was just as bad as September 11th.

It's a crazy idea, but it has really taken hold in some areas of the left, in part to view the rioters as enemy combatants or insurrectionists. And here, they got their most prominent endorsement from a former Republican president.

INGRAHAM: Here's another snippet, Bryon, from Bush's speech.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: When it comes to the unity of America, those days seem distant from our own. Malign force seems at work in our common life. It turns every disagreement into an argument, and every argument into a clash of cultures. So much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger, fear, and resentment.


INGRAHAM: Byron, he's so disgusted by the policies of anger that it seems to me with that speech he is just deriding and defaming Trump voters for going a different way.

YORK: There is no doubt about it. And by the way, if anyone remembers the Bush presidency, the left was really, really mad. You mentioned earlier about how he was referred to as Hitler often. And indeed, he was, it happened all the time back then. But here again, he comes out himself and endorses perhaps the most toxic view of what happened on January 6th. And just to be clear, the September 11th attacks killed roughly 3,000 people, brought downs New York's tallest skyscrapers, destroyed a large part of the Pentagon, brought down four commercial airlines, started two wars, and changed American foreign policy for decades. There is simply no comparison at all to what happened on January 6th, which was an appalling act of civil disorder, but it resulted in one natural causes death of a single policeman, the death of a rioter who was shot by police, and three other natural causes death. They simply are not comparable in any way.

INGRAHAM: Byron, Bush is saying that Trump voters are more scary and dangerous than the Taliban. That's basically what he's saying, with some semantic flourish in there. But your column was so important, I urge everyone to read Byron's columns. I tweeted it out, or retweeted it. I'll do it again tonight. Byron, thank you.

And coming up, Biden's bizarre rant on 9/11, plus, how the administration is changing the rules but not to help Americans. Raymond Arroyo has it all. "Seen and Unseen" is next.


INGRAHAM: "It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, Biden offered no speech on 9/11, as I said in the ANGLE, but he did speak out.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: He did, Laura. The president went to Shanksville to honor those who lost their lives on September 11, but he was clearly confused. He took photos with a group of children, who are apparently all Trump supporters. Did he not see the kid with the Trump "I'll be back" t-shirt, or the two MAGA hats on the little girls right next to him? Surely, he could smell a deplorable family when he encountered one, Laura.

But after not offering any remarks on 9/11, Biden launched into a bizarre political rant to the media. Listen.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The idea that, you know, what do you want to do with Biden? I want to box him. He should be so lucky. You know what I mean. But the kinds of things, stuff that's coming out of Florida, stuff that's coming out of, you know, if Robert E. Lee had been in Afghanistan, we'd have won.


ARROYO: Poor Biden's mind, Laura, it's now a jumble of grievances and charges made against him, political enemies, including dead war generals. But I recall being at Normandy beach a few years ago when Trump caught hell for complaining to a certain FOX News host, Laura Ingraham, about Nancy Pelosi. The media said Trump had politicized a day of remembers. Well, what is this if not politicizing a day of remembrance?

INGRAHAM: Raymond, I'm still trying to figure out what he was saying about Robert E. Lee. What?

ARROYO: I could not follow any of it.

INGRAHAM: I found the entire thing -- but again, when he had Bush to speak, why would Biden have spoken live, given a live address.

ARROYO: Good point.

INGRAHAM: Bush strafed the Trump people for him. He didn't have to.

ARROYO: Right. And Biden went on and on about Afghanistan, again, no real sense of empathy for the people gathered there who lost family.

But today on the Hill, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he found his inner empathy, making the pitch to fund the nearly 100,000 Afghans the Biden administration is bring to the U.S. Listen.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We'll be looking for support from all of you on this, and particularly a few things. For Afghans who are paroled into the United States, to receive the same benefits that refugees do so that they have some ongoing support, the ability to work in the United States, HHS benefits that they wouldn't otherwise get. We'd also like them to be able to apply for a green card after one year.


INGRAHAM: Why not? What else? Anything else? And they get free Ubers for life. I don't know what else? How much is this going to cost us, Ray?

ARROYO: Laura, it's unbelievable. They're talking Medicaid, food stamps, job training. The Biden administration is asking Congress for $6.4 billion to resettle these Afghans, $1.7 billion alone would go to HHS aid. That is welfare, Laura. After what I saw in Los Angeles a few weeks ago, homeless veterans dying in tents, getting struck by cars in Brentwood, shouldn't these citizens, our veterans, be our first priority if we're going to spend billions?

INGRAHAM: No, because they actually prefer noncitizens to citizens for a variety of reasons. So no, those veterans can be left in the street to die, by we need, is this what they're calling them, HHS benefits? Isn't that just Welfare? HHS benefits for 100,000 parolees into the country.

Blinken and Biden may want to talk to some of the men you spoke with, I think.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you should take care of your own first before you open the doors and the gates to everyone else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Americans got the heart and they got the money. They can do that. But take care of us first, because you never know. We must just have to defend the coast tomorrow.


ARROYO: Laura, they want to bend the rules for these Afghan refugees. Bend the rules for our veterans so they can get into the facility that is theirs. This is outrageous that there are homeless veterans at all, and there may be up to 60,000 of them on our streets tonight.

INGRAHAM: Finally, Ray, I want to get your reaction to another crime against the American people. Last night the MTV Video Music Awards, are we really doing this? The Material Girl showed up.

ARROYO: She's gone from lucky star to yucky star, Laura. She's exposing her derriere. What has she done to herself? Is she opening an S and M club, or is she the new OSHA commissar for vaccine compliance in L.A. County? I can't figure it out. For some context, Madonna is 63 years old. That's how old Bea Arthur was when "Golden Girls" premiered in 1985, OK. I can't imagine Ella Fitzgerald showing up with missing the back of her outfit. But just saying.

INGRAHAM: Well, they all looked like they were enjoying it, Raymond, over there, but I didn't see one bit of it. I prefer from Madge from the Palmolive commercial to that Madge. I'm really dating myself now.


INGRAHAM: That's so bad.

ARROYO: But look, this woman has seen more shots than Walgreens. She's really coming out all over. It was something to see.

INGRAHAM: Somewhere, the Village People are missing one of its members, Raymond.


INGRAHAM: All right, a college student was caught on camera throwing nearly 3,000 U.S. flags in a garbage bag on September 11th. The student who confronted him is here next. He's going to tell us what happened. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Last week, Washington University College Republicans played 2,977 American flags on campus, one for each of the lives lost on 9/11. And on Saturday, the 20th anniversary of the attacks, a student was caught on camera after he was seen throwing them into garbage bags.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's up? Who are you? OK.


INGRAHAM: Nice man-bun. Joining me now is Nathaniel Hope who confronted the student in the video. He's also a member of the Washington University College Republicans. Nathaniel, this is essentially destruction of property. It's probably a violation of state code to throw away the flag like that anyway, but I assume it's against the student code of conduct. So is he facing any disciplinary action?

NATHANIEL HOPE, FILMED STUDENT REMOVING FLAGS: At the moment, the school is investigating. But I agree, his action was inappropriate, and these flags were those who died in the 9/11 attacks.

INGRAHAM: Were you allowed to place them on campus? Was there any rule that you couldn't place them in the ground, or had you sought permission? They certainly look beautiful there.

HOPE: College Republicans have had permission to plant those flags since 2013. He had no right to remove them.

INGRAHAM: In a statement of the school's newspaper, the student that you got on tape is named Fadel Alkilani. He said he gathered up the flags and put them in the garbage bags to protest the human cost of 9/11 in the past 20 years, and said he did not deface, destroy, damage, nor steal any of the flags. Did you get your flags back?

HOPE: Yes, we did. But he said he is protesting. When we were out there after I stopped the recording, he said that the flags were placed in violation of school policy, which isn't the case. And now that it's been in the media, of course, he said he's been protesting and everything, I am 100 percent against Islamophobia, which is he is claiming to be against, protesting against. And I just believe there's a place for protesting. On all the days that there could've been a protest, to remove flags placed for people who died on that day --

INGRAHAM: There isn't even an argument, Nathaniel. His protest can't be to take away your right to make a patriotic statement.

HOPE: That's right.

INGRAHAM: So you guys are playing polite rules, and I know you have to on campus, but this is just crap.

HOPE: It's --

INGRAHAM: Multiple 9/11 memorial sites, by the way, have been vandalized just in this past week. In South Carolina, one was spray painted, Nathaniel, with the word "Taliban" on it, and a Boston memorial flag garden was vandalized. So I'm trying to imagine if a different flag was taken down and thrown in a garbage bag, whether it's the pride flag or a BLM flag, or any flag that was popular on campus, and it was done by a member of the Republican club on campus, do you think the campus officials would take a long time to investigate that one, Nathaniel? I don't.

HOPE: I don't think they would either. I think that would be an awful situation. But I want to focus on the positives in this story. After the police were called, they came and confiscated the flags. And the Washington University College Republicans planted every single one of the flags we received. Not only that, but the school released a statement, or more specifically Chancellor Andrew Martin, condemning the, really, I would say vandalism of the flag --

INGRAHAM: We've got to roll. I like your take on the half-full idea, good for you. But he should be brought up on charges. Nathaniel, thank you.

Up next, the Last Bite.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my God, "tax the rich." What a model, AOC. I didn't know you model as well.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, (D-NY): We can't just play along, but we need to break the fourth wall and challenge some of the institutions. And while the Met is known for its spectacle, we should have a conversation about it.


INGRAHAM: Socialism today means wearing a "tax the rich" dress to a celeb filled party charging $30,000 a ticket.

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