
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," January 16, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Right now, our investigation continues on the ground here in Florida in the Caylee Anthony murder case. Caylee's duct-taped skull was found by a meter reader on December 11th in a wooded area not far from here and only blocks from her grandparents' home, where the toddler lived with her mother, Casey. Now, the meter reader called in tips to police about this very spot on August 11, 12, and 13.

And moments ago, we went to the crime scene.


VAN SUSTEREN: Just to orient where we are, we are about probably three blocks from the home where Casey Anthony lived with her daughter, Caylee, and with her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, down about two blocks this way and maybe a block or two, turn left, and go down the street.

Here is where the remains were found in December. Now, if you look around this area, it's pretty well beaten down. There've been all sorts of reports that there had been water here at some time. That's why maybe the remains had not been seen. What I don't fully understand is that it's very beaten down here. The remains were found someplace over here. And if you -- if you pulled up in a car with the remains, you would expect that you might see the bag. It's a trashy area. But what I've been told is that -- that a lot -- the reason why this is sort of beaten down and bare is because there's so many searchers.

And it's being (ph) more likely that this type of growth up here, which is quite dense -- you can see how dense it is. You can see why someone might not be able to find something -- that pulled up closed to the street, so that if -- if the remains were within something so dense like this, it would be much more difficult to find. But you can see it's almost a virtual jungle back here, lots of junk and everything, but -- but this beaten area which -- where the remains were found is sort of bare, but that's because there's an awful lot of searching done and the police have been here, combing the area, the sheriff's department, looking for any possible clues.

You can park your car on the street, if you wanted, take something out of the car and bring it in this short distance, deposit it, and leave. You could also very easily walk it down, but depending on how heavy Caylee was -- if, indeed, that this originated from the home of the Anthonys -- and of course, everybody's immensely suspicious that it was Casey Anthony who murdered her daughter because it's in close proximity to their home and because she told so many stories.

However, she is, of course, presumed innocent, and she'll have her trial and facts will be uncovered. But looking around this area, you can just see how dense it is and how much stuff and junk. But it certainly is notable. And in addition to being very dense and full of trash is in very close proximity to the home of George and Cindy, where Casey lived with her daughter, Caylee.

So we're going to walk back to the street, and you can see that this memorial has been set up right here by people in the community, lots of stuffed animals all over here, left here in honor of -- a lot of things left here in honor of Caylee Anthony, everything from baskets with little bunnies in it and all sorts of stuffed animals. I've never seen such a collection of animals and toys and signs and pictures and vehicles to ride and notes and balloons and signs and posters.

And of course, there will be a trial, and at that time, we'll find out more about what the prosecution says is their case.


VAN SUSTEREN: August 14, 2008, Casey Anthony gets two jailhouse visitors, her mother, Cindy, and her father, George. On that day in August, Casey had not yet been charged with murder, and she was angry that her parents couldn't find a way to post her bond and get her out.


CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE'S MOTHER: Mom, I know what I'm honestly up against. You guys understand what I'm honestly up against. And with keeping me here, you're not helping me help myself.


CASEY ANTHONY: I'm sorry to say that.

CINDY ANTHONY: We don't have the means to get you out anyway, sweetheart. We don't.

CASEY ANTHONY: I understand that, but the opportunity was there and it wasn't taken advantage of and...

CINDY ANTHONY: We didn't have an opportunity. I don't know where you're hearing that.

CASEY ANTHONY: Just give Dad the phone, please. I'm sorry. I don't want to get frustrated. Just give Dad the phone.


CASEY ANTHONY: This is seriously the first time that I've been angry, that I've been this frustrated to where I -- I can't even think straight at this moment. Throughout this entire thing, I was pissed off that day at the police station, I was mad when all of that happened, but I tried to look at things objectively. And this entire time, I haven't sat in my room for the entire month and been mad, not once, not one time. But right now, this is the most agitated and frustrated that I've been...

GEORGE ANTHONY: You're the one that can control everything. You're the one that can (INAUDIBLE)

CASEY ANTHONY: No, I -- Dad -- please!



CASEY ANTHONY: I am completely...

GEORGE ANTHONY: I'm not trying to get you upset. I'm trying to (INAUDIBLE)

CASEY ANTHONY: No, but -- I am upset now. I'm completely upset. One, the media is going to have a frickin' field day with this.

GEORGE ANTHONY: No, they're not.

CASEY ANTHONY: I wasn't even...


CASEY ANTHONY: I wasn't even supposed to take this.


CASEY ANTHONY: Let me speak for a second! Dad, I let everybody talk.


CASEY ANTHONY: They're not releasing it? Well, I hope not. I'll keep saying whatever I have to about the police, so...

GEORGE ANTHONY: Here's Mom. Hold on one second.

CASEY ANTHONY: ... They don't want it out. Can someone let me -- come on!

CINDY ANTHONY: Casey, hold on, sweetheart. Settle down, baby.

CASEY ANTHONY: Nobody's letting me speak. You want me to talk, then...

CINDY ANTHONY: All right, I'll listen to you.

CASEY ANTHONY: ... Give me three seconds to say something!

CINDY ANTHONY: Go, sweetheart.

CASEY ANTHONY: I'm not in control over any of this because I don't know what the hell's going on. I don't know what's going on. My entire life has been taken from me! Everything has been taken from me!


VAN SUSTEREN: That was Casey Anthony in her own words during a jailhouse visit with her parents.

Right now, we are joined by Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez. Nice to see you, Jose.


VAN SUSTEREN: Jose, what a challenge for lawyers if every conversation your client has and every social visit is recorded.

BAEZ: Not only is it recorded, it's analyzed and micro-analyzed and played and played again. And comments are made to make a story and things are taken out of context, and you really don't get a grasp of who Casey is through these tapes at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, you know, I got sort of -- I mean, I've been on both sides of this. I mean, the media -- and of course, we love to get these so that we could get more information about the case. On the other hand, I can only imagine trying to sort of battle this. But this is the Florida law.

BAEZ: That it is. You know, you have to -- we have a system, and we have to work within the system. And that goes both ways. And that's certainly one of the things we have to deal with .

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, now, you said moments ago that we don't get any sense of who Caylee (SIC) by these videos. What do you mean by that?

BAEZ: Casey.

VAN SUSTEREN: Casey, I mean.

BAEZ: Casey is just certainly not the person that she's being painted out to be. I've had ample opportunity over the last seven months to get to know her, and she is certainly nothing like what's being portrayed.

VAN SUSTEREN: I assume, based on the fact that everything is recorded except for legal visits, your visits aren't recorded, are they?

BAEZ: I certainly hope not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I hope not, too. All right. But I assume that that means that it's smart just to cut off all visits.

BAEZ: Well, you know, her family is very concerned about her and she misses her family dearly, but because of this, because of the micro- analysis that's going on, I've had to advise her that, Look, this is not something that is in your best interests. And fortunately, she trusts me and trust that we're doing the right thing for her and is following our advice.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, we're in the pre-trial stage, and you've filed motions. What's pending now for the court to sort of resolve that's sort of important to this case for you?

BAEZ: Well, what we're mostly concerned with, and my number one priority right now, is to try and get all of the forensic reports back while we have Caylee with us. I currently have that grand responsibility. And we want the toxicology results. We want all of the medical examiner's information, so that way, our independent experts can do their tests. And that way, we can then turn over Caylee's remains to her family for a proper burial.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why don't you have that? I mean, if the -- has the prosecution completed its autopsy and completed its forensic tests?

BAEZ: They have. I'm not...

VAN SUSTEREN: And so -- so what's -- what's the problem? I mean, I - - I mean, that should be, like, they roll the cart over to your office, say, Here it is.

BAEZ: Well, I trust that they're doing everything they can to get things to us in a proper and efficient amount of time. But certainly, this is something we want to do now and we want to get these results, so that way, we can do what we have to do so that Caylee can be buried.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I guess I go back to that. I don't mean to pound you. I guess I should have the prosecution here for that. But I mean, if you've got these -- if they've got the tests done and you need the information so you can conduct your autopsy, which the rules provide for, I assume -- is that -- and so then that this child can be buried, it seems like it's a pretty easy thing, just get the records over to the defense.

BAEZ: Correct, and that's something we've been fighting for since the very beginning. If you recall, once we believed that this was tentatively ID'd as Caylee, we wanted to go in there right away, but we were denied that fact. So we have tried to play -- to stay on their tails to get these things done quickly so that this girl can have her proper burial. And that's what we're -- we have a job to do, a duty, but at the same time, we're conscientious of all -- of everything else that's going around. And it's no small task. I can tell you that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jose, if you'll just stand by for a moment, we're going to have much more with you after the break.

Now, if you watched "On the Record" last night, you saw President Bush say goodbye to the nation in a farewell address from the White House. But it appears that one person missed the speech, President-elect Barack Obama. Our next president and his wife left their temporary residence in Washington, D.C., at about 8:00 PM to go to dinner a few blocks away just as President Bush was giving his address.

Here's tonight's live vote. Go to Gretawire.com and answer this simple question. What do you think about President-elect Obama going to a Washington, D.C., restaurant and having dinner instead of watching President Bush's farewell address to the nation? Here are your two choices. First one, It's no big deal. Or second, It's rude and disrespectful. We're going to read your results at the end of the hour.

And coming up, the lawyer for Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, he goes "On the Record." Plus, earlier today, we spotted investigators going into Cindy and George's house. The question is why. We'll ask.


VAN SUSTEREN: We are live at the Orange County courthouse in Orlando, Florida. And Casey Anthony is accused of murdering her toddler, Caylee, and she stood before a judge in a courtroom identical to this one.

Jose Baez, her lawyer, is still with us. Or almost identical? I mean...

BAEZ: Practically the same. They're cookie cutter courtrooms. So yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. All right, now, in the event this case is tried in this courthouse, it'd be much like this room. But this case has gotten so much publicity locally, as well as nationally. Do you expect to ask that it be moved to another jurisdiction within the state?

BAEZ: Oh, absolutely. We've already completed our motion for change of venue. We're set to hear the -- have a hearing shortly. Exactly when, though, of course, would depend on the calendar of the judge.

VAN SUSTEREN: And of course, the reason is that because you're looking for a jury pool that can be fair to -- well, we always say fair to both sides, but both sides really want one sort of skewed in his or her favor, whether it's the prosecution or the defense, right? Fair enough?

BAEZ: Well, we want a fair and impartial jury. That's all we can hope for. And we're -- due to the local coverage here, that's really been overwhelming, we feel that it would be in the best interests of justice to have it moved somewhere where the local coverage just isn't as heavy as it is here.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does your client watch all the local coverage? Can she see that in the jail?

BAEZ: Not a whole lot of it. She only gets one hour a week of television time, so it's very little and I doubt she's going to spend that hour watching the news.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does she have any clue -- I mean -- I mean, I realize that because -- she's semi-isolated, she's in protective custody. But does she have any idea of the level of national attention on this case?

BAEZ: Yes, she does. I mean, you can recall, she was also out for about a month-and-a-half, so she got a good glimpse of it during that period. And I keep her abreast of everything that's going on on the outside, to a certain extent. A lot of the foolishness that goes on in the media, I spare her. And in fact, I try to spare myself of that sometimes. But a majority of it, I do keep her informed of what the latest developments are, what's being said that's relevant and what's being said that's not necessarily so.

VAN SUSTEREN: In the prison system, the lowest of low is a child killer. Now, she, of course -- she's not been convicted of anything. She's accused of that. But I am curious, is she being taunted by others within the jail? Because she certainly -- she's been accused of the crime that in the jail system or the prison system is the lowest of low.

BAEZ: Well, she's been convicted in the public eye...

VAN SUSTEREN: But how about in the jail? Are people taunting her, other inmates, anything like that giving her a hard time?

BAEZ: She's held in an area of protective custody, where other inmates are also in protective custody, so -- and she's pretty much in isolation. She doesn't get a lot of that, and fortunately, Orange County sheriff's office, the jail department has been very professional in dealing with her, and we're grateful for that.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So you've got motions filed. You're waiting to get information from the prosecution so the defense can conduct an autopsy itself, and then Caylee will be laid to rest. The family can do the funeral, the grandparents. Then you get to depose the witness list from the prosecution. They can depose your witness list, which is, I think, probably unique to Florida in a criminal case. When do you set a trial date?

BAEZ: Well, we have status conferences throughout the discovery process. And at those conferences, both sides have to keep the judge informed as to how we're moving along. And it's basically up to the discretion of the judge absent a demand for a speedy trial being filed. But in the state of Florida, when you demand a speedy trial, as the defense could do, you are advising simultaneously to the court that you're done with discovery. So obviously, we can't do that until we're absolutely finished with discovery.

VAN SUSTEREN: Only got 10 seconds left, so tell me, when is this hearing -- when is the hearing or the decision likely made on change of venue of this trial, where this trial's likely to be?

BAEZ: I would say within the next month.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Thank you, Jose.

BAEZ: Thank you, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Up next, the lawyer for little Caylee's grandparents goes "On the Record." Earlier today, we saw Caylee's grandmother, and it was obvious something was wrong. We asked if she was OK and she just shook her head and said no. Why? You're going to hear.

And later, "On the Record" has a new jailhouse tape of Casey Anthony. She's livid at someone. You don't normally see this much emotion from the jailed mother.


VAN SUSTEREN: Little Caylee's remains were found about four blocks from the home of the toddler's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony. Now, Casey was livid (SIC) at the -- at the -- at the house when Caylee -- was living at the house when little Caylee was a toddler and vanishing this past summer. Moments ago, the Anthonys' lawyer, Brad Conway, went "On the Record."


VAN SUSTEREN: Orient us. Where are we right now?

BRAD CONWAY, ATTORNEY FOR GEORGE AND CINDY ANTHONY: We're in front of George and Cindy Anthony's home on Hopespring Drive.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you represent George and Cindy.


VAN SUSTEREN: You don't represent Casey?

CONWAY: No, I do not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Or anybody else in this case.

CONWAY: No, I do not, just George and Cindy Anthony.

VAN SUSTEREN: When I pulled up a little while ago, I saw Cindy outside. And I've been in the home a couple times. And it just sort of -- I did a sort of a cordial, Hey, Cindy, you know, how're you doing, you OK? And she looked over and she shook her head no at me and (INAUDIBLE) Something was obviously going on. There was -- I could tell some event had happened. What's going on?

CONWAY: You know, we talked about this earlier. There are a lot of people that have shown support for the Anthonys, but there are a small percentage of people that are hateful and mean, and they don't hesitate to express that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What we heard when we come up is that the police had been there, though. What was that all about?

CONWAY: You know, Greta, I don't want go into that right now. That's something I want the police to handle today.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK. Was it related to the investigation or was it sort of a collateral issue? Was it related to...

CONWAY: It was not related to the investigation, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK. Not related to the murder investigation.

CONWAY: Correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: This is quite a display.


VAN SUSTEREN: I take it you've been here before? You've seen this?


VAN SUSTEREN: How long has this been up?

CONWAY: This has been up starting when they found the remains, and the week after that, they identified her as Caylee. And originally, it was down on the corner. This is where they recovered her body.

VAN SUSTEREN: How far off the road from here?

CONWAY: About 30 to 40 feet.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you actually been -- I know -- I realize it's a challenge for you, but have you been back there and taken a look at that?

CONWAY: No. And you know what, Greta? It's not -- I've looked because I have to. It's my job and I need to know what's going on and where it's coming from and -- but in terms of being here, it's not -- it's not a place that I really want to be. You know, this is the life of a little girl that's been lost and it's a tragedy for everybody, but especially Caylee, obviously. So to be here is -- it's a little bit difficult.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have your clients been down here?


VAN SUSTEREN: They've never seen this.

CONWAY: They know about the memorial. And when it was down on the corner, they did see that. But no, they have not been down here.

VAN SUSTEREN: Just (INAUDIBLE) there have been how many searches of the grandparents' home?

CONWAY: Three warrants, and there were also -- the Anthonys cooperated, so they gave items that were requested from the beginning.

VAN SUSTEREN: So after they found the remains, there were how many official searches after the warrants?


VAN SUSTEREN: Two. And in those two searches, did they pull any rolls of duct tape out of the house or garbage bags, as far as you know?

CONWAY: No, not as far as I know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that you couldn't read the inventory sheet or you don't recall or...

CONWAY: The part that I could read did not have duct tape, but there's about a page that's illegible.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if there were clothes in that bag with the remains?

CONWAY: No, I don't. I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Were your clients ever asked about anything in that bag?

CONWAY: No. I have to assume that three was clothing in the bag because I know that they were trying to match that with items taken from the Anthony's home.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you been told what Casey's reaction was when she was told the remains had been found, and then when the remains had been identified?

CONWAY: No. I mean, all I know is what was reported and what is on TV every night is in many cases so unreliable that it's hard to even watch.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about your clients, when they were told? Must have been rough.

CONWAY: It was terrible. It was terrible (INAUDIBLE) And they were flying back from California when they were notified that remains had been found. And then a week later, she was positively identified, and it was a terrible moment.

VAN SUSTEREN: Who told them? Did the sheriff's office come over as a courtesy and tell them in person, or did they hear it from us in the media?

CONWAY: No, no, no. The sheriff's department was very compassionate. Normally, the sheriff's department would have notified them in person, but what we worked out is that they would call me and I would tell the family.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you had to tell them?



VAN SUSTEREN: Up next, we have a brand-new jailhouse tape of Caylee Anthony. You've not seen or heard this one before. Casey's furious and letting loose. Somebody makes Casey disgusted. Casey in her own words. That's next.

Plus, you go to a tattoo parlor, but not just any tattoo parlor. This is where Casey went while her daughter was missing. She got a tattoo. We're going to show you her tattoo art, and you're going to hear from the man who gave her the tattoo. How was she acting? What was she saying? You go inside the tattoo parlor coming up.


VAN SUSTEREN: We are live in a courthouse in Orlando, Florida, and close to here Casey Anthony sits in almost complete isolation, visited only by her lawyers. But over the summer, before she was charged with murdering her daughter, Casey did have visits with her parents. On August 14, 2008, Casey was angry.

GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE ANTHONY'S GRANDFATHER: I'm very thankful that you took the time to talk to us today. I mean, I really am. When I first got here, I thought that maybe we might be turned away. I am glad you talked to us. I really am glad I got a chance to see you.

CASEY ANTHONY, MOTHER OF CAYLEE ANTHONY: I am glad I got a chance to see you guys, too, even if it's only like this and to talk to you and all. I am praying that it does not go out on the media, because some of that has, some of it hasn't. I guess, they're picking and choosing.

G. ANTHONY: The only stuff that went out was when you talked to Lee. And that's been a couple of weeks ago. Nothing's been said about Mom or me at all, since then.

CASEY ANTHONY: That is because I haven't talked.

G. ANTHONY: Just realize that everything that we have talked to you about is staying where it is staying. It is not going out anywhere else.

CASEY ANTHONY: Well, these are the conversations when I am an emotional wreck. Which is fine, I do not want anybody to see this stuff. I would rather it be between us, so it is personal, so we can keep things personal, so it does not feel like it is just another business transaction, like with other stuff.

G. ANTHONY: Absolutely, absolutely.

CASEY ANTHONY: I do not want to upset mom. I just -- I am running low on steam, too. If it was not for the fact that I am sitting by myself all day, sleeping, you know, I would probably be -- I am getting sick right now. I could feel it. I felt it when I got up. My eyes were still red, it wasn't from sleeping. I am getting a cold.

G. ANTHONY: Your mom wants to talk to you one second. Hold on.



CASEY ANTHONY: Hey, I'm sorry I upset you. I didn't want to upset you. I was just telling Dad that. That was not my intention. I've let everybody talk. I have not gotten to say anything. I have not wanted to say anything. I haven't wanted to be frustrated or show that, but I cannot hold that in all of the time. It is getting harder.


CASEY ANTHONY: I know each day is getting harder on everybody.

CINDY ANTHONY: You do not know, Casey , how hard it is.

CASEY ANTHONY: Oh, I do not know? Being secluded, and I do not know what is going on?


CINDY ANTHONY: But you know what, that is actually a good thing. Because if you were out there -

CASEY ANTHONY: It is a good thing, because I've put myself away from all of that. I haven't watched the media. I don't really want to hear anything.

CINDY ANTHONY: I know, and you don't because it is - just -- it is just obscene. Everything that is going on out there.

CASEY ANTHONY: Well, did you see the stuff that people are saying, but, you know what? Again, they are ignorant, and we have to look at it like that. I'm trying to look at things objectively and to stay as calm as I can about stuff, especially the things that I'm hearing. I know the most negative stuff that is being said, and it is sickening. It is disgusting. And people really need to get a life. And if they have nothing positive to say, they need to shut up. But it's not going to happen. Life is not fair. People aren't always going to be nice. They're not going to look at things from other people's perspectives, and it is sad. It is unfortunate. They are going to judge people. They are going to pass judgments about something that they do not know. The stuff that is being said has been completely -- completely fabricated and twisted and everything else, and it is ridiculous.


CASEY ANTHONY: But you know what, Mom? Again, it is going to blow over. I am not going to give the media anything when I get out of here. It sucks for them, because I have nothing to say. All I want is my kid back, to be back with my family. That is all I want. That is all I'm asking. But I am not going to ask any of them for it, because they are not going to give that to me. They're not. I will do whatever the hell I have to have to get my family back together. That is it. That's all I want to do.

CINDY ANTHONY: You still think she is OK?

CASEY ANTHONY: I know in my heart, Mom. I know in my gut. She's all right. I can feel it.


VAN SUSTEREN: In that crucial window of time after little Caylee was last seen, and before she was reported missing, Casey says she was looking for her missing daughter. We do not know if that is true, but we do know this. Casey got a tattoo.


VAN SUSTEREN: Casey Anthony, who knows her?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We all know her.

VAN SUSTEREN: Who met her first?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She started to come in here with a small group of friends. So anytime one of them got tattooed, they'd just all come in. So she was pretty regular.

VAN SUSTEREN: When was the first time you think she ever came in here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I gave her, her first one when she was like 18.

VAN SUSTEREN: What kind of tattoo did she get?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was a little shamrock on the lower back.

VAN SUSTEREN: Up until about May of last year, about how many times did you ever see her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was probably in here at least three or four times a year.

VAN SUSTEREN: How much, you saw her each time, probably?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Probably about the same, yeah.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you know her well enough that if you saw her on the street, you would say, "Hi, Casey "?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about Caylee? Did you ever meet the child.


VAN SUSTEREN: She brought the child in?


VAN SUSTEREN: Nice little girl?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, an adorable little girl.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, fast forward to last summer, about mid-June. Do you remember seeing her then at all?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I had a pretty lengthy conversation with her the day before the telephone call when they announced the child missing.

VAN SUSTEREN: So that would be in July, July 15?


VAN SUSTEREN: The child was last seen probably, at least by the grandparents, mid June. Do you know if you saw her at all in June?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I hadn't seen the child in a while. That's why when she was here that last time I had asked her where Caylee was. She was making an appointment to be tattooed by Bobby the following Saturday and said she would bring her.

VAN SUSTEREN: So she walks in here. You say, Casey, I have not seen in a long time. Is that basically how the conversation goes down?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, I walked out. You know, I have kids. Anybody who is a regular that has children, I usually interact. I asked her where her daughter was. And she said she was with a nanny. And we talked a little bit and she said she making an appointment for Saturday and would bring her in with her.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was that the end of the conversation about her daughter? Did you get the sense that she was moving right along or was it perfectly natural the way it flowed?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That - looking back now, that was the scarier part. It was natural, not a blink, not a hesitation, no show of emotion, just straight into, I'll bring her in with me on Saturday.

VAN SUSTEREN: So, how did you find out then that something was not quite right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The next day happened to be my day off and Lance called me up and was like you need to turn on the news, you're never going to believe what's going on.

VAN SUSTEREN: And, what was it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was the announcement of the child being missing. And all the first day's going on.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did it cross any of your minds at that point that maybe Casey had something to do with this?


VAN SUSTEREN: She seemed like a good mother?


VAN SUSTEREN: All three of you agree?


VAN SUSTEREN: So, it was sort of like, oh, my God, someone has taken this poor child from this loving mother.


VAN SUSTEREN: So what happened? I mean, tell me how the story sort of tracks in your mind? When did you learn more, and what did you think?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, the longer it goes on ... You know, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not anything to do with the legal system, but it just all points to her having a heavy, heavy hand in it, if not her doing it herself.

VAN SUSTEREN: So, you are sitting here, and you are seeing the news accounts in Orlando. And I take it that you hear that she gets arrested. Your thoughts?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, wild. It is almost to the point where you talk about - like, any serial killer, you can talk to his neighbors and they would have never suspected that person of doing it. They were such a nice person. That was my first reaction. No way, she was a good mom. I can't see this being what the truth is. The more it got investigated and the more that they showed proof of it, it was really looked like it pointed towards her.


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