This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," June 19, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening, and welcome to “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Let's say somebody committed some sort of horrible crime against you, a horrifying crime, shot your dog, burned your house down, kidnapped one of your children. Let's say the person who did it escaped and then died before being punished. You'd be frustrated, of course.
But how would you feel if the police arrested someone else? An innocent person for the crime? Someone who just happened to look like the criminal, and then sent that person to prison? Would you be happy with that? Would you consider it justice?
If so, you probably agree with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, that we need to reparations for slavery. Jackson-Lee held hearings on the subject today in Congress. Listen, as she describes a version of American history in which the Civil War and Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement and the war on poverty, indeed, the last 150 years, never happened.
REP. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE, D-TX: The role of the Federal government in supporting the institution of slavery and subsequent discrimination directed against blacks is an injustice that must be formally acknowledged and addressed. I just simply ask, why not? And why not now?
God bless us as we pursue the final justice for those who lived in slavery.
CARLSON: Of course, that very same Federal government also lost more than 600,000 men fighting slavery. So it's slightly more complicated perhaps than Jackson-Lee presented today, but she wasn't interested in details. Nobody in the room was; the hearing quickly became a circus. Anyone who questioned reparations was booed and heckled by the crowd. Watch.
REP. LOUIE GOHMERT, R-TX: It is important that we know our history, and we not punish people today for the sins of their predecessors in the Democratic Party.
GOHMERT: I just stated all facts, and again, we have people who are denying history.
CARLSON: Even black witnesses drew that response -- boos -- when they dared question the concept of reparations. Watch.
COLEMAN HUGHES, WRITER: So the moment you give me reparations, you've made me into a victim without my consent. Bill H.R. 40 is immoral and a political mistake. Thank you.
REP. STEVE COHEN, D-TENN.: Thank you, Mr. Hughes. Chill, chill, chill, chill. He was presumptive, but he still has a right to speak.
CARLSON: "He was presumptive." What does that mean? Maybe it means he disagrees with the Democratic Party's orthodoxy.
Eugene Taylor Sutton, the Episcopal Bishop of the State of Maryland told the committee that white people must support racial reparations, he suggested to save their souls from damnation. Watch.
EUGENE TAYLOR SUTTON, EPISCOPAL BISHOP, STATE OF MARYLAND: And when I'm talking for reparations, I'm talking about those left behind, but I'm actually talking to my white brothers and sisters. You need this more than we do. You need this for your soul. You need this to be able to look black persons in the eye and say, "I acknowledge the mistake, and I want to be part of the solution to repair that damage."
CARLSON: Bishop Sutton will join us in just a moment. But he was not the only person using rhetoric like this today in Capitol Hill. Senator Cory Booker made a guest appearance at the hearing. He claimed that the same country that has made him one of the most powerful figures in the land, is in fact incorrigibly racist.
SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We, as a nation have not yet truly acknowledged and grappled with racism and white supremacy that has tainted this country's founding, it continues to persist in those deep racial disparities and inequalities today.
CARLSON: So in the same country, that's the point at which the entire room would have burst out laughing when Senator Booker said that precisely because of his title, really, Senator Booker.
Cory Booker's parents were highly paid IBM executives. He grew up in a rich all-white neighborhood by the way. He attended Stanford. Then he had a Rhodes scholarship, went to Oxford, then he got a law degree from Yale.
He is currently a senator from New Jersey. He will win reelection pretty easily in 2020 if he seeks it. And Jersey is one of the richest states in this country, second, I think. It's also a majority white.
So if White supremacy were a huge problem in America, how did Cory Booker become a senator? And yet somehow he did.
America has given Cory Booker amazing opportunities precisely because it's not the hateful place he pretends it is. Cory Booker is one of the most privileged people in the world. He is living proof. But it doesn't matter.
Actual official racial discrimination of the kind embodied in Jim Crow ended half a century ago, but as it recedes with living memory, it becomes even more important to the Democratic Party.
In a religious procession earlier this year, half a dozen Democratic presidential candidates prostrated themselves before professional race hustler, Al Sharpton and vowed to seek reparations if they were awarded the presidency. Watch.
AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: Congressman Sheila Jackson-Lee has proposed a bill to form a commission to study how to do reparations.
SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When I am elected President, I will sign in.
SHARPTON: Would you sign that bill?
SHARPTON: Would you sign it?
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Once the Senate passes that bill, of course, I would sign it.
SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I firmly support Congresswoman Jackson-Lee's bill to create a commission to study reparations.
SHARPTON: Would you sign the bill for reparations?
SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Yes, I would. I already support that bill.
JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There are things that we need to do in this country that had been long time been coming. One of those is to move forward with reparations.
CARLSON: Kissing the ring of their moral leader, Al Sharpton -- hilarious. But on one level, it's not funny. As we're often told correctly, America is a diverse country now and becoming more so. A diverse society can only survive by finding shared values and shared goals and pursuing them collectively.
When a country collapses into a feud between racial or ethnic or religious factions, that country fails -- every time. Warring tribes -- that is where this is pushing us.
Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton was at today's hearing. You just saw him a moment ago, and he was kind enough to agree to join us tonight. Bishop, thanks a lot for coming on.
SUTTON: Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: So what you said about white people needing -- all white people needing to support reparations struck me as the antithesis of the Christian understanding of guilt, which is that God judges each person based on his or her choices, not on the choices made by ancestors? How does this work?
SUTTON: Absolutely, absolutely. But that quote, I definitely was not referring to the eternal significance of people's souls for eternity.
That was not my whole statement there. I talked about the souls of black folk and the souls of white folk, which is to say that all of us have a stake in this.
You know, Tucker, in my diocese, the Diocese of Maryland Episcopal Church, half my diocese is Republican, half Democrat. We are liberal. We are conservative, rural, and city and suburban. And here's what we did last month.
We all voted to affirm the issue of reparations that affirmed my statement on reparations, and we committed ourselves to doing this, and we did it by coming together, once it was properly understood that it's not a check given to all black persons, and once that happens --
CARLSON: But I wonder about that -- and you know, and I'm aware of that, but let me ask you this. So your diocese has, according to last audit about $53 million in assets. And it shrunk. There are far fewer Episcopalians than there were a generation ago, as you well know, and I know as one of them.
So why not sell some of your properties and put that money toward reparations if the diocese really does support this issue so much? Why not pay for it?
SUTTON: Well, and this is what we are studying. We affirmed the principle of it last month, and we will spend the next year or several years figuring out how to do that. We do know that money is involved. But that is a final step. And that's why I support this bill.
This bill is to institute a commission so that we can all come together and figure out what can we do about this mess we've inherited?
And as a matter of fact, Tucker, I think you and I should be on that commission and let's figure it out together.
CARLSON: Well, but I mean, but the country -- but I would just say as a historical matter, the country has for 450 years been trying to, as you put it well I think, trying to figure out how to fix this mess that we inherited, and it is right, it is a mess, we did inherit it and we are trying.
But I guess what I'm interested in because you are a clergyman is this question of guilt? And so how can people feel guilty for something they didn't do? How can people who didn't commit a crime be culpable for it?
SUTTON: Well, I never used the word guilt today. I don't think guilt is the issue here. The issue is responsibility. What do we do about this mess? What do we do about the wealth gap?
We are not pointing fingers at anyone, in fact, in this journey toward reparation, which just means to repair, it's a journey marked by love and forgiveness and trying to get all of us on board there. This is what we did in Maryland, and if we can do it in Maryland, I think we can do it in this nation.
CARLSON: But wait a second, wait, hold on. I'm sorry. I've got to pin you down. In your statement today, you said that white people have to support this so that they can look black people in the eye.
SUTTON: Well --
CARLSON: Now, I don't support this. Wait, hold on -- and I have no problem looking African-Americans in the eye because I haven't supported slavery or Jim Crow, and I treat each person as an individual and so I don't bear any guilt for this. I don't. But you seem to think I do, why?
SUTTON: No, I'm not saying that you should feel guilty, you should feel a responsibility as I do, as all of us do. So 250 years of slavery, and then the next 150 years, and we're still involved in this. And it was only about 40 or 50 years ago, that we witnessed the end of the Jim Crow laws.
And that came after a hundred years of struggle after that. Do you really believe that just based on what the great accomplishments we've been able to make in this nation in the last 30 years, that that adequately readdresses the debt that we have all inherited, uncompensated labor?
CARLSON: No, I don't and I think that there -- we are living with the effects of our history. There's no question about that. I would not deny that.
SUTTON: And what are going to do about that?
CARLSON: But the truth is that -- well, let's see. Forty one percent of African-Americans in this country received some form of aid from the government, it's the highest of any ethnic group.
Now, you're saying that we need to put more into programs targeted toward African-Americans? I would argue that what we have now clearly isn't working. I think you would agree.
SUTTON: I agree that --
CARLSON: So what exactly do you have in mind that we haven't tried?
SUTTON: Yes, I agree that it's not working well, and you know, what else is not working well, underfunded school systems.
I gave an example, this morning of African-American elderly women languishing and nursing homes who've inherited no wealth, have no resources, can we not help them? The mass incarceration of many of our black citizens. It's a national nightmare. When we're talking about reparations, we're talking about a commitment -- a commitment to address those wrongs.
We're not talking about issue a check from white persons to black persons. What is this generation going to do together and we need to do this together.
CARLSON: Okay, all right. And I would like to see some of the $51 million in your diocese go toward that. I think that would be good leadership --
SUTTON: Stay tuned.
CARLSON: Bishop, thank you very much. Good to see you.
SUTTON: Stay tuned. Thank you, Tucker.
CARLSON: Retired NFL star Burgess Owens was also at today's hearings. He disagrees with the take you just heard. Here's his view.
BURGESS OWENS, RETIRED NFL PLAYER: I do not believe in reparation because what reparation does, it points to a certain race, a certain color and it points them as evil and points the other race -- my race -- as one that has not only becomes racist, but also beggars.
This country has given us greatness. Look at this panel. It doesn't matter how we think, fact is, well -- it doesn't matter our color, we have become successful this country like no other because of this great opportunity to live the American dream. Let's not steal that from our kids, by telling them they can't do it.
CARLSON: Burgess Owens is also the author of the book, "Liberalism: How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps." The most accurate book title ever written in the history of literature. Mr. Owens joins us tonight. Thanks a lot for coming on. I appreciate it.
OWENS: Hi, Tucker. Good talking to you again.
CARLSON: Thank you. Now, you are opposed to reparations for a bunch of reasons. But one of the points you make is that they are degrading to the recipients.
OWENS: Yes. And let me just say this, too, because we have different types of approaches in our society now, particularly in the community.
The Bishop for instance, we've had a chance to talk about things we have in common. The youth that we need to get together with. So we find a common bond in those areas.
At the same time, we have those that are elitist. We have political leaders that hear the numbers I talked about. In fact, there's 75 percent of black boys in the State of California who cannot read and write and it does not faze them because they know about it.
We have unfortunately, the real threat to the black community is not white supremacist, it is black elitism and there's many of those on the panels, not on the panel, but those in the black caucus that have seen this misery of their policies for decades, and they do nothing about it.
So this doesn't come down to regular people, folks that really have a care to empathize with these -- with our race and our kids, and we've come together, we might have come from the same exact place, but we have the same common bond, which we change the trajectory of our race, help our kids to feel good about themselves.
And people like the Bishop and I, we have a focus already on our kids. We can do those kind of things together and still figure out a way to get past the disagreements we might have on things like reparation.
CARLSON: So if you -- if you're claiming to be a leader of the black community, and you hear the stat that you just rattled off, 75 percent of African-American boys in the State of California can't read or write and you're not doing something about that, how can you call yourself a leader of your community?
OWENS: You can't, you can't. And that's been our problem with. We have elected for too long black elitists, problem profiteers, people that live the American dream then with no shame, turn around and tell us that we can't do the same thing.
Now, we're waking up, and the great thing about where we are today is we are having conversations, real conversations. Not the types that is going to take us down the socialist path. And that's all reparations, by the way for those who really dig into it, it is another form of welfare of having people to ask for something they never earned, and then actually be -- and feel entitled. If they don't give it to them, then they are going to be angry about it.
So we're going to get past that part. At the end of the day, we're going to get to where we begin to understand and be blessed that we're in this country that gives these Africans what we do have today.
CARLSON: The great Burgess Owens. Thank you very much for joining us. Good to see you.
OWENS: Thank you very much, Tucker.
CARLSON: Believe it or not, more than 35,000 Americans live outside in the City of Los Angeles, they are homeless. Some local say the crisis is so bad, it's time to recall the Mayor. The woman leading that effort joins us after the break.
CARLSON: As we've chronicled at some length on this show, the homeless problem in Los Angeles has gotten so bad in the last few years, parts of the city are unrecognizable.
Tents cover entire neighborhoods. New estimates peg the homeless population in Los Angeles at more than 36,000 people.
Now some citizens of Los Angeles say it's so bad, it's time to recall the Mayor over it. Trace Gallagher joins us from Los Angeles tonight with more. Hey, Trace.
TRACE GALLAGHER, CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Tucker. The effort to recall Mayor Eric Garcetti is based on what petition says is failed leadership on the homeless issue causing quoting here, " ... a serious risk to all the public health with reported diseases such as typhoid fever, tuberculosis and other fecal and rodent, flea and bed bug-borne diseases."
One medical expert warned that LA could see bubonic plague for the first time in a hundred years, and block after block, mile after mile of encampments replete with drug needles and human waste is a staggering reminder of just how dire the situation is.
Today without mentioning the recall, the Mayor said this. Watch.
ERIC GARCETTI, D-CALIF., MAYOR: Homelessness is a massive emergency in our city. It's a crisis unlike anything that we've seen before. But I've always said I believe that human caused the problem no matter how many decades in the making, it can be a human-solved problem as well.
GALLAGHER: But during his first mayoral campaign in 2013, Garcetti vowed to solve the problem. He didn't. Then he vowed to get homeless vets off the streets by 2015. He didn't.
Even after convincing voters to raise taxes and bond money to fight the problem, it is getting worse. The City of LA now has more than 36,000 homeless, up 16 percent from last year. In LA County, it is up 60,000, up 12 percent from last year.
Now the Mayor says the problem will be solved when LA hosts the 2028 Olympics. But many are skeptical. Watch.
DAVID HERNANDEZ, PETITIONER TO RECALL MAYOR GARCETTI: Thousands of faceless, nameless individuals who are somebody's son, daughter husband, who have died on the streets of Los Angeles.
GALLAGHER: Getting the recall on the ballot takes about 314,000 signatures'; they have 10,000 so far, with about three and a half months to go -- Tucker.
CARLSON: Trace Gallagher for us. Thanks a lot, Trace. Well, the homeless epidemic in Los Angeles doesn't just bring blight, garbage and used needles to the city as we've shown you before. It's also bringing back diseases that were once confined to the history books or the third world.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Typhus is popping up in LA's Skid Row, an area where homelessness sprawls across 50 city blocks, an infectious disease eradicated in the 1800s that festers in filth and is spread by fleas and rats is back, because the city allows hundreds of homeless people to set up shacks on the sidewalk and live there forever.
CARLSON: Alexandra Datig is one of the people leading the effort to recall the Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti and she joins us tonight. Alexandra, thanks a lot for coming on. What do you think ...
CARLSON: ... when you drive around your city, and parts -- you go through parts of LA Downtown, for example, and you see the homeless population. What does it look like to you?
DATIG: Well, I was raised -- born and raised in Switzerland where homelessness is simply not allowed in a town that has less than one percent crime rate and no drug problem.
So I think that we are living in third world conditions that are a threat to all of the public health here in Los Angeles, and we have a Mayor that is completely ignorant of that and he is an abysmal failure.
CARLSON: Yes, I can imagine growing up in Switzerland, one of the cleanest and best run countries, maybe the cleanest and best run country in the world. This must be shocking to you. Why do you think that Mayor Garcetti and the politicians in his orbit put up with this? Allow this to happen in Los Angeles?
DATIG: Well, we have this position in the City of Los Angeles where our leaders seem to think that it's okay to leave people on the street to die, just whistling past the graveyard where we've had over 3,600 people die on the streets of Los Angeles in the past five years.
So I really think that enabling these people to stay on the streets by quote-unquote "mitigating" homelessness has caused these type of conditions where people are unable to live and die on the streets of Los Angeles. It is outrageous.
We have had a 75 percent increase in homelessness in the past six years under the leadership of Eric Garcetti. There is no question who is to blame for this increase. And he needs to be recalled. The citizens of Los Angeles have had enough of this.
CARLSON: I mean, millions and millions, millions --
DATIG: And Tucker, what are we supposed to tell our kids?
CARLSON: Well, I couldn't agree more. And all this money has been spent to fight homelessness and the situation is getting worse, has it dawned on you that someone is getting rich from this problem?
DATIG: Well, apparently that seems to be one of the problems that we're having, homelessness is big business these days. The other day, "The LA Times" reported there a $57 million a year program just to get toilets on the streets.
And by the way, Tucker, we're dealing with environmental crimes, the type that are illegal in the State of California, you can't allow fecal matter to go down the storm drains, it has been happening. It's been happening for the past six years. It is in legal to do that.
These are environmental crimes, and this Mayor is committing crimes every single day. We don't have shoe leather on our streets taking care of this problems. We need to have people committed to state hospitals under conservatorship, and people need to be taken off the streets. We need health screenings, these people are dying in our streets. They are vulnerable to diseases because of their immune systems.
They're unable to stay mentally ill on the streets without there having any kind of bridge housing. There is no prevention. There is no treatment, there's no interdiction. There's no incarceration.
People are allowed to just commit crimes while the taxpayer has to step over a homeless guy to get to the office and is forced to pay taxes to continue the situation. It is outrageous.
CARLSON: I'm voting for you if you ever run for office. I'll say that. In the meantime, I'm rooting for this. And I hope you will come back and tell us how it goes. Alexandra, thank you.
DATIG: Recall LA Mayor Garcetti.
CARLSON: Amen. California is not the only place where lawmakers have abandoned the duty to their own citizens. A newly passed bill in the New York State Legislature will give college tuition assistance to illegal aliens who've been in the state for as little as 30 days.
Middle class families, meanwhile, are left out. Not only that, but New York is letting illegal aliens get driver's licenses with expired foreign documents. You try that? Go ahead and walk in there with an expired documents if they'll give you a driver's license. Not a chance.
They also just lowered the penalties on numerous crimes by one day in order to protect immigrant criminals from being deported.
Nicole Malliotakis is a New York City Assemblywoman. She ran against Bill de Blasio for the Mayor of New York. Unfortunately, she did not beat him. She is now running for Congress. She joins us tonight.
So is it possible? Could it really be true Nicole, that illegal immigrants have a lower standard for getting a driver's license than American citizens have?
NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS, R-N.Y., ASSEMBLYWOMAN: Well, you know what, Tucker, and last time I was here, it was because the New York State Legislature gave free college tuition for illegal immigrants.
As a matter of fact, it was because of -- that you having me on your show, we were actually able to get that same protection for our Gold Star families, the children of military men and women who were either deceased or disabled in combat. So that's number one.
So we've continued this trend now here in New York State of putting illegal immigrants, unfortunately, before the citizens that have elected us, and I think it's wrong, I think it has got to stop.
But as you just mentioned, you just ran through the number of bills that we've put so much attention to. This session has truly been about putting the law breakers, any illegal immigrants before the citizens of this state, and it's a shame.
CARLSON: It's unbelievable. So what would happen? I mean, this is a rhetorical question, but I just want to hear you say -- what would happen if I showed up or you showed up or an American citizen showed up to the DMV with an expired document and tried to get a license? What would they say?
MALLIOTAKIS: Well, you know, it's certainly a double standard. But what's problematic is that the New York State Association of County Clerks said straight out, "We don't have the ability, we don't have the tools, the technology to confirm that these forms of identity that are from foreign governments are authentic."
So that's a major issue right there. But then on top of it, the bill goes so far, to actually tie the hands of our law enforcement. If someone committed a crime, and now there's a detainer request to deport them, this bill literally says that the DMV needs to notify the license holder that a Federal agency is looking for them, and that's how crazy and how far the bill goes.
So it's not only -- and look, and by the way, in a post 9/11 world, we should not be giving these forms of identification to those who are in our country unlawfully. It's against the 9/11 Commission Report's recommendations.
CARLSON: Of course, to give it to foreign nationals whose identities we don't know, it's actually demented. And thank you, Assemblywoman for being one of the rare voices against it. Appreciate it. Good to see the night.
CARLSON: Well, we're coming and this is not an overstatement, very close to a comprehensive left-wing takeover of the internet. We have exclusive new reporting side about collusion between tech leaders and the Democratic Party -- which is absolutely real, you need to hear it, stay tuned.
CARLSON: Every day, the left announce the President as a threat to democracy and free expression. You hear it constantly, but at the same time, the left is coming closer and closer to taking total control of the internet and blocking any speech it disagrees with. That is absolutely the plan.
Tonight we can exclusively report that last week, the Democratic Party Chairman, Tom Perez met with a Council on Technology and Society. This Council included the CEO of the tech company TaskRabbit, among others.
According to a summary of the meeting that we received, the group bluntly asked Tom Perez -- again, the head of the Democratic Party -- what they could do to quote "contribute to the broad social good."
When you ask that question to the head of the Democratic Party, what are you asking? How can we elect Democrats? Which is what they're trying to do.
Meanwhile, in a not unrelated story, a coalition of major companies including Verizon, NBC, Facebook, and Google -- the biggest companies -- has announced a new Global Alliance for Responsible Media. Remember that. Global Alliance for Responsible media.
Now, the stated goal is to pressure tech platforms to quote, "Develop and deliver against a concrete set of actions, protocols, and processes for protecting people and brands, blah, blah, blah." In other words, what they're really saying is censorship and censorship on a vast scale.
They have their way. This will be the end of free speech online and the death by the way of mainstream conservatism. Any voice right of center will be tarred as hate speech. Russian trolls are simply bad for business. That's their game plan. It's simply a question of whether anybody in power in Washington will do anything to prevent it from happening before it does.
And by the way, you think the Trump campaign might be interested in this because there's no chance the President will be reelected if his supporters can't speak freely online? Obviously.
Blake Harris is author of "The History of the Future," and he joins us tonight. Blake, thanks a lot for coming on. So this seems like an alignment of the people who control all speech online, and why shouldn't that terrify anyone who believes in free speech?
BLAKE HARRIS, AUTHOR: I wish I had an answer for you. But the answer is that it should. As you know, from the last time I was on, I wrote this book, "The History of the Future," and I set out to tell a story about this rags to riches VR story about this company Oculus founded by Palmer Lucky, sold the Facebook for $3 billion.
And my book took a left turn when Palmer ended up getting fired from the company for essentially being a Trump supporter. And as I, you know, admitted to last time I was on the show, I am a lifelong liberal. But this is not about left to right. This is about right and wrong. And it is alarming what is going on.
CARLSON: Well, it's horrifying, and because it is a concentration of more power in one place than we've seen in my lifetime, probably we've seen since the turn of the last century when Teddy Roosevelt helped break up the trusts, and yet nobody seems worried about it. Why is that?
HARRIS: I think, you know, at first I asked myself that same question every morning, and I think that what I came to believe is that most of these people, most of these left-leaning people and the heads of the tech company and the popular tech companies are just so certain in their correctness.
And so they think that they are good at fighting the good fight, and helping Facebook in their mission. And Facebook is really largely like an activist company more than anything else.
And, you know, for example, one of the things that comes to mind is Andrew Bosworth. He is the Head of Consumer Hardware in Facebook, one of the early employees. He was Mark's TA back at Harvard. And during the election season, he casually and frequently shared articles, like there's no such thing as a good Trump supporter. And that's just wild to me.
You know, the level of discrimination against conservatives, against anyone slightly to the right of the left is astonishing. And you know, when we deal with other groups that are marginalized, we all -- you know, there's an effort to make things better, there's at least an acknowledgement that maybe there's implicit biases, but when it comes to conservatives, the answer you either get is a wink and a nod, or it's just, "Well, some of us don't deserve to have a platform."
And again, I don't agree with many of these views, but they absolutely deserve to have a platform.
CARLSON: Of course, of course, and they should be -- look, I'm sure you're not going to vote for President Trump's reelection? Well, you know, as well as I, he will not be reelected if his supporters can't speak freely, period.
And I don't know if they understand that. I hope they're starting to figure it out. Blake, anyway, thank you for your reporting on this subject. It's been important.
HARRIS: Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: Appreciate it. Well, for many years, the Koch brothers Charles and David had been public enemy number one and two to the left. The conservatives have called them their own. They're still hated by the left. Question is, are they conservative? And do they have too much influence over the Republican Party? Nothing personal. But it's a question worth asking, and we will after the break.
CARLSON: The Dominican Republic is understandably anxious to improve its reputation after a wave of mysterious illnesses and deaths, well- publicized, all of them.
But for now, the bad news continues to pile up. Former "Bachelorette" contestant and reality television star Melissa Rycroft has become the latest person to say she has fallen ill after a visit in the Caribbean country.
Through representatives, Rycroft announced that she has had serious stomach problems for more than a week since returning from the DR. She was at the Nickelodeon Resort in Punta Cana, she says.
Meanwhile, another tourists just told "The New York Post" that her flight back from the recent trip was carrying several people who were clearly very ill.
Earlier today, the son of one woman who died in the DR shared her story on Fox.
WILLIAM COX, SON OF WOMAN WHO DIED IN THE DR: I can only speculate at this point because there's been no clear answer. I've received a police report. It was missing a lot of information. The hotel also gave a statement saying she got sick in the hotel and then later passed away in the hospital.
They also changed that a few days later, saying that she was found passed away in her hotel room. I know she never had any heart conditions or anything like that.
CARLSON: We will continue to follow the story, of course. Charles and David Koch are two of the richest men in the world. Each one of them is worth tens of billions of dollars. Some of their money is inherited; much of it they made themselves.
But to their credit, the Koch's who have never been content merely to get richer, they are engaged intellectuals. They have a sincere desire to change the world.
So for years, the brothers had been the single most important funders of Republican politics in Washington, in the country.
Koch network of donors spends hundreds of millions of dollars every election cycle. Virtually every major conservative nonprofit in Washington takes Koch money, often a lot of it.
Koch organizations train political organizers and candidates, many Republican lawmakers owe their careers to the Koch's and are happy to say so.
For people whose main business is making fertilizer and paper towels, the Koch's have been remarkably effective in American politics. And not surprisingly, the left hates them for it.
Both the Koch brothers and their families, who by the way, are very nice people have been grotesquely and repeatedly maligned by the media. This, in turn has convinced many conservatives that the Koch's must be on their side.
Anyone who has been slandered by "The New York Times" has got to be doing something right. That's the idea. It's not a bad standard. But in this case, in the case of the Koch's, conservatives might want to pause and rethink the relationship.
As it turns out, the Koch's don't have much in common with conservatives. They are in fact totally opposed to most conservative policy goals. The Koch's are libertarian ideologues. They're passionate and inflexible about what they believe. America First, the Koch's finds the very notion of that absurd, if not fascist.
And economic policy that seeks to strengthen families, the Koch's denounce that as quote, "crony capitalism" or picking winners and losers. They think it's immoral, and they'll tell you so.
Controlling our borders, the Koch's consider that racist. A few years ago, in fact, Bernie Sanders noted that the Koch brothers are far to the left of him on immigration, open borders quote, "That's a Koch brothers' proposal," Bernie Sanders said, and he was right.
But in fact, it's more than a proposal. It's in effect what we have now in this country -- open borders, and that's thanks in part to the Koch's. The overwhelming majority of Republicans want to secure border and less immigration. That's why they voted for Donald Trump.
Two and a half years later, though the border is more porous than ever. A tide of humanity is flooding in illegally. Republicans in Congress have done almost nothing to help with the situation. Why? Well, you can thank the Koch's for that.
In 2018, Koch-backed organizations, the Freedom Network and Americans for Prosperity, pressured Republicans in Congress to use their limited post- election lame duck session to pass an amnesty for the so-called DREAMers.
Going into this election, the 2020 race, amnesty remains the Koch's top legislative priority. So if you're wondering why the Republican Party often seems completely out of sync with its own voters, this is why and it's not just on immigration.
The Koch network has also successfully pushed Republicans to join the left in going soft on crime. The Koch's aggressively backed the First Step Act, which is currently allowing drug traffickers to leave prison early. They support the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act that would cut required penalties for heroin and cocaine traffickers in half.
Now, keep in mind, they're doing all of this in the middle of the deadliest drug epidemic in American history. The Koch's don't even bother to argue that these so called reforms would help any law abiding American in any way. They just believe it's the right thing -- the libertarian thing to do, so they're pushing for it.
On economics, meanwhile, you won't be surprised to learn that the Koch's hold views that bear no resemblance at all to what most Republican voters believe. The Koch said push for cuts to Social Security and Medicare for example, a vast majority of Americans are opposed to that. Most Republicans are opposed to that, like almost everyone else, by the way, Republicans want lower drug prices.
Drugs are expensive and getting more so and yet, the Koch's are working to kill a bill introduced by Senators Josh Hawley and Rick Scott that will prevent drug companies from charging Americans more than they charge the people of Canada or France. That seems like a fair idea to most people. The Koch's are preventing it from happening.
Then the Koch's help draft the 2017 tax cut. That turned out to be a far better deal for corporate America than it was for the American middle class. A majority of Republicans support capping interest rates on credit cards and payday loans. The Koch's think that idea is ridiculous. In fact, some years ago and David Koch ran for Vice President as a libertarian, abolishing all usury laws was part of his platform.
Now, there's nothing surprising about any of this or illegitimate, it's what many rich liberals believe. It's just not what most Republicans believe. And that's a problem, given that the Koch's are the single most powerful figures in the Republican Party.
The Koch's don't seem interested in hearing you complain about that or anything else actually. Remarkably, they have now joined the left-wing campaign against free speech in America.
Next month, the Charles Koch Institute will hold a Summit with the Anti- Defamation League and executives from major tech companies including Pinterest, Airbnb, Patreon, and Mozilla. The stated purpose of the meeting is to formulate quote, "Best practices on the fight against hate and extremism online," end quote, but you know exactly what that really means. It means censorship of your views.
For the left, fighting extremism always entails crushing normal conservatives. That's why Pinterest has censored Live Action. It's why Patreon banned Milo Yiannopoulos. It's why Mozilla drove out Brendan Eich for the crime of donating to the wrong political campaign.
Big Tech has become a far greater threat to your freedom than the Federal government. The Koch's don't care about that. Nothing Google does violates libertarian orthodoxy. More to the point, the Koch's don't care about Republican voters or what happens to them. Okay, that's fine. No law requiring them to care. But then why are they running the Republican Party? That's a question Republicans should start asking themselves.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says our border policy in America is on par with Nazi Germany's. The media are racing to justify those remarks. Is there anything she says they won't defend? Anything? We'll investigate after the break.
CARLSON: Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez isn't big on subtlety or nuance or facts. Global warming will destroy the planet in 12 years. The only solution is a $10 trillion Green New Deal. That's what she told us last month.
Now this week, AOC says that illegal immigration detention facilities are identical to Nazi concentration camps.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are.
CARLSON: Of course, the facilities are probably safer than your typical American city and millions of people weren't breaking into Nazi Germany so they can get sent to Auschwitz. But wait, why are we even parsing this out? It was a stupid claim. It was childish. The product of an immature thinker, obviously.
People say dumb things. She said a dumb thing. But the press, their reaction was fascinating. They doubled over to defend it. Over in CNN, the Governor's brother said that AOC's latest gaff was no less offensive than the word "nationalist." Watch.
STEVE CORTES, CNN CONSERVATIVE CONTRIBUTOR: AOC should apologize at the least and probably resign.
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: One point of pushback before I get to you, Angela. You did not have similar problems with the phrase "America First," which is equally stained, or the word "Nationalist"--
CUOMO: --which is equally stained. No. Yes, as a matter of fact.
CORTES: No, it isn't.
CUOMO: But why doesn't it bother you the same way?
CARLSON: Angela Rye meanwhile said her statements were totally fair, because under Trump, America is just inches away from building Nazi death camps.
ANGELA RYE, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It is White fear. That is what is driving this. It is racism at its core.
In 1941, they were death camps, and that is where we are going, if our -- our consciences are not quickly pierced.
CARLSON: Michael Tracey is an independent journalist. He has chronicled the hysteria of the current moment. He joins us -- he joins us tonight. So Michael Tracey, look, people say dumb things. I've said dumb things. I'm not even attacking Ocasio-Cortez. Why, though does certain "journalists" air quotes feel the need to defend that statement and statements like it?
MICHAEL TRACEY, INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: First of all, Tucker, I can't imagine that you've ever said anything dumb. So you should retract that?
CARLSON: I have.
TRACEY: Oh, okay, well, if you say so. You know, I can't speak on behalf of journalists. I'm kind of done trying to psychoanalyze these people who kind of inhabit this blinkered world where the ordinary people can't even hope to penetrate.
But I think it is worth pointing out at least for one thing, that they're not obligated to necessarily defend every word this person utters. Bernie Sanders, who is an ally of AOC's did not. He was asked about this on CNN yesterday, and said that that's not the type of terminology that he, Bernie Sanders, would invoke because although there are problems in contemporary America, you don't necessarily have to analogize those problems to 1930's Germany.
I mean, they can be bad without being bad on a seismic existential level that kind of threatens global catastrophe. I mean, that is possible.
CARLSON: Yes, it is.
TRACEY: But you know -- and the problem with this is that when you infuse the debates over issues like immigration with this very inflammatory rhetoric that gets people emotionally riled up for good reason, evoking the Holocaust tends to do that. It obscures the real issues at hand that need to be rationally addressed in order to resolve the very real issues that do exist associated with immigration.
For one thing, the U.S. legacy of adventurism abroad and intervention, especially in Latin America has actually destabilized some of those countries where we have conditions now that people are being forced to flee northward, and in part that has to do with U.S. foreign policy.
I'll say that, again, the U.S. has a direct role. It actually created the conditions whereby we have this current crisis, but AOC brings up, you know the Holocaust references, and we're sort of inhibited from having a debate because we have to, you know, puzzle over whether that was the correct term and whether who is offended, who is behind her. It's just sort of a silly metadebate that kind of obscures what ought to be a debate on the substance of what's going on.
CARLSON: And then Governor Cuomo's brother feels that he needs to defend AOC who I'm sure probably got home and thought to herself, you know, even by my own standards, that was pretty stupid because when you say something dumb, you sort of know that you have, but it's like, nobody can admit it anymore.
TRACEY: I don't know.
CARLSON: Michael Tracey -- give me your 10-second response.
TRACEY: I mean, I think Governor Cuomo's brother kind of benefits from being part of this utter nobility where whatever they say ends up being somehow important when really people should just ignore it.
CARLSON: That's true. That man went to Yale by the way. He must be really smart. He must have had amazing grades. He got into Yale. Did you get into Yale? I don't think you did. Michael Tracey. Good to see you.
TRACEY: I didn't try. Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: We'll be back -- I didn't either -- 8:00 p.m., tomorrow night. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Guess what we've got for you? We've - I'll admit it, Sean Hannity takes over the next hour, live from New York City.
CARLSON: And he begins right now.
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