
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's Primary Day, 5 o'clock in Manchester, New Hampshire, and this is "The Five."

We are live once again from the front lines of this presidential election for the first in the nation primary. Most polls close in just two hours from now, 7 p.m. Eastern and you are live at voters in Nashua. GOP candidates are anxiously waiting for the results after a final drive to get out the vote.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You have to get out and you have to vote no matter what.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Tell your friends and family to vote. Because we are going to do as well as we possibly can.

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Don't think today is celebration time. It will be celebration time at 7 o'clock tonight when the polls close.

SEN. TED CRUZ, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Snow outside and if it keeps snowing, it will be easier tonight show up and vote.

AUDIENCE MEMBERS: We're showing up!

DR. BEN CARSON, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think eventually the American people will wake up and recognize what the problems are -- they'll say there's a bright, shiny object over there but we better go for the real solution.

GOV. JOHN KASICH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I got to have your vote, please. OK. I got to have your vote, please.

JEB BUSH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And so, I'm humbly asking for your support on Tuesday and I will not let you down.

CARLY FIORINA, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Join me, vote for me. Because a vote for me is a vote for you, citizens.


GUILFOYLE: Well, there is a lot on the line tonight. The candidates have high expectations. Who will voters choose?


TRUMP: Well, I hope to have a victory and I have no idea. But the polls are certainly good.

RUBIO: We feel really good. We're going to finish strong here and we are going to head to South Carolina.

BUSH: It feels like all the work did pay off. We'll see.

KASICH: It has been a really great run. I've had an absolute ball here. I'll do very well today.

CRUZ: And so we don't know what the results will be. I hope we do well. It will depend on turnout. I'll tell you this. If conservatives show up, if libertarians show up, if Tea Party activists show up, if small business owners show up, if evangelicals show up, if young people show up, we'll have a very good night.


GUILFOYLE: The best thing about Ted Cruz is he will never forget the honey-do list. He can just list it all off. Right, Bolling? You have to give him that.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. He did. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush traded jabs this morning, both of them saying the other one was a loser. Here is the tough thing. It's 5 o'clock, right? And the polls close in a couple hours. And so, you can't really go out there and say I think this is going to happen. What you have to do is say what did these people need to do. Trump needs -- he kind of downplayed it this morning at Fox. He said I just need a win. I think he needs a good solid win. I think he needs a 28, 30 percent win, which he's been polling at for a while.

We had a drink with the Christie guy last night. And he said third or fourth would be a win. And I looked at him like not in my book, my man.
Third or fourth isn't going to be a win. You need to be in second or first, you know, if you want to really continue. He says he is going to continue on. I think Heb needs to get in there and Marco Rubio has to say the show whatever happen at the debate didn't derail his candidacy. But it doesn't feel like it to me.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Dana, how do you feel?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I feel like New Hampshire feels like Iowa did a week ago, where they're excited for this day and really excited to get their televisions back tomorrow because there's been so campaigning here, and the candidates have worked their tails off. I think some of them are starting to lose their voice.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Tails off? Really, Dana, this is a family show.

PERINO: OK. Worked their fingers to the bone. And New Hampshire's job really is to win on the field. So I agree with Eric. I mean, coming in third, fourth, fifth. Third might be OK. Coming in fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, to me, I just see there's no real path going forward. And New Hampshire plays an important role of winnowing the field. So I think tomorrow you'll see people make a decision not to continue. The other thing I would say is that it is evident to me the GOP data operations are on the rise. This is what really set Barack Obama apart in 2008. And he was able to just blow passed Hillary Clinton to the nomination because of that. And the Republican Party had been way behind. And I think that they have absolutely caught up and that is proven by some of the statistics that you see with more innovative ways to reach out to people. Find the voters who are likely voters, people who voted in prior elections because just blanketing the entire state isn't good enough. You have to be very targeted. And I think the Republicans have gotten better at it.

GUILFOYLE: All right. And speaking of finishing in the standing, Rubio's plan for Iowa, he was going, 3, 2, 1. So hoping to get perhaps a second place finish here in New Hampshire after having a change of goal, third place in Iowa. Can you feel the excitement in the air, Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes. I can feel forecasters expected that the snow would dampen the turnout, which is odd because the biggest flakes are running. For Rubio, this primary.

GUILFOYLE: All night.


GUTFELD: This is like when the doctor walks in with the x-ray to tell you if Saturday's injury was serious. If it was a slight break or a big break, for Trump, is the stock inflated or not? Is he Google or is he Bing? The governors -- the governors are treated as though they are one thing.


GUTFELD: They're a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. And we got to find out which one is the bacon, and which one is the lettuce, and which one is the tomato.


GUTFELD: You can't have all three.


BOLLING: You can only have one.

GUILFOYLE: I love it. I love it. OK. So, Juan, how about your side?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think on the Republican side, I think this comes down to, is Trump for real? How big and how strong is Trump after the disappointment in Iowa? The question is do his people turn out? Does he have real voting support? And I think on the second level, to me, it goes right to people like John Kasich. Because Kasich has a lot of support from the Republican establishment in the state, Kimberly. People like John Sununu, (inaudible), and others, they've put the Republican establishment in position to respond to Trump. And the man.

BOLLING: Why is that?


WILLIAMS: Because I think they are supporting Kasich. They're pushing Kasich heavily here, not Rubio right now.

BOLLING: And you think it will last after New Hampshire?

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I'm interested to see the results tonight to see if Kasich can in fact be a guy that now rises to the level where he claims the establishment is going. But the establishment has not totally ceded the field to Donald Trump. And when it comes to your question about the Democrats, I think again, remember, a lot of people thought, well, it was kind of close, but they expect Bernie to do very well here. The question is how well? And with which constituency? If he just does well near the Vermont border, I think that's called the Connecticut River Valley. And people are going to say OK, we expected that. But if Bernie starts to do well with women over 45, with older women, people are going to say, wait a second. This is bigger than we thought. We thought this was a small hitch in the road on the way to the Hillary coronation. No, no, no. Bernie has really put on an amazing candidacy. I saw a statistic today. It said that in Iowa he had 50,000 people in his event. And in New Hampshire, he has had close to 100 thousand people in two states -- two small states for Bernie Sanders.

GUILFOYLE: He seems to have a tremendous amount of momentum and enthusiasm. A lot of young people came out here to support him and turn that vote out. I've been hearing a few people at this table say feel the burn or they feel the burn. I'm not sure.

BOLLING: That was not about the election.


PERINO: That was after he went to the doctor.



GUILFOYLE: Dana, really.

PERINO: I know.

GUTFELD: The audience is mine, what I would say.

GUILFOYLE: Here's what happens when you sit too close to Greg. But it is going to be about getting out the vote, Eric. Is it going to matter? I think it is going to matter. It did have an impact in Iowa.


BOLLING: The Deputy Secretary of State said the turnout was strong and steady. So it feels like people are energized in this election season.
They were in Iowa. They probably would be here as well. Does that benefit anyone in particular? They say it's Trump, but is it?


GUILFOYLE: It depends.


PERINO: So both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have infused a ton of energy into the race and a lot of new voters and enthusiasm. Remember, at the beginning, when I said, the GOP data that operations have been trying to find out who voted in a prior elections. If you voted in a prior election, you're more likely to vote regularly. You vote municipal elections.



PERINO: And presidential elections. So you want to find those people.
New voters are great in the energy. Young voters are great, but if they don't turn out, then you will have a bigger problem. Bernie Sanders is great with young people. It seems to be that they're enthusiastic. The snow doesn't seem to be dampening anybody's spirits or ability to get around. So they could both do very well. Even if Bernie Sanders only beats Hillary Clinton by a little bit, I think should you expect to see a sizable shake-up on the Clinton side tomorrow. Because they're already signaling.


PERINO: They're planning big changes.

GUILFOYLE: We've already heard some rumblings about that. And also, they've secured a firm that was very crucial for President Barack Obama in reaching out to minority and black voters, to get out the vote for them.
Because she really needs to see that voting community. There's no way to spin it if she doesn't do decent here in New Hampshire to take it. Very thin, like razor margin win in Iowa. And then if she gets beat badly in New Hampshire, I think that's a bigger problem for her.

WILLIAMS: If she gets beat badly, so her goal and the reason she brought more staff than in the past week here in New Hampshire, one is to keep it close. And the secondary strategy is to keep Bernie from going on. So Bernie has to pay attention here. He has to stay focused here. He can't go on and start campaigning elsewhere and he really doesn't have much structure elsewhere. It would be a matter of him catching the way.

BOLLING: He has money though.


GUTFELD: The socialists are raising more money than anybody.


WILLIAMS: Anyone on the Republican side.


BOLLING: There are GOP candidates who are down to $1 million.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, we know.

BOLLING: If it doesn't work here.

WILLIAMS: They're done.

BOLLING: They're done.

GUILFOYLE: That's why it is such a big deal. I mean, come on.

WILLIAMS: You know one last thing to mention? The fight -- the ongoing fight between Christie and Rubio. It has not stopped. I mean, these guys
-- you know the thing that happened over the weekend with Rubio.


WILLIAMS: But, man, I mean, they go after now. Rubio is saying Christie on gun control. And Christie is saying that Rubio, you wouldn't know he had ever been in the senate.

GUTFELD: It is really disgusting.


GUTFELD: What's wrong with this world?

WILLIAMS: Hard ball. Hard ball.

GUTFELD: I have no idea.

GUILFOYLE: At this table. All right. Don't move. Because we've got much more to come on this primary day. And up next, more on the Democratic race and a bizarre comment from Bill Clinton. Yes, he told the crowd he sometimes wishes he weren't married.

And later, our race that could predict the outcome of tonight's GOP race.
It's all ahead, so stick around.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The eyes of the country and a lot of the world, by the way, will be right here in New Hampshire. And what people will be asking is not just who wins, but whether the people of New Hampshire are prepared to lead this country in a political revolution to join with us in making that political revolution.


BOLLING: Bernie Sanders is hoping for big a win in New Hampshire to help kick start his socialist revolution. Hillary Clinton won't predict the outcome. She only says she will keep working until the last vote is cast and counted. It is clear though the Clintons are very concerned about the competition, ramping up their attacks to cool the Bern.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: We can't afford everything.
Hillary's opponent has a different view. He said look, it is a hermetically sealed box.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have been concerned over the last weeks, the attack by innuendo insinuations, kind of hurtful smears. And I just said enough is enough. So I want this innuendo to stop.

B. CLINTON: The unfortunate thing I think is that he has attracted so many, particularly young people and others who are so attracted to the rhetoric of he knows who to blame. Wall Street calls it all.


BOLLING: All right, so, Dana, they pulled Chelsea Clinton back a little bit from the campaign. Is it time to pull Bill back?

PERINO: Not necessarily. I think when we see that, we feel like he's not as on fire as he used to be. But he still has so much affection in the Democratic party, that I think they should keep him there. I thought putting Chelsea out before, they tried to make her an attack dog which is a terrible position to put her in. It is not her strength. I didn't think it wore well. So they were smart to pull her back.

BOLLING: What do you think? Honestly, some of these stuffs are rambling.
It is not focused.

GUTFELD: Clearly, he's worried because he wants a position in Hillary's White House. God knows he's tried every other position. He wants to be the Secretary of Exposure. Can you imagine a single Bill Clinton? He would make Hugh Hefner look like the Pope.


GUILFOYLE: Any other political comment here?

BOLLING: Go ahead. What is Bill doing? Is he helping or hurting her?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I think he helps her because he is you know very popular in the Democratic party, an icon and certainly one of the more popular presidents. Why wouldn't she? What else has she got going? After Chelsea didn't work out, that was a fail. That was you know.


PERINO: And yesterday, they were talking about the shakeup, they admitted they don't have a message. They don't have a new message going forward.

BOLLING: Let me bring Juan in. Bill Clinton helping or hurting Hillary's chances?

WILLIAMS: Oh, without a doubt, he is helping him. Bill Clinton may be the most popular politician in the country, not just on the Democratic party.
I think the problem here -- and it is something that he is identified. The problem is he's not doing it in a strategic way. He is just doing it in an angry way. If you say what is the advantage that Bernie Sanders has so far in this election, which he looks like a good candidate and Hillary Clinton looks like a bad candidate, it is that Hillary doesn't have a message that's being conveyed to the audience. Bernie is on message in terms of Wall Street.


WILLIAMS: He is on message in terms of Wall Street. He is on message in terms of like.


WILLIAMS: I think Bill Clinton has everything to do with message. And I think Bernie Sanders' message is what is winning the day. When he says Wal-Mart is the biggest.


BOLLING: I set you up because I wanted to see if you thought Bill Clinton was helping.

WILLIAMS: I think he's helping.

BOLLING: Does she need the woman vote? Does she need the female vote?
Does she say it is all about Republicans' war on women?

PERINO: I think when it comes down to it, on the general election day, she is going to need all the voters she can get.

BOLLING: OK. Take a listen to this. Just roll that sound bite.


B. CLINTON: Tonight, my job is to introduce Hillary. Sometimes when I'm on a stage like this, I wish we were not -- then I could say what I really think. I don't mean that in a negative way. I'm happy.


BOLLING: I don't mean it in a negative way. I wish sometimes I were not married to her?

GUTFELD: But I mean, it is so rare to hear a guy say that, am I right?
Women are saying that's terrible. The guys are going yeah, I said that once. I would like to point out, the problem for Hillary is that the older moderates that were for Bill in 92 in granite state are in a new granite state i.e. the mausoleum. They've moved on permanently. That's the problem. All the young people who are alive, and all the old people.

BOLLING: Now, Dana, we talked about it yesterday. Bernie Sanders was down to Hillary Clinton by 11 in Iowa. Now, he is up by 8 here in New Hampshire. This doesn't help her.

PERINO: It might not help her. I think that no matter what, if she closes the gap and if she only loses to him by somewhere in the single digits, Hillary Clinton's team will claim it as a victory.

WILLIAMS: They sure will.


WILLIAMS: And let's be clear about what Bill Clinton said. I stand here speaking as a husband. I mean, Bill Clinton was not saying that he was wishing he was not married to her. He was saying he could speak in even angrier, more forceful tones about Bernie Sanders, if he wasn't the wife -- the husband.


GUILFOYLE: Hey, Juan, I'm really glad you cleaned that up. Good job.

BOLLING: Come on, K.G. Let's call it what it is. When she heard that, she had to say, wow.

GUILFOYLE: Well, look, it wasn't helpful because you know it gets put on like this. And it looks bad, it sounds bad. It is not great and she needs a little boost. But sometime when you're struggling like that, you just can't quite get your step, and they know that they're losing some footing here. It is tough. It didn't work with Chelsea. You have got now Hillary taking a beating from Bernie. Bernie is doing you know Saturday Night Live, funny. It's like he has got wheels on his back. It is working well.
And you know her car is still like stuck in a pit stop.

BOLLING: Quick around. Does Bernie Sanders nomination helps the GOP?

GUTFELD: You know, I can't believe that Sanders isn't helping her. This should make her look more like in center (ph). That's why I hang around Dana because it makes me look taller.


GUTFELD: I mean, it's not working at all.


GUILFOYLE: And you still look short.

PERINO: I don't take offense to that all. I was just thinking, because there's such a divide now in terms of the enthusiasm, that the younger people have sided for the revolution. And Hillary is like being wait, I'm not a Conservative Democrat or Moderate Democrat. How is she going to bridge that gap? And then, to the middle for the general election, that's a very tricky thing.


BOLLING: Quick thoughts. The GOP would rather see Hillary or Bernie?

GUILFOYLE: Take either one. Take either one.


WILLIAMS: I'm going to say that today I expect Bernie Sanders to win and I think Bernie Sanders deserves all the credit in the world. Much respect.
Generating enthusiasm. Hillary is not showing up as a great candidate.
But let's not play games. You guys wish that Bernie is the candidate because you think you can beat him.


GUILFOYLE: Socialism scares people. But what should be a concern to them, the momentum that he has, all the young people out to support him, he's been able to capture that movement. He has a message. It seems to be resonating.


GUTFELD: Definitely captured a movement.

BOLLING: OK. We'll leave it right there. It is election day. So you know what that means. Campaign Carl joins us.

And still ahead, the most exciting race of the election so far. The Five's first ever sledding contest. Trust me, you are going to want to see this.
Stick around.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. The battle for New Hampshire is almost over.
Most polls closed here in less than two hours. The GOP candidates are anxiously awaiting results, and so is Campaign Carl Cameron. Let's check in with him now. He is live at Trump Headquarters in Manchester. Carl, how is the Donald talking about the expectations game?

CARL CAMERON, FOX CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, he's been a little bit subdued about it for the last couple of days, saying he doesn't know what will happen. He hopes to win. He's not sure, which for Mr. Trump is pretty rare. But the Secretary of State in the State Bill Gardner has predicted a record turnout, 550,000, perhaps even more voters than that.
It was very clear in polling places across the state that there were big crowds coming in. And that usually speaks very well for Donald Trump. The bigger the turnout, the more newer voters. He had a big lead in the polls.
All of his rivals essentially said it probably was an insurmountable lead.
Then the question becomes, could John Kasich catch him? Perhaps Chris Christie? Maybe Jeb Bush? There's been a lot of talk about the revenge of the governors finally getting their moment. And tonight, possibly, one of them will come in second, which could rejigger the race a lot as we move forward.

PERINO: Interesting.

WILLIAMS: Gregory.

GUTFELD: Hey, Carl. I actually have a question about television because you've been in TV for a while. Let's say you have a choice of looking really, really short on TV or being forced to sit on two pillows that everybody in television can see that you're sitting on. No more pillows.


CAMERON: . Stepladder.

GUTFELD: There you go.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.


GUILFOYLE: Now, you're shorter than Dana.


WILLIAMS: All right, all right.


WILLIAMS: Gregory just blew it up, but Dana is going to save the day.

PERINO: I am sitting on two pillows, too.

GUTFELD: This is all brought to you by Big Pillow. It's Big Pillow that's running the show.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not sitting on any pillows.


GUILFOYLE: You were born with the pillows.


WILLIAMS: Dana, can you please help me?

PERINO: Campaign Carl, I have a serious question. Is there anyone in Republican, not running in the race, but someone in Republican leadership that could talk to the candidates who don't couldn't in, in the top first three spots tonight, to try to start encouraging them to leave the race, so that the eventual nominee is not so beaten up by the time we have a nominee? Is there anyone who can talk some sense into people dropping out?

CAMERON: Well, let's put it this way. Since 2009, 2010, when the tea party movement sort of came to prominence on the right, there hand been a lot about listening to the great bearded power brokers or (inaudible) of the Republican party. Normally, in the absence of the presidency, you would look to the Speaker of the House and/or the Senate Majority Leader or Minority Leader, as the case may be. In this case, it is obviously the majority. But the candidates have spent so much time in the last year and a half beating up on John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, it is hard to imagine them having a heck a lot of pull trying to tell those very same candidates to get out of the race.

Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson, for instance, who will be facing something of a difficult night tonight, or any one of the governors who perhaps doesn't perform, underperforms. They could face the pressure. But since they've been saying that the leadership in Washington has been a disaster on the Republican right for the last few years, no one's going to listen to them anyway.

WILLIAMS: Carl, here's Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Hi, Carl. So, you know, we spoke to you yesterday, and we talk about momentum and seeing if there's any kind of movement, ground swell of support that was being carried through since the debate Saturday night. It was pretty electric and where you saw the governors kind of rise up and take arms against the senators. Are you seeing and hearing that on the ground now from the people that are getting together to come vote?

CAMERON: Sure. But I mean, there's a big, big difference between sort of what we call ground game in Iowa, where you've really got to get people to support you, and then go out to caucus and argue with their neighbors to give up whoever they're backing and come to your side, and what happens in a primary.

And in this particular primary in New Hampshire, where one out of every two people in the state is likely to vote, according to the projections, it's not about organizing and getting them to commit for you. It's about finding the momentum in these last four or five days when the undecideds are making up their minds, and then surfing that wave of momentum to victory.

And we've seen a little bit of that momentum going to Kasich. We've seen a little bit of Marco Rubio's early momentum in the week erode after his Saturday night debate performance, which was widely criticized. We've seen a little bit of momentum, perhaps, even going for Jeb Bush, and he has certainly appeared much more at ease, much more sort of loose on the trail, willing to really mix it up with Donald Trump and throw some serious punches in ways that he was either hesitant or awkward or in some cases just -- he was left out.

WILLIAMS: Carl -- Carl, let me just -- let me get Eric in here real quick.
Carl, let me get Eric in here real quick.

BOLLING: So carl, you said 550,000 are expected to vote. That's three time the amount of people -- number of people voted in Iowa. We talked about it last night, where the state is -- has a lower population. Yet they vote more.

Last night anecdotally, we all went out to dinner. We went to this -- there was a restaurant with a bar. Went to the bar. There were two guys, and they were bikers. And they were, like, literally in tank -- like, sleeveless shirts. They had sleeve tats on. And they were talking about taxes and policies. They were talking about taxes. I was blown away.

These people really care about their politics in New Hampshire. So therefore, can we take what we learned from New Hampshire and apply it to the rest of the race?

CAMERON: Well, in the sense that independents can vote, and there's actually more independents than there are Republicans and Democrats, undeclared voters is what they're technically called here.

Yes, New Hampshire sort of advertises itself as a general electorate in the primary. The turnout is so high, it's even better than most states have in the general election. And because the independents can vote, you get a more composite of the actual state.

But no, you can't use what -- New Hampshire sort of sets the trajectory and will cut off a couple more candidates, in all likelihood. It may not happen tonight, but it may happen in the next few days.

Then we go into South Carolina, and it's a completely different situation.
Two things to know about. The Trump campaign has launched an attack ad on Ted Cruz in South Carolina today. It's pretty tough. And the Trump campaign is thoroughly prepared to go into South Carolina and face the kind of bare-knuckle politics that the Palmetto State, first-in-the-south primary has. Flyers under the windshield, voice mails that are very nasty, tough stuff.

WILLIAMS: I hear you, Carl, but we've got to go. Carl, thanks so much.
Mr. New Hampshire, a native of the state. The latest on the Democratic race, coming up with Election Ed Henry, next.


GUTFELD: Bernie Sanders, a devout socialist, has held a strong lead over Hillary Clinton for weeks in New Hampshire. In a few hours we'll know if this champion of a century's worth of failed ideas is going to pick up his first victory of their nomination fight against the lesser known upstart, Hillary. Ha-ha.

Let's go to chief White House correspondent Ed Henry live in Nashua.

So Ed, if Hillary gets shellacked, how soon does she drop out and how soon is Biden on the scene?

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: I don't think it's going to happen that quickly, my friend. You always ask those very intriguing questions.

But I think you're on point that it could be big a night for Bernie Sanders camp, and how do I know that? It's not just from talking to the Sanders camp. I've spent the day talking with the Clinton camp, some of their folks canvassing here in Nashua.

And what they're telling me in private is, "We just hope to get this -- this to single digits tonight." They know they're going to lose tonight, and they're saying, "We just don't want it to be by 20 points." So they consider it a victory if they can get it under 10 points. That tells me they're going to lose tonight.


WILLIAMS: So Ed, when you're looking at the establishment, Democratic Party establishment in the state, Governor Shaheen -- Senator Shaheen, I should say, and Governor Hassan, you see them line up like the women behind Hillary. How come that hasn't carried the day for her?

HENRY: You know, I'm going to steal a line from our colleague, Brit Hume.
And I heard him say a few days ago that these endorsements simply don't matter as much now in the age of social media and all the other factors in these campaigns. Donald Trump, you know, running a Twitter campaign. Not spending a lot of money.

Here on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton can line up all the establishment folks she wants, and it almost gives Bernie Sanders more fuel to say, "See? They're all against me, but I'm with the people." And that's been his message. He's been pounding it again and again, and these endorsements have had little impact.


PERINO: Late last night the FBI confirmed that it is looking into the server and the issues around it. It seems the Clinton campaign treats it like Voldemort, like the investigation that shall not be named. But they have to be thinking that this is really serious going forward.

HENRY: You know, you put your finger on something important, which is in the last debate, Hillary Clinton was asked about the FBI probe and said, "This is a security review," downplaying it. And they've said that in private and in public for a long time.

That's why the letter you mentioned, from the FBI to the State Department, saying, "We can't turn over some documents, because it would interfere with a law enforcement matter." That shows this is not just a security review.
It's a law enforcement matter. It's potentially a criminal investigation.

We don't know who the target will be. It might be Hillary Clinton or aides or anyone else or they could say, we're not going to move forward. But it is a criminal investigation. It's not just a security review. So it is a great unknown in this campaign. And Dana, you know what campaigns, Democrat, Republican, independent, what they don't like are unknowns. They want to get all the factors. And they simply don't know where this is going.


BOLLING: Ed, very simply, what's going on with Bill Clinton?

HENRY: Look, David Maraniss, who wrote a highly acclaimed biography of Bill Clinton, was out on the campaign trail here. I saw him in New Hampshire the last couple days. And he was on Twitter last night, saying he hadn't seen Bill Clinton, I think, in years and said that he was shocked that he didn't look healthy, that he looked like he was sort of staring off and wasn't as engaged as David Maraniss, who followed him very closely and covered him for many years, has known him to be. I think he's been off in this campaign.

In 2008 he was still engaged but made some high-profile mistakes and also helped Hillary Clinton in some ways. This campaign, he's mostly been a nonfactor. And when he put himself out there a couple days ago and accused Sanders supporters of sexism, coming from Bill Clinton after what Donald Trump a couple months ago about Bill Clinton's scandals being fair game.
It seemed completely off key.

And I followed that on what Chelsea Clinton said, Sanders wanted to kill Obamacare. It sounded off key. And I think some of the family attacks have backfired a bit.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, Ed, what's the feedback you're getting in the field from voters as to why they're making a choice for a socialist over Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: Well, I think you asked a good question, which is what is really frustrating the Clinton campaign, is that they don't believe a lot of these voters who are telling pollsters they'll go with Bernie Sanders here in New Hampshire and elsewhere really know what he wants to do.

And you heard that from Bill Clinton. I think, to be fair to him, what he's been hitting out here on the trail is, look, how are we going to pay for all this stuff? And Bill Clinton a couple days ago said, "If I had come to New Hampshire with these plans and, you know, not have details to pay for it, you never would have made me the Comeback Kid in 1992."

So I think that that's their deep frustration. They can't figure it out.
And I think the reason why is that he's hitting into that economic anxiety.

By the way, look at what's going on here in New Hampshire, how excited people are. Do you see Bernie Sanders? Right here. And Donald Trump right here.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

HENRY: Hillary Clinton. Right at the local haberdasher here in Nashua.
And I think they're going to miss us. I think we've all brought them a lot of business.

GUTFELD: Well, thank you, Ed. I love the phrase haberdash. This is the 21st Century. But that was surprisingly coherent.

So we've got to move on. As promised, the results of our race to predict the outcome of tonight's GOP race. See "The Five" sledding contest, next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Look at that.


PERINO: It's going to be the best segment in all of New Hampshire, because the five of us are going to pick the top five candidates. We don't know who we're going to have. And then we're going to slide down this hill.

Greg has never been sledding before. It's his first time. And whoever wins down there at the bottom, that's our prediction of who's going to win tonight's election.

So here we go, randomly handing them out. K.G.'s a competitor; Juan thinks he's going to win. You know that Bolling is an athlete. Here's Gutfeld.


PERINO: Who have you got, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Governor in Ohio. John Kasich, right here, going to take the victory in New Hampshire, baby.

PERINO: I got Cruz! And it was random.


All right. Ted Cruz, you are mine. All right. Are you guys ready, you guys?

GUTFELD: I bet he's dreamt of that.

PERINO: On your marks -- I'm not cheating.

GUILFOYLE: Why are you all like that? Cruz goes first?



BOLLING: Who do you have?

PERINO: On your marks, get set, go! Cruz is going to win!

You have to push the sled.


GUTFELD: Here we go.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my goodness.

GUTFELD: I'd hate to think that there are people standing and watching when I just got here.

PERINO: Trump wins. Congratulations. Donald Trump, you heard it here first.

GUTFELD: We need to build a roll around him.

BOLLING: Cruz came in second?

PERINO: Cruz came in second. It's unbelievable.

BOLLING: And who's third?

GUILFOYLE: I beat Greg. Kasich, Ohio.

GUTFELD: No, I beat you. I was here.

WILLIAMS: No, Bush. Bush.

PERINO: All right. That's it for us.

GUTFELD: I'd just like to say that this whole exercise is racist. Look at the snow. White.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. I didn't even know you said that.

GUTFELD: I forgot I said it too. Remember, I had been drinking.

GUILFOYLE: No kidding. Yes.

PERINO: That was fun. And it was about as scientific as anything else we have around here.

BOLLING: Is that random? Or can I be a conspiracy theorist? You did hand them out.

PERINO: I had no idea.

BOLLING: And you knew you were going to hand out.

PERINO: The producers handed them to me. I didn't know.

GUILFOYLE: No one knew.

PERINO: Did you see Greg?

GUILFOYLE: Greg and I couldn't move.

GUTFELD: I got the hang of it in the middle of it.

GUILFOYLE: No. Here's what happened.

GUTFELD: That happens a lot.

GUILFOYLE: What happened was we were like, what do we do with our hands?
What do we do with this and that? And my pants were falling off. Yes, thanks for that. I got a bunch of snow down the butt. The whole situation
-- look at this. Trump had to help me out.

GUTFELD: Better than down the butt.

PERINO: I think this could become a new New Hampshire tradition. I think we made TV history.

BOLLING: You know, Bret Baier, he's prepping for his show. And he walked out...

GUILFOYLE: The real show.

BOLLING: Guess what, guys? We have some real hard-hitting stuff at the end of the show.

PERINO: Talk about an exit poll.

BOLLING: He's like, "Oh, great."

PERINO: Like K.G. when you got that ice out.

GUILFOYLE: When I got that ice out, let me tell you, I was a new woman, woo!

WILLIAMS: Do you know what was great about it was...?

GUILFOYLE: Ice melts quickly on a Puerto Rican woman.

WILLIAMS: You -- you stopped me. You slowed me down, because I was totally distracted.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Because I was like, wait a second.

WILLIAMS: You were worried about your clothes.

BOLLING: Now Juan, you were Bush, right?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I was Jeb.

BOLLING: And you came in third.

WILLIAMS: Third, third.

BOLLING: That's a win.

WILLIAMS: If that's real. If that's real.

PERINO: Let me just point out, though, that I did get down the hill faster. I just went in a slightly different direction, didn't get to the camera first.

BOLLING: You know, I played by the rules.

GUILFOYLE: You guys get down already.

PERINO: So I actually won New Hampshire.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, really cold for California people.

GUTFELD: You know what? You look at me. I was for Rubio. I was very, very robotic. My arms were very robotic.

GUILFOYLE: You were like C3PO.

GUTFELD: Yes, on his belly.

PERINO: You kept doing the same motion.

GUTFELD: Yes, over and over again.

WILLIAMS: But I can't believe you never sled anywhere before.

GUTFELD: I'm from San Mateo, California.

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem. We're from California. We didn't even have any of this. We didn't have any snow in San Francisco. And then these guys...

GUTFELD: Well, it's a different kind of snow.

BOLLING: That's a good point. Chicago...

GUILFOYLE: These guys, Jamaican bobsledders.

BOLLING: ... Colorado.

WILLIAMS: Brooklyn. Let me say, I've sled down so many hills in Washington, D.C., with kids. It's unbelievable.

PERINO: Look at you crawling to the finish.

WILLIAMS: I couldn't -- I couldn't get it going.

GUILFOYLE: You know what he did?

WILLIAMS: I was slowed down by helping my colleague.

BOLLING: Poor Kasich. Poor Kasich couldn't get out of the...

GUILFOYLE: I know. And I was in the like, purple...

PERINO: But you know, if you were going to be Kasich, you would choose to be Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And...

WILLIAMS: Why not?

GUILFOYLE: And rock the -- rock the purple snow pants?

PERINO: Who wouldn't?

All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Time for "One More Thing." Greg, what do you have?

GUTFELD: Well, tonight right after the show, Eric and I are going to be driving back to New York. He's going to be shirtless. I'm going to be pant-less.


GUTFELD: But I'm going to tell you. I want to let the viewers know. I want to let the viewers know, I-495 South, 290 West, and then I-84 and then Connecticut 15. So if you see us on the road, and you honk and you wave, maybe we'll pull over and have a picture with you or maybe we'll just laugh and keep driving. But who knows?

PERINO: I think it's time that Eric had a chance to travel with you alone.

GUTFELD: I know, I know. I have a very weak bladder. I have a very weak bladder. We'll be stopping a lot.

By the way, speaking of weak bladder, I ran into Senator Graham in the bathroom. He was doing No. 1. I call it a golden Graham. And he gave his
-- he gave his prediction. I'm not going to say what it was, but it was very close to our race.

GUILFOYLE: OK. That's why you don't want to travel with Greg, when he was taking off his socks with his broken smelly toe. And Xanaxing out and having panic attacks. I won't get in that car.

OK, Dana.

PERINO: OK. So you know how we love contests. We just had the sledding contest. Last night we decided to have another one, because Greg has this gigantic coat. Where's it from?

GUTFELD: It's Woolrich.

PERINO: Woolrich. OK. Take a look at this. We're going to have a who wore it best contest. And there's going to be a poll at the end. There's Kimberly. Greg's next. Let's see a picture of Greg.

GUTFELD: No, that's...

PERINO: That's me. Who's next? That's Greg.

GUILFOYLE: We had to reshoot him.

PERINO: And we have, there's a Bolling. And then Juan Williams. So if you go to "The Five" Facebook page, you can to vote in our poll of who wore it best. I have a feeling the Puerto Rican is going to win.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, I've got to place someplace first. Come on.

GUTFELD: Look like a caterpillar sleeping...

GUILFOYLE: I love that jacket so much. I keep telling Greg, "Just tell your wife you lost it."

GUTFELD: You say that on TV. That really helps.

WILLIAMS: Yes, he's not married. He's like Bill Clinton. You know?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. I love it.

All right. Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate, OK? Do you know what today is? National Pizza Day. Oh, yes. I can even do a food segment here. No doubt. I already started eating it, because I was very hungry. Who would like some pizza?

GUTFELD: What's on it?

WILLIAMS: Peperoni.

GUILFOYLE: Peperoni and sausage.

I want to tell you something. The food here in New Hampshire has been outstanding. We loved our meal last night. Really, truly amazing. What was it? The Common Ground?

GUTFELD: The Common Man.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes, yes. Fantastic place.

I mean, that's all I got for you. But everybody loves pizza. And I think it's kind of healthy, especially if you chase it with some gummy bears or something like that.

OK, Bolling.

BOLLING: So do we do it every time we come into a place? Want to say thank you to the great people of the state of New Hampshire. Also St.
Anselm College. Check out this picture, a group of a great young kids who are -- I'm not sure if they're volunteers or not, but they're part of a -- student ambassadors.

PERINO: They've been great.

BOLLING: Yes, they were wonderful. They helped us out.

WILLIAMS: Abby gave me a ride.

BOLLING: That's Brian Stankowitz (ph), Abigail Smith, Robby Merritt (ph) and Dan Flatley. And also -- this is a little surprise for our producers.
Next picture, please. And there they are. On the left, our executive producer, Porter Berry. Megan Albano (ph) and Stephanie Wheeler.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, baby.

BOLLING: Also there. And let's not forget Allison (ph), our stage manager. You guys have all been great. And thank you very much to people.

GUILFOYLE: And to our team back home in New York City in the control room making this happen, making Iowa happen. All five lives matter.


WILLIAMS: Look, I tell you what, I've been to Dixville Notch, where they have the midnight voting. I've seen the man in the mountain, right? But today there was a first in New Hampshire voting. This morning, an escaped pig, over 600 pounds, strode up to the door of a polling location in Pelham, New Hampshire. The pig was wandering through the parking lot full of primary voters. He was hanging around the door, and suddenly, the police came. They discovered the pig came from a local farm. So they tracked down the owner, who came to get the piggy and brought him home.
Oh, bacon. Bacon, bacon, bacon.

GUILFOYLE: That's a big one, don't you think?

WILLIAMS: It was a big one? What do you mean?

GUILFOYLE: The pig is a big one.

WILLIAMS: Yes, 600 pounds.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

All right. We'll see you tomorrow, if we still have jobs, with our analysis of the election result. Stay tuned for a real show and continuing coverage.

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