
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 12, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST : Welcome to "Hannity ". Tonight even though the Democratic-controlled Senate is taking unprecedented steps to try and limit your Second Amendment rights, House Republicans are vowing to fight for law abiding gun owners. Now GOP lawmakers are explaining that even if gun control legislation does pass the Senate it does not necessarily mean that the bill would become the law of the land.

Now House Majority Whip Congressman Kevin McCarthy explained this best when he told The Daily Caller, quote, "I know the Senate can do their work, but one thing about the House is we believe in regular order."

Now Congressman McCarthy is not alone. Yesterday, Speaker Boehner said if a bill was passed in the Senate, the House would review it and then he made his position extremely clear. Watch this.


SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: In the issue -- the issue of guns have been an issue for the 22 years that I have been in Congress. The thing we have to remember is that laws are only as good as our citizens' willingness to obey them. And law abiding citizens do in fact obey them. Criminals don't obey them.

In addition to that, we have got a system of laws that are not enforced today. Now I would think that before we begin to add more rules and regulations on law abiding citizens that we at least expect our law enforcement personnel and the Department of Justice to enforce the current law, which they are not doing.


HANNITY: Now he has a point. So if the bill fails in the House, what is next for the left's gun control agenda? Now we have already seen how President Obama and his liberal cohorts will stoop to the lowest of lows to try and push through their radical agenda.

Now touting data that is decades old and exploiting families in the case of Newtown victims so what is next? What will they resort to? Joining me now with analysis are from the American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow, former congressman, Fox News contributor, Dennis Kucinich and the host of "The Five," Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Alright, Kim, let me start with you. Good to see you. Is there anything that is proposed that would have prevented Aurora, Tucson or Newtown?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE": And it's confusing, perplexing, in fact, that why the 16 senators would even go forward with this because there is nothing that is going to actually help stop prevent a Newtown or Aurora, Colorado or the shooting that happened in Chicago.

So why are they doing this? Because good luck with the conservative voters by putting this forward they are putting themselves in real jeopardy for no good reason. In fact, just leave the background checks and laws that are in place. Enforce those. Focus on that and don't waste taxpayer money on new regulations and other problems like this.

HANNITY: Alright, Dennis Kucinich, you're a Democrat. Would you vote for this legislation and could you tell me anything in this legislation that would have prevented any of the tragedies that I mentioned?

DENNIS KUCINICH, FORMER CONGRESSMAN: Well, the legislation we are talking about I would assume is the one that appears to be getting the most attention, which is the one bipartisan bill by Senators Manchin and Toomey.


KUCINICH: OK, that legislation is calling for background checks and - - of people who buy guns also online and at gun shows, but it's exempting personal transactions, important to know that. I think that is sensible. I don't even know if you can call that gun control. That it's not the same thing as --

HANNITY: Is there anything there that would have prevented any one of the incidents that this legislation is responsive particularly to Newtown? The answer is no.

KUCINICH: You know, well, let me answer it. You asked me a question. I will answer it, we have to have a deeper discussion going way beyond issues about guns to the issue of violence in America. Why do we have such levels of domestic violence, spouse abuse, child abuse, violence, gang violence, gun violence -- that is what we ought to be.

HANNITY: But, Congressman --

KUCINICH: No it's not. Violence is a serious problem in America, Sean.

HANNITY: Listen, I want to put retired police and retired military in schools. That would likely prevent a future tragedy. That would be a problem-solving answer. You are acknowledging the truth; nothing they are proposing here would have prevented any of these tragedies, nothing.

KUCINICH: There ought to be background checks.

HANNITY: There are background checks.

KUCINICH: There are people purchasing guns who shouldn't have guns.

HANNITY: Alright, Jay.

JAY SEKULOW, AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE: Here is the problem, Sean. You hit it right on the head. Number one, there is nothing in this legislation that would have stopped any of the tragedies you mentioned.

Number two, your suggestion and what you have been arguing for is correct. We have police officers on most college campuses in the United States. We have Secret Service protecting the president, which we should.

We have on Capitol Hill, Capitol Hill police protecting members of Congress and the Supreme Court with the Supreme Court police. Why would we not have armed law enforcement whether retired military, retired police officers who you know would be willing to do this at virtually no cost to these communities?

Why would we not have them in elementary and high schools? And the left will not answer that basic fundamental question and so I'm going to ask it to Dennis Kucinich who I respect. Dennis, would you be opposed to having law enforcement whether it's retired military or police in elementary and high schools across the United States armed?

KUCINICH: I think that the effective conservative position would be to leave it at the local school boards.

SEKULOW: Well, if the school board decided to do it would you support it? Sean, here is the problem. We want a national solution with this -- here is the problem. The left doesn't want to answer this question and it is an easy question. Of course, they do not want to have armed police officers on the campuses because they think the gun is the problem rather than the person that has it.

HANNITY: Dennis, would you support putting armed retired policemen and military in schools to protect our children, first line of defense? For example, if your children, you heard there was a shoot at your local school and your kids are there, would you rather there be armed guards, policemen or military already there or not there? I would prefer they be there.

KUCINICH: Sean, first of all, that is not for the federal government to determine.

HANNITY: What would you rather personally --

KUCINICH: In Cleveland, Ohio, if the school board voted for that I would support it. But I think that is where -- you know, this gun issue is not the going to be revolved necessarily nationally.

HANNITY: Let me go back to Kimberly.

KUCINICH: The 1,500 bills that were proposed in January, half of them in the state legislatures, half of them were for stricter gun regulation and half were opposed.

GUILFOYLE: This is what is so sad because why are they so afraid of a real solution here to protect children? Where these tragedies happen or in these gun free zones-- that is where the shooters go because they know they will not be met with equal force or opposition.

That's why in Aurora, Colorado, he researched and saw which theaters in fact had armed guards there and which didn't. He chose the one that had no weapon there so that he would be undeterred and he could commit mass murder there.

That is what you see in the situation like Newtown, too. Why not have somebody there that is willing to serve, continue a life of service and protect children. I have a 6-year-old and I want my kid in the school where there is someone armed to protect them.

HANNITY: Let me play for all of you. It is scary the ignorance, for example, the assault weapons ban, one gun that has a cosmetic feature, that gun would be banned just for a cosmetic reason. Listen to how ignorant the vice president of the United States is when it comes to weapons. It almost takes your breath away. Watch.


VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Jill, if there is a problem walk out on the balcony here and put the double barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the House. You don't need an AR-15. It is harder to aim. It's harder to use and in fact, you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself, buy a shotgun.

They own guns for one of two reasons. Self-protection or are they just like the feel of that AR-15 at range. They like the way it feels. They just -- you know, it is like driving a Ferrari.

I get they make fun of my saying about use a shotgun if someone is invading your home. Use a shotgun and you don't kill your kids. Use an AR-15 and it goes through the wall and can kill your kid in the bedroom.


GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

HANNITY: By the way, Jay Sekulow, I own shotguns and AR-15s and pistols. He couldn't be more wrong and more ignorant. The idea he is talking about firing through doors and firing bullets up in the air. Is he kidding me? Seriously, an AR-15 does not have is the same kick as a lot of these shotguns.

SEKULOW: Well, here is the problem with the vice president's analysis. He forgets one thing. It's called the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are not drawing distinctions between the type of arms protected under the Second Amendment.

The fact of the matter is, Sean, you are correct from the analysis you just gave. But fundamentally, here let's realize what is going on. This legislation, this proposed legislation does nothing to address the problem. This is politics. If the president gets it through he says he got some kind of gun reform.

HANNITY: Dennis Kucinich, I have a question for you. If somebody breaks into your house, God forbid and you know, I mean, this, what are you going to do?

KUCINICH: Look, I believe that the world is ultimately a benign place. I'm not afraid of anything.

HANNITY: A benign place with pedophiles with home invasions and rapists and murderers. Do you think it is a benign place?

SEKULOW: If it is so benign you wouldn't need police officers.

HANNITY: But you didn't answer my question. God forbid somebody breaks into your house, wait a minute. What are you going to do to protect yourself?

KUCINICH: You know what? You do whatever you have to protect yourself and your family.

HANNITY: Alright, so tell me what would that be? What would you do?

KUCINICH: You protect your family with whatever you have available.

HANNITY: And what is that? You are going to pick up a knife and baseball bat?

KUCINICH: Look, do I believe in self-defense, absolutely?

HANNITY: But you wouldn't use a gun?

KUCINICH: Well, you know what? You know, I can't speak to whether or not I own a gun. I'm not interested in promoting firearms that is the NRA's job.

HANNITY: I think that is the NRA's job.

SEKULOW: If it was so benign you wouldn't need the police. You do need the police.

HANNITY: They teach more gun safety classes than any other group in America.

GUILFOYLE: If somebody comes to my house, one way in and no way out because I exercise my Second Amendment right to own firearms and use them responsibly just like every American has the right to do.

HANNITY: Alright, guys, thank you very much. Appreciate it, very revealing.

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