
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," April 6, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: A convicted killer escaped 10 years ago with a deputy prison warden's wife. The convicted killer spoke out about how he kept his hostage captive for over a decade.


RANDOLPH DIAL, KIDNAPPED HIS WARDEN'S WIFE: I had worked on her for about a year, trying to get her mind right. And I convinced her that the friend was the enemy and the enemy was the friend. It's — I think somebody called it Stockholm syndrome.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us on the phone is K.C. Breshears, criminal investigator with the Orange County district attorney's office. K.C., where is Mr. Dial tonight?

K.C. BRESHEARS, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR, ORANGE COUNTY, TEXAS: It's my understanding he's been extradited back to Oklahoma.

VAN SUSTEREN: What can you tell me about Randolph Dial? I mean, what was original offense for which he was in prison?

BRESHEARS: He was in prison for murdering a karate instructor in Oklahoma by the name of Kelly Hogan.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know the motive for that homicide?

BRESHEARS: No, I do not, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know how soon after the murder was he actually picked up on that 1981 killing?

BRESHEARS: No, ma'am. All I know is that he was incarcerated until August of 1994, when he escaped.

VAN SUSTEREN: What happened with the escape?

BRESHEARS: All I know is that he fled, and at that time, Ms. Parker also went missing, along with her van. And her van was discovered later on in Wichita Falls, Texas. It was abandoned.

VAN SUSTEREN: K.C., is Mr. Dial going to be charged with any additional charges, now that he is back in custody after 10 years?

BRESHEARS: That will be up to the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation, but I'm sure they're going to at least charge him with the escape.

VAN SUSTEREN: What took so long to find him?

BRESHEARS: Mr. Dial managed to pick a very good place to hide. He went to work for a company where he wouldn't be out in the mainstream public. He had a place to live that they provided, so he wasn't having to pay rent or utilities that would have left a record of where he was at. Therefore, he didn't use a bank. He didn't have a telephone. He didn't drive. All those things, you know, make our job a lot harder in tracking these people.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was there an active search for him over these 10 years, or had people sort of lost interest with time?

BRESHEARS: Well, there's always an active search for these type of people. And of course, "America's Most Wanted" played a very important role in this particular case because several times, they did feature stories on Mr. Dial. And that's ultimately what led to his capture this time, because, you know, somebody out there saw his picture on the Web site and responded to it.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, K.C., thank you.

BRESHEARS: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bobbi Parker, the woman held hostage, had access to a truck and a nearby highway. So why didn't she try to escape? Joining us in Dallas is Lee Hancock of The Dallas Morning News. Lee, first of all, what is the theory about why she didn't try to escape over 10 years?

LEE HANCOCK, DALLAS MORNING NEWS: Well, when she was found by a Texas Ranger and several officers, she was absolutely terrified. She acknowledged who she was, but she told them, I can't talk to you. And she even took great pains, as they led Mr. Dial away, to yell at him, I haven't cooperated.

And later, she told police that she feared that Mr. Dial had Mafia connections. He made that very clear. There was even a book written that suggested he had been a Mafia hitman at one time. And basically told her he could, with a single phone call have her entire family killed. She has two young daughters, who, after she was found, spent a lot of time talking about them. She said that she dreamed often about them and wondered how they were. And apparently, she was so scared that something might happen to them that she stayed with him all of these years.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has she now been reunited with her husband, the deputy warden? And if so, where was this?

HANCOCK: This happened down in Texas. The town where she was found is a little place called Center. It's near the Louisiana border, down in the piney woods. And they actually were reunited early Tuesday morning in the town of Nacogdoches. And I understand from some people who were there this was a very, very emotional reunion. There's a lady who's a reserve deputy who was asked to stay with them over the two days that they were in Texas, and she said very clear that they still love each other very much. They have a lot, obviously, to work through, but that bond is still there.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Mr. Dial had a health problem in the last year-and-a-half? Is that right?

HANCOCK: Yes, he had a heart condition. This was known even before his escape. And he apparently had treatment of some sort from cardiologists in Nacogdoches. He talked about that during several jailhouse interviews after his arrest. And apparently, because of that, he stayed in the trailer and watched her work. Apparently, she did this back- breaking work seven days a week, taking care of chicken houses. Neighbors described her as someone who'd been through a very hard life, a very rough life, because it's very hard labor.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Did he use an alias?

HANCOCK: He did. He actually used two different names, either the last name of Diehl or Deahl, spelled D-E-A-H-L. And he explained it to both authorities and reporters, saying, I just basically hid in plain sight.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do authorities really believe that this woman was held hostage against her will, or is there any sort of suspicion that there was some sort of romantic relationship between these two?

HANCOCK: Well, I have talked to a number of officials, including Texas Rangers and other cops who have been around the block a time or two, and they are absolutely adamant that they had never seen someone, you know, as convincing. One woman said to me — this is the reserve deputy — she'd never seen someone as traumatized. They are absolutely convinced that she was scared for her family. She remains scared. In fact, I was told they're not sure she still realizes that her ordeal is over.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he beat her? I mean, how was he able to exert control over her? Was it just simply the verbal control?

HANCOCK: Well, that's going to come out over time. She was very clear with police, even several days after her arrest, she did not want to be interviewed. She would say a few things, but she would not offer much information. And a neighbor who I talked to, who lived a couple of hundred yards down the road, said she would often see Mr. Dial out in this red dirt yard in front of his trailer, carrying a .410 shotgun. And he would look sometimes down the road where she would go to another chicken house. And basically, the neighbors had the impression that he watched her all the time. Ms. Parker described him as a very jealous man and gave every indication she was scared of him. So unclear exactly what he did physically. But even the neighbors, who didn't know what was going on but suspected something was amiss, said, you know, he was a very strange and jealous person who carried a gun around.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Lee. Thank you.

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