
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 9, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So Matt Damon is making an anti-fracking movie. Yay! John Krasinski will start, no doubt, also an expert on this cruel practice that extracts natural gas. But I hope he makes goofy faces like he does in "The Office."


But like every film these days, it's just a remake. In fear of destroying an industry it harkens back to "China Syndrome" -- that shrill anti-nuke script from the '70s. If you think culture doesn't change politics, remember nuclear power is recovering from that celebrity-driven smear, which means you can blame Hollywood for our dependence on oil right now.

So, why hate fracking? Isn't it just horizontal windmill, shattering rocks instead of birds?

Well, the greenies hate it because it works. Yes, funny thing happened on the way to Solyndra. Fracking cut a path toward energy independence, making green efforts look kind of silly. And Matt knows we can't have that, then America wouldn't the bad guy anymore. This one fact alone would eliminate the only major villain in today's movies.

True, with drilling, there can be environmental side effects. But there are environmental side effects to everything, including filmmaking.

Research has shown that the film industry pollutes like mad, thanks to the idling trucks, special effects and the set construction. But that's Hollywood. So never mind.

Anyway, I think someone must have pump sand and water through Damon's head, because he certainly exudes enough natural gas to power a small city.



GUTFELD: Should America, Kimberly, go to Hollywood for it's information on fracking?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Absolutely. Absolutely everything, including who to vote for, who you like, what's in, what's out.

No, I'm disappointed in Matt Damon, because I find him rather intelligent. But now --

GUTFELD: You think he's cute so you don't care what he says.

GUILFOYLE: Incorrect. I actually do care. And now I think he's becoming too P.C., like running politically and these type of things. You stick to movies like "Goodwill Hunting" --


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: -- incorrect, you don't think he's cute?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I do think he is cute. But that's not a good --

BECKEL: You think he's cute, that bald guy there?

GUILFOYLE: I don't like his hair like that.

BECKEL: He's probably a SEAL.

Can I say something about this?


BECKEL: You know, my friend, Denny Horton (ph), that you met here, he did quite well in the business of fracking and doing well deriving in West Virginia, Pennsylvania. I asked him to explain it to me because my reaction was the same as Damon's when I first heard it. When he explained it to me, I realize it is really not such a bad thing.

I mean, it does -- they take a lot of precautions. There's a lot of money invested in it. It does go to transmission lines. And they're doing it now when the price of natural gas are what?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: About 2 bucks.

BECKEL: So, in some cases, they are capping off wells because they can't -- it doesn't make it economically feasible.

But having said, that you know, I want to say next week we'll do this, or some time this week, I hope, because I've got some facts. I don't want to bet you now, but the energy, the alternative energy plans of Barack Obama have created hundreds of thousands of jobs and you and I will get to that.

GUTFELD: I can't wait to see that.

BOLLING: That would be great.


BOLLING: It's a comedy, right?

PERINO: Where? In China?

BOLLING: Can we point something out --


GUILFOYLE: Somebody send us a big gun stuff to Bob. I feel it.

BOLLING: Look what's going on. Finally, there's an energy source we don't depend on anyone else for. We don't even depend on Canada and Mexico for. We are almost perfectly self-sufficient in natural gas, because of technology like fracking. And what happens?

The left says we got to stop fracking. Are you kidding me? This is a technology that works. It provides --

BECKEL: We're importing less energy and oil in this country under Obama than we were under any other president.

GUILFOYLE: Because of fracking.

BOLLING: Because of fracking. And that's the point. Now, all of a sudden, the left, including Hollywood says, well, it's so good.

BECKEL: We're digging oil out of fracking.

BOLLING: Of course, that's why we're importing less, Bob, is because of our explosion of natural gas availability.

BECKEL: So that is good? Obama, I mean, he's not against fracking, as far as I know.

BOLLING: Oh, yes, he is.

PERINO: He's certainly not helping and his friends on the left aren't helping him.

The EPA in just the last few months has had -- on three occasions, in Wyoming, Texas and Pennsylvania, admits that claims of water contamination were not based on sound science. The industry has already created 1 million jobs slated for another -- I'm sorry, 1 million jobs in the next 15 years. Plus, amount of tax revenue that it brings in.

Matt Damon is on the wrong track. There's already been a movie about this. It was called "Gasland." Hollywood patted itself on the back and gave it awards but still technology is winning out. And cities -- mayors and governors, people who are entrepreneurs are realizing that this actually could help us reduce our dependence foreign industry.

BECKEL: And if we could do away with taking on top of mountain to get coal. That would be better.

GUTFELD: Mountains are overrated, Bob.

GUILFOYLE: That means less focus on algae, you know, and solar panels. That is the problem.

GUTFELD: Can I just say -- go ahead.

PERINO: Mountain top mining is different from shale.


BECKEL: The less coal we'd use.

PERINO: I thought we had all of the above energy policy.

BECKEL: Not coal.

GUTFELD: Can I just go after Matt Damon on a far more important point? I enjoy these "Borne Identity" movies but editing turns it into -- it's phony. Whenever they're fighting, you never see who they are hitting. Do you notice this? There's no fighting whatsoever in "Bourne Identity," except a fast editing cuts.

BECKEL: Greg, you got to go to break because nobody understood what you said.

PERINO: I do. And I'm going to go back and check. I avert my eyes during violence anyway.

GUTFELD: When they're fighting, they're not actually fighting. It's just quick edit cuts. And they've taken out all the violence that I love.

GUILFOYLE: You guys are over the Twitter war now. You're back. You complete me.

GUTFELD: No, I want to talk more about film, Bob.

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