Sean Hannity: More signs Democrats are lagging with Black voters ahead of midterms
Professor emeritus at Princeton, Dr. Cornel West grades President Biden's policies ahead of November's midterm elections on 'Hannity.'
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: And we'll be back, 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. In the meantime, here's Sean Hannity.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: He didn't chop them up because he didn't want to.
CARLSON: He didn't want to, just didn't want to.
HANNITY: This is a scary world. Anyway, thank you, Tucker.
Tonight, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, she's not the only person leaving the Democratic Party with a less a month to go until the midterms. As a matter of fact, it's 28 days, Democrats are now hemorrhaging support from the African-American community and the Hispanic-American community.
Now, we'll have full analysis straight ahead and a debate with our friend, Dr. Cornell West. Plus, Indiana congressional candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green will be here to respond to a horrible smear campaign against her, including a disgusting attempt by some Democrats to attack Green because she was sexually assaulted. She was a victim, even after she requested that her privacy be respected she'll tell her story.
And tonight, Dr. Phil will join us on a very controversial show he did on the issue of cancel culture. Here's a preview of that.
DR. PHIL MCGAW, TV HOST: Nowadays, you better watch what you say because there is always someone in person or online who will tell you, you can't say that, it's problematic.
HANNITY: Now, our friend Dr. Phil will be here in just a moment. We'll talk about that show and more.
First, another day, another scandal for Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock as his ex-wife once pointed out that Warnock is a great actor but doesn't appear to be a very good person. Tonight, a brand new ad featuring newly uncovered bodycam footage sheds new and a disturbing light on the domestic dispute between Warnock and his ex-wife. As you watch this, ask the question, why wasn't Warnock arrested? Take a look.
SEN. RAPHAEL WARNOCK'S EX-WIFE: And he just starts backing the car up. I just can't believe he would have run me over.
I've tried to keep the way that he acts under wraps for a long time and today he crossed the line. So that is what is going on here and he's a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.
HANNITY: When such allegations are usually made, often, there is an arrest. My question tonight is, why wasn't Raphael Warnock arrested? Why didn't the cop arrest him when his wife said all this? Why is the media, especially in the state of Georgia, covering for Warnock?
Sadly, that was not Warnock's only run-in with the law. As a matter of fact, this year, he was ordered by a superior court judge to attend mediation after he was accused of neglecting his very own children, failing to pay child care expenses despite amassing a net worth of, what, nearly a million dollars.
And in 2002, as a minister in West Baltimore, Warnock was arrested for obstructing a police investigation into child abuse at his very own church camp. According to "The Baltimore Sun", he blocked police from interviewing camp counselors and one trooper stated, quote, I've never encountered resistance like that at all.
Ultimately, Warnock himself was not convicted of any crime but five cases of child abuse use war in fact brought against the camp director. This is Warnock's camp. Warnock was clearly trying to protect not only the camp but that director.
Again, where is the media demanding answers? If it was Herschel Walker, you know that they would be demanding answers. Hence, the double standard in the media.
Now one former camper claiming that Warnock's counselors tossed urine on a 12 year old boy, made others sleep outside in the cold without any shelter whatsoever. So, Georgia, is that really the guy you want representing you in the U.S. Senate?
A lot of attacks going against Herschel Walker, all's fair in love, war and politics, right? A guy who calls police thugs and gangsters, a guy that wants to end all cash bail, a guy that voted for massive tax increases while using a loophole to skip out of paying his own taxes, a pastor that wants no restrictions on abortion, a guy that praises the virulent anti- Semitic and racist Louis Farrakhan, praises Reverend Wright, you know, GD America, not god bless, America, praise the murdering thug dictator Castro.
And, meanwhile, the Democratic Senate candidate in Pennsylvania -- well, isn't any better. Trust fund brat in a hoodie who never worked a job in his life, John Fetterman, well, he might even be worse. Not only is Fetterman, a lifelong deadbeat socialist with radical positions, but a recent stroke has left him severely disabled. It was on full display on NBC tonight. Take a look.
REPORTER: We had a monitor set up so that he could read my questions because he still has lingering auditory processing issues as a result of the stroke, which means he has a hard time understanding what he's hearing. Now, once he reads the question, he's able to understand. You'll hear he also still has some problems, some challenges with speech.
And I'll say, Katie, that just in some of the small talk prior to the interview before the closed captioning was up and running, it did seem that he had a hard time understanding our conversations. We've asked multiple times for medical records. We've asked for interviews with someone from his medical team.
Those requests have so far been denied to NBC News and other outlets that have requested this.
HANNITY: Now, by the way, that was on MSDNC. They were even raising concerns.
Now, to be fair, we wish Fetterman a full recovery. But the U.S. Senate is a big job with a ton of responsibility. The voters of Pennsylvania deserve to see Fetterman's medical records and John Fetterman needs to stop hiding from Dr. Oz. Early voting has been going on for weeks in Pennsylvania and he refuses to debate Dr. Oz until the last week of October.
Now, it's pretty obvious John Fetterman is not mentally capable of debating. You decide. Take a look.
INTERVIEWER: Should Joe Biden run again in 2024?
JOHN FETTERMAN (D), PENNSYLVANIA SENATE CANDIDATE: I think that should be a decision made by Joe bin.
HANNITY: Joe bin. Okay, just like he said, the other comment about kicking and I won't say it again because I got in trouble for saying it the other night. Some people were upset.
Anyway, John, if you are wrong, if we're wrong, and you're capable of being senator, you can come on this show, we'll give you a full hour. Or at the very least, show up for a debate with Dr. Oz, more than one. You said that candidates should do three debates.
Here now with more on both these races, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
Senator, it's a pretty dark business you chose to be and I'll say that, but it is what it is. And you know I know the gloves are off against Herschel Walker. He's denied the allegation about the abortion. There's another controversy with Warnock's church and kicking people out of -- out of some housing that they have, and Herschel's offered to pay back rent if need be for some of those people.
But you see Warnock, you see his record and you see the attacks only on Herschel. Why is that?
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Because the road to the majority runs through Georgia. Democrats know that. The media knows it.
I learned something, I didn't know what you said until tonight. I didn't know this about Warnock. I just heard it tonight. Well, I bet nobody in Georgia knows it because if you're waiting on the media to tell you about what's going on in Georgia other than destroying Herschel Walker's life, you're going to wait a hell of a long time.
Remember Kavanaugh, remember how they played the game right at the end, they come up with some letter, take the guy blindside, another allegation, another allegation, trying to drive him out what he stood in there. And I tell you what, Herschel is going to stand in there too.
So this needs to be an ad. What you said needs to be turned in an ad. It's $2 million a week to run one ad in Georgia, Warnock has raised $90 billion, Herschel's raised $30 million.
Every liberal in the country is all in to make sure Warnock wins in Georgia. We need to be all in for Herschel. So let's raise some money tonight., to take what you said and tell Georgia about Warnock because if we don't turn it into an ad, you're never going to know it.
HANNITY: Well, I didn't know senator that -- in a domestic dispute that somebody can make an allegation that the spouse tried to run you over with a car and that person didn't get arrested. I would think that if you're covering up an investigation into child abuse and you obstructed justice in that case, and in fact, it did happen, and you ran the camp, how come the people of Georgia don't know that? How is it possible he got a superior court ruling and got dragged into court for not paying child support?
For all the stuff that's been said about Herschel Walker, some of it he says is absolutely not true, where's Warnock ever being asked a single question about any of it? Well, he's never going to be asked. I hope we have a debate.
We're going to have one debate Friday night. I hope this is brought up. But here's Herschel's problem. He's being outspent three to one. He needs to run ads talking about Warnock voting against border security and increasing the IRS by 87,000 votes. He needs to run ads telling the people in Georgia that Warnock has shut down domestic oil and gas production in the United States, making us more dependent on foreign oil and gas.
And he also needs to tell the story about the double standard here. This October surprise against Herschel, you think that's an accident they waited this long to drop it right before the election. So here's what you can do to help Herschel Walker and to help your own family. If you live in Georgia, vote for Herschel, tell your friends to vote for Herschel. If you don't have a friend, go make one.
If you don't live in Georgia, you can tell people you know in Georgia vote for Herschel. But all of us can send some money tonight to, so he can run two ads, not one.
HANNITY: Warnock's money is not coming from inside of Georgia. I hope the people of Georgia know that.
GRAHAM: None of it.
HANNITY: Yeah. All right, Senator Graham --
GRAHAM: None of it. It's coming from the same damn people that tried to destroy me and we're not going to let it happen. Let's fight fire with fire.
HANNITY: Senator Graham, thank you.
We now turn to a big story out of Alaska where the out of touch, left the center politician Lisa Murkowski is in big jeopardy tonight of losing her job to an actual real conservative Republican endorsed by President Trump, Kelly Tshibaka. She is now up by nine points in the latest poll. She joins us now. Alaska GOP Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka is with us.
Even FiveThirtyEight has you winning this race now. What has changed?
KELLY TSHIBAKA (R), U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE FROM ALASKA: Well, I'm so excited to be with you, Sean, and Alaskans are saying across the state I've knocked thousands of doors. It's time for a change.
And as soon as these polls came out, Mitch McConnell and his Senate leadership fund came up here and started flooding our state with millions of dollars in a smear campaign against me, full of lies. I've got documentation proving all of these campaign smear ads are lies.
And I think that that also has galvanized our base because we don't like it when dark money from the lower 48 comes in and tells us who we're supposed to elect. The Alaska Republican Party has censured Murkowski. They've removed her from membership.
We know she's a Democrat. She votes with the left. She's given Biden tie- breaking votes that have helped to pursue this energy annihilating agenda and cut our jobs up here in Alaska, voting for radical gun control and red flag laws and that doesn't go over well up here. Alaskans are really motivated for a change but these smear ad campaigns I think have definitely helped us. This is money that he could put in to help Georgia and Pennsylvania and Arizona where we could flip seats and pick them up.
HANNITY: This really bothers me.
TSHIBAKA: Republican on Republican fight.
HANNITY: Because the Republicans in Alaska have chosen you and are choosing you over Lisa Murkowski. Why is Mitch McConnell involving himself in an intramural battle like this when you would be a great senator for the people of Alaska? You believe in energy independence. You believe in secure borders. You believe in law and order.
I've looked at your record. I've interviewed you now at least four or five times between radio and TV. You are a rock solid conservative, and the people of Alaska, your message is resonating with them. They don't need to hear from Washington and Mitch McConnell the -- and the Kentucky senator weighing in with millions of dollars that he's getting from inside the party to fight against the party.
TSHIBAKA: I think there's two reasons. I suspect that he'd rather have a minority he can control rather than a majority he can't, and my entire background is in holding government insiders accountable, exposing waste fraud and abuse and making government work for the people, instead of against the people.
And I suspect Mitch McConnell and these Washington, D.C. insiders, I don't know that they'd like it so much to have me in there working for the people of the United States of America and making government work for them. I suspect just like we've been exposing throughout this year, there's a populist movement coming across the United States. You've talked about it. There's third wave of conservatism.
And I don't know that they like it so much. There's going to be a sea change in Congress and the establishment's going to get a little bit ruffled. These D.C. insiders are going to see a new class of freshmen come in that are of the people, by the people, for the people.
And with two decades of experience making government work for us, it's a change.
HANNITY: Well, as this Mitch McConnell money flows into Alaska, I want the people of Alaska to know uh that you have the right to pick your own Republican senator and he's the minority leader and he has no business weighing in this primary at all whatsoever and I hope that you win this race. Thank you for being with us, Kelly Tshibaka.
All right. As we continue joining us now with more, former speaker of the house, FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich.
Does that not irritate you? I don't -- I don't like the voting system by the way up in -- up in Alaska anyway. But on top of that, why would Mitch McConnell when we have close races in Georgia and in North Carolina and New Hampshire and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Nevada and Arizona, why is he spending money for Republicans to fight each other in Alaska?
NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, not just Alaska but take New Hampshire as another example. I think that Mitch's professional team made a decision that they would try to defeat some of the pro-Trump candidates. They've lost to the best of my knowledge in every single fight and I think it's just a sign that, you know, money in the end is not as important as votes.
I know it's hard. The Washington press corps loves to talk about money, but the truth is in the end, and Kelly Tshibaka is a good example, but so are other candidates around the country who have survived despite the Washington establishment, whether it's McConnell or others trying to dictate to them.
And I have to say, Sean, tonight, I'm particularly excited because despite every effort of the left-wing media, we now have two polls in Georgia in the last hours, Emerson shows Herschel Walker, despite every lie of the left being within two points of winning and we have a brand new poll coming out from Trafalgar showing in within one and a half points of winning.
And I think it's what you and I believe in that there's a populist movement out there that can see through the lies, they can see through the money, they can see through the elites and across America from Georgia to Alaska, they're making a huge difference.
HANNITY: But see -- but look at the difference and you experienced this. I was -- I was there. I watched you when you became speaker. I watched the years you were speaker and the smearing and slandering of you went on a daily basis.
I wonder what percentage of the people in Georgia know that -- about Raphael Warnock's record. I wonder if they know that his ex-wife is on videotape accusing him during a domestic dispute of trying to run her over. I wonder if they know that he didn't pay child support. I wonder if they know that he tried to cover up an obstruct an investigation into child abuse into a camp that he was running.
Because I don't think they know that because the media won't cover that kind of issue, Mr. Speaker.
GINGRICH: Well, let me shock you for a minute, as an old friend who you were right, you were there on election night in '94, which was a great historic moment. I don't care. What they do need to know is that Raphael Warnock votes 96 percent of the time with Biden. Raphael Warnock believes in tax paid abortions on the last day of the ninth month. Raphael Warnock believes in keeping the border open so illegal immigrants and fentanyl and Mexican cartels can come to the U.S.
I think when they get to that debate this week I hope that Herschel takes the high road, stays on the big issues, because that's what people care about. People are scared. Atlanta has on per capita basis as high a crime rate as Chicago. But people in Atlanta are frightened and they know they're heard that Raphael Warnock is a pro-criminal, anti-police left one winger.
And I think to the degree that Herschel drives those kind of facts home, he is going to win by a margin that surprises people.
And the reason I mentioned to you earlier about both a Trafalgar and Emerson polls is, despite a solid days of the entire national media smearing Herschel Walker in Georgia where people are thinking about it, they're going let me get this straight, I got a guy who's honest and I got a guy who I think is a left-wing crook. I think I'll stick with the guy who I really believe in.
HANNITY: You know, and he's also been open and honest about his troubles in life and what transformed his life he's not been shy about telling his personal story to people that want to listen.
All right. Other races are most worried about, it's close in North Carolina. Ted Budd is up but it's close. It is now a statistical dead heat for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania and I think all the wind is behind him and the momentum is with him, still worried a little bit about that race. I'd like to see New Hampshire maybe move a few points in the direction of General Bolduc. I think that would be a possible pickup.
I like what I see out in Nevada. I like with Adam Laxalt, and I'd like to see Blake Masters come from behind and win that race in Arizona. And maybe as an outside shot, we can look at Tiffany Smiley in the state of Washington, or maybe this guy Joe O'Dea in Colorado, he seems to be close in the polls.
Where do you see this ending on -- well, the day after election day?
NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, between plus three and plus five for the Republicans. Look, I agree with everything you just said. I just want to drop a couple quick things in there.
When the former Democratic vice mayor of Philadelphia endorses our good friend Dr. Oz and says, look, the crime is so great, I just can't stay with Fetterman, that's a real rocket. And, frankly, I think uh when you when you see somebody continue to move in the right direction, I think in New Hampshire, when Hassan has to explain -- Senator Hassan who's the weakest Democratic center up for election when she has to explain what's about to happen to the cost of fuel oil this month, I think she's just going to be gone, and I think that General Bolduc who is a American patriot, rose from patriot to general -- I mean, from private to general, I think he's ultimately going to win that race.
When you go further west, and I would have to say, I think that probably our best candidate in terms of pure preparation is Adam Laxalt, who's doing an amazing job. I -- everyone I talked to -- I just had another report today from Seattle and people are telling me the liberals in Seattle are saying that Tiffany Smiley is so courageous, she's so clear, her effect with her husband who lost sight in both eyes in the war and came back to be the only cyclist officer in the U.S. military.
And the job she's done representing veterans, people just say to me, Patty Murray is tired. She's exhausted and I think that's going to be one of the really great pickups come election night.
And, of course, Blake Masters just annihilated Mark Kelly in the debate because, you know, Kelly couldn't explain why he voted for 87,000 IRS agents while voting against any additional agents for the border.
HANNITY: All right, Mr. Speaker, I'm hanging on to your predictions tight and I hope you're right. You usually are.
Anyway, I appreciate you being with us.
All right. Coming up, the mob, the media, they are coming for a new GOP rising star. I'll go one-on-one with our old friend Dr. Cornell West about why Democrats are losing support in the African-American community and Hispanic community.
Later tonight, our friend Dr. Phil, he will join us to talk about cancel culture and it being way out of control and a controversial show that he just aired, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. The media mob, they're ramping up their smear tactics against rising Republicans ahead of the critical midterm elections in only 28 days, as "Politico" now under fire tonight for publishing the military sexual assault records of Indiana Republican congressional candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green without her permission. As a matter of fact, she asked them, begged them not to publish it. She says her Democratic opponent illegally obtained the records.
And Green says she pleaded with "Politico" not to publish the details of this assault but they went ahead and published the records anyway. And by the way, where's the #metoo movement organization. They're staying silent, despite the group's push to maintain confidentiality for victims of sexual assault.
Again, one standard for Democrats, one standard for everyone else.
Here with reaction, Republican candidate for Indiana's first congressional district, Jennifer-Ruth Green, is with us. It's a key toss-up race, absolutely winnable for Republicans.
Jennifer, first of all, I'm sorry about what you went through, number one. Number two, you were begging people not to disclose that you were a victim of a horrific crime. Why wouldn't they respect that?
JENNIFER-RUTH GREEN (R), INDIANA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: That -- you know, that's absolutely right. This has been a very difficult time for my family and me. But let me first say that god is always only good.
You know, for Congressman Frank Mrvan, a sitting member of Congress, he illegally obtained my records. They were never released through FOIA. He selectively grabbed records to spear me and just to smear me, and to trivialize this trauma just to win.
He's losing this race. He has nothing to stand on because he cannot focus on the fact that he is hurting Hoosiers and he has simply just taken the economy and torn it down and voted to spend three trillion dollars. He has nothing to stand on.
And so, this is what he decided to go after and it's a very traumatic thing for me. I cannot believe that he would do this as a sitting congressman but may I say --
HANNITY: Let me ask you this, though --
GREEN: Yes, sir.
HANNITY: Because they're saying, the "Politico" reporter, you know, Adam Wren, used the documents which the outlet claim were obtained by public records requests provided by a person outside of your opponent's campaign. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
GREEN: Look, you and I know, 30 days before an election, you're going to have a willing suspension of disbelief to believe in any sort of way that Congressman Mrvan and his cronies and the media and the mob of the media who works for liberal Dems and their double standard are not behind this.
I'm thankful to FOX because they are the only ones who covered this. Nobody else in the district, nobody else in the state, nobody else wanted to have anything to do with this. But people stood with me they had our hashtag out there, I stand with JRG, and I have felt the support.
Congressman Frank Mrvan is behind this, and so many people have gone to our website, JRG.GOP just to help us because they believe that it's outrageous and disgusting and they will not allow him to stay in Congress. You know, we are not backing down. Like you said, I have been an Air Force counterintel agent in combat.
HANNITY: Yeah. I would just say anybody that has been or claims to be a victim of any type of crime like this and they want privacy, I believe that privacy should be respected in every case. Unless something is proven otherwise, that it wasn't true, and that has not been the case with you. We're sorry that that happened to you and we're going to follow your race very closely.
Jennifer, thank you for telling your story.
All right. Also tonight, more midterm warning signs flashing for Democrats. Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, she's actually leaving the party, and that's not all, because another report finding Democrats are now lagging among African-American voters, meaning that key swing state races could in fact continue to shift more and more in Republican direction, on top of the large numbers, according to a lot of polls, Hispanic Americans now moving towards the Republican Party.
Even the Reverend Al Sharpton is now sounding the alarm, claiming that only insecure men won't vote for Stacey Abrams. Where'd you get that, Al?
Anyway, but remember, it was Abrams who called Georgia the worst state to live in. She wants to be their governor? She's the one that pushed that boycott of the 2021 all-star game in Atlanta over false claims about the state's voting law being Jim Crow 2.0. By the way, that move costs the state at least $100 million.
And by the way, her 2018 stolen election claim that she denies ever making and her Jim Crow 2.0 claim suffered a massive loss in federal court just last week and that to Biden's failures on inflation, border, crime everything in between Democrats have a lot to answer for and in 28 days, you'll get the final say.
Here with reaction, author and renowned professor, Dr. Cornell West, is with us.
How are you, my friend? It's been too long.
DR. CORNEL WEST, AUTHOR: Oh, no, it's good to see you, brother Sean. I hope your family's doing well and god bless.
HANNITY: Thank you, my friend. I know you mean that.
WEST: Beloved mother and father, I'm serious about that. God bless them.
HANNITY: I know you are. You -- you're -- you and I have been friends for a long time. We disagree. Is it okay if we change roles tonight? Can I -- can I be the test giver, you're usually giving the test. I want to be the professor for a minute.
WEST: Oh, that sounds good.
HANNITY: What would you give Joe Biden since he has been president -- what grade would you give him on the economy?
WEST: On the economy, I would say Joe Biden would not be on the dean's list. He would be about a C plus, near B minus.
HANNITY: C plus, B minus. I'd give him -- I'd give him an F.
All right. Let's go to the gas prices.
WEST: You'd give him an F? Well, no, no, you couldn't have an F.
HANNITY: Hang on, I'm the professor. You had to listen to professor.
WEST: Professors need to be interrogated, too.
HANNITY: All right. What would you what grade would you give him on his energy policies?
WEST: Oh, no, I like his energy policies. We've got an ecological crisis. We got to come to terms with my brother. But keep in mind though, Brother Sean, even though I know you're --
HANNITY: You're not playing along, what grade would you give?
WEST: I'd give him a B. I would give B --
HANNITY: So, 21-year high of inflation, he gets a B minus, then you'd give him a B on the highest gas prices we've ever paid. What would you give him --
WEST: No, it's not gas prices. It's dealing with ecological crisis, dealing with ecological crisis.
HANNITY: What would you give him on his open borders policy that has now resulted in a record two million plus illegal immigrants entering the country this year?
WEST: I would give him a C minus.
HANNITY: Wow. All right, now we're getting somewhere.
WEST: But the important thing is this though, Brother Sean, is not just a matter of the grades. You and I know were at a moment where --
HANNITY: It's all about the grade.
WEST: -- America's democracy may be coming to an end, my brother, know the republic itself might be coming to --
HANNITY: I want to ask you this.
WEST: This is about the greed --
HANNITY: This is serious.
WEST: -- the hatred, the hypocrisy on both sides, both parties corrupt, but we have to be able --
HANNITY: OK, but I'm asking because we got an election in 28 days, so I want to get grades.
WEST: Not just an election. We can't win a short-term election and lose our democracy, Brother.
HANNITY: I would give Biden and F on the economy, I'd give him an F on energy policies, I'd give him an F on the border.
Here's a very important question and I think it's one of the reasons why African-Americans, Hispanic Americans all over the country are fed up with Biden and that is we have record violent crime in every big city in small town because the Democrats defund dismantle no bail loss.
I give Biden an F on law and order safety and security because that prevents people from pursuing happiness.
Cornel West, great professor that you are, what grade do you give Biden on law and order and safety and security?
WEST: When it comes to law and order, not just for the streets but for Wall Street, when it comes to law and order for the well-to-do --
HANNITY: How about the people, the people that live on the streets?
WEST: About -- no, but everyday people because -- I mean, you're talking about poverty, wealth, inequality, decrepit schools, indecent housing, unemployment, all of those things also add --
HANNITY: That's a lot of lead to a grade of --
WEST: That was the case -- that was the case for your friend brother Trump, too, let's just be honest about it.
HANNITY: No, Trump actually believed in law and order.
WEST: -- greedy, brother. It's the neo-fascist who are greedy too.
HANNITY: Trump gave us energy independence. Trump gave us the lowest unemployment for every demographic.
You didn't answer though. What grade would you give Joe Biden and the Democratic Party --
HANNITY: What grade?
WEST: Trump on law and order?
HANNITY: No, Biden. He's the president, your president.
WEST: Oh, this, oh, oh, okay, okay, okay.
I would give him a C minus.
HANNITY: C minus.
All right. Last question of the night and all I'm going to let you go. This is and you got to give me a fair grade here, what grade do I get as a host?
WEST: Well, but what -- what grade do you get as a host?
HANNITY: Yeah, as a host.
WEST: Brother Sean, my question is, what is the Christian dimension of your practice in terms of greed, hatred, corruption talked about on your show and have you contributed to the shattering of the glue that hold us together?
HANNITY: What is my grade?
WEST: I would give you a D. I give you a D, bro.
HANNITY: The lowest grade of the night.
WEST: I'm giving you a D with a smile, with a smile.
HANNITY: Now, I'm going to shock you because I'm going to grade you. I'm going to am giving you your grade.
WEST: You grade me.
HANNITY: I am giving you an A because I like you so much and if I like you that much I have to give you an A. You're wrong on everything, but I give you an A.
WEST: But, no, but, of course, as a Christian, you know I'm going to be loving you and your family. But the question is we got to make sure we got a democracy and a republic by 2024.
HANNITY: We have a republic, and you know what? We have an election in 28 days and our border is not secure. We're paying the highest gas prices.
WEST: Well, I'm not sure --
HANNITY: And our towns and cities are not safe.
WEST: Gangster rise, my brother, too much hatred, too much greed, too much hypocrisy on both sides, this is 49 B.C. Roman Empire. Crossing the Rubicon.
HANNITY: It's going to be a B.
WEST: Caesar --
HANNITY: It's about to be a C.
WEST: But I appreciate the A, even though I that's just our brotherhood and friendship I got there.
HANNITY: That's right.
WEST: I know that.
HANNITY: All right. Cornel West, thank you.
WEST: No, no, but that's just the same here, same here. But God bless you, stay strong though.
HANNITY: God bless you.
When we come back, Dr. Phil joins us live to discuss how out of control cancel culture it is hurting society. He had a big show on. He'll tell us all about it, next.
HANNITY: Right now, as we have documented on this show night after night, censorship, silencing, boycotting, cancel culture, it is all becoming all too common within our political discourse, social media, college campuses, even in day-to-day life, even in the workplace.
Many Americans feel forced to stay silent for fear of upsetting the cancel culture mob. And now, all of this was the subject of a recent episode of the hit show "Dr. Phil". Take a look.
DR. PHIL MCGRAW, TV HOST: Nowadays, you better watch what you say, because there is always someone in person or online who will tell you, you can't say that. It's problematic.
I mean, there are so many words and phrases that are off limits it's hard to keep track and they change all the time. For example, some say peanut gallery is now classists and racist. First world problem is also classist. Tone deaf is ableist. Mom and dad assumes traditional gender roles.
I'm telling you there's always something that seems to be a new word on the do not say list.
HANNITY: All right. Top day time syndicated talk show host, Dr. Phil McGraw, is with us now to explain.
Dr. Phil, good to have you back on, my friend. Good to see you. How you been?
MCGRAW: Well, good to talk to you, Sean. How you doing?
HANNITY: I'm good.
You know, all my career, I've never called for a boycott, never called for a show to be canceled, never called for a host to be fired. I believe in something called freedom.
We can't make people watch our shows or listen to my radio show. People have choices and I believe in freedom. But that is not the prevailing view anymore, is it?
MCGRAW: Well, sadly, it's not. You know, I always thought that we went to the universities to hear other people's ideas and to, you know, not necessarily agree with them but at least learn something about what they had to say. Now, we see surveys that tell us anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of students think it's okay to yell down a speaker that you don't -- that you don't agree with.
I think that we're just getting to the point that we are in a bubble, we don't want to talk to anyone that doesn't agree with our thinking. And if someone says something that is offensive to our sensibilities, then people go on the attack and they may choose a wrong word. And instead of saying, you know, maybe message him in some way, saying, hey, listen, you may not know it, but that could be offensive to someone.
Instead, they start bombarding them with boycott messages and they hope they die. I'm going to slit your throat in the night. I hate --
HANNITY: I mean, you're reading my Twitter -- you've been reading my Twitter account I can tell.
MCGRAW: You know exactly what I'm talking about.
HANNITY: I do. You know you said something in the open of the show that caught my attention, I can't keep up. I don't -- you know, one day, it's okay to say one thing, the next day, you know, apparently, it's outlawed and if you say it, you're immediately labeled this or that, and you know, it said innocently. You're not designing it to hurt somebody.
MCGRAW: Well, you know, really, the mentality has gotten to a point of being a gotcha sort of culture, and it doesn't really matter to a lot of people if that really reflects that person's values and beliefs. And I think as a result, a lot of groups alienate people that in fact are allies, people that in fact would support their position or their cause.
And I think that's just not -- that's not smart. It's not good thinking. Somebody makes a slip of the tongue, chooses a word that maybe is not in vogue at the moment. It's not on the glossary, and they get attacked instead of saying, hey, listen, let's build a bridge here. You may be alienating some real allies, and I had a complete list up there.
And a lot of the audience couldn't even guess why the words were up there.
HANNITY: I couldn't guess them either.
Let me ask you what the result was because this was a pretty controversial show that you did. And what was the end result? What was the audience's reaction by the time it got to the end of the hour?
MCGRAW: Well, you know, Sean, I'm glad you asked that. I've moved my entire audience up onto the stage as a focus group at this point, everybody. And I encourage them to speak. And I've seen the results of surveys like the Cato Institute says that 62 percent of Americans, that's almost two-thirds of Americans, are afraid to speak out for fear that they will say something they shouldn't say.
And I asked my audience, how many of you are afraid to speak up or say something right now in this show? You can't say that, how many of you are afraid to speak up right now? And it looked like the wave at Texas stadium. I mean people just say, no, listen, I'm scared to death. Doc, don't call on me. I don't want to say the wrong thing.
It's not that I think feel or behave in the wrong way, I'm just afraid I'll run a red light and the word police will get all over me.
HANNITY: You know, and by the way, can we be honest about this? I think a lot of people feign that they're outraged. They're not outraged. If you're outraged by a couple of words, you need to grow up. And you know what?
If you feel bad about yourself, go read my Twitter feed and what the comments that people make about me, you'll feel a lot better about yourself. There's my advice. Stop being a snowflake.
MCGRAW: You know, I asked a lot of people --
MCGRAW: -- they're like blindsided was up there and people were saying, well, that offends people that are unsighted. Well, I've talked to a lot of those people, none of them seem to be offended. Maybe it's just because I haven't talked to enough. But it's other people that seem to be offended on their behalf.
Now, I'm not saying there aren't people that aren't, but I haven't talked to them yet. I certainly think we are -- we don't have to get offended every time we have the chance to be offended.
HANNITY: Well said.
MCGRAW: And I think that's where we've missed the boat.
HANNITY: All right. Dr. Phil, congratulations on another great successful year and launch for your show. We appreciate you being with us as always. Thank you, sir.
All right. When we come back, we now found out that the FBI -- get this -- your FBI offered the source of Hillary Clinton's dirty Russian disinformation dossier, they offered the source, the guy that said it was not true, a million dollars. Details straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. Fascinating news, the source for the debunk Steele dossier, the Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier, that kicked off in Washington today.
And while it's Igor Danchenko who's on trial and who's accused of lying to the FBI about the sources of his information -- well, today's proceedings revealed a lot about the FBI and their abuse of power. For example, according to an FBI agent who testified today, the FBI actually offered Steele one million dollars to corroborate the false claims in the dirty dossier but, of course, Steele couldn't do it.
Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst Greg Jarrett along with founder and CEO and editor-in-chief, John Solomon.
John, they offered the guy a million dollars and they paid the sub source and hired them.
JOHN SOLOMON, JUSTTHENEWS.COM: Yeah. Well, listen, think about what this is and the significance of what Brian Auten said today. A month before the election, two weeks before they go to the FISA court, Brian Austen said the FBI was unable to corroborate anything in the Steel dossier. That's his testimony today.
The FBI under Comey, McCabe were so desperate to get something --
HANNITY: Wait a minute, when they signed the first dossier before the election, doesn't it say on the top of a FISA application verified?
SOLOMON: It does, it does.
HANNITY: And that was in October of 2016.
SOLOMON: That could be verified.
SOLOMON: Exactly six years ago this month, one month before the election, two weeks before they're going to the FISA court. They fly over to Europe to meet Steele, and they offer them a million dollars if you can help prove it.
Now, it's unusual. He's already a confidential human source. He's supposed to be giving you accurate information under the terms of his agreement. But they offer him a million dollars, that's how desperate they are.
It means they went to the court without corroboration, yet they certified to the court it was verified. I put this in perspective, just the size of the award. A couple weeks ago, an FBI agent was shot at in Georgia. Do you know what the reward was for information on that? Twenty five thousand dollars.
A million dollars to get information and dirt (ph) on Donald Trump puts it in the size of terrorists.
HANNITY: So they had already lied to the FISA court twice by this point and then to cover their tracks they try, Gregg Jarrett to bribe basically Christopher Steele, please give us proof --
HANNITY: -- so we didn't lie on the on the FISA application, wow. What a revelation. Are they going to be held accountable?
JARRETT: No, of course, they won't. I mean this is despicable corruption by the FBI. Think about it, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and the whole gang at the FBI were so desperate to topple the Trump presidency that they were willing to use one million dollars of taxpayer money to put the equivalent of a bounty on Donald Trump's head.
And, of course, Christopher Steele couldn't possibly corroborate his dossier because it was all made up, and the FBI actually knew that, but that didn't stop the FBI from exploiting the dossiers fuel for their investigation of Trump and to go over, as you point out, to the FISA court and lie to the judges. They told the judges, oh, the dossiers absolutely credible and Christopher Steele is absolutely reliable, even though they'd fired Steele for lying.
I mean, this just underscores the depravity, the malignance, the corruption at the FBI.
HANNITY: The FBI has been politicized. The DOJ is weaponized. That is a sad reality. We don't have equal justice or application of our laws.
John Solomon, Gregg Jarrett, thank you both.
More HANNITY straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for joining us and making this show possible. We hope you'll set your DVR so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of HANNITY.
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In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham, "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" is next.
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