
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," March 22, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HANNITY: And welcome 'Hannity.' We have so much breaking news tonight.

And the head of fake news CNN, the soon to be scandal plagued Jeff Zucker, OK, you want to take pot shots at Fox News, Jeff, let's go. We're going to unveil our new nickname for the bleep hole network.

Plus, we're going to call out the hypocrisy of the media's news Stormy Daniels 24/7, 365, obsession, the same people that ignored Bill Clinton's accusers for decades. Oh, and by the way, in those cases, it wasn't always consensual, was it?

And also breaking right now, H.R. McMaster is out and John Bolton is in, good news, as national security advisor.

Also, new tonight, President Trump's lead lawyer in the Russia witch hunt is now stepping aside. In an apparent move, it means the president, he is getting ready to fight back and fight back hard against this corrupt special counsel. Our investigation into the investigators continues tonight.

And the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Bob Goodlatte, he has now issued a subpoena for the DOJ to send over documents on the rigged Clinton e-mail investigation on FISA abuses, Andrew McCabe's firing, and Comey's firing.

The House Intel Committee has also announced their Russia probe is over and votes to publicly release the GOP's final report. There's new information in that. This report finds no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. It exposes deep state leaking, FISA abuse, and blasts the former director of national security, James Clapper, for giving inconsistent testimony just like McCabe about contacts with the media.

Is that lying under oath?

Also, a stunning investigative report tonight from Sara Carter, how the special counsel Robert Mueller and his top prosecutor, you know, the guy that they say is the pit bull for Mr. Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, he's directly tied to two of the biggest scandals in FBI history. The rest of the media is ignoring this.

And also, an exclusive tonight, you've heard about the Uranium One informant. He's now speaking on camera right here tonight, for the first time about being interviewed by the FBI as part of the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Yes, there's a real investigation going on, the media talking about Stormy.

'The Hill's' John Solomon has that report and those details. That and so much more in our breaking news opening monologue.

HANNITY: All right. But we begin tonight with more fake news from CNN. This time, it is spewing from the lips of the Clinton news network president. His name is Jeff Zucker. And according to 'The Hollywood Reporter', Zucker recently blasting Fox News's, quote, propaganda machine and state-run TV.

By the way, Fox News like every newspaper in the country, they have a sports page, they have a news page, a gossip page and they have an editorial page. Oh, opinion programming.

He even went on to say that this network does, quote, a disservice to the country. This is coming from the man whose so-called cable news station, CNN, is literally nicknamed the bleep-hole network because they have an obsession with the word you might remember this.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: Is there a difference if the president said, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hole, and (EXPLETIVE DELETED) house?

DON LEMON, CNN: Do you think they're (EXPLETIVE DELETED) holes?

ANA NAVARRO: Donald Trump has turned the Oval Office into (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hole.

PHILIP MUDD: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) built this country 110 years ago.

LEMON: In addition to the president's (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hole comments yesterday. A few more.







COOPER: Rich, do you have an example of the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hole country that the president referred to that is predominantly Caucasian?








LEMON: Never in a million years thought I would be saying (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hole on television.


HANNITY: Jeff Zucker's bleep hole network, well, they also have a new obsession, basically, soft core pornography from the nonstop coverage of Stormy Daniels, to the constant speculation about an alleged affair between Trump and a porn star.

If you're looking for 24/7, never-ending, looped around porn-related news, CNN fake news, they have you covered. Take a look.


APRIL R YAN, CNN: This could be the last nail in the coffin. Stormy Daniels, is causing stormy weather.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: Porn star Stormy Daniels claims President Trump broke the law, had her bullied.

DON LEMON, CNN: Does Stormy Daniels have the president's number? It sure seems that way.

TAPPER: President Trump might have met his match with Stormy Daniels.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How is Stormy weathering this?


WOLF BLITZER, CNN: We're hearing quite a bit from Stormy Daniels.

LEMON: Stormy in her own words isn't going anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Stormy Daniels has a good lawyer.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN: Porn star Stormy Daniels was telling the truth.

LEMON: Stormy Daniels is on a tear.

TAPPER: Quick preview of Stormy Daniels interview this Sunday.

BLITZER: Breaking news, the Stormy Daniels.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN: Stormy Daniels.

BLITZER: Stormy Daniels.






UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The reason he can't engage with Stormy Daniels is because she's got his number.


HANNITY: It's about an alleged affair, not proven, and, of course, very different from Bill Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and, of course, Paula Jones.

But CNN's obsessive 24/7 coverage doesn't end with Stormy Daniels. They're also now giving a former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, they're giving her plenty of air time and again, we're talking about potentially, alleged, consensual relationships.

And we're going to compare how they covered, oh, assaults and exposing one self and even rape with Bill Clinton. All this effort, of course, in this case, to destroy Donald Trump. Take a look.


cooper: So when was the next communication?

KAREN MCDOUGAL: I believe we talked right away on the phone. And I think we talked for about a week on the phone before his next visit to L.A. And that was his birthday, which I think is June 12th.

COOPER: Would he call you?

MCDOUGAL: He would call me. I would call him, vice versa.


HANNITY: Well, CNN's new obsession.

We might have a brand new name for their leader, their chief, their CEO, Jeff Zucker, the porn king of cable news.

Of course, porn king Jeff Zucker and his colleagues at the bleep-hole network, they're not alone in their Stormy obsession. NBC, ABC, CBS and others also featuring saturated coverage of the story.

Predictably, the same level of media interest was not present back in the early 1990s when then-President Bill Clinton was accused of having multiple extramarital affairs and even worse, engaging in serious instances of sexual misconduct. By the way, in the case of Gennifer Flowers, she was proven right but I remember James Carville -- oh, he worked and was one of the people talking about it or dragging her through a trailer park about Paula Jones.

Remember Paula Jones? She accused Bill Clinton of literally pulling down his pants and exposing himself. And according to the Media Research Center, the first three days of that scandal, ABC provided a whopping 16 seconds of coverage. NBC, CBS, they ignored it.

And next, there's the case of Kathleen Willey, and she said that Bill Clinton groped, grabbed, fondled, touched, kissed her against her will inside the Oval Office. That story breaks, how's your fake news handle it? ABC ignores it, NBC, CBS gave it a whopping 34 seconds of coverage, again, according to the Media Research Center. CNN, meanwhile, they dedicated 26 seconds of coverage during their evening newscast.

Then, of course, you have the serious allegation of rape, Juanita Broaddrick. And I interviewed Juanita Broaddrick, one of the toughest interviews I ever did. This surfaced first in 1998. Media Research Center tells us ABC, CBS totally ignored the breaking story. NBC aired seven minutes of coverage, but not before initially spiking its pre-taped interview with Juanita Broaddrick.

This proves what I've been saying about journalism since, what, 2007 or '08, it's dead and buried in this country. We'll have more in this later in the show.

Also tonight, John Dowd, the lead lawyer for President Trump's legal team for dealing with Robert Mueller's witch hunt has resigned. And just a few hours ago, Fox has confirmed that Victoria Toensing will be joining the president's legal team.

And President Trump is also breaking news saying that he would like to do a sit-down with the special counsel. Let's delve into this.



REPORTER: Would you like to testify in front of Robert Mueller, sir?

TRUMP: Thank you. Sure, I would like to.


HANNITY: I'm sure the president would. And my advice to the president, you got to be very careful.

I've been warning everybody about Robert Mueller and his merry band of Democratic donors. We know for a fact Robert Mueller is conducting a biased, partisan, totally flawed investigation. He's gone way beyond his mandate, his original purpose. It was supposed to be about finding evidence of Trump-Russia collusion but we haven't found it in over a year, almost a year and a half now.

That's why he was appointed. It is not what he is doing. As constitutional law expert and liberal Democrat, professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard, he is pointing that special counsels exist to bring about charges, justify their existence. Doesn't matter if it is at all connected to what they're supposed to be investigating. They have to do all of this to justify their existence at an enormous cost not only to the American taxpayers, all of you, but also to the culture and society.

This Mueller witch hunt has been going on for over a year. And so far, he's found nothing regarding Trump-Russia collusion.

And the president, by the way, has every reason to be upset. Here's why: Mueller's team has more Democratic donors than a liberal Hollywood fundraiser. And not one of Mueller's partisan witch hunters donated to Trump. Every single Republican in Washington not named Donald Trump would crack under this kind of pressure.

So, yes, completely understandable when you appoint a team that donates to Obama, the DNC, Hillary Clinton and they're all going after one guy and not one person that donated to Trump? Of course, the president wants to fight back, because the special counsel from day one, has been abusively biased and many on that team have questionable ethics, they have horrific backgrounds, and they're out to destroy you.

By the way, saying 'I'm not guilty', that's how any innocent person would act.

Rod Rosenstein, he's stacked the deck against President Trump by appointing his buddy, Robert Mueller. He has conflicts himself. And then James Comey admitted he leaked the memos to get the special counsel appointed, and, of course, it happened. This is one big giant incestuous deep state cabal that is trying to unseat a duly elected president. All right. We'll have more on that.

Also breaking this hour, H.R. McMaster has resigned as national security advisor, and he will be replaced by John Bolton. This is a huge improvement. We'll have more that.

And tonight, the House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte has issued a subpoena to the DOJ, demanding documents on this fixed Clinton email investigation, which never was an investigation. Also about severe FISA abuse and on Andrew McCabe's firing.

And Chairman Goodlatte, he notes in a press release, and this is something we have been reporting on, Congress has requested 1.2 million DOJ, FBI documents related to the Clinton investigation. The inspector general has them, why won't they turn them over?

'The Hill' is reporting that Chairman Goodlatte is trying to determine whether or not Comey lied under oath. He's requesting those documents as well. And so far, Congress has only received of the 1.2 million, 3,000.

Well, that sounds like obstruction. That doesn't sound like the wheels of justice or equal justice under the law. The DOJ is stonewalling, they're preventing Congress from conducting their constitutional job, which is oversight.

Remember, Rod Rosenstein sucking up to Paul Ryan in the final hours, please don't let Congress have access to the truth about FISA abuses. And we all know the Clinton email investigation was a sham, but Comey Strzok, Lisa Page, McCabe, and probably Loretta Lynch all part of putting the fix in. And on FISA abuses, the memos have exposed that the FBI and DOJ used, what, unverified, because they're not true. Clinton bought and paid for dossier, Russian lies, to get a FISA judge to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page, Trump associate, which then allows them to spy on the entire Trump campaign.

And we know the bulk of the FISA investigation, according to the Grassley- Graham memo was made up of the phony Clinton dossier, full of Russia and Russian government lies and propaganda. And as Andrew McCabe testified, without no dossier, there never would have even been a FISA warrant application.

And as for McCabe, his comments after being fired, well, to put his buddy James Comey in serious legal jeopardy. Remember, in a statement, McCabe writes in part: the OIG investigation is focused on investigation I chose to share with the reporter through my public affairs officer in the legal counselor. As deputy director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that and it was not a secret, it took place over several days. And others, including the director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter.

By the way he's not addressing lying under oath.

So, according to McCabe, Comey knew he was leaking information to the media which is in part why McCabe got fired, and then lying under oath also contributed. Well, McCabe is saying now, is very different from what James Comey said back in May of 2017.

Who do you believe, Comey or McCabe? We'll let you decide.


SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY, R—IOWA: Director Comey, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?


GRASSLEY: Question two on relatively related. Have you ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation?



HANNITY: You got to wonder if George Stephanopoulos over at ABC, Clinton's BFF, and the liberals on 'The View,' and Stephen Colbert, and fake Jake over at the CNN fake news, Rachel Maddow, do you think they're going to ask Mr. Deep State James Comey about any of this? We're not going to hold our breath. But James Comey is welcome on this show. Our invitation continues.

What is becoming more apparent by the day is how the deep state is fighting back as they continue to get exposed. They're not liking what is now happening and what we are exposing on the show.

Perfect example is former Obama CIA Director John Brennan. He's now trying to malign President Trump with a brand new conspiracy theory. Let's take a look.


JOHN BRENNAN, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: I think he's afraid of the president of Russia.

HOST: Why?

BRENNAN: Well, I think one can speculate as to why, that the Russians may have something on him personally that, they could always roll out and make his life more difficult. Clearly, I think it's important for us to be able to improve relations with Russia. But the fact that he has had this fawning attitude toward Mr. Putin has not said anything negative about him, continues to say to me that he does have something to fear.


HANNITY: Great. He's a known liar, but the media just parrots Brennan's talking points. Let's look at this.


MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: Former CIA director who worked for presidents on both sides of the aisle is deeply concerned.

WILLIAM COHAN, VANITY FAIR: It's so clear at this point that Vladimir Putin and his associates, somebody has something on Donald Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The big question we're asking today, why does this president feel the way he does about Vladimir Putin?

ELI STOKOLS, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: That may be something that turns the key in the Russia probe, is figuring out why this president is so deferential to Putin and to Russia. And if there is some sort kompromat that they have on him.


HANNITY: President Trump has been 50 times harder on Russia than Obama ever was, and he's about to take the legs out of Vladimir Putin's economy and he's not whispering, oh, tell Vladimir, after the election I will have more flexibility.

Brennan is also threatening President Trump. Let's take a look at this tweet.

'When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude and political corruption becomes known, you will take your place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe but not destroy America. America will triumph over you.'

OK. John Brennan who voted for a communist for president, a deep state swamp rat, he's losing his mind and all of his friends now are being exposed.

Here's a little 'Hannity' history lesson on Brennan that the media won't tell you. As I said, he admitted to voting for, quote, a communist party candidate. How did you ever become the CIA director? You have to wonder. And maybe Robert Mueller should see if he's ever colluded with the Russians.

And that's not all. 'The New York Post' has reported that the House Intel Committee is investigating John Brennan and his ties to the Clinton bought and paid for dossier. And the same committee is now looking into whether Brennan committed perjury when he testified under oath like his buddy McCabe who as he claims to have no idea who paid for that dossier. And 'The Post' also reporting that John Brennan briefed members of Congress, including former Democratic Senator Harry Reid about that phony dossier. And if you remember, Reid then put out a statement after meeting with Brennan, days after -- or before the election, and referenced the dossier, because Brennan told him.

So, Brennan is dirty, political and corrupt as they come. And now, he's lashing out because we're all finding out who he really is.

We have even more breaking news to tell you about. The House Intel Committee has put an end to this Russia investigation, 14 months, and they will have a vote to release to the public the Republican members' final report.

And the House Intel Committee released a summary of the key findings today. Here are the highlights. After 14 months, interviews with all of these with witnesses, the committee found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, one. So, the liberal media, all you Democrats, have been lying to the American people.

James Clapper, number two, former Obama director of national intelligence, oh, fake news CNN contributor, he provided inconsistent testimony about his contacts with the media. I guess Comey is going to get hired next and then Brennan. And who knows? Maybe they'll hire Stormy.

And, by the way, if members of the partisan press are watching, we first reported this last week. It's called investigative journalism, real news. You guys might want to try it some time instead of spinning these conspiracy theories.

And by the way, this wouldn't be the first time Clapper has lied to Congress. Back in May of 2013, let's watch Clapper lie. Take a look.


SEN. RON WYDEN, D—OREGON: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?


WYDEN: It does not.

CLAPPER: Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly.


HANNITY: Oh, Clapper was lying through his teeth right there.

That seems to be the standard operating procedure for all these Obama deep state actors.

All right. Point three, the committee found House Intel Committee, zero evidence of President Trump's pre-campaign business dealings resulting in any kind of collusion.

Point four, they conclude no evidence that Trump associates were involved with WikiLeaks publishing stolen Democratic emails. This is another liberal media fantasy that's getting shut down.

By the way, with all of the countries that hacked into Hillary's server, who knows who got those -- who gave it to WikiLeaks? There's one of a dozen choices.

Here's my prediction, pretty easy to get this one right -- the rest of the liberal media is not going to report this tonight because it proves them to be liars and phony in their quest for journalism and truth. This is all a disinformation campaign and it's gone on way too long.

Finally, tonight, I know I'm going long, Sara Carter, brand new news reporting, headline Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, the FBI and the mob. Sara detailing how both Mueller and Weissmann are directly involved in two of the biggest scandals in FBI history.

When Mueller was acting U.S. attorney in Boston in the '80s, all he was involved in the FBI's corrupt highly unethical relationship with the infamous murderer mobster Whitey Bulger. Four men ended up being framed for murder, sent to jail. Two of them died in jail. Then it resulted in over $100 million in damages to two that lived.

And then there's Mueller's pit bull, Andrew Weissmann. The rotten apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. He's the guy in a 1990s organized crime case, Weissmann was reprimanded by a judge for withholding exculpatory evidence and his powerful friend -- well, later, were out there to get him out of trouble.

We also told you about Weissmann's hard charging tactics in the Enron case. Tens of thousands of people lost their jobs at Andersen Accounting, four Merrill executives go to jail, that case was overturned, 9-0 against him.

All of this information is shocking. That's Mueller's team. But given what we know about Mueller and his pit bull Weissmann, well, it's now par for the course.

This is a national disgrace what's happening.
oining us with reaction, Fox News contributor Sara Carter, civil rights criminal defense attorney David Schoen, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

Sara, let's start with you and your investigative report.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think what we see here, and this is the point that I hope people understand about these cases in the past -- this is what is predictable in the future. I think the president obviously wants to talk to Mueller, he knows he's innocent. He wants to tell him what he knows.

But this is a problem, Sean, all you have to do is look at these cases in the past. Innocent people ended up either pleading guilty or they were found guilty. They spent their life in prison or -- and then they had to wait until they were exonerated. There is a very serious moment here where the president has to take a step back and think about what he's going to do because there were cases, we saw it with the Weissmann case in New York, and we see it with the case in Boston.

HANNITY: But, politically, he can't, Sara, because -- the media will run that -- this is the most corrupt team ever put together in any investigation I've ever heard of.

CARTER: Well, it is. But what you're looking at right now is an extraordinary, visceral hate by people that want to either see this president impeached or drag his name through the mud.

And I think that at this point in time, all that we can do is continue to push the stories out, continue to push the truth out. So, that the American people understand what's going on. And more importantly, so that the president and the administration understand what's going on.

But there has to be a very serious consideration for what's happened in the past and what could possibly happen with the special counsel.

HANNITY: Everybody, all of the media colleagues, he's beyond reproach. That's a total crock. He's not. He's about as credible as Stormy to me.

CARTER: Well, you're seeing --

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Bob Mueller ruined the credibility of his own and the integrity of his own investigation when he hired, clearly, a very partisan team to go after and destroy Donald Trump.

Now, the good news is diGenova and Toensing are now in there defending the president. They, I expect, will go to Robert Mueller and say, you want to interview the president, you can't force a president to testify about things that are not crimes. Collusion, it's not a crime anywhere in the criminal codes. Obstruction of justice, where is the evidence of that, hoping that Flynn is cleared.

That's not a corrupt.

HANNITY: Have the president's attorneys been timid?

JARRETT: I think they have been too timid. But it's stopping right now, I guarantee you. And I've known Joe diGenova for 25 years.


HANNITY: Same thing here.

JARRETT: Victoria Toensing, I've known --

HANNITY: I'd hire them in a second.

JARRETT: They're among the top former prosecutors in Washington, D.C. Their experience, you know, Joe was an independent counsel before. He is the right person to counter the thuggish tactics of Bob Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.

HANNITY: All right. What's your take, David Schoen?

DAVID SCHOEN, CIVIL RIGHTS AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Look, it's -- we've spoken before. This is -- a special counsel position is unfortunately a position that allows for the greatest abuse possible in our system.

There's virtually no accountability. He's given a mandate originally and that's by Mr. Rosenstein. But once he has that mandate, every single person who -- he, Mueller or his team, unilaterally decides, is interfering with this so-called investigation, or is obstructing it or has told him what he believes to be a lie, committed perjury, he has the authority under that general mandate, under regulation 600.04, to prosecute that crime.

So, even if the person never committed a crime at all, simply by virtue of appointing this fellow as special counsel, he now has the unilateral authority to charge someone with a vey serious crime that had nothing to do with the underlying investigation. That's very, very dangerous. And that's one of the many reasons it's so important that you spend this time to point out who exactly Mr. Mueller is and who his team is.

And I'm going to say this also: the conflicts that mark this team are absolutely astounding. The only reason special counsel is appointed under the statute, of course, is if there's reason to believe a crime was committed. But if specifically there's a conflict of interest within the justice -- Department of Justice, how is that it so many members of this team come directly from the Department of Justice?

HANNITY: Where's the second special counsel?

All right. Let me go to the other aspect, moving the ball a little bit, Sara. All right. We know Brennan and Clapper have lied. You're laughing. Greg, we know they've lied. They've been proven to be liars.

One is hired by fake news CNN, I guess soon will be hired. And then after that, they'll hire Stormy Daniels.

So, this is what -- and then they're attacking us. And we have broken more news in a week than they do in a year. So, I'm trying to get to understanding here of how these guys, how nobody holds Clapper and Brennan accountable, because I want to know what they know. What they knew and when they knew it.

CARTER: Brennan's comments, Sean, are not comments from somebody who's just acting crazy and upset because he's being pointed out, or his story is unraveling. They're very, very specific. And they're very, very well- planned.

He has his own disinformation campaign. And the minute he went on the air and started making up these rumors and these accusations that the Russians must have something on President Trump, he knew exactly what he was doing. He is the former head of the CIA. He was trained for this.


HANNITY: Trained to lie? Trained in disinformation?

CARTER: That's absolutely it. And then people pickled it and they ran with it -- people who are opposed to President Trump. And they're creating a national problem. This is a national security issue.

Where is the evidence? I'm going to ask Director Brennan where is the evidence that you have? Show us.

HANNITY: Maybe they'll make it up in the end.

CARTER: It's rumors and lies.

HANNITY: They're known liars.

JARRETT: Unfortunately, the five-year statute of limitation on Clapper's lie ran two weeks ago.

HANNITY: How convenient.

JARRETT: He should have been charged, but Obama protected him and Jeff Sessions didn't take action.

Look, Clapper and Brennan are the two instigators of the phony dossier running all over Washington, D.C. and Capitol Hill, running to the media, going to Congress, pushing what they knew was a fabricated document to damage Trump, to destroy him. And they're supposed to be, Clapper and Brennan, apolitical and nonpartisan. They were not.

HANNITY: Last word, David?

SCHOEN: Well, we've got to be -- vigilance is absolutely essential here. Programs like your program and all other measures here, to bring accountability to the process, are critical. You see a tidal wave of change if you see accountability from the top.

I'll say this again, my father was an FBI agent. FBI agents have been my heroes. There's never been this kind of accountability demanded before. That's why people are reacting so viscerally I think along with the pure, unadulterated hatred and anger about the election.

HANNITY: All right. Great analysis all three of you. Sara, thank you. David, Gregg, good to see you all. Thank you.

Joining us now, she is the host of 'The Ingraham Angle'. We see her every weeknight taking shots at me at 9:59:59.

Laura Ingraham, good to see you.

By the way, congrats, I have not really said this publicly, but I've said it privately. The show has been such a big hit, congratulations to you.


HANNITY: We're so glad you're on board.

INGRAHAM: Oh, thank you.

HANNITY: Let's get your broad picture explanation, how you see what you see going on, and what should be happening in terms of what the president, in terms of his handling of it all.

INGRAHAM: Yes, I think -- let's start with staff shakeups, you hear the other networks and the usual suspects. But, wow, this is all of this tumult, you know, all these departures from the administration, and they have their big scrolls of names and so forth.

They're trying to create this appearance, Sean, of complete chaos in the White House. The president is untethered to any reality, it's ridiculous.

What he's doing is what he should be doing, namely getting the people in place, 13 months into this, who are going to support his agenda -- of course, they're going to question when that's appropriate, but support his agenda, advance it, especially going into these midterm waters which are going to be very choppy for the Republicans.

That means someone like a Bolton, although he's probably more of a neoconservative than I am. He's more interventionist probably than I am. Bolton is someone who is aggressive. He's not going to --

HANNITY: He will serve the president, right, and his agenda.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely. And the idea that the president is going to take orders from John Bolton is ridiculous. I mean, he didn't take orders from Gary Cohn on the tariffs. I mean, he decided to go his own way on that. And he stayed true. To the pledge he made to the American people.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST, FOX NEWS: If he took corners he wouldn't tweet every night -- day and night, but there's a lot of people have told him not to.

INGRAHAM: Exactly. And I also think, Sean, when you look at what's happening now with the FBI and, you now, Christopher Wray came out and did that interview with the nightly news. On the one hand what he said was, I think, it was very helpful to the president, because he said we're not, you know, we're not political. I'm not being influenced by the president, we're not being told not to pursue particular investigations, that's not where we are.

However, as you've been documenting night after night and I've been trying to pick up the baton at 10 o'clock, what's happened is a corrosive atmosphere at the top that I think has bled down, and that has hurt morale at the FBI. That has hurt credibility. And public confidence.

That the upper echelon of the Intel agencies and the FBI, they're going to call both and strikes, they're not going to put their finger on the scale one way or the other, even if they don't like Trump, they like Trump, they like Hillary, don't like Hillary. None of that should have come into play.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this.


HANNITY: Because we've been at this a long time. One of your great skills is your strategy. You think, you've seen a lot. We can give economic statistics of Ronald Reagan in our sleep.


HANNITY: Politically speaking, Donald Trump is a disruptor, an iconic class, and he is not going to as we were, he's his own man, he's not going to conform into what the media wants him to conform him to be. He wouldn't been elected if he was that person.

So, the question is strategically, knowing this is a deep state, knowing that we're now breaking through on FISA abuses and a fixed investigation, Hillary, and special counsel Mueller, what advice would you give him?

INGRAHAM: I think it's important for him to keep his eye on the prize. For him, it is the economy, a stable, strong foreign policy, but number one he should stick to his campaign promises.

And, Sean, this is where I'm going to continue on this tonight on my show, I've been doing it the last couple of nights, this GOP omnibus bill, that you know, I guess he's going to sign, I'm really worried about that. I'm worried about it because it does not adequately fund, the wall, it's like a little pit. It's a little scrap of a fence. It is not what he campaigns on.


HANNITY: I do have some insight on that for you, because I agree with you.


HANNITY: And I was like, really, fund the wall if you want to get re- elected for all the Republicans. But there is other money as I understand it that have been appropriated, will be appropriated, and we'll hear about it in the days to come.

INGRAHAM: Well, yes, if we lose the House of Representatives in November, it isn't going to get a wall.


INGRAHAM: So that's why it was imperative for him to get a permanent--


HANNITY: To really dump politically, but they're Republicans.

INGRAHAM: -- funding mechanism.


INGRAHAM: So my advice is, Mueller is going to do what Mueller is going to do. I think he can give great speeches about how this economy is going to continue to hum. We're going to take on China. But you know, this is what is going to happen, we're going to have a bit of uncomfortable moment with China now because of the tariffs. It had to happen. We had to rebalance trade. It had to happen.

But on Mueller, let Mueller do his job, give great speeches about the importance of a strong intelligence community.


HANNITY: Ignore Mueller, ignore the news media.

INGRAHAM: I would ignore the media, talk right to the American people.

HANNITY: And ignore Mueller--

INGRAHAM: Remember how you got elected, Sean.

HANNITY: I think that's good advice. At the end of the day elections are won based on vision, prosperity, if you've been in office, and on peace, and if you keep your promises. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.

INGRAHAM: Law and order.

HANNITY: All the noise doesn't matter.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Safety, people want a safe society. Law and order, stop giving breaks to illegal immigrants, stick to your promises and you'll do just fine.

HANNITY: All right, Laura. Great advice. I think we will see you in 27 minutes from right now.

INGRAHAM: See you soon.

HANNITY: Thanks for being back with us and congratulations.

INGRAHAM: All right. Thanks.

HANNITY: When we come back, Dan Bongino and Jason Chaffetz. And later on, the Uranium One informant speaks out on camera, explosive claims about how there is a Clinton investigation going on into that foundation. His first time on camera, right here, tonight, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. As we continue tonight we are joined by former Secret Service agent, NRA TV contributor, Dan Bongino, former House chairman of the House oversight committee and Fox News contributor, Jason Chaffetz.

You know, we discovered and Comey actually in his first draft of exoneration before investigation, Congressman, he actually had talked about foreign intelligence agencies having access to Hillary's server, top secret, special access, information et cetera.

Now I'm going to assume that's as many as five or six, that's Iran, that's North Korea, that's China, that's Russia? With all of those people having access to it, who would know where WikiLeaks ever got it or some other source? Who would know?

JASON CHAFFETZ, R, FORMER UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: Well, got to assume that they all had it. And look, Congress has a role to play here, to try and plug this leak. And to understand. Remember, the investigation by the FBI, this is a closed case. Congress is trying to get its hands on it, it's a closed case. And yet, they still won't cough up the documents.

HANNITY: Within hours when you see a leak after the president, Dan Bongino, talks to somebody like Vladimir Putin, we know the 125 leaks in his first 126 days. We know the full conversations with prime ministers and presidents were released. This has never happened before. How dangerous is it, this type of leaking? And how does it damage national security? Whose lives are at risk here?

DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: Well, Sean, this is critical. I mean, what national foreign leader, foreign dignitary is going to have any kind of a conversation with the White House knowing that the information is going to be leaked by, you know, diseased swamp rats on the inside.

Listen, I think Trump tried to play a nice guy, Sean, I really do. I think he tried to hire some people that were recommended him by the swamp creatures of D.C. He brought them into the White House. They promptly turned around and screwed him over and leaked to the media. And I think now he's saying you know what, now it's time to do it the Trump way.

You're all out, you're all canned, I'm bringing in my own team, you know, don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.

HANNITY: You know, we did learned lot, we've been able to really reveal a lot, in the last year, congressman, and that is, OK, what did we discover? We just discovered Hillary fixed the primary, we discovered that in fact an investigation was concluded before they ever did an investigation.

We learned that Hillary paid for Russian lies, they funneled it through a law firm. And a foreign national used his Russian sources, the Russian government sources. Then we used that dossier, everybody knew she paid for it, used as a basis for a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewal applications.

We learned a lot. How much of what I just described to you is illegal?

CHAFFETZ: A lot of it. And in addition to that, you have people who came before Congress, raised their right hand and lied. And one of those may have been the FBI Director Mr. Comey. When John Ratcliffe asked him very specifically when he made the decision about whether or not to prosecute and when that happened. He gave an answer that's inconsistent with the fact pattern that we now have.

I really do believe that the two chairman of the judiciary committees, Senators Grassley and Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the House judiciary should go to Mr. Mueller and understand who's on his team, why is it that there appears to be all sorts of conflicts of interest, and why are you outside the lines in the bounds of the jurisdiction that you were given as a special prosecutor.

And how come you're not looking at Hillary Clinton and the Clinton team and the DCCC and the DNC and what they're all doing. Why aren't they also looking at that? Because that's also in that special prosecutor letter.

HANNITY: Well, that's a good question. We need a second special counsel. And what do make of we know Clapper lied, don't we? We know Brennan has lied, don't we?

CHAFFETZ: Yes, yes. But you got a Congress who's absolutely, they're a bunch of wimps, they never stand up for themselves. I issued a subpoena a year and a half ago for these documents. I'm glad Bob Goodlatte is doing it now.

But the moment those -- that subpoena that's issued goes past compliance, then they should hold them in contempt. But nobody seems to have the guts to do that.

HANNITY: Yes. Last word, Dan Bongino.

BONGINO: Sean, the Trump team was set up. I've never been more sure of anything in my life during my time as a federal agent and as a cop. The Mueller investigation is entirely a smoke screen meant to cover for what was done to Donald Trump.

I'm absolutely convinced. He has conflicts of interest, Sean, that haven't even come out yet that some people know about behind the scenes, Mueller, to some of the people. He is conflicted. This is a smoke screen. The Trump team was set up, I'm absolutely sure of it.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both, great analysis. For the first time ever, the FBI informant in the Uranium One case speaks out on camera to John Solomon. We're going to share part of that. It's going to be part of an investigative report for the next couple of days. You will see him for the first time, next.


HANNITY: Major and exclusive developments in the Uranium One scandal. Tonight, remember that FBI informant at the center of the case? He's now speaking out on camera for the very first time in an interview exclusively with The Hill.

And John Solomon, done in shadow (Ph), William Campbell explains how he was interviewed in December. This past December by the FBI's Little Rock field office about the Clinton Foundation's potential involvement in the scandal. Where's the rest of the media? Take a listen.


WILLIAM CAMPBELL: They interviewed me about the Clintons several hours, good part of the day. The information that I -- that I provided to them about the Clintons and about what was said, and confirmed by Russian leadership, was seemed to be very important to them.


HANNITY: But what's even more startling, as Campbell also says that the information that he gave to the FBI about the corrupt Uranium One deal and Russia strategy, Putin's strategy to control U.S. nuclear policy ended up right there on President Barack Obama's desk. Wow. Take a look.


CAMPBELL: I was assured that the White House also had been informed because of the importance on a national security side, and it was actually a very enthusiastic commendation that I received from the FBI. Because my work had resulted in the White House daily brief being handed to then-President Obama.


HANNITY: So Obama knew it was going on, did nothing? Joining us now with his exclusive interview The Hill's John Solomon. Now we're going to have parts two, three and four in the days to come.

Let me start with this comment about Obama knew.


HANNITY: Because this guy was in Putin's -- Putin had operatives in America, we know they were bribing, they were involved in distortion, money laundering, kickbacks, and racketeering. We know that Putin wanted these operatives to get a foothold in the uranium industry. We import 90 percent of our uranium, it's not like we want to give to Russia. And he's there 18 months before we approve the Uranium One deal. It never made sense, John.

SOLOMON: It doesn't. And if you remember a year ago when I first came on, Sean, with Sara, when we're starting to talk about this, we talked about maybe the whole Donald Trump thing was a bread crumb trail to take us away from a different story. This may be the different story that the intelligence community was trying to take us our eye off the ball on.

Here is what we know. If you were an American company and engaged in bribery and kickbacks you would be what's called the barred. You'd be prevented from doing business from the United States government, you'd be punished. It happens all the time. We see announcements every week about this.

If you're Vladimir Putin's uranium company and you're involved in kickbacks, and you are involved in bribery, and you're involved in extortion, and you're involved in money laundering, but you give $500,000 to Bill Clinton and you give several million dollars to a lobbying firm that dealing with the Clintons, you know what happens to you? You get billions of new dollars and contracts from the United States government.


SOLOMON: You get taken off the export control list. And you get a large swath of America's uranium supply. That is the story that Doug Campbell puts before the American public.

HANNITY: Robert Mueller was the FBI director.

SOLOMON: He was.

HANNITY: He knew in 2009 that Putin's operatives were doing all this. Wasn't Campbell informing him every step of the way?

SOLOMON: He was. Absolutely, he was the director. And we were told by law enforcement sources and Mr. Campbell, that the senior leadership of the FBI including Director Mueller was directly aware of his revelations. We're also told by Mr. Campbell and several intelligence officials that Mr. Campbell's information made it all the way into the president's daily briefing. It got the president on all of this.


SOLOMON: PDB. He had the PDB, yes.

HANNITY: Yes. Let's go to this issue. We didn't know that the FBI field office in Arkansas was conducting investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Because as you follow the money, a lot of people that were involved from Canada, and elsewhere, that part of the deal, that all wanted America -- America that imports 90 percent of its uranium or thereabouts, we have a shortage of it. We didn't want it in hands of a foreign actor, Russia of all places, the hostilely regime, it is in Putin the hostile actor that he is.

And in fact, as it was first reported by Peter Schweitzer, about 145 million over time kickback before and after to the Clinton Foundation.

SOLOMON: Yes, there's a lot of money that flowed. Remember Bill Clinton got a $500,000 contribution. We reported that the Russians told Doug Campbell, and he confirmed this in the interview, that they routed $3 million to an American lobbying company with the intention that the money would go to support and provide free services to Bill Clinton's charitable initiative called the Clinton global initiative.

Now it isn't just that the Russian set it. We found the money. We actually found an announcement by the Clinton global initiative and by the lobbying firm admitting that they were increasing their giving for this. So there is a path of money that goes from Russia into the Clinton's backyard. And yet, we're talking about a lot of other things today and not this.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. All right. You spent a lot of time with him, he's had this information. But for the longest time, the government kept him under wraps.


HANNITY: Because they had, you know, all this talk about nondisclosure agreements in terms of whatever happens. But the government doesn't usually do that. But they have a gag order on him and how did they get lifted.

SOLOMON: Yes. His attorney, Victoria Toensing, went to the Justice Department and negotiated a deal to let him talk to Congress. And then because he's talked to Congress and his story has gotten out, we've been able to interview him.

And I'll tell you something that's really important. I have a large portion of the FBI's counter intelligence file that actually shows what Doug Campbell did. His story and those facts do not match what Rod Rosenstein's prosecutors told Congress just a few months ago. They're not -- they still don't have his story right.

The facts are in these files. Congress could have access to them. Somebody should take a look because we're talking about being tough on Russia. Seven years ago we gave the boat away on uranium, and we did it while knowing that the Russians were engaged in criminal activity on our soil, compromising our national security. That's what Doug Campbell's story is all about.

HANNITY: So we know that about Russia and we also know Hillary paid for phony or a phony dossier with Russian sources by a foreign national. It seems like with no Russia collusion evidence that I've seen, maybe you've seen, John, I haven't, it seems like all fingers point back to the left and to democrats over this.

SOLOMON: You know, you hear Democrats in the last few weeks saying President Trump hasn't been tough enough on Russia, we got to get tougher, they're bad actors. They're done things. But on their watch with their president, President Obama, with Secretary Clinton, we gave away some of the biggest, most valuable decisions in the uranium industry ever given to Russia.

From the Cold War on we have restrictions. Barack Obama re-lifted them. George Bush suspended a thing called the nuclear cooperation agreement. Barack Obama restored it. We allowed Russia for the first time to compete for uranium fuel contracts and they got billions upon billions of dollars. And we let them have these uranium assets called Uranium One, and we did it all knowing that they were engaged in criminality.

HANNITY: Great work, John Solomon.

SOLOMON: Thank you.

HANNITY: We'll have you back. We have more with John's exclusive interview. We'll be airing. Thank you, sir.

When we come back, one of the most disturbing videos you've seen in your life. I'm not making it up, next.


HANNITY: This next video we want to warn you it's beyond disturbing. A 20- year-old woman, North Carolina arrested after videos posted on social media showing her 1-year-old baby smoking marijuana. It shows an adult holding what appears to be a small cigar filled with marijuana to the baby's lips. The infant inhales the contents of this, and then exhales.

According to Raleigh Police Department the mother is being charged with two counts of felony child abuse, inflicting serious bodily injury, plus two counts of contributing to delinquency and possession of marijuana.

And thankfully that child is under the supervision of Child Protective Services. What is wrong with people? It's scary. Hannity hotline time.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let there be light was very inspiring, it doesn't matter what religion you are because I'm not a Christian. But it doesn't matter what religion you are, it's very inspiring and very good. And keep up the good work. Thanks, bye.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I just want to tell, let Hannity know that my husband did not make me vote for Trump, that Bill Clinton's wife made me vote for Trump.


HANNITY: Call the Hannity hotline 877 225-8587. Amazon.com, Wal-Mart everywhere, 'Let There be Light.' I think you and your whole family will enjoy it. Let not be troubled. There she is.

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