
GUTFELD: So, Donald Trump just announced he's giving out the most dishonest and corrupt media awards to its biggest offenders. This is a first, but are you surprised? Have you noticed the media is an object of criticism for the president, so what does that cost? Well, the media seems as robust as ever. Everyone is either a Woodward or a Bernstein when they aren't high.


GUTFELD: Similarly, homicides in Chicago have fallen 60 percent in 2017, a welcome reduction from the bloodshed that, again, made its mayor a target of Trump's ire. So, do you see my point? Why didn't this reduction occur under Obama? And why wasn't the media more aggressive during the same time? The aggressive journalism and aggressive policing are actually resets due in part to what I call the PTW effect, Prove Trump Wrong effect. For years, Fox News railed against media bias. Did the media care? Not really. The last few years we've covered Chicago's problems. Did Rahm Emanuel listen at all? No. he's slammed Chick-fil-A instead.

Now we're seeing the media adjust its behavior over accusations of fake news, and now a city mayor under a president who isn't his best friend puts more cops on the streets. My theory, bureaucrats and media hates Trumps so much that they can't let him win the argument, so they up their game just to shut the guy up. So laugh at Trump's tweets about Chicago, or Iran, the media, whatever he chooses to target. It may be the best motivational tool we've got.