So, who are the liberals blaming the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation on? The Electoral College. Yes, it's just not fair and it's so old. Those stupid Founders just aren't as smart as Rob Reiner. Plus, how is it that states each have two senators? New York and California should have 25 each and you guys at home, zilch. Failing that, there's always impeachment:


JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: Do you rule out this idea of impeaching Kavanaugh?

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO, D-HAWAII: This whole impeachment thing, you know what? I'm very focused on the here and now.

KARL: But you won't rule out impeachment. We've only had one justice --


KARL: Is that a mistake, though? I mean, do really want -- after we swore --

HIRONO: I'm much more focused on what we need to do, which is we need to get to the polls, truly.


So you want impeachment, why not just reelect Trump while you're at it? And let's not forget the real enemy: white women. The New York Times blames Kavanaugh's win on gender traitors, in that white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain. What the hell does that mean? Seriously, who talks like that and has a job?

And so the left devours its own as rage bots only see dissent as evil. And yet as they sharpen the pitchforks, the Dems still haven't disowned Avenatti who use women as stepping-stones to the spotlight.

So it seems we're at an impasse, which is French for nowhere good. One party says you must believe all allegations, the other says we should presume innocence until proven guilty. On one side are these women and on the other side this dame. What's the solution? It's simple: If the Democrats prefer belief over due process then put a ring on it. If you feel that all allegations must be believed, then from here on in, Democrats should believe any allegation against themselves because 50 percent of believing is better than none. No process, just punishment for you. And the rest of us idiots will rely on stupid stuff like evidence and due process.

Make sense, Democrats? Become the party of pitchforks, maybe then we'll believe it's not just politics.