
This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on October 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Happy, happy Wednesday, everyone. Or as I like to call it Hump Day. A new report claims that Hunter Biden shared bank accounts with his dad, which might be the least harmful thing Hunter could share with his dad. But it's still nuts. Think about it. The V.P. shared a bank account with Hunter. That's like sharing a blow up doll with Charlie Sheen. No disinfectant will save you, you just burn it all down.

Normally this might be big news. But Biden's last name is Biden, not Trump. And the media only response to corruption when it's involving an orange Republican with a hot wife. And even then that corruption doesn't have to be real. But this latest news means the President must become part of the FBI investigation in dish Hunter's shady deals. If the government wants to go after rich people by tracking everything over 600 bucks, then Hunter's anonymous 75 grand checks should warrant some scrutiny.

Fact is, like my luxurious hair. The list of Hunter's outrageous indiscretions keep growing. But when there's a Democrat in charge with a Democrat media, you can get away with anything except telling the truth. From Ted Kennedy's driving to Ilhan Omar's husband and or brother. It's all water and bodies under the bridge. I almost wish I was a Democrat. Why didn't I become a Democrat? Why didn't I work at CNN?

Could you imagine what I could get away with? I could grab my producers butt, pal around with my corrupt governor brother. Accidentally expose myself on Zoom and still I could show up for work. I could also put (INAUDIBLE) in Stelter's grand a mocha latte. All eight of them. Not that I would want that life. I prefer to keep my perversions where they belong in the sauna room at Planet Fitness.

The Democrats never need to worry about their since. Hell Justice Coach Gruden loses his job for racist comments in private e-mails. The media still gives a pass to Hunter for throwing around the N-word like it was Jimmy Kimmel and his Snoop Dogg skit. So why was that OK? Well, when your last name is Biden, everything's OK. If you're a Hunter, you can make six figures for paintings that look like an old Janis Joplin tie dye t-shirt that James Taylor threw up on.

These are paintings where he uses a straw coming from his mouth, not his nose for once. Still, his paintings literally blow. And what have you bring this up to the White House?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was hoping you could say the White House knows who purchased the five prints and whether there is indeed a departure to the arrangement that there would be an anonymity here.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I know this is your favorite topic. But it -- again, it still is the purview of the gallerist. We still do not know and will not know who purchases any paintings. And the President remains proud of his son.


GUTFELD: I know this is your favorite topic. Yes. Forgive us if we actually do give (BLEEP) about authentic corruption and collusion. But you go on and continue chasing down parents for criticizing mask mandates you hack. Meanwhile, as we told you yesterday, right before Hunter sold that crap, the gallery hosting him received a half million and pandemic relief funds. Far more than any other art gallery in similar circumstances.

Now why in hell does a gallery need all that green? To rent a room? To hire a half asleep security guard? To get a velvet rope to separate gawkers from the Rottweiler turd? That is Hunter's art. Meanwhile, all around the same town businesses that have tons of employees are shut tighter than the Botox scan on Joe's forehead. Yet Hunter's gallery was saved by you and me, the taxpayer.

Talk about tax-funded abortions. But like Tyrus said, we all know people whose businesses have closed permanently, thanks to lock downs. If only their dads had connections. Instead, those people are screwed under life under Joe. We've got worthless money. Bare shelves and elites who gets special treatment. It's like the Soviet Union, but without the great literature. Meanwhile, we're told that all of these so-called art transactions would remain anonymous.

As if less transparency reduces corruption. But that's how we got to $3.5 trillion spending spree that somehow cost zero. For them ignorance is strength. Anyway, how long before we find out that whoever bought those paintings is on some board for a company that pays their employees in bat meat? All of this is happening on the year anniversary of the Hunter laptop expose.

A true scandal that revealed how Hunter had sold influence while his pop was V.P. and that his dad knew it. Joe got more kickbacks than a horse proctologist. Allegedly. But much like my latest unicorn tattoo, the story would not see the light of day. Media, the Dems, the big tech buried it in order to change an election. Wonder what his dad has to say.


TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Come on, man. I keep hearing about some story that got buried. There was no story. You want to hear a story? I'll tell you a story. There's an old saying in the art world, one man's trash is another man's treasure. I didn't say that. You know who did? Corn pop. The meanest pirate on the high seas. But I cut him down with one of my karate chops.


GUTFELD: So, we live in a world where parents are targeted by the FBI for wanting to give their kids a decent education. Hunter however, enjoys a carefree life violating more laws than Kat at Oktoberfest. The people -- the regular people get screwed, the elites don't that's the lesson from Hunter and it's not -- maybe it's not his fault. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Or you can hate both because there is no game without players.

But Hunter is just another political crony living off connections. Sponging off taxpayers, cruising from one grift to the next. I'd say I'm disgusted. Maybe I'm just jealous.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. This bear never hibernates. Finally, we've got a hard news man who's funnier than Kilmeade. Special Report host and author of the new book To Rescue the Republic, Bret Baier. Clearly the greatest writer ever named Hemingway, Fox News contributor and author of Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and Democrat Sees Our Elections, Mollie Hemingway.

He's been stoned more times that people in the Bible. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And even his small talk is gigantic. My massive sidekick and the NWA World Television Champion. Tyrus. Bret, welcome to the show.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: This is fantastic. First of all, I've determined that I need an audience for Special Report. I mean, it changes the dynamic completely.

GUTFELD: It certainly does. It certainly does. And they're wonderful. Very attractive people as you can tell.


GUTFELD: Afterwards -- after the show we often just take them up to my hotel suite and we get hammered.

BAIER: It's been really fun.

GUTFELD: Thank you so much.

BAIER: I'm with you, Greg.

GUTFELD: So if you had Hunter's privilege, wouldn't you be tempted to do whatever you want? I mean, he has no -- there's no repercussions.

BAIER: It's really amazing. This story. I think about when we covered it at the beginning. It was basically us, the New York Post a few others, and it was prevented from going on Twitter and social media. And now suddenly, the laptop is real.


BAIER: And suddenly they're answering questions, real questions about this. It's a story that's not going away. And as long as they keep asking the questions, it'll still be there.

GUTFELD: Have you ever met Hunter?

BAIER: I have. I have. A couple of times in D.C.

GUTFELD: Yes. Where you guys partying?



BAIER: No. We were not.

GUTFELD: He wouldn't share, would he?

BAIER: No. He's an interesting cat. He's an interesting cat.

GUTFELD: You know what, it's -- whatever that -- the word interesting is always never a good thing. It's an interesting cat. That's like, get the hell out of here. Get him away from me. Mollie, you got a new book out too. And I haven't read it yet. But I want to read it. It's called Rigged. And I think that this -- you talk about the suppression of the Hunter scandal, am I right?

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely. The book is about everything that happened during the campaign that affected the outcome of the election. And it was a huge thing that this Hunter Biden story broke in October of last year. There were a few people who were covering it. It didn't go anywhere because we're in this information war where the media decide not to cover something and it dies but big tech also suppresses it.

And they, you know, it wasn't just Twitter banning the New York Post, it was Facebook saying suppressing the story artificially using what they call fact checkers which were actually part of their censorship team but yes, Hunter seems like an amazing person to party with.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. That's the upside about it, though the worst I -- worst things I hear the more I want to hang out with him. But there was another thing too. There was like a -- there's a halo effect, right? That - - because those people are -- you -- then you feel like, oh maybe I can't talk about it either. I can't talk about it because of all of those people are saying don't talk about it, you know, it's -- it reminds me of the Jussie Smollett thing.

That we all had to wait like five days, right? Before we said anything, because -- or else if -- because we never wanted to be first.

HEMINGWAY: Yes. And I tell that story in the book about how it was suppressed because it took a lot for anybody to get it out. Not just the New York Post, but the Wall Street Journal ends up sort of covering it and the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal does a great job. But you remember that Jen Psaki was one of the people claiming that it was Russian disinformation? They knew it wasn't Russian disinformation.



BAIER: It was in the debate.


BAIER: Joe Biden says that. That's pretty amazing.

GUTFELD: It is incredible. Kat, does it frustrates you that you can't live the life of Hunter Biden because they'll just come after you?



TIMPF: Because you keep saying he's a fun guy and he sort of is but he's also not that fun.


TIMPF: Because if I could get away with that for I wanted, OK, like, doing like crimes and breaking rules is not difficult.


TIMPF: It's not hard. I can think of a million things I would do. The hard thing is to not get caught. But if you're in a situation where when you get caught, it doesn't matter.


TIMPF: Like the sky's the limit. He's kind of boring almost.

GUTFELD: Yes. You'd expect me to do more things.

TIMPF: More crap. Like he was smoking it.


TIMPF: He ran out. Why? Why aren't you making your own? Hire a team of people to make your crack using your government credit card.


TIMPF: Like, why not? You get away with everything. So he's just not as creative in his creative choices if I would have thought. So we would never work is what I'm saying.

GUTFELD: Another wise romantic choice.


TIMPF: I'm full of them.

TYRUS, FOX NATION HOST: You brought your A game for special report. I know you did. This is your big moment.


TIMPF: -- on Special Report --

TYRUS: She's been doing it for five years.


TIMPF: Makes all these jokes about me doing drugs. No. Never happened.


BAIER: We just don't have that many crack panels.


TYRUS: Well, that in itself is a crime. She literally -- no. I'm going to - - I'm going to advocate for you. She works so hard to try to match her pants to your tie to show you this is the co-host you've been dreaming about.


TYRUS: And now you've ruined it, Greg.

GUTFELD: I said before the show. I asked both of you to behave.


TYRUS: Oh. But we weren't the one acting like mom when she had a Tupperware party and I had my cleats on in the house. You ruined everything. Don't do this. He won't come back. Like relax, relax. Now I've got to be serious for a moment.


TYRUS: This is the highest level of addiction and an enabler.


TYRUS: That's exactly how I killed it just like that. See? See?

BAIER: I see that.

TYRUS: This is -- this is what's -- why would you ever allow your addict son access to money?


TYRUS: Not to mention the American people's money.


TYRUS: It's unbelievably disgusting. And he's just as culpable because if you -- if it was about the love of my son, he'd be in rehab right now.


TYRUS: He would be helping to the last thing you would ever allow your addict son would be access to free money.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. All right. I think we've learned a lot today.

BAIER: I think -- this is only the A block.

GUTFELD: This is the A block. You're in for a ride, Bret. We do -- we have a whole segment where we just line dance.

BAIER: Nice.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. Brought his boots. All right. Up next, it takes kids with an acting deal to make the B.P. seem real.


GUTFELD: Will she earn even more detractors because they hired kid actors? Yes, she inspired young rocketeers who were just waiting for the checks to clear. YouTube is confirmed it picked the child actors for that video with Vice President Harris after the White House denied that anything to do with the casting. Then they denied they'd ever heard of a Kamala Harris. Let's take a fond look back at the video where kids travel to the Naval Observatory to meet a true Space Cadet.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I just love the idea of exploring the unknown. And there's other things that we just haven't figured out or discovered yet. You guys are going to see. You're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. With your own eyes. I'm telling you, it is going to be unbelievable.


GUTFELD: She talks like she just learned the moon was a thing. What's next, a fieldtrip to the zoo to learn about these fascinating things called animals? Anyway, YouTube says choosing the actress for the video was no different than other unscripted shows, casting Web sites and such, everybody does it. To keep it secret though they call the project Attack of the Cackling Phony. One of the kids said the process involves sending a video of him talking about his passions and questions that he would like to ask a world leader.

But also Joe Biden. The bigger question. Would YouTube have done this for Mike Pence? And why staged the event with actors in the first place? And why not ask regular kids from around town to help out? Like I do with my band?

TYRUS: Oh, I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: Still with me? So you got to feel badly for the kids who didn't make the cut? We've actually obtained a tape of one of the failed auditions.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kamala's kids audition. Take one.

JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: Hi, I'm Charlie. And I'm this many.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wow, seven. Well, that's a nice jacket, Charlie.

MACHI: Thanks. It's my dad's. Mom says someday he'll come back for it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What would you like to ask the President?

MACHI: Why don't you teach about space stuff instead of making me feel bad because I'm white?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More like a student.

MACHI: OK. Why don't you teach us about space stuff instead of making me feel bad because I'm white?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, Charlie. Are you excited to see the craters of the Moon with your own eyes?

MACHI: What for? I can do that anytime I go outside and look up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no. It needs to be more fake.

MACHI: Like the moon landing or dinosaurs? You think us kids really believe that B.S.?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Cut. There's no way this kid is seven.


GUTFELD: Finally, I knew that Joe Machi's high voice would come in handy. He didn't even have to change the voice. Mollie, OK. I'm going to go back to the -- that's -- what I said in that piece. YouTube pick the kids. Would they have done that for Mike Pence? Or like lend that kind of helping hand to something like this? Sweet seems a bit weird.

HEMINGWAY: First of all, I just have to say watching that. Is she partying with Hunter? Like there is definitely something weird.


HEMINGWAY: I'm from Colorado. I recognize the use of the marijuana and it seems something like that (INAUDIBLE) but, yes. You know, we heard during out -- during the Trump presidency, everybody was talking about fascism and looming fascism, which is actually defined as corporations working with the government together on shared interests. And what could be more than what we see with social media, big tech companies, working with the Democratic Party.

They never in a million years would have done anything like this. But they didn't do a particularly good job with it. No offense to the child actors. I'm sure they've --


HEMINGWAY: They're dealing with difficult material. But --

GUTFELD: Let's be honest. Child actors are the worst creatures on the planet. That's why they hired him because that was to make Kamala seem sympathetic. Let's bring some brats in there with -- who want to be famous. There's nothing worse than a brat.

TIMPF: I wanted to be famous when I was a child.

TYRUS: Hold on, man.


TYRUS: Hold on, man. I'm a former child actor. Go ahead --


TIMPF: So was I.

GUTFELD: You were not a child actor.


TYRUS: Can you prove that?

GUTFELD: Show me the --


TYRUS: -- community plays.

TIMPF: So did I.

GUTFELD: Bret --


BAIER: Can I say two things?


BAIER: One is when I read this story, at first, I thought it was a total spoof. There is no way that this is true.


BAIER: And then the entertainment company is from Canada. They're not from America.


BAIER: The entertainment company is called Sinking Ship Entertainment.


BAIER: Now, wait a second. I thought this was like a Republican operative that puts this out there.


BAIER: And then I see the video. And she's so excited --


BAIER: -- with these child actors. The segment is called Get Curious with Vice President Harris.


BAIER: Of course, they're going to get curious. Their actors are being paid to get curious. I just thought it was a joke. And it wasn't.

GUTFELD: Yes. It was -- it's probably one of them. And what's strange, Tyrus, we've now covered this -- do you think anybody else outside our world will --

TYRUS: Who wouldn't dare?

GUTFELD: In SNL skit? Will this be an SNL skit?

TYRUS: No, no.

BAIER: It could be.

TYRUS: Because the kids were better actors. I took a -- a couple of things. First of all, the kids aren't the worst.


TYRUS: It's the moms.


TYRUS: The ones that are in the back. So I've done a commercial with kids. The kids were fine. mothers were brutal.


TYRUS: You know, because they're acting for them. And it's funny to watch. But there's one thing as an actor we hate whether you're a child or Marlon Brando, you hate the over actor. They ruin everything because you got to keep retaking. And here, she's got her moment, but she knows she was up against some fellow actors and she had the own the room. And she is the only person who used hands to go, and when you see craters with your own eyes, you're going to be so excited. You know what the kids are going? She sucks.


HEMINGWAY: Bring it down.

GUTFELD: All right, Kat. Do you think they hired kids because they couldn't trust normal kids?

TIMPF: Obviously. OK? I mean, I'm not going to say all kids are jerks but they're definitely wildcards, right? Like, when she should go, you know, what about like preteen boys at the skate park?


TIMPF: You should go there and ask them skate park kids? Are you excited to see the craters of the moon with your own eyes and film it? I will do anything to see that but she never do it because teen preteen skate kids are terrified.

GUTFELD: They really --


BAIER: Can I say one more thing?


BAIER: She's the head of the National Space Council. And she has not held one meeting of the National Space Council.


TIMPF: That counts.

BAIER: Well, this might be the --


TYRUS: -- first investigative reporter. But if all you can say is crater. I don't think you should be holding that meeting.


GUTFELD: What happened to the space --


TYRUS: -- you put me in charge of open heart surgery. And all I can say is, well, open it up and if it's not beating budget. She's just not qualified.

GUTFELD: What happen to the space force?

BAIER: They don't talk about it.

GUTFELD: Yes. They don't talk about it. Because Trump came up with it. Well, he was probably still -- man, he put his name on it. But it's Trump's space force. They can't talk about it just like the wall or anything else that he came up with. All right, up next. All the complaints are coming from Pelosi because her bill is deader than Bela Lugosi.


GUTFELD: Is the Madam Speaker a meth head tweaker? Of course not. Who wrote this? But it can't be overstated. Nancy's frustrated. Yes. Democrats are struggling to resuscitate Biden's $3.5 trillion spending plan, which is about as popular as that Wet Willy from Jerrold Nadler. During her weekly press conference right after her weekly blood transfusion, Nancy was told that only 10 percent of Americans knew what was in the bill. But who does Nancy blame for that? The media.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think you need to do a better job of messaging and going forward? How do you sell this and ultimately you have to --


NANCY PELOSI, SPEAKER OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Well, I think you all could do a better job of selling it to be very frank with you because every time I come here I go through the list.


GUTFELD: They go through the list. So it's the press's job to sell things for Old Joe. How does that work? Is Nancy being an arrogant dope or has she simply become used to the media carrying water for the left? And she's mad that they can't carry this load of crap. OK, Nancy, we're dying to know what's in it.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Family medical leave, climate -- the issues that are in there.


GUTFELD: That was the best. No wonder we don't know what's in there. Neither does she. She forgot to list raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens. Plus, she can't do basic math.


PELOSI: The Build Back Better three baskets its climate, which we spent some time talking about already, health, job security and moral responsibility.


GUTFELD: Yes, it's obviously five but not three. But she's sure of this.


PELOSI: And we will have to continue to make sure the public does but whether they know it or not, they overwhelmingly support it.


GUTFELD: Oh, America hear that you support the bill and you don't even know it yet. Sounds familiar right?


PELOSI: But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.


GUTFELD: It's so much more fun when people don't know what's inside. At least that's what I tell folks when I show them the old meat locker in my basement. If only those hooks could talk. We actually caught up with Nancy so she could clarify her comments.


KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Told her some of the Americans know what's in the bill should be zero. We want this to get as little attention as my husband's insider trading. The media should help me with this the way they helped me get elected in 1850, excuse me, I have to go change my face.


GUTFELD: Kat, the host, that was you by the way -- just so everybody knows that. This whole, the whole strategy was to make sure you don't know what's in the bill but when no one likes the bill they say, but you don't know what's in the bill? Isn't that how this thing works?

TIMPF: Yes, and the fact that she actually called out the media saying, well, you guys should be selling this and nobody in the media actually cared that she said that --


TIMPF: Even though the medias will take their job very seriously of being an important check on the government's power and that's the kind of answer I give on "SPECIAL REPORT," by the way. I think it was pretty good.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Much more in line. That's pretty good.

TIMPF: But I'm not on "SPECIAL REPORT," so I do have something to say about butts also. If you do ever want to do the crack panel, this could be good.


TIMPF: Even. OK, Instagram influencers, they show their butts everywhere. People don't respect them because the showing of the butts. They don't have integrity, because their butts are everywhere. But when they do an ad they put sponsored, they admit when they're advertising or whether you know in, you know, making money from someone are in cahoots, which is better than our media.


TIMPF: So --

GUTFELD: You lost me on the analogy. So, you're saying --


TIMPF: He's got it.

TYRUS: I got it.

TIMPF: The butts, they sponsor posts to (INAUDIBLE) their butts.

TYRUS: She gave them one thing, Greg, you mean you guys had one job to do? We send the media, you get this built pass period. And you guys messed that up. I'm not I'm not here for interviews. There's no sources. You have one job NBC, what are we doing here? And where are my notes? Why am -- I don't know the plan. It's your job to sell it. It's just like every time you buy a used car, of course, you pay for it first before you drive it, everybody knows that. Like, what am I taking crazy pills here? Let's go. We don't need to know the bill. All we need to know is it's your job mean you forget being unbiased and telling the truth. You just need to do what we knew. You know what the deal was?


TURYS: We shook hands at the back. Where's Stelter? Get Lemon on line one. Why is this not out there?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. So, Bret, is this bill dead?

BAIER: It's not dead. It's been negotiated. But actually, it's Joe Manchin and Kristen cinema who are standing in the gap. And they are kind of fighting the fight because they think 3.5 trillion is way too much. I think the plan is that Democrats do know that they're in trouble in the midterms. And they believe that they need to act now to push this through.

Once they get it through and they're going to pare it down to say this program is only going to last for three years. They're going to pay for it for three years, but at three years, then the next Congress is going to say: we have to take this away from you.


BAIER: I know you like it, but we're going to end. Well, that never happens.

GUTFELD: No, it never does. And it gets worse and worse. Mollie, you know, I'm going to defend Nancy Pelosi because she had come to expect the media to do her bidding. And they didn't do a good, they didn't do as good a job as she liked.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I love what she said. I love that she was being open and honest about what we all know is true, which is that the media exists to support -- most of the media exists to support the Democratic Party and to push their agenda and God bless her for actually saying it outright. I -- what I'm more confused by is why Republicans act like it's not that way. Yes, they act like they're always dealing in good faith with, with members of the media, no matter how much they do this pushing propaganda on behalf of Democrats. It's infuriating.

GUTFELD: It is infuriating. Anything that you'd like to add, Kat, about butts?

TIMPF: So, their butts are how they become popular on Instagram shots of their butts, and then they sell products. But it says sponsored so that everybody knows that that the media pretends it's not the case.

GUTFELD: So, the media is doesn't pretend to be sponsoring.

TIMPF: Yes. Exactly.

TYRUS: Nancy Pelosi is showing her butt, Greg, but she's not recognizing responses which is the media.

TIMPF: She doesn't have the integrity to show her butt.

TYRUS: This isn't rocket surgery, Greg.

BAIER: So, that request that I have in for Speaker Pelosi to come on the show. Do you think they'll see all this?

GUTFELD: No, you know, just -- she doesn't stay up this late. Oh, and this is on the west coast. This is on at eight and I can still say safely she has a stamp. Coming up, a dad may feel like an ass, but it'll his kids for first class.


GUTFELD: Could you tell your kid to sleep tight while you upgrade your flight? Would you ditch your firstborn son for first class fun?

A new study finds that four out of 10 parents, that's 40 percent, Kat, never could really do math, would leave their kids alone in coach in order to upgrade to a first-class seat on a plane. Nine percent said they would make the swap regardless of the child's age.

But hey, those kids can't go anywhere, right? The flight attendant will raise them. But yes, they actually, would actually leave their screaming brat behind in order to have some extra leg room and a complimentary Bloody Mary in a plastic cup. But maybe it's the only way these kids will ever learn the value of frequent flyer miles. Myers. Meyers and O.J.

So, it could be true that people hate their kids as much as I hate their kids. Let's find out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, Mr. DeVito, great news, we have an upgrade just for you.

JOE DEVITO, COMEDIAN: What about my baby?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, I'm sorry, Sir, you're going to have to check that baby. But don't worry. You can pick him up at baggage claim in Pittsburgh.

DEVITO: Pittsburgh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, but you get a free Bloody Mary.


UNIDENTFIED MALE: Another baby. Oh, Sir, how many babies will you be checking today?


GUTFELD: Tyrus, you got a, you got a, you got a few kids? Thoughts, would you?

TYRUS: Please come back.

BAIER: Yes. I just want it known that no babies were hurt in that.

GUTFELD: That was a plastic baby. The same one that was used in the Clint Eastwood movie.

TYRUS: I'm not, I'm not riding this ride with you, boss. I'm not -- no. I'm not -- no.

GUTFELD: "American Sniper," remember, the fake baby scene?

TYRUS: Yes. OK. Yes. You just weirded me out tonight. Listen, and I'm offended by this because I am a monster.


TYRUS: Six-eight, and 320 a damn business pounds, and I have to sacrifice all the time. My first-class seat for my kids.


TYRUS: Now, when I was growing up, my mom would have been like deuces, here's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a coke. You and your brother split it. Don't embarrass me. Mommy's going to first class.


TYRUS: And we would have been OK.


TYRUS: If I left my kids there. By the time I landed, I would see the mob of social workers outside the plane. I would be on TikTok, Instagram everywhere, and people like and then he just left his child for the chair. And so, and we are filming him. Look at him he's sleeping. What kind of a monster -- could you imagine the fallout?


TYRUS: Whole career over.


TYRUS: Because I left my 19-year-old son by himself. I'm making it up. Every one of you would tell on me.

GUTFELD: Yes, you know it's funny --

TYRUS: My kids are young, but I'm just saying, yes.

GUTFELD: I didn't even consider that that in this modern era, the smartphone, no, somebody, somebody's going to go, so Billy are you by yourself? No, my daddy is in first class, then immediately the phone comes out.


GUTFELD: You have a, you have a few children.

BAIER: I do, two boys.


BAIER: That would never happen. And you know then they'd say he works for Fox News. And then, then --


TYRUS: And then they play that tape of wrapping up babies. And we'd all --

GUTFELD: That was a fake baby. I guess, I should have made that clear.

BAIER: There you go.

GUTFELD: No babies were harmed.

BAIER: Thank you.


HEMINGWAY: Not only what I do this, I have done this. I'm happy to do it. I have well-behaved kids. They can be in the back I will do whatever it takes to move up to first class. But I also just want to say something really quickly, you're saying you won't get on the panel with Bret through what's happening on this show?


HEMINGWAY: I have been waiting to be on this show for months and I've been so excited I was going to let loose. Here, Bret, who I am on the panel with, I feel very constrained, like I really have to --

TYRUS: I (INAUDIBLE) Christmas rap album. I'm in. Amazing suit.

TIMPF: Maybe when the guest host -- as a guest host, as a guest host we're going to.

BAIER: it's happening. Everybody's coming on the panel. I might even bring this this studio.

GUTFELD: You know what, Mollie brings up a great point. This is a great incentive for effective discipline for your children like if you could you train your kids to be so good that you can leave them in the back. That's, that's a goal I would like to aspire to, but I don't have kids that, I would do that with my ferrets.

TIMPF: I don't have kids either. I would --

GUTFELD: If I can find them.

TIMPF: I would never leave my cat alone, but I would leave my kids.

GUTFELD: I was going to wonder, like if this was your cat.

TIMPF: No. first of all, he can't fly due to his hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Thanks, for bringing it up. I won't let him die.

GUTFELD: How old is he?

TIMPF: He's 11.


TIMPF: But I don't have any kids, but that's it's like a win-win.

BAIER: What is that in ca years?

TIMPF: On human years, it's about 63.


TIMPF: Yes, it's about 61 to 63 years old. I've done the calculation. See, I can, I can do math regardless of what Mr. Gutfeld says.

GUTFELD: What are you going to do when the cat dies?

TIMPF: I told you I'm going to tattoo him into my body.

GUTFELD: Yes, I thought you might want to hear that. She's absolutely going to have him cremated and then she's going to put it in ink and have it a tattoo. Now, are you going to have her on "SPECIAL REPORT," Bret? You're going to have this crazy person in "SPECIAL REPORT?"

TIMPF: We can be together forever. It's a beautiful thing.

BAIER: That's good. We can show it on "SPECIAL REPORT."


TYRUS: Never afraid.

BAIER: Never afraid.

GUTFELD: Yes. That is definitely not balanced though. All right.

TIMPF: I make perfect sense to myself.

GUTFELD: Yes, you did. OK. Up next, he's got a chiseled jaw and his new book will leave you in awe.


GUTFELD: I'm very confused about something that just happened. Well, I'm just saying, that never happened.

TYRUS: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: We have book -- we're eating into the book interview. All right. He makes every report feel special. He was a White House Correspondent back when presidents could answer questions. Now, he's a best-selling author, host a hit show watched by millions, and his cuddly name is known all over the country. Bret Baier's got a new book out and I need to know all about it. It's called "To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, The Fragile Union and the Crisis of 1876."

BAIER: We need some music.

GUTFELD: Well, first off --

BAIER: Thank you.

GUTFELD: And that's all for this show. OK --

BAIER: Graphic made it.

GUTFELD: Why was this guy kind of so underrated? Like, I said, this to you after "THE FIVE." I was trying to think of a movie that he was in. I made that movie about Ulysses S. Grant. There is one. Although he was like always mentioned in the old Wild, Wild West show.


GUTFELD: With Robert Conrad.

BAIER: Well, listen, everybody remembers him as the general who led the union enforces in Civil War. But whenever anybody talks about his time as President, they say, oh, well, he was a drunk, he was corrupt. They had all these scandals. They did, he trusted a lot of people. And they took advantage of them. But he was also really consequential in two terms, he, he fought the KKK, he got the 14/15 amendment through giving, you know, blacks have the right to vote and citizenship. And he was really instrumental in kind of holding the country together at a time when we were tipping back to a civil war.

So, there's a lot of stories and nuggets in here that tell you Grant is kind of a humble guy. He didn't really care about being braggadocious. He wore old rattled uniforms and like an old hat. But he was really going to be one of the better presidents as history looks back.

GUTFELD: You know, what, though, could you have just described every single male from the 1800s? Right, like crappy clothes? Never --

TYRUS: Passing amendments. Yes, that's, that was the thing back then. I just have one, one quick question: Why do we not know more about this president? Because these are major events that we're seeing today?


TYRUS: Maybe it was that one of the influences or --

BAIER: You know, it's that, that Hamilton song, and whoever writes your history. And reconstruction was, you know, the fallout from that, for years, led to the civil rights, issues and problems and marches. And a lot of it goes back to grant but there are many presidents after him, that, that falls on. He really held the country together.

TYRUS: So, there actually was an old white man, that was decent in 1800? Shocking.


BAIER: Big time.

HEMINGWAY: So, you mentioned that he was known as a drunkard and I always wonder like, how drunk did he have to be to get that reputation at that time? Because that is something that seemed like everybody was drinking coffee as amounts of --

BAIER: First of all, he was like, five-seven, no offense, he was five. I was kidding. He was like 130 pounds wet, and he could not --

GUTFELD: What is it have to be wet?

BAIER: Because you know, you're a little heavier wet and he could not hold, could not hold his liquor. So, when he was a soldier, he was in northwest territory. He was away from his, his love, and he drank and he got busted. And that became the storyline and when people were going after Lincoln's choice of him as commander, they said, he's drunk where we had no evidence that he was a big drinker in the White House.

GUTFELD: He's like the Kat Timpf of presidents.

TIMPF: What does that mean?

GUTFELD: That like he has, he has --

TIMPF: That I'm tiny? Yes, I'm very tiny. What else?

GUTFELD: Nothing else.

TIMPF: That's what I thought.

GUTFELD: All right. I bet you see, I don't think you realize that you were on a show with a, an expert in Ulysses S. Grant. I had done my first term project in fourth grade. We got to pick a president you know, they're like 100 of them, right? I chose Grant and, of course, what you do is you go and you go to the encyclopedia and you just copy it. But I enjoyed it.


GUTFELD: I enjoyed it. And so, I'm kind of like a Ulysses Grant expert probably in this entire company. Can you tell me something that I might not have known about Ulysses S. Grant?

BAIER: OK. He -- because he was slight and kind of slumped over, they wanted as a general him to be better in pictures. So, they had their first Photoshop, essentially, they cut off the head of a picture and put it on a more statuesque general, so that they could put it on all the papers and say, this is our guy who's winning. That's pretty good.

GUTFELD: That's like the first evidence of fake news.

BAIER: There you go, and here's the last one. He was supposed to be with Lincoln at Ford theater. He, Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln invite him and his wife Julia, to go to the theater. He goes to see his kids in New Jersey at school, and then learns of the assassination. And he is bereft with guilt because he thinks he could have saved Lincoln at the theater.

GUTFELD: Hmm, that's pretty cool.

BAIER: That's a little nugget.

TYRUS: That is an amazing story.

GUTFELD: That was him in his book, by the way.

TYRUS: I'm going to read it. Thanks, Greg.

GUTFELD: You know, if you want, I still have my little term project paper too. If you want to read that. It's in a box.

TYRUS: I'm going to go with the book.

TIMPF: We should beat it.


TYRUS: Because when can we have it? Send it from one of your e-mails to us.

GUTFELD: All right. Buy his book. It's available everywhere. Don't go away. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We are so out of time. Set your DVRs every night so you never miss an episode. Thanks to Bret Baier, Mollie Hemingway, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld. I love you, America.

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