
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 26, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So yesterday, I nailed has-been Jim Carrey for a skit attacking rural Americans and Charlton Heston, a man who cannot respond because he's dead. In case you missed Jim's video, once again.


GUTFELD: Wow, edgy stuff.

See, gun owners compensate for the lack of manhood, so I guess our Navy SEALs are all neutered?

For the parody of "Hee-Haw", it's already a parody. But I don't expect depth from a roiling bucket of sewage. Now, gun rights were never a core issue for me, but Carrey and tools like him made it one. This is Hollywood with its lip showing.

Carrey's video shows what they really think of fly-over America. They hate you. To them, you're all white rednecks. Where he mocks a dead and decent man, dude, I get you are a clown, but at least hit someone who can hit back, you simpering tool.

And Hollywood, where the hell are you? If you work with Heston or respected his work in civil rights, say something. How can you let this odious twerp defile Heston's memory? You should regurgitate Carrey like cat upchucking feces and crusted fur ball.


GUTFELD: Yes, Carrey has not made a good film in years, which is why he is a marionette trying to please his liberal puppeteers. He's desperate.

But forget your thoughts on guns. His cruelty reveals how cloistered Hollywood is. That Carrey thought his crap would be greeted with anything but flush. And so beneath Jim's phony new age persona, he is as hateful as the KKK and his esteem is so low he cannot go a moment without feeding it, which is why when he called out, he hides. And he hides behind a gun. He has armed security, which by his own logic means he has tiny genitals.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Aha, I follow.


GUTFELD: Yes, I do.

Hey, before we have this discussion, I want to compare a simple head to head with the legendary Charlton Heston, who was a leader in civil rights and an actor. And I want to compare him to Jim Carrey when they were about the same age.

Here's a clip of Heston.


CHARLTON HESTON, ACTOR: Until recently, like most Americans, I express my support of civil rights talking about it at cocktail parties, I'm afraid. But, again, most many Americans, this summer, I could no longer pay only lip service to a cause that was so urgently right and in a time that is so urgently now.


GUTFELD: So I tried to find a clip of Jim Carrey of equal stature.


JIM CARREY, ACTOR: Thank you for all of your cooperation!


GUTFELD: That was cheap. I admit it was cheap. But I needed some kind of context.

PERINO: Why doesn't anyone talk like Charlton Heston anymore?

GUTFELD: He had a great voice.

PERINO: I love that.

GUTFELD: He had a great voice.

And when he was in "Planet of the Apes", what he said, get your dirty damn paws off me, your dirty damn ape.

PERINO: That's what I said --

GUTFELD: That's what you said that to me one time.


GUTFFELD: And I was dressed as gorilla.

K.G. --


GUTFELD: The whole point is he is a comedian. And comedians do things that are supposed to be funny even when that's not funny. But we have a right to point out that he's kind of a tool for going after somebody who is dead, and a great guy, a great American and a great patriot like Charlton Heston.

GUILFOYLE: It backfires on Jim Carrey because it makes him look sort of sad and pathetic and trivial and is that the best like work he can do these days? I mean, like bizarre little parody cowboy dance he was doing?


I think it speaks for itself, and this is a man who is a total hypocrite because he's benefiting from the Second Amendment, which he criticizes and I guess he thinks he should decide who is able to bear arms and who's able to have a weapon. He's able to.


GUILFOYLE: He's able to have armed security and living in nice, secured place, but what other people aren't able to exercise their Second Amendment right. C'mon.

GUTFELD: Bob, do you think -- there is a lot of great people in Hollywood who probably knew Charlton Heston. Shouldn't some of them say something about this or let it slide?

BECKEL: They should. And let's keep in mind, Charlton Heston went in the field of civil rights not talking about it, in 1963. That was the beginning of the Freedom Rides. That was a dangerous, dangerous thing to do.

And I got to give him enormous amount of credit. My dad was in the civil rights movement during that time. It was brutal. People were getting beat up. And, particularly, if you are white going in the South and he had the courage to do that.

I think, you know, something like that, I don't agree with him on his guns and stuff. But on that, civil rights is near and dear to my heart.

And I'll tell you, he was one of the few people in Hollywood who didn't just talk it. He went out and lived it.

GUTFELD: That's a good point, Eric, in terms of this like, the gun issue, like you could be on either side and respect either side. This is like disrespectful way of dealing with an issue, I guess.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Let's be real, Jim Carrey is talent. He's a funny guy. He lived in color, he was cutting edge, came up with some really good stuff.

Is it panic now? Maybe it's panic. The guy was making $20 million to $25 million a film and then it kind of went away. So, he -- there are social activists like Gorge Clooney, like Sean Penn, like Bono, they're environmental activists like Angela Jolie and Brad Pitt, and there are career activists who feel their career is starting to slide and they jump on to anything, whether it's a tree.

He happened to jump on a gun into the middle of the gun discussion. I think he picked the wrong prop to the scam, though.

PERINO: That's the point.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think you're right. I think you're right.

Dana, the one thing that I love about him is he on Twitter, he's on Twitter now. He retweets compliments. So, after he put this way, it's kind of like a comedian who applauds when people are applauding his own joke. Isn't that the paragon of insecurity?

PERINO: Remember, Breitbart what he did was he would retweet the nasty grams that he got from people.


PERINO: That's how that actually started.

He doesn't -- Jim Carrey doesn't even know what he was doing on Twitter. You don't pat yourself on the back. That is embarrassing.

I was thinking about something. Why wouldn't he go after like Clint Eastwood?


PERINO: Is it because he is afraid that Clint Eastwood would track him down and --

GUILFOYLE: Because he is alive.


PERINO: Yes, exactly. Why couldn't he -- it's not as if there aren't people you could pick out to make fun of.


PERINO: He chose somebody who was dead.

GUTFELD: Well, there are two targets that he picked. Two targets that he doesn't come in contact with: A, dead people, and, B, the rest of America. He had dual citizenship in Canada, but that's really Canada and Los Angeles.

BOLLING: Also, also, you know, he was looking for something that was going to create a lot of fire, a lot of controversy. He was trying to get on, you know, in social media. He's trying to get on shows like "The Five." But he picked a topic that even Democrats are afraid to touch because they know most of America agrees with the Second Amendment, a right to keep and bear arms.

He picked -- he messed with the wrong --


GUTFELD: Although if he engaged them --

PERINO: He should have picked the pipeline.

BOLLING: Something, right. Sure. Environmentally, something.

GUTFELD: It would be nice if he engaged people on it, but he doesn't. What he does is he goes on Twitter, craps all over America and then he hides. I wouldn't mind if he went out and said like, OK, let's talk about it. Sorry, Bob.

BECKEL: I was going to say, going to be to civil right. Let's remember, in '63, Heston had campaigned for both Adlai Stevenson and Jack Kennedy. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy were both hiding on the civil rights issues, because they just were afraid for the reelection.

Heston went out at a time as a Kennedy supporter and actively went out and actively went in the South. And I can tell you, you are taking your life in your hands when you do that. So, did --- my father did.

And I don't remember many. There were a few Hollywood people who went down there, but not many. Most of them were ministers and rabbis. And people, but very few celebrities.

PERINO: So, he stood on principle and he acted on it.

BECKEL: He did.

PERINO: What is the principle? That's what I didn't understand about this whole Jim Carrey thing. What is the principle he is trying to accomplish?

He -- if he is trying to ridicule people, OK, you achieve that. But what is greater end? Like what does he want in the gun -- what does he want from the gun debate? No guns?

GUTFELD: This doesn't help to actual issue. If you actually engaged people, articulated your perspective.

GUILFOYLE: He wants attention.

GUTFELD: Yes, it was purely, I think it really is, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, what have you heard from him recently? I mean, this is like the best thing that he's done, sad. I mean, that's what I think it is.

GUTFELD: The last thing you heard he did was Jenny McCarthy.


GUILFOYLE: You've said it.

GUTFELD: No, but I want to ask you something. Do you think Hollywood is scared to actually say something about this? Because they feel that Funny or Die would come after them? Or they just let this thing --

GUILFOYLE: Sure. They're going to let it slide, you know? They're not going to speak for one of their own, but he doesn't share their same ideology, OK? So, he's on the out. He doesn't get to sit at the cool table with the Hollywood elite, Jim Carrey gets to sit there. So, even though this was not very funny or very interesting and especially not very nice, they're not going to call him out on him.

BECKEL: You know, the other thing is, for those of us who are for gun control, particularly the clips, he did more to hurt the cause by doing this. If he kept his mouth shut, he'd been a lot better off all the way around. This is going to get people riled up. And I just wish, people like this, if you're going to do it, know what you're talking about. And understand the legislative process. It's going to be a tough to sneak in the clip. It will get it, I think.

PERINO: Well, on the day that he released his video was the same day that Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a $12 million ad buy to try to push his position on gun control. And that, on the day it would have gotten more attention, the Jim Carrey news totally swamped it and ridiculed their effort.

BOLLING: I'd supposed to do this, every time you say clip, I'm supposed to remind that hair clip, the clip is for hair. Magazine is actual putting bullets into a gun.

Every time one of us says it, I get 15 Twitter people saying tell Bob.

BECKEL: Well, I didn't know that. So, I don't know. I always thought that was they call them.

GUTFELD: And Jim Carrey should stick to magazines like details rather than magazines that go into guns.

BOLLING: But you have to admit, Greg, he was cutting edge when he --


BOLLING: The early stuff was fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: It's kind of what have you done for me lately? That's

what I have to say to him.

BECKEL: It was the bat (INAUDIBLE) was after that got me. I mean, it was -- remember that he was going after Batman? Yes, he was going after --



GUTFELD: For people who care, his Twitter handle is at @jimcarrey. I think we might even have it up there.

You should ask why doesn't he debate it or talk to people rather than just posting something and hiding?


GUILFOYLE: Leave people in cemeteries alone.

BECKEL: If you don't have the guts to debate Greg Gutfeld. Why don't you come on here and debate him?

GUTFELD: That's a good point, he should come on "The Five" and talk about this. We would be really, really nice. I want to know what he thinks. I don't care about the shtick. I want to know what he thinks.

BECKEL: There we go. OK. We'll put the handle on. Let's go.

GUTFELD: I guess they didn't make it.

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