
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," January 28, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

Watch "On the Record" every weeknight at 10 p.m. ET

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: The family of a missing Georgia woman says Cindy Lynch was suspicious of some of her husband's business practices. She reportedly hired a private eye to investigate him right before she vanished.

Let's bring back our panel. In San Francisco is former Assistant D.A. Jim Hammer, in Washington criminal defense attorneys Bernie Grimm and Ted Williams. Ted is a former D.C. homicide detective. And, in New York is forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden.


VAN SUSTEREN: Hello, Dr. Baden.

Bernie, we're still working on whether or not it indeed is true or not that she was looking into his finances, whether Cindy Lynch was looking into Chet Lynch's finances, so we're still working on that. But watching that walk and talk, are you persuaded by Chet Lynch that he knows nothing about it and — at least it appears he thinks it's an accident?

BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, let me first start, I mean Ted is usually the biggest suck up to the teacher on this program and Hammer isn't far behind.

TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know I'm going to sue you, don't you Bernie?


GRIMM: But that exclusive that you did was just above and beyond. I mean I just thought it was tremendous. I came in early tonight to watch it. I watched it two times.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, get to your point, Bernie.

WILLIAMS: I have the apple ready, Bernie.

GRIMM: But the answer to your question is I thought he was measured. I thought he was pretty forthright about what happened. He invited — I guess he invited you down. He was willing to do it with or without an attorney and walk you through the entire thing and he was fairly consistent with what he said I think it was Monday or Tuesday night when he was first on. So, to me he seems pretty stable and balanced.


WILLIAMS: Well, let me say right now there are two things. Every lawyer that's watching this show is saying "I would never let my client do what happened here today, you interviewing my client." That's number one.

But let me just say this clearly. I am more suspicious now of this gentleman, Mr. Lynch, than I was last night. There was something that he said that at 9:30 he goes down and this is the last time he says he sees his wife. Then he says after 10:00 he goes to get some water and he sees the door cracked and he goes back downstairs. This is clearly unreasonable, especially when...

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me just tell you what he said to me off camera just before the interview.


VAN SUSTEREN: Is that they had had a discussion, I believe it to be an argument but he calls it discussion before, earlier in the evening, and that on previous occasions she would leave when she was mad.

WILLIAMS: Yes, Greta, but let me be very candid. If I had a discussion with my wife, Karen, and I knew that there was a Sam down the way and all of a sudden my wife wasn't there, I would go looking for my wife and it's reasonable to believe that Mr. Lynch may have gone off of that boat looking for his wife.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Baden, if you fall into the water, as Chet Lynch seems — that's what the theory is that, you know, he's suggesting to me.

BADEN: Right.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that if you fall in the water and let's say you have a purse and items fall out, would you expect those items to surface even if the body had gotten lodged under something?

BADEN: What's interesting that you showed, Greta, was that with the rising tide, the big tide the body, if she goes in the water either accidentally falling on her high heels or if she's thrown in the water, the body and everything with her could be sucked out with the tide and it could be a few miles downstream by now.

So, if she had things, a purse that she could drop off from her hand, then that should still be where it fell into the muck of the marina but her body, her clothes, whatever is on her could be floating downstream at this time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, are you persuaded a little bit more that this is an accident or are you suspicious? Where are you tonight on this?

HAMMER: You know, I'm suspicious but in some cases, Greta, you know looking at them they jump out at you, the Dr. Corbin case in Atlanta where you go, this guy killed her and sure enough I think he did. This case, I'll tell you, to me is a true mystery and your video, which by the way I think is up for an Emmy if I had to guess, really shows all the different ways that she could have fallen into that water.

And I looked at — you pointed out the cleats, the type of boat, the extension cord there, the fact that it was icy he mentioned the next morning. I mean it very possibly could have been that she came back from her car where she was sitting and fell in and we'll never find her body.

One prediction, if they don't find her body in this case, they will not charge him with murder. The law doesn't require it, Greta. This case is a big mystery at this point to me.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does it make a difference to you, we only have a few seconds, it's a hard break Jim...


VAN SUSTEREN: ...does it make a difference that he is wedded to this theory that she — this was an accident as opposed to, for instance, being nabbed in the parking lot?

HAMMER: What makes a difference to me if they catch him lying about something, Greta, if he says it was a discussion not a fight and if he starts lying about it, that would make me very suspicious. That's the most important thing that I'd look at is his story always consistent?

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, panel thank you very much.

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