
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 18, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS GUEST HOST: Time for Greta to go gridiron. Earlier she sat down with legendary NFL coach Tony Dungy. Take a look.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Coach, nice to see you, sir.


VAN SUSTEREN: I'm very well.

Coach, this is the question I should ask at the end of the segment but I always think of when I see your name or see you. What is it about you? It seems you always want to help people? Is it fun for your, or what drives you?

DUNGY: I think, Greta, that has been part of my life because I received so much help along the way. I look back and see the people who have spoken into my life, helped me out with just something along the way, and it makes you feel like if I could do that for someone else, just give a little guidance, a little assistance a little help at the right time it goes so far.

So that's always been a motivation of mine I think because of the people who have been involved in my life over the years.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is so pointed in the sense you walked away from coaching, you were you Super bowl champion, of course. Even while you were coaching you were helping people.

But every time I see your name, it is doing some extraordinary thing to help someone. Is this the most incredible high? You just seem so -- you just are always so involved in it.

DUNGY: Well, I don't look at them as extraordinary things. My coach Chuck Knowles, he talked about champions doing the ordinary things well. That's how I look at, just doing little things that would help people.

And sometimes just, as I say, just something very, very common, but the right touch at the rhyme time can make a big difference in someone's life.

VAN SUSTEREN: You are very modest. You say it is small, but it is giant to the rest of us. All Pro Dad -- what is All Pro Dad?

DUNGY: All Pro Dad is an organization that started down in Tampa in 1997. And it was just a group of us who felt like we weren't doing as good a job as our fathers did in connecting with kids and being there and being involved in their lives, working and coaching and spending all the time we had to.

We just felt badly. And so, we ended up getting in touch with an organization called Family First based here in Tampa. What can we do about in? How can we be better fathers and get this message out?

We invited dads to come out and watch the Buccaneers practice and bring their kids and just spend some time together. We ended up getting 3,000 people out that day. And we said we've got something here. Men are excited about football, they can connect with that, and let's take some principles that go into football and apply it to parenting.

And it has grown. We have over 1,300 schools we are involved in now. Men will come out to an All Pro Dad's day, breakfast, have breakfast with their kids before school. We have big stadium events once a year in NFL and college stadiums we try to encourage men to be better dads and spend time with their kids.

But the whole focus is getting the message out to men how important fathering is.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that something that helped, like for instance in pro football? Are there a lot of fathers who perhaps have not been as good a father as they could be but they get involved and it suddenly changed their life, changed the way they operate?

DUNGY: I think that's been the focus. For me, I was doing both. I was with All Pro Dad and I was coaching. People recognized me as a coach. They might see my face and say what's going on there, is that something with the Colts or the Buccaneers? Then they realize this is something with my kids, let me explore. So I think that helped, that name recognition.

But now more than ever, is this going to get the message out to younger guys, older men, that parenting is a lifetime job, important, a big responsibility. And as much as you might enjoy sports, as much as you might enjoy football, having that association with your kids, helping them grow, helping them to be an all pro young person is very, very important.

VAN SUSTEREN: You have a new book August 3rd. Can you give us a tease? I realize it is a little early, but what's the new book?

DUNGY: We're excited. The book is actually called "A Mentor Leader, a Different Way to Lead." It really talks about my experience in the way I tried lead our football team, things that I learned from basically the coaches that I played for and my parents about leadership.

And it is a little bit different, counter to maybe what society says about great leaders. I think it is going to be interesting and it's going to maybe help impact the way people do business.

VAN SUSTEREN: And probably the most exciting news is you have a new addition to your family?


DUNGY: Well, that's part of that All-Pro Dad mentality. My wife Lauren loves kids. We do have another one Jason, who is about 10 months old, so now that's our seventh child. And our oldest boy now Eric is just going to the University of Oregon getting ready to play football there in the fall. So we've got them from college bound to diapers.

VAN SUSTEREN: Speaking of college football, I know you made horrible mistake of going to Minnesota. You and I have discussed that many times before, the only mistake, your only personal flaw as I see it. But what do you make of the idea of a Super bowl played in a cold stadium like New York?

DUNGY: I'm really not for that. I think the New York experience is going to be great and for the fans to be able to come and see the sights in New York. It will be wonderful.

But as a coach or player, you come to that final game and a lot of your legacy is going to rest on whether you win that Super bowl or not, I think every player would want to have ideal conditions.

Hopefully it will be a great day, and if it is it work out well. But if it is a snowy, cold day, and you see a Super bowl played with a lot of turnovers and just adverse conditions, I don't think anybody is going to want that.

So we'll see what happens. I would prefer those ideal conditions.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you get experience in cold weather? For instance, if you have two equally matched Super bowl teams going into that Super bowl. Let's say one is the Green Bay Packers who plays in a very cold stadium, and you have Miami team or your old team, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will that cold weather impede the warm climate team so they are disadvantaged?

DUNGY: Not necessarily the warm climate team. They will get a chance go up to New York and practice it in. Cold is all mental. But what's going happen is the conditions could make it less than ideal to actually play the game. So you don't see these teams at their best.

When I played at Minnesota, Green Bay, those northern cities, Buffalo, they wanted to have those championship games at home. It was going to be an advantage to be there with their fans and the cold weather and all that.

But when you've got a Super bowl and it's the two best teams, you want ideal conditions. You want to play a great game. You want a fast surface. You don't want to play a slow-motion game in cold weather and then say this team won and they are the best team in the league this year. You need those good conditions.

VAN SUSTEREN: Coach, Happy Father's day to you. Of course, congratulations to your family. And AllProDad.com, people should go there and check out the website. You will come back and talk about your book August 3rd, right?

DUNGY: We're looking forward to doing that. Hopefully you will have us on a little closer to the release date. But tight now father's day and being a dad is a lot of fun.

VAN SUSTEREN: Indeed. Thank you, sir. As I said at the beginning I admire immensely all the good work you do, because you sure do a lot. Thank you, sir.

DUNGY: Thank you, Greta. Always great being with you.