
By Greta Van Susteren

Let's all go "Off the Record" for a minute. What's up with President Obama? He seems indifferent to Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, still sitting in a Mexican prison.

And don't tell me President Obama is busy and doesn't know about him. He knows about him. Here's what his press secretary said when asked about our Marine held in Mexico.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Certainly the president is concerned about all detainees, or Americans who are being held against their will in other countries.


And while I don't think President Obama can big-foot Mexico to just release him, he can cut deals. He can get Mexico to fast-track his case. Now, he spoke to the president of Mexico on June 19th, never mentioned Sergeant Tahmooressi. That did seem cold. But I hoped that it was just an oversight. That can happen. But then it happened again.

We broke the news last night, President Obama again talking to president of Mexico, just yesterday and according to the White House's own notes from that call, no mention of Sergeant Tahmooressi. I don't get it. Now viewers have emailed me claimed the president has such distain for Fox News, they wouldn't do anything we report about. In other words, if Fox urges this administration to help this Marine, it won't happen.

Now, I have no idea if the viewers are remotely right. If they are, that's really cold. But I just want our Marine out. And I don't care who helps or why. I just want him out. That's my "Off the Record" comment tonight.