This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 29, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Lisa Boothe, Juan Williams, Brian Kilmeade, Dana Perino. "The Five."
Well, that didn't take long.
REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D—CALIF.: No one sets the tone more than the president of the United States. And the tone that he sets is one of division, often one of hatred.
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This has now become a struggle about good versus evil, and the president of the United States is evil.
UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: This man was -- flames of his hatred were fanned by a president who kept talking about this caravan of refugees as if they were terrorists.
GUTFELD: So as they blame Trump's words for violence, do they realize they're excusing the violent acts themselves? While, offering a case for leniency for the actual perks. If the actions of evildoers are out of their own control and nothing else could have led to the violence, then how can you even begin to punish these creeps? It's wrong. Meanwhile, for both the bomber and the shooter, President Trump, Mr. Law and Order, pushes the death penalty. There is no ambiguity there. He places the blame firmly on the dirt bags. And like most Republicans seeks out the stiffest penalty, literally, the stiffest. This contradicts the media who see Trump as a hateful ringleader who sympathizes with such cretins. Speaking of those suspects, they were total losers. Failures in life who placed their rage on others and anyone with an opinion could provide a trigger because words can influence. It's why there's advertising. But that's a scary path to take especially for Hollywood, rap stars, and video game makers, or even people paid to speak carefully and thoughtfully.
DON LEMON, CNN: The president of the United States is racist.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: Even Albert Einstein may have ended up in a Nazi concentration camp with Donald Trump's viewpoint on immigration.
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: If you vote for Trump, you, the voter, you and Donald Trump are standing at the border, like Nazis, going, you here, you here.
GUTFELD: So you want hate? You spend two years calling a guy Hitler, a racist, a traitor, and insane, and then you blame for violence because of nicknames? No lectures from you, kids. But even more, to cite words as the cause eliminates the suspect's entire history, and the slew of variables that brought him to commit his crime. It makes no sense legally or morally, but politically, I guess that's another story. After all, why let a crisis go to waste? Except that he'll make another one far worse.
All right, Lisa, we didn't waste any time. I mean, I guess we saw it coming that they would pin the blame on Trump.
LISA BOOTHE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, actually, if you've been paying any attention to the media over -- since President Trump even announced. But, look, there's obviously a complete double standard in the media. We know this. When something happens to Republicans, the media and the left say that we need to have stability on both sides. When something happens and it's directed at Democrats it is purely Republican and President Trump's fault. But it's also just intellectually dishonest because if you look at the mail bombing suspect, this guy has a rap sheet going back to 1991. He made a bombing -- terrorist threat in 2002. And then, if you look at the synagogue shooting, this guy hated President Trump because he didn't think he was an anti-Semite. So if you actually look at the facts it doesn't drive the narrative that the media's driving, but the only reason they do it is because the midterms are around the corner and they want to hurt President Trump.
GUTFELD: Juan, can I play Sarah Sanders responding to a reporter about the whole mess? Go.
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Why is he out there when he says he's trying to unite the country? Why is he out there?
SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The very first thing that the president did was condemn the attacks both in Pittsburgh and in the pipe bombs. The very first thing the media did was blamed the president and make him responsible for these ridiculous acts. You can't start putting the responsibility of individuals on anybody but the individual who carries out the crime. He's delivered on the promises he's made. And if anything, I think it is sad and divisive the way that every single thing that comes out of the media, 90 percent of what comes out of the media's mouth is negative about this president.
GUTFELD: So, Juan, my question to you is, I think you can hold two opinions that Trump's discourse you will say is divisive, and I can say that, that because he's pugnacious, so you know it's divisive. But also, mass killers are responsible for their actions alone. Don't you think that tying that together and putting it on him is politically opportunistic? I lead you with the answer.
JUAN WILLIAMS, THE FIVE CO-HOST: No, but I want to engage you seriously because I think this is a serious topic. But I think that you're right, they're two thoughts and they can be held simultaneously.
WILLIAMS: In other words that, in fact, you have to hold the culprit responsible for his individual actions. It's also the case that the president engages in divisive speech. And that's the problem here. I think he's upped the ante in terms of divisive speech. So part of it, and what I heard in your monologue and from Lisa is blame the press, that the press is not fair to him. And he's gone back now to the press is the enemy of the people. But I think this goes, from my perspective, beyond that because his rhetoric is so intense that I think it has, you know, sort of created an atmosphere of more kind of dissidence and vitriol than we're accustomed to. To my mind, you know, what we've seen in the last week or so, it makes me wonder, is this America? How did we get to this point?
And then over the weekend, you know, just, you know, put me aside, because I just worry that you'll say, oh, well, that's Juan Williams. There's the press again. But here's 35,000 people, Greg, saying the president will not be welcome in Pittsburgh unless he denounces white nationalism. And here's words from this group, this is a Jewish group, then the ark, they say for the past three years, your words, your policies have emboldened a growing white nationalist movement. You, yourself, called the murderer evil. But yesterday's violence is the direct culmination of your influence.
GUTFELD: OK. I don't know much about that group, but I do know -- I think we have tape from CNN when they were actually asking this specific rabbi from that synagogue about whether Trump was welcome there. I think we have that. I'm talking slow enough so you can set it up. That work?
UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Trump has talked about coming to Pittsburgh and coming to your synagogue in the aftermath of this. Do you want him to come?
UNINDENTIFIED MALE: The president of the United States is always welcome. I'm a citizen. He's my president. He's certainly welcome.
GUTFELD: There you go. Kilmeade, what are your thoughts on -- if you care to respond to Juan about his feelings?
BRIAN KILMEADE, THE FIVE CO-HOST: I don't know any of those groups. I don't know any of those groups. But it sounds like Democratic talking points. Sounds like something Tom Steyer said on CNN on Sunday who I didn't -- beside the ads the he bought and the money he made. I was just stunned. If you ask me when this happened, first the bomber is discovered, two, the shooting of the synagogue, I thought maybe by Sunday, on a Sunday show, some pundit looking to get a network contract would go ahead and say I think the president is to blame. I did not know, the same night, the same day, within an hour, they said, ha, ha, look at what you see. What the president does and it works to his detriment is he watched everybody talk about all this. And it had him seething, as if we were sitting outside the glass listening to The Five talk about us. For him -- he's outraged. So what does the president do? Exactly what he did his entire life, at the Trump organization, and as a candidate, and as president, I'm going to go tweet out. I'm going to speak out. And you guys are blaming me for this. You're making it worst. The way you treat me has my 60 million who voted for me, and maybe more, seething, ready to go. Now that's nothing to do with that lunatic in Florida, and that nutcase in Pittsburgh. But I do think that there's a sense out there that Trump and his supporters have been categorized, like, as white nationalist because they voted for him and they're tired of it, and he's speaking for them.
WILLIAMS: I don't think it's about voting for him. I think that if you look back at some of the actions, not only the bomber and then the shooter, but, I mean, go back to Charlottesville, proud boys, and all these kinds of stuff that there's a growing white nationalist rage in this country.
BOOTHE: You do realize though that President Trump's daughter is Jewish. His son-in-law is Jewish. His grandchildren are Jewish. I actually think President Trump has a special spot in his heart for the Jewish community. You see that in his actions as well, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, being the first sitting president to visit the Western Wall. So, I think, that it's often not talked about in this national dialogue is the fact that this is so close to the president.
WILLIAMS: One of the things, Lisa, that really bugged me about Charlottesville. Everyone put it in terms of the confederate statues, black, white. But, you know, they had guys with Tiki torches and automatic weapons standing outside a synagogue so the Jewish people had to exit to the back door, and those same guys said, oh, what a shame that Mr. Trump would allow his beautiful daughter to marry a Jew.
BOOTHE: They were universally condemned.
GUTFELD: Let me get Dana in here. The media, oddly enough, didn't mind Louis Farrakhan's tweets earlier this week when he compared Jews to termites, but we'll not go there. You had Andrew McCarthy on your show, and I made a really important point that back in the 70s, the United States was a much smaller country. I don't know how many by million, but had many, many more of these kinds of attacks. So.
DANA PERINO, THE FIVE CO-HOST: And, in fact, it was the New York Time, yesterday, had an amazing report. It was on their website, like really well done. I'd point anyone to it. It's actually talking about 1968 because it was the 50th anniversary and we're looking at this now that in 1968 just how divisive things were. I do think we've all have to keep in mind that keeping a redline speech and violence is really important. That's how America was founded.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
PERINO: I also feel like the president could figure out a way to read the room a little better, and by that, I mean, like the country, right? Like take a couple of minutes. Like, tap the brakes just a little bit because for better or worse, people tend to look up to leaders, and they want to feel better about the moment. And the moment becomes about him and the media treatment of him, then we're just right back down into it. And then somebody is going to have to step forward and do something.
Can I just add one last thing? I know we've got to go. And that is the issue of radicalization of people. We've talked about this a lot during the war on terror. How does it happen, right? Where you have hopeless people, purposeless people, people who are ignorant, and then they find purpose in something that they find somewhere. Now it's online. You have radical Islamists. How do they find it? And there's something -- there's always -- there's something. I don't necessarily think it's speech, but there is a culmination of it. And if you look at this guy's background, Boyers's background, he certainly had it, right? He turned evil and vile into violence. And what we should be talking about as the president says, I'll do everything in my power to stop it from happening again. OK, so what is it in your power to do? And that some pretty comfortable conversations about privacy and the ability to -- we can prosecute very well. What we don't seem to be able to do as well is to prevent.
GUTFELD: Right. And you think about what prevented institutionalization was there for unstable individuals. We don't have that anymore. There are a lot of unsavory, unstable people. We don't know where to put them. And this other guy, the bomber, everybody -- he was hiding in plain sight, apparently.
PERINO: Five minutes before he left, he posted, I can't take this anymore because he couldn't take any more refugees coming in -- supported by the Jewish community. So there's 5 minutes before. There's 5 minutes from posting to shooting.
KILMEADE: As composed as Barack Obama is, his charismatic, great speech. I get it. But if he was blame for the South Carolina shooting, to the Kathy Gifford shootings, he was blame for Sandy Hook. He might go fly off the handle too.
GUTFELD: All right.
WILLIAMS: Are you kidding me? What you've got there is a contrast between someone who talked about hope and change and someone who presses the fear button and demonizes the immigrant caravan.
GUTFELD: It's not the language. We've got to go. Another caravan coming towards the U.S., and the Trump administration sending 5,000 troops to greet them. That's next.
PERINO: Fox News confirming the U.S. military will be sending over 5,000 troops to the border as early as tomorrow, in anticipation of the migrant caravan moving across Mexico toward the U.S. This comes as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen offers a very direct message for all migrants trying to get into the country illegally.
KIRSTJEN NIELSEN, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: There's a legal way to enter this country. Those who choose to enter illegally will be stopped. My general message to this caravan is do not come. You will not be allowed in. There is a right way to immigrate to the United States and this is not it.
PERINO: Brian, 5,000 troops. That's no joke.
KILMEADE: It's no joke. I'm not sure what they can do, but I love the deterrent. I hope they arrive with barriers and blockages, so people get the message. This is all about sending a message. I don't love the price tag. The department of defense got a lot of money to do a lot of important things overseas. I didn't think it's going to be at the southern border of Mexico, but somehow we have to send a message. And taking the children away from the families, I don't know if you heard, not a good move. It was meant to be a deterrent and ended up being horrendous. So in this aspect, I like the move. I like the check that was signed. It shows he's taking action. What I find stunning from a political point of view is I don't hear any outrage from Democrats. Senator Schumer. Where's Nancy Pelosi saying I prefer the illegals come in here? What I saw was the mocking tone of Barack Obama saying as if people are scared. People aren't scared of these people coming to our border. We understand their plight. We think that we should come up with a better way to maybe expedite their admission or evaluation. But this is not the way to get here.
PERINO: Well, the other thing is that this is also going to cause some consternation with what the troops are actually allowed to do. And it could be that the president makes a speech this week saying that he's going to take executive action to try to figure out a way so that the troops can do more than just support. We don't know that for sure, but it could be coming.
GUTFELD: The hard part about is defining what the plight is. What is the plight? Hot air had a piece yesterday about how the caravan is denying assistance for asylum in Mexico. So that makes me think that their status as refugees might be slightly exaggerated because, you know -- if you're a refugee, you don't turn away help when you really need it, when you're with your family, unless they just don't like Mexico, which isn't very nice for a country that close to you when you're turning down. That doesn't make any sense. The logical collusion here is that you waive caravans through, more will come. So that's why you have to be a hard ass in life. That's the sad part. This isn't happening. This caravan is not going to happen. And encouraging it is a really sick joke.
KILMEADE: There's another one coming.
GUTFELD: I know. But we're talking about -- we've talked in the A-block about how rhetoric can lead to action or influence action. These people are being encouraged to do something that is not going to end well for them. The crowd is getting angry. There's already a story today about them chasing some fellow because they thought he was a kidnapper. So you're going to end up with a large, hungry, sleepless, angry group.
PERINO: Yeah, not good. Juan, do you think the Democrats are not talking about it because they want to just keep the focus on health care for the next 8 days?
WILLIAMS: Yeah. You know, I think that the Democrats need a stronger, clearer message on this, Dana. And I'm disappointed that they don't have it because I think the message could be that this is a humanitarian crisis and that America has always been a nation of immigrants and that we are a compassionate people, conservative or liberal. And that there should be an effort to make sure that this -- the source of this problem is dealt with back in Honduras, back in Guatemala. But to me, what you're seeing here is the president, I think, ramping up. Remember, last week, it was he's going to send some troops to the border, about 800, I believe. Now it's up to thousands. And I think this is all about his upset that the bombing, the shooting are dominating coverage in the American narrative at the moment as opposed to his demonization of these immigrants as some kind.
PERINO: Maybe they have found that because the caravan keeps growing and because it's not just the caravan but they have over 650 attempts to cross the border illegally every day regardless of the caravan. Your last thought.
BOOTHE: And it's kind of hard to not address this when you have thousands of people coming to the United States trying to exploit our laws. And the reason why Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer aren't talking about this is because immigration has been a losing issue for the Democrat Party. You had liberal groups like the center for American progress sending out a memo to Democrats in competitive districts telling them to avoid this issue, don't talk about it. Sanctuary city attacks pack a punch. So that's why Democrats aren't talking about it. But I think President Trump should give this speech tomorrow and talk about the laws that need to be changed because you have Central American migrants that are coming to exploit laws, like loopholes in the 2008.
BOOTHE: Because of loopholes in the 2008 antihuman trafficking law which makes it more difficult to send Central American unaccompanied minors back. Unlike -- it's much more easier to send Mexicans and Canadians back. You also look at things like the florist decree. Seeking asylum is really easy. The threshold is way too low. You've got 80 percent of people will pass their first initial interview, but only 20 percent will be granted asylum in immigration courts. I think President Trump should take this opportunity to address all that and talk about why those laws need to change so we avoid this thing initially in the future.
PERINO: And we have to do something about the drug cartels. OK, the midterm elections are just over a week away, so how all of these developments that we've been talking about impact voters? We're going to debate that next.
TRUMP: This election is about borders, and this election is about jobs. In less than two years' time, we have created over 4.2 million new jobs and lifted over 4 million Americans off of food stamps.
WILLIAMS: Just eight days until the midterm elections, and President Trump, he's loading up on campaign rallies. The president planning to hit several states in the final stretch with stops in -- here I'm going to list them for you, Montana, Missouri, Tennessee, Indiana, West Virginia, Ohio, and two visits to the great state of Florida. As you just heard him say, his focus will be on the economy and the border. So while Trump is hoping his push drives voter to the polls, a new report in The Hill says Democrats continue to sound alarms that their party lacks a persuasive message. Greg?
GUTFELD: Yeah. They lack any message. But you know why the rallies are interesting.
GUTFELD: It's part of the reciprocity. Rough weekend. Trump comes out to your town to entertain for free, so the very least you can do is vote. That's kind of how it works. He's always a salesman. He's the guy who comes to your house to show you the encyclopedias, so then you sit there for a couple hours. You know what? I'll buy the encyclopedias. And that's important. I think because -- it's a difference between -- there might be 1 to 2 percent people, Republicans, who might not vote, sitting on the couch, but because he came out there, you know, he'll go and do it. He's like a political personal trainer. He gets you out of bed, full of caffeine, and sends you to the polls.
WILLIAMS: Dana, as you heard Brian say, some people think the Democrats message is health care. Nancy Pelosi said health care, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, taking money out of politics. What do you say?
PERINO: Well, it is health care for the Democrats and they're not wrong. Look at Claire McCaskill in Missouri, she's in a tight race against Josh Hawley. She's a little bit behind there in Missouri. She came up with her closing argument is your health care, your vote. So they're all in on this. They're not going to pay attention to the caravans, etcetera. We are past the persuasion stage. We are completely get out to vote. And also, the other thing is the Democrats have so much money, tons of money flowing into all these congressional districts. One of the things that's happening for the Republicans is they're realizing that the Democrats map is expanding in the house in very tight races, now they have to put money into them and they're trying to figure out how can we, actually, try to match this money that the Democrats have. They probably can't. So the president going out there is good, especially for the senate. But it might not be able to help them save the house.
WILLIAMS: Lisa, one of the ads being put out by the president's team, Brad Parscale, his 2020 manager, put money into an ad that says basically the economy is better. Things are getting better, folks. That's the message.
BOOTHE: Yeah, it's all true. Well, the point is drawing a contrast and saying, look, the economy has gotten better. Do you want to go back to days before that? And that's what would happen if Democrats get elected and take over the house because ultimately the government would be at a standstill. So that is a great message. My understanding is President Trump is not on the ad which is probably smart too because there are 24 districts where Hillary Clinton won. So you've got a lot of these districts that might not take to the president being in ads, so I think that's a smart decision in their point. I think in the senate -- I feel pretty comfortable where things stand, but the house is tricky just because you've so many Republicans that aren't running for reelection. You have a lot of open seats which are more difficult to win. And there's just so many competitive seats. The Democrats only need to net 23. So, I'm a little bit worried about the house. But the fact that we went from talking about this big blue wave to now real clear politics listing the house in totality as a toss-up and not being able to call it is probably a good sign for Republicans.
KILMEADE: Five, thirty eight said -- what is it? Eighty five percent chance that the Republicans lose the house, but they also had a 79 percent chance that Hillary Clinton will win the election. So, can you say fallible? Number two is, I do know two prominent Republicans who have both said they've very concern about the money from -- the money from Michael Bloomberg that is coming in late, that is going right into their smaller -- smaller races.
But my thing is, if you said that everybody is decided, it's about getting out the vote. Is an ad making your guy look like the worst -- or your woman look like the worst thing ever, going to actually change somebody's mind?
And we're going to find out soon if everyone has been scared underground to admit that they're voting for President Trump. Most people said, "You know what? I don't need the blowback. I'm not going to tell anyone who I'm voting for. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. I'm not going to talk at Thanksgiving."
And then when the vote comes in, if it again goes to Trump's direction, I don't know how Democrats get up the next day.
PERINO: Also, could I just say that the Democrats are really counting on young voters and Latino voters? Both of those groups tend not to turn out for the midterm, and so they're counting on something that might not be there.
WILLIAMS: All right. So you know what still surprises me is the low level of impact the economy and the tax cuts are having for the Republicans. Clearly, they've made the decision that's not the winning ticket, and that's why we see the caravan.
But us the caravan as powerful as saying to people, "Hey, the economy is not that bad. Your wages aren't great, but come on"?
GUTFELD: You know what? I do think that the economy -- here's the -- here's the challenge that Trump has. So many things are going so well that you have to, like -- it's like OK, so nobody is taking about the economy, because it's great.
Now as for the caravan, it's a visual representation of a larger issue. Many people may say, "Why do you care about the caravan? It's 1,100 miles away."
But what it is, it's a promise, it's a threat that it's coming here. It's a visual representation of the fragility and vulnerability of your border. So if you believe in strong borders, that's your visual representation. That's why it's powerful. The wall is visual.
WILLIAMS: No question. But the thing is, it seems like more culture wars and, you know -
BOOTHE: The economy will have --
GUTFELD: Borders aren't cultures. Border is your country.
BOOTHE: The economy will have a bigger impact looking ahead at "20/20" and the presidential race. It's -- for your midterm elections, it's your base issues. What's driving out the base? For the left, it's health care. For the right, it's immigration.
KILMEADE: Eight million people have already voted, which they say is on level, judging by the population proportion, as the highest for a midterm turnout since 1914. Which that -- we're looking for good news? That's good news.
WILLIAMS: Yes, I think people are highly energized, because this is an election about Donald Trump.
By the way, I don't know how many of you voted this weekend, but I had a sticker that said, "I'm an early voter."
BOOTHE: Good for you, Juan.
WILLIAMS: I feel virtuous.
PERINO: I'm going to vote on the actual day, because I believe in that.
GUTFELD: When is it? I don't even know. I don't even know where I'm supposed to go.
PERINO: I can show you how to find out.
WILLIAMS: I think the Republicans thought you were black and sent you one of those messages.
Hillary Clinton increasing speculation about running for president in 2020. What she said over the weekend. Boy, she's raising eyebrows. Stay with us on "The Five."
GUTFELD: Oh, this is my block.
KILMEADE: The overhead shot happens to be my favorite on the show.
Hillary Clinton apparently not ready to let go of her dream job. In an interview over the weekend, she was asked about running for president. Guess what she said?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you want to run again?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a pause.
CLINTON: Well, I'd like to be president.
KILMEADE: But if she doesn't run, Democrats may have another interesting option: anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti. According to a new Politico report, titled "Avenatti Quietly Builds a 2020 Machine," he has a team of veteran Democratic advisors, some of which are Clintonites, by the way, helping him plan a presidential campaign. It will start -- he'll make a decision by January 1.
But let's start with Hillary Clinton. What did she mean by that, Dan?
PERINO: Well, she -- it's like travel. How you -- I like to be in places. I don't like to travel to places. So she would like to be president without --
GUTFELD: I can help you.
PERINO: I know you have that idea.
PERINO: She wants -- she would like to be president, but she doesn't want to go through the -- she doesn't want to go through the difficulty of running for president.
GUTFELD: could I -- could I add to that and interrupt?
GUTFELD: She doesn't want to run, but she wanted to be president, so essentially 2016.
PERINO: That's exactly -- exactly.
GUTFELD: so it -- this is the ultimate arrogance. She's saying, like, "Just make me president."
PERINO: Right. Well, because it was her turn.
PERINO: That was one of the knocks on it.
But also, if you look at somebody like a McCain or a Romney. They lost. OK, McCain decided to run for reelection in the Senate. Romney, he lost the presidency, took some time off. And he said, "I still want to serve," so he's running for Senate. He'll be the next senator for Arizona.
KILMEADE: What about Al Gore? "Hey, I lost a heartbreaker, and I'm it -- that's it."
PERINO: But the other thing is, every time she does this, it prevents somebody else from being able to emerge.
KILMEADE: Absolutely.
And here's the thing. She's --
GUTFELD: Avenatti.
KILMEADE: Tell me if this sounds familiar, Juan Williams. She's going to be on a 13-stop listening tour or speaking tour with her husband. That sounds a lot like "I might run for Senate. I'm going to take a tour with Pat Moynihan and just go on a listening tour and find out what the people of New York state want." And don't give me that, but that's a side note. But this sounds like she's laying the groundwork for another run.
WILLIAMS: I think your fantasies are out of control on this Monday.
KILMEADE: What about you? What do you think?
WILLIAMS: No, she's not -- she clearly said she's not running. But she said -- and I thought it was an expression of truth, that she wishes she was president. She wishes Donald Trump had lost. I mean, that's -- that's the truth.
KILMEADE: But you know, too, that she also told -- said she wasn't going to run when she was secretary of state and was asked on the Sunday shows.
WILLIAMS: That's more run up, but I mean, the situation has changed.
I am curious about Avenatti.
WILLIAMS: Because I just don't see he -- I mean, the only -- Avenatti got in trouble last week for saying it has to be a strong white male to take on Donald Trump. But you know what? He thinks he's the strong white male.
KILMEADE: How do you feel about that, Greg? Avenatti running. He says, "I'll decide by January 1." He's putting a team together. He only owes $4.3 million and has an ex-wife that wants $200,000 a month.
GUTFELD: Could he be their Trump? Could he be the out-of-nowhere, you know, dark horse? I'm going to say no, because I don't think he has any talent. He's -- fashions himself as a bare-knuckled brawler, but when he gets out into the street, he loses every fight. Every single fight, he loses.
BOOTHE: Exactly. He's not clever or interesting enough to be 2020's President Trump.
But look, regarding Hillary, Greg is absolutely right. She's entitled, and this is what it speaks to. I don't think she actually likes campaigning. I don't think she actually likes being among people.
If you go back, even remember in 2015, when her and Huma went into the Chipotle; and they had sunglasses on, and they couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone. I think that was her problem all along.
I actually wrote a column about this in 2014 for, saying she was going to be 2016's Mitt Romney. In the sense that just like Mitt Romney, he was -- even though he was a really good guy and we all know that and he's a good person, he just had this inability to connect with voters and be among the people. And Hillary Clinton had the exactly same problem.
KILMEADE: She's more of a staffer, more of a staffer. Put her secretary of state, secretary of commerce, but don't make her run for that position.
Let me ask you: Avenatti, who Dana, is it true or false? Right now they kind of like the fact that he took on Trump and had some early victories, but these Democrats are going to turn on him quickly. Don't you think?
PERINO: I don't think Democrats think much of Avenatti. Yes, they might have liked that for a while, but I think that they recognize the dangers of it. We talked in the commercial break about the problems the DNC has right now. That they are looking at the possibility of 30 candidates or maybe 35 candidates that think that they could all be president of the United States. They have much bigger problems than just worrying about Avenatti.
But I do think it's pretty interesting. He's already hired staff, like Democratic staff.
KILMEADE: These are established people.
PERINO: The Democrats, I mean, they're very good at cutting people off for other opportunities. They should probably deploy.
BOOTHE: Get rid of him.
WILLIAMS: You know what this is, Brian? This is part of the fact that American politics is not your daddy's American politics. And that people are now looking for someone who is a, what would you call it, an alley fighter. Back --
BOOTHE: You don't like Avenatti, do you?
WILLIAMS: No, that's what I'm saying. But I think if you -- if you said what is positive about Avenatti?
BOOTHE: Nothing.
WILLIAMS: You would say, "Oh, this guy, he'll get up and he'll get in Trump's face." Remember Biden saying --
BOOTHE: But he loses, to Greg's point.
BOOTHE: He said he loses.
WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying --
BOOTHE: Trump wins.
WILLIAMS: What you want is somebody who is as bellicose, as bullying as Donald Trump.
KILMEADE: I think think so, Greg. I think the winner of this -- tell me what you think of this theory, and don't be afraid to agree with me. I know it's a weird place for you to be.
I believe the person -- the person that runs successfully against Trump does not fight him. Compliments on things he's done, say, "I wouldn't have done things different." Because Trump is not great, if you don't put your chin out --
PERINO: If you're nice to him.
KILMEADE: If you don't put your chin out, he doesn't really hit you. If you come out and just respect what he's done but say, "I don't like the tone," he might be or she might be successful.
PERINO: Interesting.
GUTFELD: So that was basically a long-winded opinion fashioned as a question. You're just telling -- you were just telling everyone what you thought.
KILMEADE: What do you think? What do you think of my theory?
GUTFELD: Honestly, I zoned out. I'm thinking about ribs. It's 5:42.
PERINO: It's not Tuesday.
GUTFELD: No, I'm looking forward to Chinese ribs, extra sauce.
BOOTHE: That sounds delicious.
KILMEADE: You had -- you had a chance to agree with me and changed the narrative.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
WILLIAMS: Brian, I feel for you, because normally, he goes after me. But that was a low shot at my man Brian here.
KILMEADE: I'm worried about his ADD. Three sentences.
All right. Let me tell you what's coming up next, because my prompter is on, and the camera is looking right at me. Parents, listen up: your kids could get arrested for trick-or-treating. We explain that next. That wasn't much of a tease.
BOOTHE: All right. Well, kids all across the country are getting ready to head out trick-or-treating on Wednesday night. But how old is too old for the sugar-filled tradition?
Some cities are now banning anyone over the age of 12 from trick-or- treating. And one city in Virginia says you could be found guilty of a misdemeanor and also sent to jail.
All right. So Greg, how old is too old for trick-or-treating?
GUTFELD: It's never too old. But my feeling is, I changed my mind on this.
If you are not hurting anyone --
BOOTHE: Right.
GUTFELD: -- and you want to participate with people in a positive way, rather than sit home on your computer and troll people, but you actually might want to go outside and see your neighbors, why narrow that opportunity?
But I know what this is about. This is to dissuade tricksters, not trick- or-treaters but teenagers who go out and, you know, throw eggs and stuff that Kilmeade used to do.
My really issue, though, is I think we need to introduce more trickery. When people go up to your door and the say, "Trick-or-treat," no one ever gives them a trick. They only give them a treat. I think we have to change that, and there has to be a risk involved, some kind of trick. And I'm not going to say what it is.
WILLIAMS: You got that backwards. You got that backwards.
GUTFELD: What do you mean?
WILLIAMS: The trick would be that, if you don't give me a trick, I'm going to -- if you don't give me a treat, I'm going to play a trick on you.
GUTFELD: Wow, that could explain it it.
BOOTHE: Greg -- Greg --
GUTFELD: That's why the police arrested me last year.
BOOTHE: Greg took some swipes at you. Would you like to defend yourself?
KILMEADE: No one listens to me.
GUTFELD: By the way, I love your costume.
KILMEADE: I would say this: I am so into this talking point, because I believe that Halloween is totally out of control.
KILMEADE: You do not want to sit in the audience at a children's show; if you don't want to go to "Romper Room," if that's still on; if you don't want to go watch "The Electric Company," if that's still on, or "Wonderama." If you're too old for those shows, he should not be trick-or- treating. It's for kids.
GUTFELD: This is a war on Halloween.
KILMEADE: It is a war on Halloween.
BOOTHE: Dana, isn't -- but isn't 13-year-old a kid? I mean, 13 --
PERINO: Yes. I think, look, when you're 13, 14, I think that you could still, like, maybe go trick-or-treating.
I -- I lived in Washington, D.C., on Capitol Hill for a long time. We did the whole thing one year. We really wanted to do it up. We got all sorts of candy. And it was a really bad scene, because there was hardly any children that were under the age of 15. And it was just -- became a nightmare, so that in the future, what we did as I got home really early, and then I went upstairs and turned off all the lights.
KILMEADE: Yes. Leave a bowl in front of your house.
PERINO: But I like little kids. I like to see them dressed up.
KILMEADE: That's fun. It's a kids' holiday. If you're an adult, you should not be celebrating Halloween.
GUTFELD: What is your -- why do you take such strong stances?
WILLIAMS: But you know what the problem is, Brian? It's become an adult holiday. Not even for the older teenagers.
KILMEADE: I can't wait for November 1.
WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you, boy, the parties now, the adults, and this weekend, this past weekend. People in fancy costumes and the clubs. It's big. But here's the thing, I think --
KILMEADE: I was in New Orleans over the weekend. Everybody was dressed up.
WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying. OK.
GUTFELD: What were you doing there?
KILMEADE: "Battle of New Orleans." It's now out on paperback.
WILLIAMS: That was good. But I will say I think this -- it oftentimes, at least in my neighborhood, becomes an income thing. Because I think what you see is that the poor older teenagers come out, and they're having fun. But a lot of people are like, "Hey, why is this kid knocking on my door?" It's late at night.
PERINO: They're not even dressed in costumes, and that's a problem.
WILLIAMS: So I mean, but I think that's what --
GUTFELD: Way to blame the poor, Dana.
PERINO: Oh, God.
GUTFELD: They can't afford costumes. "Why can't poor people dress up better on Halloween?" By Dana Perino, FOX News.
PERINO: I'll be fired tomorrow.
BOOTHE: There was a funny opinion piece in "The New York Post," and the guy writes, "We're not arresting 50-year-old men who dance awkwardly in clubs or a 30-year-old woman who still screams 'woo' when they drink too much." So basically, just saying, I mean, look, you're 13, 14 --
PERINO: I don't like it that they're going to give them a misdemeanor. You don't need to give a 13-year-old a record.
GUTFELD: Lock them up. Lock her up.
BOOTHE: There's also laws if you're looting, and it seems unnecessary to me.
KILMEADE: Now you can't loot?
GUTFELD: Now you can't loot.
BOOTHE: You can't have any fun anymore.
GUTFELD: Remember the good old days?
BOOTHE: Everything is ruined.
All right. Well, you know what is not ruined, "One More Thing." Because that's up next. Stay tuned.
GUTFELD: All right, Dana, let's get after it. "One More Thing."
PERINO: OK. All right. Today, it's a special day at Fox News. We've just announced the launch of our new premium subscription service, Fox Nation. It starts November 27. It's an on-demand service with daily live opinion shows and documentaries, features exclusive content from your favorite Fox News stars.
And for a limited time, we're offering a chance to become a part of Fox Nation by signing up as a founder. And if you do that, you'll get exclusive merchandise that's only available between now and November 27.
And if you sign up early for Fox Nation, you can also get the chance to spend election day with some of your favorite Fox News stars, excluding Greg. There will be book signings. I'm kidding. Greg will be there. There will be book signings, giveaways, food, and meet and greets right here on the Fox News Square, the Fox Square.
Just head over to You click on Fox Nation Election Experience for more info.
And it's very exciting. We're excited about all of the hard work that's gone into this, and it's about to bear fruit. And also, you're not going to want to miss "The Five" tomorrow, because Jesse and I went to this.
WATTERS: Why do I -- why I have to go first? Dana, can you go first?
PERINO: No, I can't. I'm so scared.
WATTERS: Please.
PERINO: The worst part about it is we had to wear GoPro. And so you have a picture of our faces the entire time. I was a terrible colleague and hid behind Jesse. But you'll see that whole package tomorrow on "The Five."
GUTFELD: All right, so I've got to plug my book signing. It's going to be at this event.
GUTFELD: What day is it?
PERINO: November 27.
GUTFELD: November 27. I'll be there. I don't think Brian Kilmeade will be there, because his book isn't that good.
PERINO: No, it's Election Day. No, Election Day.
GUTFELD: Election Day. Jeez Louise!
KILMEADE: It's a little different. It's a little different, Dana.
GUTFELD: A week from tomorrow.
PERINO: The streaming starts on the 27th.
GUTFELD: The 27th. But I'll be there to sign books on Election Day.
KILMEADE: Either that or three weeks from then.
GUTFELD: Yes, all right. Let's do this.
GRAPHIC: Greg's Drone News
GUTFELD: "Greg's Drone News." I think drones are adorable, but what's more adorable than regular drones? How about tiny drones that joined together to help make the world a better place?
These are little drones working together to open up a door. And they're actually -- the door weighs 40 times -- or actually, it's 40 times as large as -- larger than these little drones.
PERINO: Why are you showing us this?
GUTFELD: Because I just like to show you what drones can do. They're not opening up doors for each other. And then what you don't see is once they go in, they steal everybody's underwear.
BOOTHE: It's a happy tale. Drones helping drones.
GUTFELD: Drones helping people. Speaking of drones. No, I thought it was Brian. It's actually Juan.
WILLIAMS: What? Oh, all right.
KILMEADE: I'm droning on.
WILLIAMS: Did you ever think of a banana as a fortune cookie? Well, one cafeteria manager in Virginia Beach, Virginia, had just that idea.
Stacey Truman started what she calls talking bananas. She's giving kids inspiration at Kingston Elementary School by writing uplifting messages on the banana peels before she hands them out.
Her motivational messages include "Never give up," "Smile," "You are loved," "Keep on trying." Truman says most of those messages came from what she tells her own children or what you'd want to hear herself.
So what happened? The principal, Sharon Shewbridge, posted pictures of the fruit on Twitter. And it all went viral. And now the principal says she wants other schools to follow and inspire kids to new heights of confidence and achievement.
GUTFELD: I have to say, those messages have quite an appeal. Why am I alive? Brian.
KILMEADE: All right. So over the weekend I had a chance to promote, because it just dropped on Tuesday --
GUTFELD: It dropped? Somebody's hip.
KILMEADE: "Andrew Jackson: The Miracle of new Orleans" is now in paperback. And I put a new afterward in, and I had a chance to do something I should have done with the hardback but I didn't have time.
PERINO: Like go to New Orleans?
KILMEADE: And that's go to, actually, New Orleans. I had a chance to speak at an event with Ryan Drez. He's a decorated Marine who might be the premier historian in the country. And I had a chance to talk there on a beautiful afternoon. That's what we look at when we stand next to each other. He's taller.
And then, I had a chance to actually go out and meet three nuns. Ursuline nuns came here in the 1730s, and it was Andrew Jackson who visited them. And they said, "If you win, can we stay?"
And he said, "Absolutely."
They said, "We're going to pray for you to win."
And Andrew Jackson believed that the Ursuline nuns' prayers during the battle gave them the unfathomable victory where we defeated the British in 45 minutes and did something Napoleon couldn't. Napoleon lost.
GUTFELD: Get to the point, please.
KILMEADE: This is the point. Then of course, we're going to be at Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as Elkhart, Indiana.
GUTFELD: You know, there's one person after you.
KILMEADE: And that will be on --
GUTFELD: This ain't no "Fox & Friends," OK? Lisa.
PERINO: Grand Rapids and Elkhart, Indiana. We'll be there.
BOOTHE: All right. Well, I think we've a picture of cutie named Blake Mumford from Ohio, who's 5 years old. He was born with spina bifida and has been wheelchair-bound most of his life.
Well, he loves school buses so much that his grandfather put together a costume for him and turned his wheelchair into a school bus. He absolutely loves it, and his grandfather called it Blake County Schools.
And his mother loves it, because the photos and videos have now gone viral. And she loves it, because it's bringing attention to spina bifida. So --
BOOTHE: That's a happy Halloween, Blake.
KILMEADE: Great Halloween.
GUTFELD: set your DVRs. never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" up next. He's my favorite talkie, and he's currently in Milwaukee.
BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: nicely done. Thank you, Greg.
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