This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," August 29, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: There were two conventions going on this week. The Republican one reminds us why America matters.


GOV. KRISTI NOEM (R-SD): I believe America is an exceptional nation, founded on three principles, equality, freedom, and opportunity.

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime. And that's why I believe the next American Century can be better than the last.

MADISON CAWTHORN, REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR NORTH CAROLINA'S 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Be radical for freedom. Be radical for liberty and be radical for our Republic for which I stand.


GUTFELD: That was awesome. Then there's the naturalization ceremony, the reminding us that even as our nation's most prominent voices deem America irredeemably racist and evil, billions beyond our borders would trade their situation with us in a heartbeat.

Such ceremonies upset the press, but give actual human beings a lump in their throats.

And how about the sister? She'd get things in order.


SISTER DEIRDRE BYRNE, THE LITTLE WORKERS OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY: In 1978, as a medical school student at Georgetown University, I joined the Army to help pay for my tuition and ended up devoting 29 years to the military, serving as a doctor and a surgeon in places like Afghanistan and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.


GUTFELD: Wow. That brings back memories of Sister Maya at St. Gregory's in San Mateo. I had chill. After the Dems week-long tantrum though, it's good to see adults in the room for once. I would not arm wrestle this lady. I would not pinkie wrestle her. She could kick my ass.

Sorry, sister, but --

But I put her, Tim Scott, Herschel Walker, Jack Brewer and Burgess Owens up against the entire Democratic Party in a cage match. And what about this guy?


DANA WHITE, UFC PRESIDENT: It blows my mind how quickly some of the leadership in this country has forgotten the critical role first responders play in our society.

Come on America, defunding these vital positions is not the answer.


GUTFELD: You could crack me like a walnut. What is it with these people? It's like they're grownups on super pills.

These are not people you would dare to mob. It's quite a contrast.

To the other convention, the one on the streets featuring mobs, arsonists, vandals, looters and shooters. All right, CNN calls it fiery mostly peaceful protests.


OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Multiple locations that have been burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin over the course of the night in stark contrast to what we saw over the course of the daytime hours in Kenosha and into the early evening, which were largely peaceful demonstrations in the face of law enforcement.

It wasn't until nightfall that things began to get a little bit more contentious.


GUTFELD: A little bit more contentious. Here lies the problem. For months now, the media and Democrat leaders have been denying what we see with our own eyes, our country is under attack. They use phrases like "mostly peaceful" or "sporadic violence" to downplay this chaotic and even orchestrated violence.

And when you counter such opinions with facts about crime, they laugh like clowns.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Democratic cities are in chaos right now. Is this what you want from Joe Biden? And they're going to take your country away and they're taking down the statues and --

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Crime is rising.

LEMON: Crime is rising.

CUOMO: Defund police.

LEMON: Oh my gosh. It's so bad and they have got defunding police, it's like --


GUTFELD: That did not age well. Now, that the violence is out of control and taking lives, however, the mockers changed their tune. But it wasn't your suffering that changed their minds, it was the polls. Tell us about the blind spot, Don.


LEMON: I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away, and it's not going to go away.

Joe Biden may be afraid to do it. I'm not sure. Maybe he won't. Maybe he is. He's got to address it.

The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know, and I know, it's showing up in the polling. It's showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.


GUTFELD: So that's why the media ignores the violence because it didn't suit them politically. But once the polls show that mayhem hurts Joe's chances, it's time to speak up.

How gross is that? As gross as Brian Stelter and a Speedo, because it means all those businesses burned, all those people injured, all those jobs and lives lost happened because the press didn't see political value in reporting it.

And by ignoring it, it continued. Well, of course until now.


CUOMO: This is on their watch.

LEMON: It is on their watch.

CUOMO: Mr. Vice President, if you don't believe that your faith demands that you speak about what's happening in Kenosha right now, not in terms of showing riots and fomenting tension when it's a symptom of a problem --

LEMON: They have to talk about these vigilantes and they have to talk about these groups who go in and start this violence.

White guys coming in from these groups, starting unrest, promoting violence.


GUTFELD: So now they're upset. Sorry, too late. The ugliness we see now, you built that by ignoring its spread, because it didn't suit you to point it out. Remember what you said about Antifa?


CUOMO: Too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets -- persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice.

And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. People who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots, even if they do resort to the same kinds of petty violence.


GUTFELD: So where does that petty violence lead? Let's hear from a widow.


ANN DORN, WIDOW OF RETIRED CAPTAIN DAVID DORN: As I slept, looters were ransacking the shop. They shot and killed David in cold blood and then live streamed his execution and his last moments on Earth.

He was murdered by people who didn't know and just didn't care. He would have done anything to help them.

Violence and destruction are not legitimate forms of protest.


GUTFELD: Ann Dorn told the story the media chose to ignore because it wasn't beneficial to them. The demonization of law enforcement, the elevation of anarchist protest has led to what was predicted here some time ago, the mayhem begets mayhem.

Here is Rand Paul and his wife barely escaping the mob after Trump's speech.


GUTFELD: What if there weren't armed officers there? So the mob proves everything said at the convention, right, Burgess?


BURGESS OWENS, REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR UTAH'S 4TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT:  Mobs torture our cities while popular Members of Congress promotes the same socialism that my father fought against in World War II.


GUTFELD: So the convention's theme isn't fear, its freedom, freedom from fear, fear of attack and tolerance, losing your home, business, life. This is a message we need to hear as our country is at the mercy of marauders.

But that's what happens with leaders cower before the politically correct and the media and their celebrity darlings choose to back lawlessness than those who fight it.

They had Connor Lamb and Stacey Abrams. The Republicans had this guy from Cuba.


MAXIMO ALVAREZ, CUBAN IMMIGRANT: I choose President Trump because I choose America.

I choose freedom.

I still hear my dad, there is no other place to go.


GUTFELD: If you want to know who the enemy is, why not hear from a guy who has seen the enemy before. And today, he is recognizing that face of dictatorship, again, it's on the street. It's on TV and a few are in Congress pulling Biden's strings.

I'm sure there were plenty of Cubans in the 1950s who didn't see Castro coming and then when he came, it was like, wow, how could this happen to us? Well, the fact is, it can happen to us. It is happening to us, because your concerns mean nothing to the media or the Dems until it shows up in the polls or at their doorstep.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He's so sharp that rock, paper, scissors is now called rock, paper, Trey Gowdy. His great new book is called "Doesn't Hurt To Ask," Fox News contributor and host of "The Trey Gowdy" podcast, Trey Gowdy.

Well he is so patriotic the Liberty Bell once took a field trip to see him. "Fox and Friends" weekend co-host, the very ugly, Pete Hegseth.

She's quick with a quip and won't take no lip. Host of "Sincerely, Kat" on Fox Nation, Kat Timpf.

And he's got more muscles than the Great Barrier Reef, my massive sidekick and host of "Nuff Said" on Fox nation, Tyrus.

All right, what a line up. All right, Trey Gowdy, your book. It's about persuasion. So I want to ask you how persuasive was this week -- this convention to, let's say, undecided, folks?

TREY GOWDY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think they did a great job. I think Tim Scott's story appeals to everyone. I mean, there is a need, Greg, obviously to acknowledge the base. You want the base to be energized.

But the groups that we were struggling with, I mean, you can't listen to Nikki Haley. You can't listen to Tim Scott. You can't watch the clemency of a man who deserved a second chance of life and got one.

I didn't see the angry Donald Trump that the Democrats portray.

GUTFELD: Yes, neither did I. You know, we're going to talk about Donald Trump in the next block. Pete, isn't it interesting how preferable non- politicians are to listen to? That's what --


GUTFELD: Yes, I mean that's --

HEGSETH: Big time. You want to hear their story and time after time, you heard stories and this is directly how the President's policies that he promised he would deliver improved my life and my family or would have prevented Kayla Mueller's parents who they say our daughter would be alive because they would have taken ISIS seriously and actually brought her back.

They spent four days shredding the leftist strawman. The left creates the strawman that we are a systemically racist nation, where cops are running around intentionally trying to find black men to shoot and climate change is going to kill us all in 10 years so we need to socialize every part of our economy.

And bit by bit, they broke it down and exposed America versus anarchy and then all the speakers and all the attendees were poignantly harassed by the mob when they left the event, to put a perfect exclamation point on precisely what the President is talking about.

I don't think they could have orchestrated it better and it was the powerful stories of individuals that I think did it best.

GUTFELD: Kat, you almost leapt out of your seat like a cat when I was talking about the non-political people. I bet you want to comment on that?

KATHERINE TIMPF, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I do. First, I want to say I learned something very important yesterday, thanks to the R.N.C. Dana White is actually a dude.

I've always heard the name and I'm like, oh, one of those lady wrestlers, but he's actually a very meaty manly dude. So, that was great. I learned that, but yes, I agree totally. Because whenever I'm hearing anyone speak who is trying to win an election, it doesn't matter what party, you always have in your mind, like okay, yes, they are trying to win something, my vote, with their words, right?

It's kind of like you trust them about as much as a guy when you're on a date, and it's like your four drinks in and he's like, come home with me. I think you'd love my cat. I'll introduce you to my cat.

But again, you mentioned some of those people, but the one that I thought was the real standout was Alice Johnson.

GUTFELD: Definitely.

TIMPF: I watched it about five times and I was in tears, because it transcended politics, especially because she was saying, there are thousands more out there just like me.

I have written and spoken and volunteered criminal justice issues for years, and I was like, I'm not doing enough. What more can I do? It really, truly moved me and just to compare that with the voiceover calling Kamala last week a fighter for criminal or for ending mass incarceration.


TIMPF: Here's someone who is out here actually doing that, and the only reason she is out here at all is because President Trump freed her. I thought it was so powerful it transcended politics.

It motivated me, and I think a lot of people felt the way that I did, just such a truly powerful, amazing moment.

GUTFELD: All right, Tyrus, so maybe I am biased because I have such an antipathy towards leftwing whiners, but I felt like I was looking at adults, especially when Kat brings up Dana White.

Like when you're listening to Data White. You see Herschel Walker. You see Jack Brewer, which is the best name ever invented Jack Brewer. I felt like I was around people I want to hang out with in a bar and I know we'll never get a bar fight.

GEORGE "TYRUS" MURDOCH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you would find a way. I don't doubt you would. You would find a way to start it and then say Tyrus will be in the bathroom when it's over.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's true.

MURDOCH: And then that's exactly what happens. Before I start real quick tonight, Greg, I have to just give my condolences to the Armstrong family "Bullet" Bob Armstrong. He passed away this week and a wrestling legend, a hero of mine. So I'm sad to see him go.

But yes, you used the term the adult in the room. Herschel Walker is literally the nicest, no nonsense person you're ever going to meet in your life. I don't -- he doesn't change expressions much and I honestly don't think he has to.

And I've always -- he talk softly but his words are always strong, and I think that the R.N.C. did exactly what they should have done. The D.N.C. went with dramatization and celebrities and scenarios and, you know, coming attractions of the world is going to end and they're going to save it, and basically, it's -- you know, the United States is the new "Star Wars" and the Empire, you know, President Trump and the Empire.

And the R.N.C. said, well, we're just going to be adults and here's our plan. They're sorry, there's no CGIF. There's no fantasy. There's no music videos. We're just going to have straight talk and see what you guys think of it.

So, the Republican Party was the Republican Party. I expect no less. I didn't expect the -- although there was fireworks, but it was at the end.

GUTFELD: We're going to talk about that.

MURDOCH: Not during. Not during.

GUTFELD: We're going to talk about that in the next segment because we're not done. We've got to talk about Trump's speech and the fireworks.


GUTFELD: He made the network's cover the fireworks. So what's Trump's plan for the next four years besides tweeting endorsements of my next great book? First, a simple question.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: So tonight I ask you a simple question, how can the Democratic Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?


GUTFELD: Much of the speech hit on how Democratic policies made America worse, not better; policies that led to last week's power outage in California. Did everybody see that?


TRUMP: Everybody saw that. Tremendous power outage. Nobody has seen anything like it. But we saw that last week in California.

How can Joe Biden claim to be an ally of the light when his own party can't even keep the lights on?


GUTFELD: What a line? I take it he doesn't think Joe Biden is very strong.


TRUMP: Joe Biden is weak.


GUTFELD: But Joe says he loves blue collar workers. I wonder, does he give them hugs and even kisses?


TRUMP: Joe Biden took the donations of blue collar workers, gave them hugs and even kisses.


GUTFELD: Okay, let's change topics. How about the moon? What are we doing with the moon?


TRUMP: America will land the first woman on the moon, and the United States will be the first nation to plant its beautiful flag on Mars.


GUTFELD: Wow. First woman on the moon. Who's he got in mind?


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Just don't tell anybody I told you this, especially don't tell Joe Biden. I don't think that there should be any debates.


GUTFELD: Because she thinks Trump would belittle the process. It sounds like she is worried and building the case to cancel. But Joe says he will debate although he has got to wonder why the hell couldn't he get fireworks that spelled out his name, too?


GUTFELD: Okay, Pete, four years ago if I saw -- if I saw that, I would probably be triggered like how dare he do this? But now, to me, it's absolutely hilarious that he did that.

HEGSETH: The only thing better would have been a military parade with tanks, which I'm still waiting for, okay, and needs to happen.

Of course they're epically triggered by the scene of the First Family and Ivanka giving this speech beforehand and then the fireworks with his name and it's already at the White House and they're not supposed to politicize that and then they do an about face and look at the Washington Monument is Trump's --

I think that was a giant Nana Boo-boo, we're here. You're not. And after you watch this production over the last four days, you're going to be waiting for more years.

And when I turned the channel to other networks, it was -- their minds were exploding.


HEGSETH: And it's a giant Trump trolling effort at them and they can't contain it and not a single viewer cared about any of that. They watched his words. They watched the speech. They watched the presentation and they liked it.

GUTFELD: Trey, do you think that the speech was too long as a lot of people were saying? Should it have been tighter? What did you make of it?

GOWDY: Look, you only get one chance to do it. I mean, at my age did I think it was too long? Yes, because I had to get up early this morning.

But I stayed up because he's a showman, but he also has a unique way of communicating and what I was captured by is yes, I'm discussing my record. That's what's obvious.

But the best pieces of evidence also have subliminal purposes. What was subliminal on that was the media has never treated me fairly and I've been under investigation for four years. Imagine what I could do with just a halfway fair media and without the Mueller and the impeachment investigations. Imagine what our country we could -- that was the message I got.

GUTFELD: So Tyrus, you can choose your topic but I -- do you have any opinion on Pelosi trying to provide cover for Joe to get out of the debate?

MURDOCH: Yes, again -- listen, I've been investigative reporting on crafty the old white men for a little over four years now I believe.


MURDOCH: And I'm still out fact finding because these guys are clever. All my sources won't let me ever name them because for fear of backlash, but here's the thing.

This is why Trump does it better than the other side or honestly, than any other politician in history. Because of his wrestling background, he knows how to build a card and when I say building a card, you start off slowly. You give a little bit.

Then you have the sun come and put the heat on everybody. You get three or four speakers. Just talk trash, get everybody fired up, right?

Then you're ready for a little hub spot. The wife comes in and makes everything pretty, everyone happy. Oh, and then everybody is kind of like comes back from grabbing a snack and now, it is the main event.

Trump's going to speak. He fires up. Throw some punches, one, two, three, boom. Fireworks. Everybody goes home happy, fired up and ready to vote.

That's how you do an event. That's WWE 101, baby.

The other side, Vegas did a bunch of flips all night. We didn't know what was going on. There was singing and dancing, blaming. World is ending. Cows being deported. We didn't know what was going on.


MURDOCH: You know what happened and at the end, boom. Trump. What was on everybody's mind? Whether you hate him or you weren't sure about him or you loved him, you were like. Boom. Trump 2020.

That was on their mind because that's how you do the damn show.

GUTFELD: Yes, the only fireworks, Kat --

MURDOCH: You're welcome, America. You're welcome.

GUTFELD: Kat, the only fireworks ever perhaps brighter than that, the stuff coming out of the CNN anchors heads when they saw that.

TIMPF: Yes, I mean, I've got say, I didn't like the speech because of the length. But that's not an insult against Trump. It is an insult against myself. It made me feel really bad because like Trey said it was too long for me.

But I look up there and I'm like, this man is 74 years old. He's had such a busy week and he can get up there in a full suit and he's talking like for 70 minutes straight. It truly blows my mind that he has this kind of energy and ability and just comparing that with the other candidate. It is absolutely truly insane because he's been on TV all week. Okay.

I was like -- I did a 20 minute beginner workout on the Peloton. I've got go to bed. It's a school night.


TIMPF: So, I truly -- it was just astounding to watch and then. Boom. Fireworks. It was a show for sure.


TIMPF: It did make me feel inadequate. So I didn't like that about that.

GUTFELD: I also fell asleep before it started. I tried to stay up, but I just couldn't. And then I woke up in the middle of it.

TIMPF: He is 74 years old.

MURDOCH: That was the wine.

GUTFELD: That was the wine. It was the wine. That is true.

TIMPF: It was the wine.

GUTFELD: Speaking of wine, what does Joe Biden do now besides a nap?


ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Ashley Strohmier.

Two police officers were shot in St. Louis tonight. One of the officers shot in the head and is in critical condition. The other was shot in the leg. Both officers are being treated for their injuries. Authorities say they were responding to a shooting call.

Investigators say the suspect ordered a couple out of their home and remains barricaded inside. People are being told to stay away from that area.

And a Nevada man may be the first coronavirus reinfection case in the U.S. The 25-year-old was first diagnosed back in April and he tested positive again in late May. Researchers say he was infected with two different strains of the virus. Reinfections were also reported earlier this week in Hong Kong and Belgium.

Nearly six million people in the U.S. have the virus, more than 182,000 have died.

I'm Ashley Strohmier, now back to THE GREG GUTFELD SHOW.

For all of your headlines, log on to

GUTFELD: Biden and his silence over violence. Kenosha, Wisconsin saw several nights of mayhem this week following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Tuesday, two people were shot and killed and a 17-year-old has been charged with their murder.

Later this week, Joe Biden addressed the riots.


JOE BIDEN (D), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Protesting brutality is a right and absolutely necessary, but burning down communities is not protest. It's needless violence. Violence that endangers live. Violence that guts businesses and shutters businesses serve the community, that's wrong.

The problem we have right now is we're in Donald Trump's America. He is rooting for more violence, not less, and he is clear about that. And what's he doing? He's kind of pouring gasoline on the fire.


GUTFELD: So Joe finally condemned the violence coincidentally, as he also blames Trump using a terrible analogy. But he is only really condemning their violence in order to blame Trump, which is kind of sad given that the past two months he has been as quiet as a worm's fart about the chaos.

But it wasn't the only notable thing he said this week.


QUESTION: You have said yourself that you are a transition candidate. Does that mean a one term President? What does that mean?

BIDEN: No, it doesn't mean --

QUESTION: So you're leaving -- open the possibility you'll serve eight years.

BIDEN: Absolutely.


GUTFELD: Wow. So it turns up, Joe is up for a second term in 2024, which will put them at 233 years old. That might be news to Kamala Harris. Let's watch that again. But pay close attention to her reaction. It's very subtle, but you'll see what I mean.


QUESTION: You have said yourself that you are a transition candidate. Does that mean a one term President? What does that mean?

BIDEN: No, it doesn't mean --

QUESTION: So you're leaving -- open the possibility you'll serve eight years.

BIDEN: Absolutely.


QUESTION: Will you raise taxes?

BIDEN: I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000.00.


GUTFELD: So Kat, I have a feeling Kamala wasn't expecting that answer. I mean, there had to be -- without question, it is kind of an arranged marriage under the assumption that she is going to be the President, not in four years, but in two months.

TIMPF: Oh, yes. I mean, she loves power. That's the thing that she loves more than anything. If she has got to throw some people in prison, she'll do it. She's got to pretend she never threw anyone in prison. She'll do it.

It's ridiculous. And I just feel really, really awful for Jacob Blake's family for the way that this is all worked out because you watch the video, it is obviously horrific. And it's obviously a situation where there needs to be justice.

The thing is, the way to achieve justice is not by going out and you know, creating a bunch of other uninvolved victims.

You know, I saw a video of a guy whose family furniture store was burned to the ground. What did the furniture have to do with any of this? And it's disturbing that it took so long for Joe Biden to condemn that.

This isn't tough stuff. You want justice in that situation for him and his family, but also his own family saying they're disgusted by what's going on with all the looting and destruction. Condemn that. They should not be political.

GUTFELD: Yes. Unfortunately, Tyrus, everything is political now, and everything is extra political because we've got an election coming up. So it's being used as a football, essentially.

MURDOCH: Yes and both sides really need to punt. You know, this has been a tough week for me, dealing with the frustration of these type of shootings and trying to see, you know, watching it objectively, but at the same time, I also have to answer the question as a black man, what -- you know, what are your thoughts? What is that?

You know, it's frustrating because it's very hard. You know, I'm fortunate because people reach out to me. You know, retired police officers reach out to me. Cops reach out to me and they always want to be anonymous, but they always say the same thing.

They just said that the guys lost procedure. They panicked and they didn't support the shooting. And they explained to me ways that they could do that without doing it.

And when you try to word that, it gets lost because for some reason you can't support the Police Department, and at the same time you're your fellow brothers to be safe.


MURDOCH: I don't want to go out and get shot in the car over a misunderstanding.

One of the things that got me a steady job was that speech I gave, maybe my second or third show about complying -- compliance.

You know, we have to comply. No matter how bad it is, no matter how much you hate that police officer, no matter how horrible he is, you have to comply.

You don't turn your back on anybody, especially a police officer with a pistol. You have to comply. And that's just not a black man, that's every man who was ever in trouble with the police. Comply. You might get your ass kicked. You might have to lay face down on the ground. I've been there, but I'm going home.

And the message is we have to comply and when you're fighting for justice and when you want equality, we end up shooting ourselves in the foot because before we can even get the message out, people who say they're on our side who have their own agendas ruin it.

You have a protest because you want equality and then a group shows up and burns down a house. Where is the safety for the people in neighborhoods? Mrs. Dorn, you know, we looked -- we get lost and then we end up at each other's throat.

The only way we'll ever change the police department is not taking away the roots, not affecting, you know, defunding the police department. So you're going to hurt the guys on the ground, the good cops, the men and women who sacrifice and deal with the worst in human society every day, and still have to come home and raise families and pay taxes, we're going to hurt them.

And the answer is what? It is term limits. It is qualified immunity. It's not the bottom of the tree and we always attack the bottom of the tree.

We never deal with the fruits that are getting found off everybody else's misery. And until we wake up and stop attacking each other, it's not President Trump's fault. He didn't -- he wasn't there. He didn't order it.

But it's convenient. You know, shame on Joe Biden. Yes, you came out against violence. I applaud you for that, sir. And then you turn it into political and blamed it on the President because you want some votes when you know damn right, well, the Presidents of the United States of any -- it doesn't matter who it was, Barack Obama, it doesn't matter who it was, had nothing to do what's going on in our streets.

And that's what upsets me and then we'll talked a little bit over, but my bad.

GUTFELD: Yes, you know what, I really feel sorry for Pete Hegseth to follow that -- Pete.

TIMPF: Hey, Pete.

HEGSETH: I actually cede the balance of my time back to Tyrus. Well said, brother. I mean, that says -- I mean, that's the kind of conversation the country needs to have. You can both recognize that black men are treated differently or perceived differently by law enforcement, and that changes the interaction completely.

But also when you're watching resisting arrest and you're watching a lack of due process for officers that are in impossible situations, it makes people rush into their corners and defend exactly and then nothing ever moves and the media exacerbates all of it and it has the unintended consequence.

Ironically, there was a pizza owner whose shopping window was smashed out. I can't remember if it was Domino's. It was a chain and he is yelling out the window, he is saying, are you trying to get Donald Trump elected? That's exactly what you're doing.

GUTFELD: Trey, last word to you before the break.

GOWDY: Well, Jacob Blake's mom asked for three things. Asked for unity, prayers for her son and answers. And as a former prosecutor, she is entitled to answers and then for the justice system to work its will in a fair and impartial way.

But speaking of answers, Greg, I mean, Joe Biden needs to be asked more than simply is murder your breaking point? If you talk about systemic racism, the most systemically racist thing I encountered in 20 years was the 100 to one ratio, crack cocaine to power. That's the most systemically racist thing. What did he do about it?

And by the way, did Alice Johnson seek clemency under your administration? Why did it take Donald Trump? If it was an injustice and it was for her to receive that prison sentence, why didn't you grant her clemency?

GUTFELD: Good point. All right. Up next, it's whiners versus diners.


GUTFELD: Would you resist or raise your fist? Earlier this week, Black Lives Matter protesters in D.C. were filmed harassing diners and demanding they raise their fists in solidarity with the movement. Take a look.


GUTFELD: The woman being shouted at said she actually supports the cause and has been marching for weeks, but didn't feel right complying with the mob's hostility. I feel the same way when Kilmeade asked me to dress up as Doocy.

Anyway, it's interesting to now watch the left eat themselves at a restaurant, it seems fitting. But hey, if screaming at someone face was actually an effective strategy, this guy would be the world's most persuasive person.


GUTFELD: That is amazing. All right, Tyrus, I always have -- remember whenever I see stuff like this, I go, I wonder what would Tyrus do, but no one would ever do this to you at a restaurant, I imagine.

MURDOCH: I remember -- I remember one time, I think we're all having dinner together after the show and somebody went over to say something, and I just looked at him said, "You've got something to say?" He was, "No good show." He kept walking.

So here's the thing, standing over someone and telling them to raise their hand is just as bad as what you're supposedly fighting against.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

MURDOCH: Making people do things against their will, what you're fighting for, the fact you want equality and freedom for everyone, except for the woman, you're a real brave dude standing over a woman.

Now, if I would have been having dinner with my friends and family, I always have a rule, I'm good for six to eight of them. Which means, I am good for six to eight of them. You all have got the rest.

And I also guarantee -- I don't promote violence, "Tyrus and Timpf" on our podcast, we always say this, "Kat back me up," although we never promote violence.

TIMPF: We do not condone.

MURDOCH: If you're going to be violent.

TIMPF: If you must.

MURDOCH: Make an example of the first one.


MURDOCH: I would have hit the dude so hard in his chest that the people next thing would have felt it and they all would have backed up and I'm like, "Does anyone else want to raise hands?" And they would have moved on.

GUTFELD: All right, Trey. Your book as I said, it's about persuasion. This is like the least persuasive technique I've ever seen.

GOWDY: That's exactly what I was thinking, it is how non-persuasive. What is persuasive is when the right calls out malefactors, male actors on our side and the left does the same. That is persuasive.


GOWDY: I was not born with big muscles. I use rhetorical skills. I was asked yesterday, will you say Black Lives Matter? I said, I'll say it. But I spent 20 years proving it in a courtroom and I wish you'd been there to help me 20 years ago when we were trying to assign value to a black homicide victim's life and you didn't see anything the night of the shooting.

So you want to say it or you want to prove it?

GUTFELD: That's a good point because they were like -- they were going after Rand Paul over Breonna and he was -- well, Kat, you know this story?

TIMPF: Yes, that was his thing. Justice for Breonna Taylor and the no- knock warrants. Kamala Harris nowhere to be found on that one, but they're going to go after him.

Look, I agree -- this is such another example that I agree so wholeheartedly that it is wrong to be silent in the face of injustice, that it's important for white people to speak out against racism.

I also think it's important to you know, eat food, right, which is what this lady was doing. I am not shocked to, you know, hear that she's also an anti-racism activist because it's possible to be an activist and also sometimes eat food and also to be less inclined to mix the two when the way as we've all mentioned, someone is trying to get you to do that is screaming in your face randomly out of nowhere.

But that is so, so obvious that I truly think the motivation of this mob was really not to help anybody.

GUTFELD: You know, Pete, what I noticed about it is that it's a blackmail situation. If you comply, we won't film you. But if you don't comply, we will film you and it will go viral and then you will be targeted.

HEGSETH: It's like -- it's like emotional extortion, you know, with the video cameras, like you will do it. And by the way, I should just cede my balance of time back to Tyrus again because of his answer on that. It is just the theme of the show today.

But Antifa's name is antifascist, yet they can't see the very fascist tactics they use on a daily basis. And it's because they think that who Donald Trump is and being a patriotic American is so evil because everything is evil about America that anything is justified and that's what it comes to.

And the irony that this lady, she is not wearing a MAGA hat. She is like, hey, I've been with you. I've been with you on the streets like I think we should do something about it. But I won't raise -- when your supporters won't even do it, then you know, you've crossed the Rubicon.


TIMPF: She wanted to eat some food.

MURDOCH: She just wanted an appetizer.


MURDOCH: Just an appetizer.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Up next, Trey Gowdy says, it never hurts to ask. I will challenge that theory by asking him questions that will make him want to punch me in the face.


GUTFELD: We've got to talk to Trey about his new book. It's called "Doesn't Hurt to Ask: Using the Power of Questions to Communicate, Connect and Persuade."

Okay, Trey, this book is basically for anyone who wants to persuade someone else to their cause, is that kind of what it is?

GOWDY: Yes, Greg, I mean it is to be heard, to effectively communicate and then in particular how to use questions to do it. I mean, you ask questions for a living, but sometimes folks struggle with understanding questions can also be persuasive.

It is for anyone who wants to win their next conversation or survive Thanksgiving lunch.

GUTFELD: All right, give me an example, because I know you talk about stupid questions are better than stupid answers. But how can you persuade with a question?

GOWDY: Well, I mean, remember, Jonathan Gruber, he said the American people were too stupid to understand the Affordable Care Act. You remember that?


GOWDY: So, I've got a choice. I can debate economics. I can debate healthcare or I can ask him, what did you mean by too stupid? Are there grades of stupidity where some are acceptable and some are not? And I spent my entire five minutes trying to get him to own words.

I mean, my hope was that he was perceived as less credible, but he is an M.I.T. Professor so that was the only area in which I could effectively fight with him.

GUTFELD: So this has got to be part of -- I mean, part of your legal background, so you have that talent. Other people, can they create this talent if they don't have it already?

GOWDY: Greg, I was terrible when I began as a prosecutor. I mean, I was terrible. It is a learnable acquirable skill. And the benefit is the other person has the burden, because they're doing the talking and as you know, from what you do for a living, sometimes your next best question is going to come from what the other person just said.

It is eminently learnable, and I lay out in the book, different categories of questions and when to use those.

GUTFELD: All right, as somebody -- I've interviewed probably, I don't know, a thousand people, there were times when I had no interest in the topic. How would you ask -- how do you ask a good like, let's say like, okay, well, we're on "Redeye," they'll say, okay, we have the star of this sitcom that I never watched, but it was the same company, Fox, right?

So they had to have this guy from the sitcom on and he's just a shallow tool. How do you come up with questions when you don't care?

GOWDY: Well, I've got a chapter on how to fake sincerity.


GOWDY: So it's hard to do, but you are an eclectic thinker. So something interests you. I would pivot away from the sitcom.


GOWDY: And find something, I mean, what he did before that? Why did he pick comedy instead of drama? Something that interests you so you don't fall asleep during the interview.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's a good -- that's good advice. That's why I actually don't do interviews anymore because they're -- I would say, 99 percent of all people who want to be on shows to be interviewed. They're not interesting enough.

Unlike Trey Gowdy, one of the most interesting people on the planet. Get his book, "Doesn't Hurt to Ask." It's great. It persuaded me. We'll wrap things up, next.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Trey Gowdy, Pete Hegseth, Kat Timpf, and Tyrus.

I am Greg Gutfeld and I love you, America.

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