
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Political Climate

President Obama thinks climate change is going to be an issue during the campaign.

The president tells Rolling Stone - quote -- "Those who have looked at the science of climate change are scared and concerned about a general lack of sufficient movement to deal with the problem."

However, one scientist who was at the forefront of the environmental movement now admits his own projections were alarmist and says predictions from others like Al Gore were, too.

James Lovelock, who developed the "Gaia" theory that says Earth is a single self-regulating organism, tells MSNBC that climate change is still happening but not as quickly as he once thought.

Six years ago, Lovelock wrote that before this century was over, billions of people would be dead and the rest would be surviving in the arctic.

Now, he says scientists just don't know. Quote -- "We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now."

Grand Old Party Crasher

Reality star and former White House party-crasher Tareq Salahi says he's running for Virginia governor next year.

TMZ reports he filed initial paperwork with the state to run as a Republican.

Salahi says one of his campaign platforms will be keeping litigation low which is ironic since he's suing Journey guitarist Neal Schon for $50 million.

He says that before wife Michaele ran off with Schon the Salahis were set to make a fortune from TV deals.

Volume Discount

Finally, late last week, it was hard to believe, but Grapevine brought you a story about polygamy in the family history of both Mitt Romney, with his great grandfather, and President Obama with his father, grandfather and great grandfather.

Tonight, the second polygamy story in five days and a volume discount.

A South African airline is now offering a limited promotion for male passengers traveling with multiple wives.

Wife number four will fly for free as long as the husband pays full price for the other three women.