
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Snow Job

As another round of winter weather blasts much of the country some folks in Atlanta feel like they were victimized by last week's snow storm twice.

Many drivers caught in the snow and ice ended up abandoning their cars on the highway and apparently a couple of crooks decided those cars were ripe for the taking.

Police got suspicious when they saw an abandoned car being hooked up to an unmarked tow truck.

They ended up finding three more cars stolen from area highways.

It turns out the tow truck was stolen too.

Harsh Spotlight

Laura Bush says America is too consumed with the appearance of first ladies.

It's a problem she feels that would not exist if the president's spouse were male.

The former first lady tells C-SPAN, she does not think there is a way of getting around the fascination and critiquing of the first lady's hair and makeup.

She joked about what would happen when a woman is elected president.

Quote -- "Maybe we should be that way about the first gentleman also, and really critique the way they look all the time, their choice of tie, or their hairstyle, or whatever. Or maybe their weight."

Game On

And finally, a candidate to fill the seat vacated last week by the resignation of Florida Republican Congressman Trey Radel is taking on President Obama on and off the court.

Curt Clawson -- a former college basketball standout -- introduced himself to voters in Fort Myers, Florida last night, with a local ad during the Super Bowl.


CURT CLAWSON, FORMER COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYER: I want to take on Obama in Congress -- so why not start on the court? In college, I hit game winning shots. I won a Big 10 championship. And Obama? He's been missing a lot of shots lately, and not just in basketball.


That video of the president was from last spring's White House Easter Egg Roll, when the first basketball player went 2-for-22 with his jump shots on the court.