
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Choice Words

South Carolina Democratic Congressman James Clyburn says former President Bill Clinton had some choice words for him-- when Hillary Clinton failed to win the 2008 presidential primary in his state.

U.S. News and World report says that in his new memoir, Clyburn says he took a late-night phone call from Mister Clinton-- essentially blaming him-- for black voters choosing Barack Obama.

Quote-- "If you [blanks] want a fight, you damn well will get one."

Clyburn writes- "It was clear that the former president was holding me personally responsible for his wife's poor showing among South Carolina black voters."

Clyburn had stayed publicly neutral-- not endorsing either candidate in the primary.

Limited Freedom?

A group monitoring freedom of the press worldwide has issued a strong rebuke to the U.S.
The World Press Freedom Index ranks the U.S. 46th this year down 13 spots from last year.

‘Reporters without Borders’ says the U.S. had quote-- "one of the most significant declines" in press freedom.

It cites the government's pursuit of Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden and the AP phone-tapping scandal.

46th place-- puts the U.S. between Romania and Haiti-- on the press freedom index.

The New Sheriff in Town

And finally-- every child's favorite sheriff-- Woody from ‘Toy Story’-- disarmed by airport security.

Eagle-eyed police at Heathrow in London-- spotted the weapon-- in Woody's holster.

John Hazen says three agents inspected the tiny pistol.

He posted this on a social media site-- "security just confiscated his weapon. Keep the world safe, boys."

Hazen travels frequently-- and takes pictures of the doll all over the World-- to send to his son.

This is the first time that tiny weapon has posed a problem.

but it is not the first time a toy gun has caused a stir at airport security.

Last December TA agents in Saint Louis-- confiscated the six-shooter --worn by a sock monkey-- dressed as John Wayne.