
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Commission Exclusion

The German government has created a commission to support Jewish life and fight anti-Semitism.

Sounds like a good idea but the committee is lacking one thing...Jews.

The eight-person group does not include one Jewish individual -- not a community leader, not a scientist.

Jewish leaders are not pleased -- quote -- "Nobody would even think of creating a conference on hatred of Islam without Muslims or a round table on the discrimination of women without women."

No comment so far from the German interior ministry.

Kids These Days

Two New Jersey teenagers came up with a productive way to spend recent snow days but it ended up getting them in trouble with the cops.

Their crime -- trying to make a little cash clearing neighbors' driveways.

The two high school students in Bound Brook, New Jersey handed out fliers around the neighborhood -- offering up their services.

Somebody complained, the police intervened.

You see, it is technically against the law in their town to solicit work unless you have a registered business.

The boys say the police were polite and they got off with a verbal warning.

Michael's Mistake

And finally, the president says he forgives one of his all-time favorite athletes for flubbing the spelling of his name.

While on a publicity tour for his new book, Former Obama adviser David Axelrod told the story of getting Michael Jordan to autograph a Bulls poster for the president's 50th birthday.

But when he presented the gift to the commander-in-chief Jordan had misspelled Barack -- using 2 R's instead of one.

A problem I -- Bret with one T -- can relate to.

But, the president says no hard feelings.

Yesterday, he told ESPN radio that the six NBA championships the basketball great brought home for Chicago make up for it.

Last fall, Michael Jordan made headlines for insulting the president's golf game and calling him a hack.

The president brushed off those comments too -- quote -- "He talks trash on the golf course...even though he's never played with me."