
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Going Once, Going Twice

The state of Kansas --  has found a way to recoup some of the $164,000 in back taxes -- owed by a sex store chain ‘Bang.’

The Topeka Capital Journal reports the state is auctioning off adult toys-- to the highest bidders.

The online auction-- which you are supposed to be 18 to view-- features thousands of adult DVD's, toys, and clothing-- that let's just say-- are not appropriate during the dinner hour hour.

Kansas Democrats point out the irony-- in light of the recent harsh criticism -- of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Paul Davis-- for being at a strip club when it was raided 16 years ago.

Said one Democrat-- Republican Governor Sam Brownback quote- "is so desperate to fill the massive hole in the state budget caused by his reckless income tax cuts that the state of Kansas is now in the porn business.”

The governor's office says the auction is proper protocol-- for dealing with seized property.

Friday Follow-up

Now a Friday Follow-- a dubious distinction-- for a liberal journalist-- whose interpretation of what happened at the American consulate, the diplomatic facility in Benghazi-- landed her in the Grapevine back in May:


ELEANOR CLIFT: I would like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not murdered. He died of smoke-inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation and was –


SUSAN FERRECHIO, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: No, I think I've heard a drastically different story from people who are also in the know about that. So I don't think, I don't think -

PAT BUCHANAN: It was a terrorist attack Eleanor!


Eleanor Clift's statement-- earned her the ‘Quote of the Year’ award last night at the conservative Media Research Center's Dis-Honors.

By the way-- Clift stands by her remarks.

Grounding to a Halt

And finally-- Staten Island Zoo officials are re-thinking their annual Groundhog Day tradition-- after it came out this week-- that the groundhog fumbled by Mayor Bill DeBlasio last winter-- died a week later.

This was Charlotte's less-than-graceful shadow reveal on February second.

The zoo says she died from injuries consistent with a fall-- but whether it was related to this particular incident-- is less clear.

The New York Post reports -- since her death was uncovered -- zoo officials are considering whether politicians should be relieved of groundhog-handling duties in the future-- and leave that work to the professionals.

Back in 2009 -- Charlotte's counterpart -- Long Island Chuck -- bit then-mayor Michael Bloomberg.
both survived.