
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine…

Heard it on the Grapevine

Anonymous quotes can serve the useful purpose of allowing a person to be honest without fearing retribution.

In a Washington Post article about Hillary Clinton's leadership style -- the reporter quotes a former aide.

"She's not a paranoid person -- I don't think -- but she wants some paranoid people around her."

Then adds the caveat --

"Who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of Clinton's distaste for those who speak to reporters when not authorized to do so."

One writer at the Washington Free Beacon quipped --

"She's not paranoid -- but for the love of god don't tell her I said that."

Watching the Clock

In the next few weeks -- the Supreme Court will decide whether ObamaCare tax credits can be given out through federal exchanges.

The law explicitly says they can only be awarded through marketplaces -- quote -- established by the state.

The New York Times interviewed two dozen writers of the law -- who called the clause things like a drafting error -- and an oversight.

All quotes -- said the federal exchange credits should be upheld.

Notably not quoted the infamous Jonathan Gruber -- the health care adviser who was paid nearly $300,000 dollars by the Department of Health and Human Services.

He said something very different.


January 18, 2012

Gruber: What's important to remember politically about this is if you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their tax credits.


The National Review noted Gruber's absence.

"Pretending he isn't there -- won't make him go away."

Pretty in Pink

Finally -- in Wisconsin -- pink could be the new orange.

At lease for hunting.

A bipartisan group of legislators is preparing a bill to legalize blaze pink for hunters.

Currently -- state law mandates that blaze orange make up the majority of above-the-waist clothing -- for safety reasons.

The new color option would be aimed at boosting the number of women hunters.

There are differing opinions about whether the pink can be as easily seen as the orange -- and whether it would make any difference in recruiting female hunters anyway.