
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

"One in Three"

Today marked the end of what pro-choice activists called the One in Three week of action.

It was a national series of events aimed at de-stigmatizing abortion.

Promoters say they want to fight back against the message that women should feel ashamed or immoral for having an abortion.

The "one in three" refers to a study that says one in three women in the U.S. will at some point have an abortion.

While neither side disputes the statistics, pro-life groups look at the one in three differently.

Marjorie Dannenfelser at the Susan B. Anthony List told us -- quote -- "With this new campaign, the abortion lobby tries to put forth the argument that this is somehow a morally murky issue and that abortion should be normalized in our society. This is just another example of how pro-abortion forces put the institution of abortion above the wellbeing of individual women."

Defense Cuts

Doctors say a number of military personnel are turning to liposuction so they can pass the body fat test.

Service members say they have no other choice because the method of estimating body fat is weeding out bulkier muscular builds along with the flabby ones.

A number of fitness experts and doctors agree and they are calling for the military's fitness standards to be revamped.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense told Fox News it does not recommend surgery to pass service level fitness standards.

A Healthy Choice?

Finally, a program aimed at promoting ObamaCare to prisoners has quietly been scrapped.

Back in July, Alabama Republican Senator and Ranking Member of the Budget Committee Jeff Sessions challenged a no-bid contract awarded to a community advocacy organization based in Chicago.

Sessions said millions of dollars were already awarded to the 'navigators' program so a special prisoner program was unnecessary.

The Health and Human Services Department canceled the contract without ever responding to Sessions' inquiry.