
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

No Fooling

This first story is not an April Fool's joke -- at least not intentionally.

President Obama has dubbed April National Financial Capability Month.

The president is calling on Americans to quote -- "...improve their understanding of financial principles and practices."

He also vows to help young people learn how to budget responsibly. We should point out the national debt increased under this president by about $6 trillion so far, and he has not submitted yet, a budget proposal for the next fiscal year -- which by law, was due two months ago.

He Is Risen?

On Easter Sunday, Google changed its logo to honor an important historical figure.

But not the one you are probably thinking of.

Instead, Google commemorated the birthday of late leftist labor activist Cesar Chavez.

Users unleashed their criticism via Twitter. One person writes -- quote -- "Jesus? No! Cesar Chavez? Yes!"

Another -- quote -- "By the way Google (oh font of all information) it's Easter too."

And -- quote -- "Thank you Google, your decision to honor Cesar Chavez on Easter makes it easier to switch to Bing."

Google often changes its logo to reflect a given holiday or occasion.

A spokesperson tells the Washington Post, Google sometimes chooses a historical figure it has not previously highlighted.

One figure that has never been honored...Jesus.

A search of the more than 1,000 doodles used since 1998, shows Jesus has never been depicted.

But Google isn't the only one taking heat. Over the weekend, the White House put out a 664 word proclamation from President Obama commemorating Cesar Chavez.

His statement on Easter was just 117 words.

April Fool's Day

And finally, back to April Fool's Day, when everyone gets a pass on pulling pranks and trying to get everyone else to fall for them.

Well, this year, even the military joined in the fun.

The Army put out a press release saying it plans to reduce spending by putting stray cats to work.

The White House released a special video message from the president, but it turned out to be the "Kid President" not the commander-in-chief.

And Twitter announced it is eliminating vowels for more efficient and dense communication.

Users, it said, can continue with A, E, I, O, and U for a mere $5 a month.

"Y" will remain free.

All, of course, April Fools jokes.