This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 8, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham This is "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington. It is great to be back. In moments, Rudy Giuliani, a former presidential candidate himself and consultant now to President Trump ahead of 2020 is here to respond to my Angle on who is really pushing Kamala Harris to the top of the Democrat heap and whether the White House should be concerned. Plus, ANTIFA violence rocked another city this past weekend.

And tonight, one of its victims is here to tell us why he was back in the hospital just days ago. And a former FBI official reveals why the Group should be designated tonight a domestic terror organization. And later, a former sex crimes attorney breaks down all of the hideous and details inside the indictments of disgraced financier Jeff Epstein. And Dan Bongino sounds off on a Starbucks employee shaming Arizona cops, you do not want to miss it. But first as promised. Kamala, Obama 3.0. That's the focus of tonight's Angle.  All right in case you hadn't heard, Kamala Harris continues to surge in the latest polls ahead of what we're seeing now is striking distance of frontrunner Joe Biden. Now, he was left stunned and stammering after Harris smacked him on the issue of race in that first primary debate.  (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There was a little girl in California. She was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me. On this subject, it cannot be an intellectual debate among Democrats.

JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Because your city council made that decision.

HARRIS: So, that where this is government must step in.


INGRAHAM: After her impassioned and painstakingly choreographed takedown of Biden and his view that local authorities, not the federal government should decide whether busing is right for their school districts. Well, Harris, she has now adopted Biden's position. And by the way, that's a point. His press secretary made plain on Twitter last week. You can read it. While she's on all sides of most issues. She'll say and do anything to win, including bloodying up Biden with a vicious racial smear.

In other words, it's like well, Joe you're not really a racist, but dot, dot, dot. And let's face it, Obama's former two term VP, he is the only real challenge standing in the way of her claiming the Obama mantle, because what could be more historic following the first male African American President then four years later the first female African American President and to beat him, she has to win over Black voters. That's a core constituency for the Democrat Party that still favors Biden.

Well, this weekend Kamala Harris spoke at the Essence Festival in New Orleans where she unveiled a new $100 billion housing plan that will fund down payments on homes and closing costs for African Americans.


HARRIS: So, a typical black family has just $10 of wealth for every $100 held by a white family. So, we must right that wrong. And after generations of discrimination, give black families a real shot at homeownership by taking these steps, we can shrink the wealth gap between black and white households by at least one-third.


INGRAHAM: But what about the Hispanic white wealth gap or the Native American white wealth gap. And a lot of different wealth gaps out there. How do you equalize it all? Well, this is clearly racial pandering of the worst sort, but it's designed to appeal voters away from Joe Biden, who this weekend who is still trying to apologize for his, let's face it, a terrible debate performance and then reinforced, he was trying his Obama bona fides.


BIDEN: Now we have to deal with the problems we have today. That's why I'm trying to work - I was proud to work alongside President Obama. I don't say President Obama, I don't want to give you, President. (Inaudible) few weeks ago, somehow get the impression of the people that I was praising those men and wives successfully approached time and again. Yes. I was. I regret it.


INGRAHAM: And Michelle Obama was given a chance to quell her party's racial storm and defend her husband's loyal former running mate Veep when she was at the Essence Festival. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What if anything would you like to say about the Kamala-Biden dubstep. He apologized today. You've been following that. Do you have any thoughts about that?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Let me ask you this. Moving on.

OBAMA: I've been doing this rodeo far too long.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Moving on, moving on.

OBAMA: It's like no comments.



INGRAHAM: It's like very telling. Why no comment? Since Kamala's racial roundhouse kicked to Biden's head. The Obamas haven't even defended Joe Biden by saying something as innocuous as we work closely with Joe for more than eight years. He's not a racist. But Michelle decided not to even throw a short lifeline to Biden, and she did that for a reason.

Remember in 2008 when candidate Obama needed Joe Biden on the ticket, he needed him to give him Obama some moderate blue-collar cred to make him more palatable to middle America. But that was then, and this is now. We're living in different times. Biden really isn't needed today to be the heir of Obamaism. No. Harris, when you look across the Board, Harris is a much more logical fit.

And some notable Obama administration alarms are already working for Harris. There they are. And who doubt, come on that Kamala and her team are in contact with the Obamas, who seem to enjoy kind of being that not saying it, but they appear to be enjoying this role of would-be perhaps down the road. King and queen makers Watch.


OBAMA: Barack and I are going to support whoever wins the primary. We're supportive of everyone. We are giving advice to whomever seeks it, but ultimately--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You give advice to whoever seeks it.

OBAMA: Anybody who has called or wants to call.


INGRAHAM: Of course, you have. But we all still remember this moment. Don't we in 2013? When President Obama's warm words for Kamala Harris raised some eyebrows. Private event he said, she's brilliant and she's dedicated and she's tough. She also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country. I'm sure Michelle was thrilled with that line.

But there are other deep contacts at play. Check this out. Harris' younger sister Maya, who was the former head of the Northern California Chapter of the ACLU is married to Tony West. Tony West was one of Obama's AG. Eric Holder's top lieutenants at the Justice Department. Well, I bet my bottom dollar as my mom used to say that Team Obama is advising Harris and advising her to go really tough on her opponents, to be the fighter that Hillary Clinton was not much to the Obama's frustration I might add. Biden was just the warmup act though for Kamala. But now she is lashing out at President Trump and with wild ludicrous charges.


HARRIS: I know predators and we have a predator living in the White House. So, when we look at this campaign and we look at the task before us, it will be to successfully prosecute the case against four more years of Donald Trump, and I am prepared to do that.


INGRAHAM: Well, maybe she'll even start copying Trump supporters favorite campaign chant. They were derided for when they were screaming lock her up about Hillary. So, maybe she'll just change the her to him. That how it's going to work. I don't know, you get the feeling that Kamala believe she can just prosecute any case she sets her mind to even when the facts are nonexistent.


HARRIS: The current occupant of the White House crawling around about how this economy is doing so great. The economy is great. And he points to the stock market. Well that's fine if you own stocks. We say, well, how else are you measuring the greatness of this economy of yours. And they point to Fox News.


INGRAHAM: OK, so let me just get this straight. She must not know about pension funds, how those are invested in the stock market. Forget about that. But Trump's historic high wages, the record low unemployment, the boom in American manufacturing jobs, more manufacturing jobs created faster during Trump than Obama. And I just saw this, I think it was yesterday. Consumer confidence is now at an 18-year high. We're supposed to believe that's all due to Fox News. Wow, I didn't realize we had all that much power.  Harris, I think is going to have a heck of a time convincing Americans that things are not better. The economy is not really strong. And a lot of them are just happier than they were during the Obama years. Maybe not ANTIFA, but most other people. But I guess if she just wants to traffic and high stakes deception, and of course the celebrity fueled razzle dazzle, she's certainly hanging around with the right people. And that's the Angle.  And our next guest reveals which rival the Trump team is most concerned about. Joining us now is Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump and former presidential candidate himself. Rudy, great to see you.


INGRAHAM: So, is the President shaking in his boots, he doesn't wear boots. Shaking in his, I don't know toe shoes over Kamala Harris.

GUILIANI: He's not shaking at all about Kamala Harris or any of them. I mean the President realizes there is going to be a candidate. We don't know who it is. And they're going to have to make all these crazy charges. But I think he's pretty comfortable and I am certainly with the fact that they've all gone so far to the Left. I mean Kamala Harris is in favor of open borders. I don't know what kind of prosecutor she is. But she's in favor of open borders. If you're in favor of open borders, you must be in favor of open doors in your house. Let everybody in. Let's not find out who they are or identify themselves.

I mean she's in favor of late term abortion. Late term meaning the day before the baby is born. We can go on and on and on, high taxes. She does a little better job than some of them like Warren and Bernie of disguising herself as not quite as Left-wing. But when you examine her positions, she's very, very Left-wing. And I think she's a flavor of the month, because Joe couldn't defend himself. It was kind of pathetic. I mean she eviscerated him. and I thought it wasn't with very much. And I think we've got a very, very big signal from Michelle. That was definitely calculated. You saw that. I mean you pointed it out beautifully, but Michelle is a very smart woman whatever else she is.

INGRAHAM: Yes, I mean Rudy. She could have said, I'm not taking sides here on the presidential contests, but we know Joe Biden very well. Joe and Jill were really close to us. We serve them for eight years, not a racist bone in his body.

GUILIANI: Well, that's easy to say, isn't that easy to say?

INGRAHAM: She went out of her way, both of them not to say that. I mean you can't - you don't hear a peep out of Barack Obama unless it's some sideswipe at Trump without really mentioning it by name. But I found that to be - also I kind of found that to be graceless on the part of the Obamas.

GUILIANI: Yes. At a bare minimum, Biden is entitled to. He's not a racist. And also, he's not. Look I have a lot of issues with Biden including what appears to be a lot of corruption in China and Ukraine.


GUILIANI: You know hundreds of millions - millions in one place, billions in another place, while he's negotiating for America. His son is pulling down millions of dollars. And Joe was taking them there on Air Force Two. Come on. You know if that were one of us, we'd be indicted by now.


GUILIANI: But I believe the Democrats aren't touching that yet, because they're trying to take him out on his lack of competence.

INGRAHAM: And Rudy they seem very and surprisingly unprepared. They should have been prepared for incoming from someone they know as close with the Obamas.

GUILIANI: Do you know, I mean look let's face it, Joe has never been a good candidate. And I know he'll get really insulted, but he's not that bright. The President says that, it happens to be true. Everybody always says, he's funny. He's Uncle Joe. Fact is, he's not the brightest bulb in the pack.

INGRAHAM: He's a back-slapper type.

GUILIANI: He's a back slapper and--

INGRAHAM: Shoulder and shoulder grabber.

GUILIANI: And he's not that smart.

INGRAHAM: Rudy, Jill spoke out tonight and she--

GUILIANI: Rest of these people are smart. Obama smart.


GUILIANI: Michelle is very wicked smart. And they also realize he's not up to it. And they want to win. And I think they feel that Joe is going to self-implode at some point and they want him out.  INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, Jill Biden spoke out tonight and they were clearly stunned and ill prepared for this attack. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biggest surprise for you so far.

JILL BIDEN, FORMER SECOND LADY: The biggest surprise I think was the debate. I think probably Kamala was a little bit of a surprise. I think that's the biggest surprise so far.


INGRAHAM: Again. How are you not prepared for that. That's almost a disqualifying in and of itself.

GUILIANI: Of course, it is. I mean if you're not prepared for Kamala, are you prepared for Kim Jong un and Putin and the people in China.

INGRAHAM: No, they made too much money in China.

GUILIANI: And honestly Joe isn't prepared. That's the sad truth about him.

INGRAHAM: All right, Rudy. We've got a lot of other topics, I want to get to, because I think we destroyed that topic. I want to get to what Attorney General Barr said about Mueller's upcoming testimony next week. Watch.


WILLIAM BARR, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: I was disappointed to see him subpoenaed because I don't think that serves an important purpose dragging Bob Mueller up. If he in fact is going to stick to the report. It seems to me the only reason for doing that is to create some kind of public spectacle. And if Bob decides that he doesn't want to be subject to that then the Department of Justice would certainly back him.


INGRAHAM: What do you make of those comments?

GUILIANI: I think that you know the Attorney General realizes this has gone way beyond what normally happens and way beyond the bounds of ethics and discussing the facts about somebody about whom you're not going to bring charges. I mean a 400 plus page report, a 10-minute sort of suggestive press conference. And now we're going to repeat it all with you know. this kind of glorified testimony. I think the attorney general was very concerned about.

From a political point of view, I almost like it, because I believe that the Republicans have a lot of good questions to ask Mueller that he's going to have a very hard time answering. And I think the net of this is going to be that people are going to have more questions about Mueller after it's over than before they go in. But you know what, I can see why the Attorney General, if I was in his position, I'd be very concerned about how this is really doing something terribly unethical that prosecutors are taught you never should do. You never talk about a case when you decline prosecution ever, ever, ever, because it's so unfair.

INGRAHAM: Hey, Rudy. We're going to get into this topic later on the show, but I do want to get your take and thoughts on what's happening with Jeffrey Epstein. And he plead not guilty today on charges of sex trafficking minors. I mean breathtakingly hideous allegations. Did you know him, and did you have any interactions with him ever?

GUILIANI: I don't believe so, I don't remember ever meeting him. His face looks a little familiar, but it may be because I've seen him on television. I can't imagine that I know him. He is real close friend was Bill Clinton. I mean he's the one who traveled on planes with him, went all over with him. I'm not saying that Bill Clinton was involved in any way, but he's the one he was really close to. So, I can't imagine I ever had much to do in my life. I don't recall I have anything to do with them.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and it looks like they're clearly after this Alex Acosta, Labor Secretary for the President with that plea deal. Any thoughts on that tonight?

GUILIANI: Well, my view is somebody charged with the things he's charged with is you throw the maximum penalty at him. I don't know what he decided as U.S. Attorney. I don't want to second guess that. But my knee jerk reaction to it is the guy should be in jail for a very long period of time. Given what I know publicly and then I have to put in the caveat, everybody is presumed innocent.

INGRAHAM: One final thought, Rudy, a question. Nancy Pelosi spoke out today on the census citizenship question and made just an outrageous swipe - more than a swipe at the President. Watch.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., HOUSE SPEAKER: This is about keeping Make America, you know this hat, Make America White Again. They want to make sure that people, certain people are counted. It's really disgraceful and it's not what our Founders had in mind. Who are we? What is America?


GUILIANI: I don't know what's wrong with her. The question is, Nancy whether you're a citizen. We have white citizens, black citizens. We have Hispanic citizens. Chinese. It's whether you're a citizen, Nancy.

INGRAHAM: But why did she say it, Rudy, going back to my Angle. This is by any means necessary to take out this President, they want to divide this country. They want to turn white against black, Hispanic against black, white against. I mean it is a cynical horrible strategy.

GUILIANI: They take every single thing that is done whether it relates to anything like that or not, they will interpret that way, it's like a talking point they just repeat. There is nothing racial about asking someone whether they're a citizen. It's like you know seeking identification before you vote. That's racial.

INGRAHAM: But she knows it and she is saying it anyway.

GUILIANI: You have to produce identification to get on an airplane.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Because Nancy Pelosi is smart. She is doing this for a reason. They're worried about Trump gaining even 5 percentage points among African American voters because--

GUILIANI: They are.

INGRAHAM: Because of the great economic record he has had with African Americans, criminal justice reform. I think they're panicked about that. They want to divide this country on racial lines. I think it's disgusting. Everybody is doing better in this economy. Everybody.

GUILIANI: The President when he ran in 2016 said, take a chance on me. You can't do any worse.


GUILIANI: And they're doing better than they've ever done. All of us.

INGRAHAM: Rudy, we've got to go.

GUILIANI: And particularly minorities.

INGRAHAM: We've got to go, Rudy.

GUILIANI: All right.

INGRAHAM: Great to see you as always.

GUILIANI: Take care. See you soon.

INGRAHAM: All right. And coming up, the Leftist mob known as ANTIFA struck another city this weekend. Ahead we speak to one of their latest victims and a former FBI Assistant Director who says it's time to call ANTIFA what they are. He'll tell us what that is next.


INGRAHAM: ANTIFA strikes again, this time bringing their chaos to Washington D.C. Their group is trying to disrupt a demand free speech rally when they clashed with police. This comes as Andy Ngo, the conservative journalists attacked by ANTIFA last week returned to the hospital due to injuries stemming from that attack. Despite the bleeding on the brain, Andy is kind enough to join me now. Andy, first of all how are you feeling tonight?

ANDREW NGO, EDITOR, I'm just trying to concentrate on my recovery. Thank you for having me on.

INGRAHAM: I'm glad to see you and we described you, I also want to ask you, we described you as a conservative journalist. Is that - do you want to be described that way. I've read conflicting reports on that. Well, how do you prefer to be described?

NGO: I think that's probably fair. I don't take too much issue with it. My work is out there on the record and people can make their judgments on how they want to judge it.

INGRAHAM: OK. All right, that's fair. So, you report on ANTIFA violence. And in Portland, Oregon. But as we just said, they were in D.C. this past weekend physically attacking people at a free speech rally. So, this is not just a West Coast phenomenon, is it?

NGO: Not at all. I've been wanting for a long time now that this is the paramilitary movement made up of extremists, violent communists and anarchists and they're actually agitating for a revolution. So, the violence is a modus operandi. And they're not confined to small progressive cities on the West Coast. You see them all over the United States and also even outside of the U.S.

INGRAHAM: And when you see only three Democrat candidates including one who dropped out tonight or today Eric Swalwell and the other guy is polling at 1 percent. What is that? Only three of them condemn the attack against you. What does that tell you? I mean if you were anyone else, certainly anyone on the Left or a protected class, they would have been a national conversation about who are these people. We must all condemn them to be candlelight vigils. It would be absolute just unanimity of thought. Three candidates out of the 20. Your thoughts?

NGO: Well, I think it says that I'm the wrong type of victim. A lot of these candidates who remain silent were the same ones who came out to express continued support for Jussie Smollett's hate crime hoax.

INGRAHAM: And Andy, maybe thought of learning martial arts. I mean I know you're not supposed to - you're filming stuff. but if someone is attacking you, you ever thought of hitting them back or. I mean I know it's hard, because throwing stuff at you. But I mean my instinct is I want you to hit him back. I'm sorry. But you have to defend yourself. Not more than just with goggles.

NGO: Yes, actually because I've never been in a fight. The first impact was to my head and from the back and I just before I could even gather like what had happened, the punches just kept coming in every direction. And then I was blinded. So, there was--

INGRAHAM: No chance.

NGO: No chance to fight.

INGRAHAM: Well, Andy, a lot of people out there would be happy to train you. And I think it's probably good for all Americans to learn how to defend themselves as best we can in a circumstance. Andy we're thinking about you, praying for you and best of luck out there. We'll check back with you soon.

NGO: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: And ANTIFA violence says, one senator so concerned that he wants to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terror organization. I should hope so. We should have a lot of people signing on to that effort. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana tweeting that he was doing this in part because of the latest attacks on my previous guest. He's not the only one. Here's former NYPD Commissioner, Bernie Kerik.


BERNIE KERIK, FORMER NEW YORK CITY POLICE COMMISSIONER: This is an extremely violent group that goes out and threatens, intimidates, attacks with extreme violence for political reasons. I think they should be designated as a terror group, domestic terror group.


INGRAHAM: So, what specific behavior would justify that designation for answers. We're joined by former Assistant Director of the FBI, Chris Swecker. He knows a thing or two about domestic terrorists as he led the team that tracked down the Atlanta Olympics bomber. Chris, what's the reason number one that ANTIFA fits this designation?

CHRIS SWECKER, FORMER ASSISTANT FBI DIRECTOR: Well, ANTIFA is an ideology but they have people who follow that ideology around the country, and they've exhibited all the whole hallmarks of domestic terrorism as it's defined by statute. And that is they are committing violence or intimidating civilian populations for their own political aims, so that fits it there. The only other requirement is that the act, the criminal act that they're committing which are myriad has happened in the United States within our borders.

INGRAHAM: Well Chris here's the 18 U.S. D2331, you know it well. The term domestic terrorism means activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population to influence policy of a government by intimidation or coercion to affect the conduct of government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

You heard our previous guests. Their goal is to create anarchy and so, discord leading to armed revolution in the United States. I know people watching thinking Laura you're just saying - they run around with masks and they throw stuff at people and the wounds on the back of the heads of individuals, innocent individuals.

If this were any other group of people who are being targeted or innocents being targeted by people with face coverings, Chris, I mean whether it's the KKK or ANTIFA, you shouldn't be walking around as part of a protest, I'm not talking about religious, I'm talking about part of a protest, violent protest where we can't see your face. I don't even know how that's allowed anywhere.

SWECKER: Yes, it shouldn't be allowed. I mean there are many states. North Carolina is one of them where you can't wear a mask during a protest. You can't carry backpacks in some cities because of ordinances, you can't carry sticks and poles and frozen water bottles and padlocks tied to bandannas or other makeshift weapons. But that's the hallmark of Antifa at various events across the country. Their goal is to -- or their stated ideology, it's fair game, and they advocate committing violence against anyone they define as a fascist. And that is a pretty broad definition. I've seen people with MAGA hats being defined as fascists and culled from the crowd and beat down with sticks and poles, almost like a gang beatdown.

INGRAHAM: Right, and walking into drugstores over the weekend in Washington, a friend of mine said they're walking about town in stores fully masked. And people were taken aback. This is just -- it is madness, complete madness, and the U.S. government, both parties, should take a stand against this. And it's beyond politics. This is dangerous and it's a real problem. Chris, thank you so much for being with us tonight. We'll check back with you soon on this and much more.

Next, we take you inside the indictments of Jeffrey Epstein and speak to a sex crimes prosecutor about how he could have gotten away with this for as long as he did. Plus, in a statement late tonight, did Bill Clinton just get caught in another lie, this one about his ties to this disgraced financier. Details ahead.


INGRAHAM: In a shocking and horrifying headline today, financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and charged with sex trafficking. It's alleged that he abused dozens of underage girls, and, unfortunately, this wasn't the first time. For the story we go to Fox News Chief Correspondent Jonathan Hunt in our West Coast Newsroom. Jonathan?

JONATHAN HUNT, FOX NEWS CHIEF CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Laura. Jeffrey Epstein was brought into court today, his hair disheveled, and dressed in a blue jail uniform, having spent the night in a cell, a far cry from the comforts of his private jet, which had flown him to the U.S. from Paris over the weekend prior to his arrest. Prosecutors revealed they found hundreds, perhaps thousands of lewd photographs of apparently underage girls when they searched Epstein's New York mansion. And they charged him with abusing dozens of girls as young as 14.


WILLIAM SWEENEY, FBI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, NEW YORK FIELD OFFICE: Children who provided Epstein with massages while they were nude or partially nude.  Children who were asked to engage in direct and indirect sex acts for money. Children who were enticed to do all these things at the hands of a man more than or nearly three times their age.


HUNT: Epstein was jailed pending a bail hearing next Monday, which prosecutors will argue he should be kept in jail.


GEOFFREY BERMAN, U.S. ATTORNEY, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: We think is a significant flight risk, and that is why we are seeking detention pending trial. He has enormous wealth. The charges are very serious and they carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail, which, to someone of Epstein's age, it's basically a life sentence.


HUNT: Epstein's attorney dismissed the charges in the indictment as, quote, "ancient stuff," and accused the government of essentially seeking a redo after a 2008 non-prosecution agreement in Florida allowed Epstein to plead guilty only to charges of soliciting a minor. That deal was overseen by Alexander Acosta, who was then U.S. attorney in Miami, and is now President Trump's Labor Secretary. Epstein's friends and acquaintances have included Mr. Trump, Britain's Prince Andrew, the actor Kevin Spacey, and former president Bill Clinton, whose office tonight issued a statement saying, in part, quote, "President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he had been recently charged in New York." Some of Epstein's accusers issued statements as well today, welcoming his arrest and saying it is time for Epstein and his, quote, circle of powerful people to be brought to justice. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Jonathan, thanks so much.

And joining me now to analyze is Nicole DeBorde, as a former sex crimes prosecutor herself. So Nicole, it's good to see you. Based on what we know so far, is a the Southern District of New York likely, in your mind, to be able to get a conviction against Epstein here despite that previous deal that he had struck with the former U.S. attorney at Florida?

NICOLE DEBORDE, FORMER SEX CRIMES PROSECUTOR: That is definitely something that we can't tell just yet. We certainly do have quite a lot of information from this very wordy indictment that said, what we don't have at this point is access to any of the evidence in this case whatsoever.  All this indictment is is an allegation. It is simply the government making an accusation that this is what Epstein did.

INGRAHAM: And the headlines obviously are disturbing. The indictment is long, as you said. Epstein knew his victims were underage, that's part of the indictment. Some instances, minor victims expressly told him their age. And he wasn't working alone, according to another part of the indictment. He worked and conspired, Nicole, with others, including employees and associates, who facilitated the conduct, among other things, contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with Epstein, paid people apparently to go and recruit. It goes on and on and on. Is this the way the high and mighty, those with hundreds of millions of dollars, how they would operate in a situation like this, to try to insulate themselves with people in high places?

DEBORDE: I certainly hope not. And I certainly hope that what we find out is that this isn't true. It certainly looks horrid. It's absolutely salacious. And that may be one reason why the government in this case has included so much detail in this indictment, to get the public's attention and to really get people thinking about the horrific nature of these charges. But the reality is that we have heard no evidence whatsoever.  And I certainly hope that this is not how he or anyone else conduct themselves.

INGRAHAM: And obviously the political aspect of this is tantalizing, another part of this. He knew a lot of people, a lot of Democrats. Rudy Giuliani mentioned this earlier tonight, said, I don't even know if I met him, but I know Bill Clinton knew him. And a spokesperson for President Clinton tonight releasing a statement -- I guess earlier today -- saying that he knew nothing about the charges, and he took only a total of four trips on Epstein's airplane back in 2002 and 2003, Nicole. But flight records from Epstein's plane revealed that Clinton actually took at least 26 trips aboard what was known I guess as the "Lolita Express." So if that discrepancy is in fact true, and flight records are flight records, I'm not clear why Bill Clinton's name would be on a flight record if he wasn't on the plane, would it be fair for them to bring Bill Clinton in as some type of witness down the road?

DEBORDE: It's possible, I suppose. The government can talk to anybody that wants to talk to the government. So if the government has questions for Bill Clinton, certainly, they can ask. Does he have to answer? He doesn't. Does this make him in any way connected to this incident?  There's really no evidence to support that at this point. It is definitely interesting that these allegations are so salacious and so absolute horrible that people in Epstein's circle field immediately -- they immediately have the need to go out until the public that they knew nothing about this. And certainly, we will probably not hear the last of these witnesses today. I think there are more coming forward saying we knew nothing.

INGRAHAM: Nicole, as we heard, they seized a lot of records, disks from his safe apparently that were individually labeled, including a lot of -- appeared to be underage girls, labeled in various ways, gross. That is clearly going to be, I would imagine, evidence of something. I can't even think about it. That doesn't mean he's guilty. If it's child pornography, he's guilty of something else, correct?

DEBORDE: Sure, sure, absolutely. And it sounds absolutely disgusting and horrible based on what we've heard from the indictment. But what we haven't seen is what they have actually collected. And that is what the government has got to do in court. The government actually now has to put up the evidence. They have to show the things they have said in this indictment. It's interesting to me that they have come out with such detailed information about this delegation before we have had a hearing in court. So we shall see.

INGRAHAM: And we have to remember, people are innocent until proven guilty, and a lot of prosecutors have come out with a lot of bluster and then turned out to be back on their heels after a jury gets to hear the case. But certainly hideous so far.

Nicole, thank you so much. We appreciate it.

And on what is supposed to be the most patriotic day of the air, a Starbucks employee ask Arizona policemen to leave the store because a customer felt unsafe. The coffee giant attempts to clean up their spill, is it enough? Dan Bongino, next.



SGT. ROBERT FERRARO, PRESIDENT, TEMPE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: There was a customer that felt unsafe because there were so many police officers inside the store. Two of them are veterans, one having served over 20 years in the military. And especially on July 4th, it was pretty upsetting.  Unfortunately, this appears to be the new reality for law enforcement.


INGRAHAM: That was Sergeant Robert Ferraro, president of the Tempe Officers Association, describing what his officers were kicked out of Starbucks on July 4th. Now the coffee giant is attempting to clean up the mess tonight. Executive Vice President Rossann Williams saying, "On behalf of Starbucks, I want to sincerely apologize. They should have been welcomed and treated with dignity by the utmost respect by our partners (employees). Instead they were made to feel unwelcome and disrespected, which is clearly unacceptable."

Joining me now to react is Dan Bongino, former NYPD officer himself, and FOX News contributor, along with Jonathan Harris, a Democratic strategist.  So Dan, what does this do, this kind of incident. When I saw it on Twitter this to over this weekend, I was so angry, I was so upset. I told a bunch of my friends, we are not going to the Starbucks. But let's have a conversation about this. They did come out quickly, did they not, to apologize. And their apology does seem sincere. Does that address the situation in your mind?

DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: Well, listen, it's tough to say.  We live in this snowflake culture now where I think the company needs to be a little bit more forthright.

Here is the reason for this, Laura. While this person had the right to be offended, Starbucks had the right to turn around and say, we don't give a damn that you are offended. You don't like the sight of cops who run towards a problem when you are having one and running away from a problem, right? Then get your ass up, get the hell out of the Starbucks, and go find another spot. That we cater to this, I think they should have put out a little more forceful statement.

Having said that, it's one employee. I don't want to indict the whole company for the mistake of one employee. But even if you are a little bit confused about this, go ask a manager. Hey, someone is complaining about the cops, and then let the manager tell the people to go pound sand. But this was a really dumb business decision, and good for them for getting out ahead of it, at least a little bit.

INGRAHAM: I think the police officers should get free coffee, free of whatever they want. I'm sorry, what they put up with on a daily basis, I think they should be treated really well. There are bad cops, of course, but amazing work on 99.9 percent.

Jonathan, I want to ask you about this, because of this were a different person, type of person kicked out, or not allowed, maybe a protected class, a minority, like we saw in Philadelphia where African-Americans were treated poorly, and then it was national outrage, and rightly so. But in this case, we don't really know, who was the employee, what person was offended and why? It seems like an aggressive lack of curiosity. I'm glad that Starbucks came out, but if the shoe were on the foot and some other groups of people were kicked out or made to feel unwelcome, the media would be all over this. But it's kind of FOX and a few others.

JONATHAN HARRIS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I feel like people are talking about it. But we don't know. I think "The New York Times" is reporting that everybody involved was Caucasian, I believe. That's what "The New York Times" is reporting, but we don't know.

INGRAHAM: I don't care what color skin they were. I care about why they felt this way. Were they disciplined? And if not, why?

HARRIS: But I think ws looking at some of the data, and that was one of the things, I was thinking to myself, the police on average according to reports kill about 1,000 people a year since about 2015. It's been in the 900, 990s in some cases. The majority of them are actually white men. So I can understand, if there's a white guy, maybe him feeling a little uncomfortable --

INGRAHAM: So your answer to this Starbucks thing is the police are killing people willy-nilly?

HARRIS: No, I'm just saying that I can understand why that person may have felt uncomfortable. That is what I'm saying.

INGRAHAM: Bongino's going to flip. He's going to flip. Former police officer. So the data, Jonathan says, indicates that people are -- Jonathan is calm, but he says the data indicate that people are rightly concerned.

BONGINO: I don't care if he is calm. What he just said was so dumb that I'm stunned he set it on national television.

HARRIS: Are facts dumb?

BONGINO: A police officer -- the worst day of a police officer's life. I was ther. I am pretty sure Jonathan wasn't. The worst day of your life is a use of force incident, number one, Laura, because God forbid you have to use force. You think that's funny, John?

HARRIS: It's probably worse for the people on the receiving end --

BONGINO: I'm not done talking! I'm not done talking!

INGRAHAM: Twenty seconds, Dan. We are going to a hard break, 10 seconds.

BONGINO: Secondly, you're probably going to get sued and lose your livelihood after you unfortunately had to use force against another human being.

HARRIS: Check the numbers.

INGRAHAM: All right, we'll check the numbers, we'll have you both back.

BONGINO: Beat it. Get lost.

INGRAHAM: We can do an hour on this. Up next, inspiring patriotic displays you don't want to miss. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: And just in time for last week's Independence Day celebration, a poll came out that was pretty depressing. According to Gallup, the number of people who describe themselves as extremely proud to be an American was lower than at any time in that survey's history. And among Democrats, that number was only 22 percent. What? I'm not sure you can find humor in those morons who dislike America, hate America, or hate her symbols, the flag, like this masked buffoon from Antifa who apparently never learned how to use a lighter in anarchy school.

But that shouldn't obscure the true patriotism that we all witnessed one way or another, I think, during our Independence Day celebrations across the country. For starters, the Minnesota Twins, and I was there the day before, paid a special tribute to World War II vets, including a 94-year- old Fremont Gruss. He served with General George Patton's renowned Third Army.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Private First Class Fremont Gruss, U.S. Army.

Staff Sergeant Robert Holmstrom, U.S. Air Corps. Awarded the Knight of the Legion of Honor, the highest award given by the French president. He is 93.

First Lieutenant Bill Patten. Bill turned 101 last month.

It is an honor to stand with all of you today.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my gosh, 101. And he stood for the entire commemoration.  There was not a dry eye in the stadium.

And then there are the viral videos. Four young man with the group Kings Return wowed the Internet with this incredibly moving rendition of "God Bless America."




INGRAHAM: I get teared up every time I see that. I think our family had that maybe five or six times. Six, I guess, that we saw.

Then there was this little girl, two-year-old Abigail Gravitt who melted hearts with her adorable rendition of the National Anthem.




INGRAHAM: She knows the words better than a lot of Americans. Amazing.

And fans went wild after the U.S. National Women's Soccer Team nabbed the World Cup title again this weekend. The players were obviously thrilled, and deservedly so, and so were millions of Americans who watched. But a couple of members of the team almost marred their victory by dragging the American flag on the ground, and dropping it at one point. One player, luckily and smartly, saved Old Glory from that unfortunate desecration.

Many of the off of the field headlines of course were generated by the women's team co-captain Megan Rapinoe who said wouldn't go to the White House if invited. But despite the barbs, President Trump made sure to congratulate the women's team on their big win, as he well should have, because in the end, all the bile and invective didn't overwhelm Trump's salute to America, or the thousands of expressions of patriotism that we all saw. And I hope we all celebrated ourselves with our own families across the land.

Each one reminds us no matter where we are, no matter what our race, our creed, not matter what our origins, we are Americans first, and the spirit of liberty will always endure.

Tonight's Last Bite is next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for the Last Bite.

Family and friends gathered on a beach in Michigan this July 4th to celebrate when they were greeted unexpectedly by a special visitor. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's just enjoying himself here on Lake Michigan.


INGRAHAM: I thought it was really odd when that one young woman tried to put SPF 50. Like, you are going to get skin -- it was the cutest thing ever, sorry. Have you ever pet a deer? It's really cool. I have.

Before we go, we have to pay tribute to our good friend Ed Henry. One of the greatest guys out there going in for surgery --

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