This is a rush transcript from "Fox News Sunday," February 1, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: I'm Chris Wallace in Miami where the stage is set for America's biggest sporting event, while Iowa prepares for its big vote, and the Senate delays on impeachment.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You remember the tax cut? It was the biggest tax cut in the history of our country, and what do they do? They impeach you.


WALLACE: In a trial that will go down in history --


WALLACE: -- the Senate rejects hearing from witnesses, but the final vote to acquit President Trump is still days away.

This hour, we'll discuss the impact on the president as he runs for a second term and prepares to address Congress on the State of the Union. We're joined by Alan Dershowitz, a member of the president's legal defense team, only on "FOX News Sunday".

Then, it's crunch time for the 2020 Democrats in Iowa, as impeachment keeps some of the candidates off the campaign trail and stuck in Washington.

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm here. I'm hoping that people see it as a plus.

WALLACE: We'll ask presidential candidate, Senator Amy Klobuchar, about her last-minute push for votes.

Plus, our Iowa Sunday panel discusses the state of the race with hours to go until the caucuses.

And we kick off FOX's Super Bowl coverage as the San Francisco 49ers take on the Kansas City Chiefs with a gang from FOX NFL Sunday.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You do this with the senators?


WALLACE: And our Power Player of the Week, Hall of Fame running back Franco Harris and that legendary catch.

All, right now, on "FOX News Sunday".


WALLACE: You are looking at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida, home to Super Bowl LIV on FOX.

Tonight, the San Francisco 49ers play the Kansas City Chiefs here for pro football's biggest prize.

And hello again from FOX News, today, in the FOX Sports broadcast booth inside the stadium.

We'll have plenty on the big game this hour, including our talk with a FOX NFL Sunday crew you won't want to miss.

But we begin with the latest on the Senate impeachment trial and tomorrow's Iowa caucuses, the first contest in the race for the Democratic nomination. The Senate narrowly rejected Democratic demands for witnesses, but pushed off a final vote to acquit President Trump until Wednesday, the day after he addresses Congress on the State of the Union.

Let's bring in Kevin Corke reporting from the president's retreat in Mar-a- Lago with the latest -- Kevin.

KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Chris, just three more days until the White House can finally pierce the cloud cover of what they've considered the brazen partisan process, the single-party impeachment of the president of the United States.


CORKE: Left are Monday's closing arguments, senators' final remarks, and then finally Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., the vote on the two articles of impeachment. And barring a political earthquake, the president's expected acquittal, one by the thinnest of definitions say defiant Democrats still reeling from the Senate's 51-49 vote rejecting demands for additional witnesses.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): If the president is acquitted with no witnesses, no documents, the acquittal will have no value.

CORKE: Wedged in between Monday's resumption of activity on the Senate floor and Wednesday's historic vote is the president's State of the Union Address Tuesday evening. Themed the great American comeback, the president is expected to focus on what the White House calls the blue-collar economic boom, lowering overall health care costs, and safe, legal immigration, and a speech, sources tell FOX News, will be both positive and optimistic.


CORKE: A tone and sharp contrast perhaps to a tweet sent overnight by the president, certainly after midnight, in which he accused Democrats of using the impeachment process as a brazenly political process that damage the GOP and boost their chances, Chris, in 2020 -- Chris.

WALLACE: Kevin Corke reporting from Mar-a-Lago, Kevin, thank you.

Earlier, I spoke about the Senate trial with a member of the president's defense team, Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and offer of the new book "Guilt By Accusation".


WALLACE: Mr. Dershowitz, let's start with the Senate's decision by vote of 51-49 not to call witnesses. The Republicans had the votes, so they won.

But is there a legal justification, a legal reason for not calling evidence when there's substantial new evidence?

DERSHOWITZ: Yes, as I argued to the Senate, if someone were accused of the crime of abuse of power or dishonesty, something that's not a crime, what you do is you make a motion to dismiss. And the other side says, no, we want to introduce evidence. No, no, no, you can't introduce evidence if there's no legitimate indictment.

Here, the articles of impeachment did not charge an impeachable offense, so the right answer is to dismiss it and cut it off right there. No amount of witnesses could have changed that conclusion.

WALLACE: OK, but the top Democrats in Congress, Nancy Pelosi in the House, Chuck Schumer in the Senate, say that the failure to call witnesses is going to put a taint on any acquittal.

Listen to ‘em.



SCHUMER: This country is headed towards the greatest cover-up since Watergate.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Well, he will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial.


DERSHOWITZ: Of course you can be acquitted if they don't have a trial, if they don't charge you with a legitimate crime. It's the fault of Nancy Pelosi and the others for failing to charge an impeachable offense.

WALLACE: But they're going to say -- they say he's never going to be truly acquitted because you didn't have witnesses, you didn't have no evidence, you dismissed it before you even really got to hear what the facts were.

DERSHOWITZ: Well, in the criminal context, that would be called a victory, a great victory. Here, if they haven't charged an offense, then maybe he hasn't been acquitted, but he also hasn't been charged. He's in exactly the same situation he should have been in had they done the right thing and not impeached him at all.

WALLACE: You created quite a controversy --


WALLACE: -- with something you said in the Senate trial. Here is what you said and here's some of the blowback.


DERSHOWITZ: If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in an impeachment.

SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): If you can identify something that's in your political interest and say that's the national interest, then all bets are off.


WALLACE: Here's what I don't understand --


WALLACE: -- you have made it clear, and you and I went at it last week on the question of you say that to be an impeachable offense, it's got to be a crime.

DERSHOWITZ: Criminal-like behavior akin to treason and bribery. That's what the Constitution means, what it says -- treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

WALLACE: So then why get into this question of whether or not the president thinks his reelection is in the public interest? Because you seem to be implying that somehow that gives him an extra level of immunity.

DERSHOWITZ: No, no, it doesn't. I was asked a question by a senator.

The question was does quid pro quo matter, and my answer is it matters if what the president did is illegal or wrong. But if the president did something completely lawful, the fact that part of his motivation may have been to help his election cannot be the quid pro quo. That's what I said.

I never said, I don't mean and I don't believe that a president should do anything if he thinks in his national interest -- look, I supported the impeachment of Richard Nixon. He thought that the five crimes he committed were all in national interest.

These folks have totally distorted, quite deliberately, because they saw that I was having an impact on some of the senators, so they deliberately distorted what I said, and said, oh, even if it's criminal, if the president thinks it's in the best interest, it can't be an impeachable offense.

Nonsense. I never said it.


DERSHOWITZ: "Wall Street Journal" says I never said it. "The New York Times" says I never said it.

And the fact that Schumer and Schiff and CNN say I said it doesn't make it true.

WALLACE: But again, I don't even know why intent is an issue and why you got into it --

DERSHOWITZ: Because I was asked.

WALLACE: But my point is the activity is what you say is the key. If it's criminal or criminal-like activity, then it can be impeachable. If it's not criminal activity, it doesn't matter what the motive is (ph).

DERSHOWITZ: Well, the example I gave, I said there were three levels of motive. The example I gave is, as the president says, I'm not giving you your money, Ukraine, unless you give me a million dollar kickback. Of course, that's criminal.


DERSHOWITZ: And, of course, he goes to jail.

Abraham Lincoln sent the troops home to Indiana to vote for Republicans in the election. Was that impeachable? No.

WALLACE: But it wouldn't matter what his motive was.

DERSHOWITZ: Well, it doesn't matter to me but it matters to Schiff and it matters to -- to the people on the other side. They were focusing on motive. I was responding to them.

I didn't put that in my original speech because you're right, it's not relevant to my argument, but I was on the floor to respond to constitutional arguments. I was asked that question and then it was deliberately wrenched out of context.

WALLACE: You seem pretty upset about it.

DERSHOWITZ: I was very upset about that, because it -- it has hurt me. If people think I actually believe a president like Nixon can do anything he wants. It's exactly the opposite of what I've been teaching, arguing and as a civil libertarian believing in for 50 years.

How dare they deliberately and willfully distort my position and then not give me an opportunity to respond.

WALLACE: All right, forget impeachment for a moment. I'm asking you this and may you'll agree to do it or not, but a thought experiment.


WALLACE: Alan Dershowitz, citizen -- do you find it troubling, problematic that a president would link in any way -- forget his motive and I'm not saying it's criminal -- his support for an ally and even military aid for an ally to investigating his political opponent?

DERSHOWITZ: An on Election Day, as a citizen, I will allow that to enter into my decision who to vote for. But it's not an impeachable offense.

And I was there to argue a constitutional issue. Not to tell people who to vote for for president. I'm a liberal Democrat.

WALLACE: So, are you going to tell me whether or not you find it troubling?

DERSHOWITZ: Of course, any citizen would find that troubling if it were proved. Yes, that would be troubling. Troubling is the criteria for impeachment.

WALLACE: I am -- I'm not asking about impeachment.

DERSHOWITZ: According to Schiff, unless you do the right thing, you're impeachable, and doing something troubling is impeachable. That's not what the Framers set (ph) out.

WALLACE: So, you do think that linking aid to an ally --

DERSHOWITZ: If a president --

WALLACE: -- for your -- to investigating your political opponents --

DERSHOWITZ: If a president linked aid to an ally to personal benefit that was not in the public interest, that would be wrong. That would be a reason for me not to vote for him.

WALLACE: And when you say in a public interest, just the fact that it might help his reelection, does that make it --

DERSHOWITZ: No, that wouldn't qualify as the public interest. The fact that it would help eliminate corruption in the Ukraine, a country which I have been to. I represented the former president of Ukraine. I know a lot about corruption in the Ukraine. The fact that --

WALLACE: But you seem to be saying right here, Professor, that what Donald Trump did was wrong and troubling, but it wasn't impeachable.


DERSHOWITZ: No, no, what you said is of a president did it solely for his own interest would it be -- would it be --

WALLACE: I never used the word solely.

DERSHOWITZ: Ok, but I'm using it. If a president had --

WALLACE: What difference does it make if he did it partially?

DERSHOWITZ: Oh, every president has an eye on electability.

WALLACE: We're not talking about electability. We're talking but investigating your political rivals.

DERSHOWITZ: But if a president does it for mixed motives, he says 90 percent of my motive is, I want to get rid of corruption.

Let's assume a guy named Joe Biden goes and says to somebody in the Ukraine, unless you stop -- unless you fire the investigator, I'm going to cut off the money. Let's assume 90 percent of what he had in his mind was the public interest. But in the back of his mind, he says, you know, maybe it will help my kid. He works for the company.

That would not be impeachable. That would not be corruption. When you have mixed motives, you can't turn innocent conduct into criminal conduct. That was my point.

WALLACE: OK, finally, I want to ask you about you, aside from this case --


WALLACE: -- your role and your sense of yourself as a defense lawyer. Over the years, you have represented some pretty controversial figures, I think --

DERSHOWITZ: To say the least.

WALLACE: To say the least. O.J. Simpson, Mike Tyson, Jeffrey Epstein. I understand the principle of everyone has a right --


WALLACE: -- to a counsel, to defense.


WALLACE: But why would you spend your time -- why would you spend your talents defending such unsavory characters?

DERSHOWITZ: Because the Constitution requires that the most despised people, the most controversial people must get a defense. I litigated cases in the Soviet Union and in other places where people who are despised by the public and by the government couldn't get a lawyer, and I decided after being in the Soviet Union, I would never allow public opinion to impact my decision. I would have been --


WALLACE: What about your personal opinion? (INAUDIBLE) about some people that you'd say, you know, they have a right to a defense. I just don't want to be part of it.

DERSHOWITZ: No, I -- because I was a professor for 50 years and I have no excuse for not taking cases, I want to be part of cases were nobody else can get -- is willing to come in and do the case. I want to be part of controversial cases.

This case, I didn't do it for that reason. This case --

WALLACE: No, I'm not -- I'm not talking about this case.

DERSHOWITZ: This case, I do it because the Constitution was being absolutely compromised in its --


WALLACE: In these other cases. If you end up -- because of your talents, you end up getting them off, your --


DERSHOWITZ: I hope so. I mean, I never want to take a case where I don't win. I've won a lot of cases because the law or the facts were on my side. Often, the facts are against me, but the law is on my side.

Look, to me, my hero was John Adams. Standing up for the people, the murderers in the Boston massacre and accepting all the opprobrium that was heaped upon them because he said, I want to show the king of England that we in America believe that everybody is entitled to a defense.

He defended them and it almost destroyed his career and his personal life. He did the right thing and I'm going to continue to do that for as long as God gives me the strength to defend people who are guilty, innocent, popular, or unpopular.

WALLACE: Professor Dershowitz, you show no sign of slowing down. Thank you.

DERSHOWITZ: Thank you.

WALLACE: Always good to talk with you, sir.

DERSHOWITZ: My pleasure. Thank you.


WALLACE: Up next, countdown to Iowa. Democratic candidate, Senator Amy Klobuchar, joins us live from the campaign trail as she makes a big move late in this race as "FOX News Sunday" continues its coverage of Super Bowl LIV live from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida.


WALLACE: Welcome back to Miami Gardens, Florida, and Hard Rock Stadium, home of Super Bowl LIV on Fox.  Well, tonight's game is just the first big contest this week. Tomorrow night, thousands of folks in Iowa will go to schools and churches and firehouses across that state to caucus and give us the first results of the Democratic presidential race.  Joining us now from Des Moines, candidate and senator Amy Klobuchar, who's hoping to build on her recent momentum there.  Senator, something interesting is happening in Iowa, and I want to put up the numbers. Back in August you were sitting at 3 percent and you stayed there for quite a while. But in recent weeks you've surged to almost 10 percent, closing in on the top tier. What is going on and where are you going to finish on Monday night?  KLOBUCHAR: You know, it is an open game here, to your Super Bowl analogy. And by the way, congratulations on having the Super Bowl on Fox. It could only be better if the Vikings were in it. But I'm excited to watch the game.  And what's been happening here is there's just a lot of people who are still making their decisions. We were out yesterday everywhere from the Quad Cities to Sioux City to Cedar Falls to Beaverdale. And every place we went, huge crowds, a lot of interest, people literally signing up yesterday, committing to caucus.  So we're excited. We had two polls last week that I was at 13 percent -- or one was at 13 percent. I was third in two polls. And we just see a lot of enthusiasm. I have more endorsements than anyone else in the race when it comes to state legislators.  WALLACE: All right. But...  KLOBUCHAR: So we are really building something.  WALLACE: But, Senator, isn't Iowa, kind of, a special case for you?  You come, as you just pointed out, from right across the border over in Minnesota. You have held 189 events there over 69 days. Don't you have to finish in the top three here in Iowa, or you're done?  And if you do finish in the top three, how can you replicate that in other states like New Hampshire, where you haven't spent nearly as much time?  KLOBUCHAR: Well, first of all, I've been to New Hampshire 22 times, Chris. I just do a lot of stuff. And I -- I literally don't put those kinds of litmus tests. I think we have to do well here.  There's been a lot going on, having been gone the last few weeks that I didn't expect to have happened. But I'm going to New Hampshire no matter what. There's a debate. I'm on the debate stage. I've got the endorsements of every major paper in New Hampshire, including the Union Leader, that have endorsed in New Hampshire. And so of course I'm going there; we have a strong operation there, and then going beyond.  WALLACE: All right...  KLOBUCHAR: I think that my -- but, remember, I bring something to the stage that really no one else has. I'm one of only two candidates from the middle of the country, where we need to win as Democrats. I'm someone that's won with moderate Republicans and independents in the reddest of red congressional districts, over and over again. Because I bring people with me.  I'm the only one that has those receipts that I can bring into this election. I'm one of two women that are left on the debate stage. I'm someone that has passed over 100 bills as a lead democrat.  WALLACE: OK...  KLOBUCHAR: There's a lot of stuff about why I should stay in this race, and I'm excited to be one of the leading candidates. WALLACE: You've made it very clear you're staying in the race.  (LAUGHTER)  Let me ask you, because Iowa and the caucuses have special rules, and one of them is, if you don't have 15 percent of the people who show up at an individual precinct caucus, then you don't qualify; you don't get any delicates and -- you know, at the caucus level, at the precinct level.  And there has been talk -- and I want to find out if it's true -- that the Biden campaign has come to your campaign and said, "Let's make a deal" -- like the TV show -- "If one of us doesn't have -- meet the 15 percent threshold, we'll put our candidates in the other one's camp so that they can get the benefit of that."  One, is it true? Did they try to make a deal with you to switch votes if somebody falls short? And if so, are you going to accept that?  KLOBUCHAR: No deals. In fact, they just approached someone who was affiliated with our campaign but not on our staff, and some evening in Des Moines asked them about it. He said no. We said no. There is no deal.  And I am just focused on our own race here. We have precinct captains all over the state. We have worked on this, and we are really excited.  And also, remember the rural issues. I serve on the Agriculture Committee. I have a long track record of working on rural issues. So I have something that's pretty special here going into the Iowa caucuses. And we're excited about how we're doing.  WALLACE: Senator, a new issue has come up in the last few days I want to ask you about. Back in 2003, you were the top prosecutor for Hennepin County in Minnesota and your office put a 16-year-old boy in prison for life for the shooting of a young girl.  You've campaigned on how this shows that you are tough on crime. But just in the last few days -- I want to put this up on the screen -- a year-long Associated Press investigation has raised new questions about whether that young man was wrongfully convicted. They found police offered cash to potential witnesses and relied on testimony from jailhouse informants who got reduced sentences.  Senator, did you know -- when you were the prosecutor, did you know about any of that? And should this man's case be reopened?  KLOBUCHAR: Well, justice must be done, Chris. And just to put it in some context, this was an 11-year-old girl named Tyesha Edwards. She was doing her homework at her kitchen table and a bullet went through the wall and she died. And it was a tragic case. It was a big deal within the African- American community. And our focus was on bringing the people to justice and doing justice for her family. So what happened was...  WALLACE: But...  KLOBUCHAR: ... three people were convicted -- if I could just finish...  WALLACE: But, Senator...  KLOBUCHAR: ... and now one...  WALLACE: We know -- let me just say, we know it was a bad case. The question is whether this young man did it. And this AP investigation...  KLOBUCHAR: Exactly.  WALLACE: ... indicates that other people who were there said he didn't do it and that some of the witnesses that were relied on were very questionable. You were the head prosecutor. Did you know? And if you didn't, shouldn't you have known?  KLOBUCHAR: There actually were two trials in this case, Chris. One was after I was -- had left the office.  WALLACE: But he was convicted in the case when you were the prosecutor.  KLOBUCHAR: I know. Could I just -- if I could just answer. My view, as someone that has worked with the Innocence Project for years, is that, if there is new evidence, it must come forward; it must come forward, and it must be considered immediately by the court. The job of a prosecutor is to do justice. And that means to me convict the guilty; protect the innocent; do your job without fear or favor...  (CROSSTALK)  KLOBUCHAR: And that's what I have asked to happen.  WALLACE: Senator, you're not answering my question.  KLOBUCHAR: OK. OK.  WALLACE: Did you know about the fact that there was this questionable evidence that the police were coming up with?  KLOBUCHAR: I didn't know about this new evidence, no. I didn't know about this new evidence until I saw this report. I -- I couldn't have. I haven't been in the office for 12 years.  WALLACE: I -- I -- but I was wondering, when you were in the office, did you know about this questionable evidence?  I -- the reason I'm asking you is, as I'm sure you well know now, there are a number of African-American groups in Minnesota who are calling for you to suspend your campaign until this is cleared up. And according to national polls, you're below 1 percent in African-American support. You're not going to win the Democratic nomination if you have such little support from the minority community.  KLOBUCHAR: Well, I think what you've seen all across the country is that, when people get to know me, I do well. And it's on me. I've got to go out there and -- and get to know people. And in my case, let's look at Iowa. Two prominent African-American legislators have endorsed me, are out campaigning for me right this weekend.  At home, I've always enjoyed and have gotten strong support within the African-American community. I've been a leader on issues with the Somali community in my home state. And it's on me to go across the country and make the case for my agenda, which is very strong when it comes to the African-American community.  WALLACE: Right...  KLOBUCHAR: It's about economic opportunity. It's about voting rights. I've been the lead on things like getting rid of gerrymandering and getting rid of voting purges. Those are my bills that I've led on. And so that's on me, and I will keep criss-crossing the country, make my case to the African- American community, as I've done right here in Iowa.  WALLACE: Senator Klobuchar, thank you. Thanks for your time. And good luck tomorrow night.  KLOBUCHAR: Thank you. Thank you very much.  WALLACE: When we come back, we will bring in our Sunday political panel in Iowa. What should we expect from tomorrow's caucuses? And could there be some big surprises?

We're live for Miami Gardens as FOX Sports at the beach to cover tonight's Super Bowl. We will be right back.


WALLACE: Coming up, last-minute campaigning in Iowa as the 2020 Democrats make their final cases ahead of tomorrow's vote.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm asking you to consider caucusing for me. I need your help.

PETE BUTTIGIEG (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm here eye to eye to ask you to caucus for me on February 3rd.


WALLACE: We'll have a special Sunday group live from Iowa. That's next on "FOX News Sunday".



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I call it the impeachment hoax, and that's what it is, it's a hoax. It should have never taken place, should have never been allowed to happen. But I have great confidence in Republican senators and probably some Democrats from what I understand.


CHRIS WALLACE, FOX HOST: President Trump talking with Peter Doocy this week in Iowa about the Senate impeachment trial.

And it's time now for our Iowa panel. Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume, Marie Harf, executive director of the Serve America PAC, and GOP strategist Karl Rove.

Well, Brit, I think it's clear from the start that President Trump was never going to be removed from office in this process, but as we wrap up impeachment and the Senate trial, who do you think has the political advantage in the -- particularly as we look to November, both in the race for the White House and the race in Congress, Republicans or Democrats?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think it's a little hard to say at this point, Chris, because it's not clear how much attention the public was paying to this. Indications are the public really wasn't following it nearly as closely as -- as we in Washington and in the media generally were -- were following it. So we don't know whether it will have very much impact at all. My suspicion is it will have less impact that -- than any of the impeachment or impeachment investigations of presidents that we've recently seen. And I don't think that any of these Republican senators, by the way they've behaved, are afraid at all that their political forces are going to be harmed by voting not only not to have witnesses, but inevitably to acquit. So my sense of it is that this could end up being kind of a political wash.

WALLACE: Marie, do you think that House Democrats have any second thoughts about, one, going for impeachment, and, two, deciding not to fight in court, even if it was going to take a while, to try to get John Bolton to testify in the House?

MARIE HARF, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Chris, it was a big of a catch 22 because the White House made clear they had no intention of participating in this process and House Democrats felt like they had a strong enough case as is. I happen to agree. There will be a lot of hand-wringing probably in Democratic circles about this over the coming days and weeks. But I think what it's shown Democrats in this election cycle is that, first, it is so important to nominate someone who can beat Donald Trump in November because the president will probably feel emboldened and even more unfettered after this acquittal and also that they need to focus down ballot on Senate races because no matter what had happened with John Bolton or witnesses, because we don't have the majority in the Senate, we were always going to lose this impeachment fight.

And so here in Iowa, Joni Ernst is on the ballot in November. Senders like Cory Gardner and Martha McSally, already facing tough races holding onto their Republican seats, that's where Democrats are focused and feel like impeachment actually may help pick up some Senate seats in November.

WALLACE: Karl, as we pointed out, Donald Trump is going to be delivering the State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night and, like Bill Clinton back in 1999, he'll be delivering that, even though it's only one day away from acquittal while the Senate impeachment trial is still going on.

If you were advising him, if you were in the role you were in with Bush 43, would you -- how would you tell him to handle impeachment in the Senate trial? How aggressively should he go at Democrats for what they have put him and the country through?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, the less said about it I think in the State of the Union Address the better off for President Trump. More important to herald what he's achieved. And we've heard that he's going to be talking about the blue-collar economic prosperity. And also to sort of lift the curtain on the second act, what does he intend to do both in the balance of the year and in his -- in -- and leave the impression it would - - things that he would tackle in a second term.

Tomorrow night is a valuable moment for him. It is a moment where he can sort of be dismissive of the impeachment by giving it as little attention in his remarks as possible and putting the focus on what he's done and what he intends to do.

WALLACE: All right, let's turn to why you guys are all in Des Moines and I should point out, off-camera Karl pointed out the temperature disparity between Des Moines and Miami. Karl, I'm sorry you drew the short straw. Although Des Moines is a lovely place.

But -- there it is. 43 degrees in Des Moines, 66 --

ROVE: Yes --

WALLACE: I will tell you, it is unseasonably cold here in Miami, so we're - - we're actually not that happy here.

ROVE: Oh, you're suffering. We feel -- we feel so sorry for you to be suffering a Miami Gardens. Really. Seriously.

WALLACE: All right. In any case, let's turn to Iowa --

ROVE: Can we send you a care package?

WALLACE: Let's talk about the two frontrunners in this race who are going at each other. Here's an example.


JOE BIDEN, (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Bernie is a -- he calls himself a Democratic socialist. We have a different view on a whole lot of things. He's a decent guy. I don't think he should be running.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, Joe Biden has been on the floor of the Senate talking about the need to cut Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid.


WALLACE: Karl, as you sit there today, Sunday, do you have any sense who is going to win the Iowa caucuses tomorrow night?

ROVE: No. No real idea.

And, look, I think -- I think we're going to have multiple winners tomorrow night. This is not going to be 2000 where Al Gore blows out Bradley 60 some odd to 35 percent and the contest is over. The closest thing we have is some of the contests like 2008 where there -- it was relatively close, or 2016 where it was 49.8 to 49.8, literally a couple hundred votes separating Clinton and Sanders and it forecast a contest that went to the end of June. And I think we're going to have that kind of a contest tomorrow night.

WALLACE: So let me --

ROVE: I would not be surprised to see three or four candidates splitting up the delegate pool. I wouldn't even be surprised if five candidates shared in the 41 delegates to be awarded in Iowa.

WALLACE: So -- so let's pick up on that, Marie. Assuming that it's kind of muddled and maybe one person wins the popular vote and somebody else wins the delegate vote, how much does Iowa matter as we all get on the train or the bus and head to New Hampshire the next day?

HARF: I think as long as there are no huge surprises, nobody really underperforming or over performing, it will probably end up muddled and we'll going into New Hampshire expecting Bernie Sanders to win there, expecting Joe Biden to win in Nevada and South Carolina and then looking to see how Mike Bloomberg will do on Super Tuesday.

Joe Biden does need to perform strongly here in Iowa because of the expectations. He needs to demonstrate that he is the moderate choice that is in the primary against the Bernie/Warren wing of it. And so I think that where Amy Klobuchar's voters go potentially on a second ballot, if she doesn't make the threshold, if they go to Joe Biden --

WALLACE: Let me --

HARF: If Mayor Pete doesn't, where his voters go. That's what we're really going to be watching here.

WALLACE: Marie, let me bring in -- we're wanting out of time. Let me bring in Brit. I've got about a minute and a half left.

I -- you know, I can make a scenario that this is shaping up pretty well for Mike Bloomberg. You could have a pretty muddled field coming out of Iowa, maybe New Hampshire. The DNC has just changed its rules so that Bloomberg is going to be able to get on the stage likely for the next debate.

How seriously should we take Mayor Mike?

HUME: I think we should take Mayor Mike quite seriously. I think he's a genuine wildcard in the race. And remember, Chris, we are seeing money spent by him in this race that is orders of magnitude greater than anything we have ever seen. And if you get a muddled picture, particularly one with Bernie Sanders getting an edge out of Iowa and perhaps New Hampshire as well, I think that strengthens the case for Bloomberg because frightened centrist Democrats and moderate Democrats, to the extent that there are any, will be terrified of Sanders, terrified of a major defeat at his hands and I think that at that point, Bloomberg, with all his money, becomes a potential factor.

We don't know that. Nothing's ever -- like this has never been tried before. When people wait to get into late races, that has never worked before. But this is altogether different because we're seeing money on a scale we've never seen before.

WALLACE: And let me just point out, panel, I was talking to a big Republican who is here for the Super Bowl and he said the one advice he's giving to President Trump is don't tweet about Mike Bloomberg. All you do is elevate him. And last night, and you can check it out, Donald Trump was tweeting about Mike Bloomberg.

Thank you, panel. See you next Sunday in New Hampshire, where it will be a lot colder than it is here.

Up next, the highlights every time we report from the Super Bowl. We sit on with the hosts of "FOX NFL SUNDAY" and, yes, once again it gets out of hand.


WALLACE: That's a look at the massive Fox Sports and media compound on South Beach ahead of tonight's big game.

Earlier, we got the chance to sit down again with a "FOX NFL SUNDAY" crew, Terry, Howie, Michael, and Jimmy. And, once again, it got rowdy.


WALLACE: So, it has taken me three years to recover from our last encounter. Are you as excited to see me as I am to see all of you?





BRADSHAW: No, I'm not and I know he isn't.

JIMMY JOHNSON, "FOX NFL SUNDAY" HOST: Oh, no, no, I'm really excited. Yes.


BRADSHAW: Oh, you're excited. OK, I'm --

WALLACE: Let's get --

LONG: You're the only guy that's on TV more than Michael right now with all these hearings --

WALLACE: No, nobody's on TV more than Michael.

STRAHAN: Well, Jimmy dressed up for you, by the way.

WALLACE: I know that. I was going to say, you guys didn't dress up.

All right, let's start with the game.

The -- it seems to me one of the storylines here is generational change. No Tom Brady. No Bill Belichick. New faces. New teams.

Howie, is that good for the game?

LONG: Yes, I do. And I think we always -- we always wonder who's going to replace -- whether it's Terry Bradshaw, Joe Montana, John Elway and his -- this kid in Kansas City is a guy that if he pulls this thing off might be the face of the NFL. And we're going to see a lot of kids out there trying to emulate him in Pop Warner football and the sidearm throws, the --

WALLACE: The no look throws.

LONG: Yes, exactly.

WALLACE: The left-handed throws.


WALLACE: Let me pick up that with you, TB, because --

BRADSHAW: TB. TB. Do you hear it?

WALLACE: No, we're -- come on, we're -- we're besties.

BRADSHAW: Hey there, bubba.

STRAHAN: Oh, boy, that was awkward.

WALLACE: Hey, stop laughing!

STRAHAN: That was awkward.

WALLACE: So, anyway, I think that Mahomes is the most dynamic, most exciting player in the game. As somebody who knows even more about quarterbacking than I do, what you think?

BRADSHAW: Well, he is -- there is a kid -- Lamar Jackson in Baltimore --


BRADSHAW: Who's as equally as exciting, only in a different way.


BRADSHAW: Not only can he throw the football, but he -- he's electrifying as a runner also.


BRADSHAW: So he is -- he is -- I would put them one a and one b, you'd go whichever one you -- way you want to go. But I -- but Mahomes -- hey, listen, I have such great respect and admiration for him that we had a horse born the other day and we -- my wife named him Homes.


BRADSHAW: Because she's from Kansas City. Homes.

WALLACE: Oh, OK. All right.

BRADSHAW: So, there you go. That says it all.

STRAHAN: You -- you sure know how to bring a horse or a cow story into every game.

BRADSHAW: Always promoting, Mike. Always, the wife --

STRAHAN: It's amazing. It's really amazing.

WALLACE: So, Michael, you've got this turbocharged Kansas City offense against this stiff, stubborn San Francisco defense. How do you handicap that?

STRAHAN: Oh, man. I -- you -- think when you're a defensive player and how you always feel like defense wins in a lot of ways because they always say the best -- the best counter to a great passing game is a pass rush. You know, that helps out the coverage. I think the unique thing the 49ers have, four guys who can get after the quarterbacks and you can drop seven. They take away so much worry on the back end of this defense but Kansas City, you're going against some of the fastest receivers in the games and the most electric receivers in the game and also a running back in Williams, who had to that coming out of the back for another (ph) receiver. This is going to be as TB -- I don't even know. It's going to be a hard day --

WALLACE: Hey, see, he gets away with it. You don't laugh at him, TB.

STRAHAN: It's such a hard game to -- it's such pick. And you know the other day I had a puppy and I --

WALLACE: What was the puppy's name, Michael? Raheem.

STRAHAN: Homes (INAUDIBLE). The puppy's name is Jimmy G.

WALLACE: Well, let me ask Jimmy Johnson, because one of the other storylines in this is Andy Reid, who is the winningest coach in the NFL history who has not won a Super Bowl. And the story is that everybody outside of San Francisco is rooting for Andy Reid to win the Super Bowl. Is that true? And, if so, why?

JOHNSON: Chris, I really think so because he is such a nice guy. Any -- you know --


JOHNSON: Anybody that knows him personally, anybody that's ever met him, you know, they all say, you know, Andy Reid is one of the nicest people you'll ever want to meet. And so even though people are people supposed to be unbiased, you know, really they're pulling for Andy Reid to win the Super Bowl.

And you talk to those players. You know, I -- I talked with him the other day. I said, you know, looking at it, you know, your players like you. They don't just play for you, they like you. I don't know that they ever liked me. Now, they respected me, but I don't know about -- if they really liked me.

STRAHAN: You want me to answer that?

JOHNSON: I say your --

WALLACE: Yes, answer that, Michael.

JOHNSON: Supposed to jump in and -- you jump in and say they liked him.

STRAHAN: They didn't like him.

WALLACE: They didn't like him?


STRAHAN: No, they respected him, but they didn't like him. He was a mean man.


BRADSHAW: And Jimmy Johnson would scare me if I was playing for Jimmy Johnson.

STRAHAN: Oh, I used to love playing -- I'd play in fear for Jimmy.

WALLACE: OK, so now let me look at it from the other side.

Howie, in the NFC championship game, you're looking at me like you're a little surprised I know this much about it. Jimmy Garoppolo --

BRADSHAW: It's written down, for God's sake.

WALLACE: I wrote it.

BRADSHAW: You're reading it.

WALLACE: Jimmy Garoppolo ran -- threw the ball eight times. Can he get through this Super Bowl and win it throwing the ball eight times?

LONG: You know, I think he benefited a great deal from being in New England, just through osmosis. I think, you know, you -- he's bound to have picked something up from Tom Brady and Bill Belichick and I think it's something that he's used earlier in the year. You talk about the New Orleans games, four touchdown passes in that game and I think Jimmy's willing to win whatever way he has to. And I think that's key. And I think that's part of his New England background. That's in his DNA.

STRAHAN: I don't think you're going to win going in --

BRADSHAW: Here's what's got everybody confused. They're looking at the last two games. The playoff games where he ran the ball in one game 47 times.


BRADSHAW: But let me explain something. He -- he averaged 285 yards a game this year and Mahomes, 301. And he had 28 touchdowns. The other guy had 30 (ph). He's playing with --

WALLACE: Have you got this written down somewhere?

BRADSHAW: I -- no, bub, it's right here.


BRADSHAW: This is what I do for a living.



WALLACE: I have -- you know, nobody's called me that in a couple of weeks.

BRADSHAW: If I call you bub, you're in my circle, OK?

WALLACE: OK. All right.

BRADSHAW: But this --

WALLACE: I'm your man. I am your Mahomey?

BRADSHAW: You are my Mahomey.

LONG: Once it's in there, nothing gets out there.

STRAHAN: This is awkward, the longer this goes.

WALLACE: All right, so, Michael, let me ask you a series football question.

Rahim -- I'm not looking. Raheem Mostert ran for 220 yards in the NFC championship game. I checked -- I did check this out. Since 2015, he has been on eight NFL teams. So -- and he looks like Jim Brown suddenly.


WALLACE: So how does he emerge like this?

STRAHAN: Because I think he's in an offense that fits him well. And they've have a three headed running back by running back by committee. And when his number's being called, he's taking advantage of it.

But any guy who's been on that many teams and you get an opportunity, you're not letting it pass. He's running as if his life depends on it because his football life does. And the way he's representing himself now, if -- if he's not on the 49ers, there are so many other teams right there who will take this kid because it's good to see a story like this. This is a great storyline for the NFL, for all those kids out there who may not be the best now, who may feel like they're on the verge of, you know, not making a team, that once you are -- you get cut or once you -- you're not - - you get let go, don't give up. He's a great -- great model for that.

BRADSHAW: Yes, he was a special teams guy and by people getting hurt he got his chance to play and he's -- he's --

LONG: It's an amazing story.

JOHNSON: Yes, incredible story.


WALLACE: It is an amazing story. And I'm glad that I knew in and asked you guys about it. There you go.

You're my Mahomey.

LONG: Mahomey.

WALLACE: All right, Jimmy, so --

BRADSHAW: Do you do this with the senators?

WALLACE: Exactly. Off-camera.

Listen -- would you stop laughing at me?


WALLACE: I'm glad I'm entertaining you, Howie. I'm glad -- he's turning red with laughter.

So, Jimmy --

LONG: Oh, we laugh a lot.

WALLACE: Keys to the game. It's for the folks sitting out there, first quarter, what's going to say to them, well, you know, this is looking Kansas City or, no, this is looking --

JOHNSON: Well, you look at Kansas City the last couple of ball games, they've come from behind. You know, they got behind against Tennessee. They got behind -- you know, the -- they can come from behind and score lots of points.

And I had to go against you here, Michael, and I said, you know, and coaching all those years, I would've gone defense. But Patrick Mahomes, he is so talented. I think he may offset that defense. He can make things happen that no other quarterback can make happen.

LONG: See, he went to -- he went to their practice.


LONG: He spoke to the teams.

STRAHAN: Yes, so he's biased (ph).

LONG: He gave them a big pep talk.

WALLACE: They like him? They like him?

LONG: He's a Kansas City guy. He's got to go now.

BRADSHAW: Oh, Coach Johnson. Oh.

STRAHAN: But I'll tell you right now, you better not -- you said they -- he said they started slow. They got behind. If they get behind 21 points like they did against Houston, or they get behind 10 points, like they did in the last game --

JOHNSON: Did you think --

STRAHAN: I don't know if you come back against this defense --

LONG: Yes.

STRAHAN: Because they will run the ball to keep your offense off the field.

JOHNSON: I don't know --

BRADSHAW: Most teams that are able to come from behind are playing against teams that go into zones. Zones allow you to move the ball, all right? Man- to-man, you can go fast and this team in San Francisco, you get behind, they come -- they're going to pour it on you.

JOHNSON: No, TB, you know, those players for Kansas City will recall what I told them at practice.

BRADSHAW: Pep talk.

WALLACE: Did you --


WALLACE: Wait a minute, you gave them a pep talk and you didn't give the 49ers a pep talk?

LONG: No, he did not.

JOHNSON: We have a little --

WALLACE: That would be like me giving the Democrats a pep talk and not the Republicans.

JOHNSON: Well, no, no, no, no. We have a contest here on "FOX NFL SUNDAY."

BRADSHAW: True that.

JOHNSON: We have a contest.

BRADSHAW: True that.

JOHNSON: And I'm the lead dog. I'm the lead dog. Been lead dog all year long.

STRAHAN: Oh, my God.

LONG: And we can always take it back to you.

WALLACE: OK, wait, wait, I -- I -- wait -- I've got to -- we're running out of time and I know you'd like to talk to me all afternoon, but the big story to me and the thing I was most excited about sitting down with you is that you are now a member of the Hall of Fame.


WALLACE: I watched when you got the announcement here on this show. Frankly, you blubbered like a baby.




WALLACE: No, no, what -- what -- I just want to ask, why does it mean so much to you?

JOHNSON: When you coach for 40 years --


JOHNSON: It's nice to be recognized. You know, actually, when I was coaching, I didn't care anything about individual awards. It's a team game. But now that I've been out for so long, having coached that amount of time, and plus with these guys, the people I love right up here, they're all Hall of Famers. So I wanted to be a Hall of Famer too.


LONG: Ad deservedly so.

BRADSHAW: Are you in the Hall of Fame, by the way?

WALLACE: I'm not in anybody's Hall of Fame.

BRADSHAW: I can't believe they let you come out here and do this interview.

WALLACE: I'm not -- I'm not. All right, so --

BRADSHAW: Where did you go to high school?

WALLACE: Three years from now --


WALLACE: Hey, guess what, the interview's done, I don't care. You can have it. I'll sign it for you. Thank you.

So, three years from now, when we're doing it again, Fox, the Super Bowl is in Phoenix, in Arizona.

Their babies. They're going to be there. The question is, are you and I going to be there three years from now?

BRADSHAW: Well, I'm -- I plan on being there. Why wouldn't I be there?


BRADSHAW: I'm 71. How old are you?

WALLACE: I'm 72.

BRADSHAW: OK. I -- I got better a chance then you then.

WALLACE: You're -- wait a minute, you -- when you were winning all those games with Pittsburgh, you were younger than I was?

BRADSHAW: One year it looks like.

WALLACE: Say goodnight, Gracie, we're done.

BRADSHAW: No, you (INAUDIBLE). Who are you picking in the game?

WALLACE: Look, you guys don't tell ahead of time.

BRADSHAW: Yes, I'm -- I will tell you. who you picking?

WALLACE: All right. You're going to tell first?

BRADSHAW: I'll go 49ers. Who you going with?

WALLACE: Kansas City.

BRADSHAW: Well, that's the dumbest pick I ever heard in my life.

WALLACE: Jimmy, you want to say?

JOHNSON: Hey, bub, you and I, Kansas City.

WALLACE: Oh, wait a minute, you're not supposed to -- Howie?

LONG: I'll make my pick on Sunday.



STRAHAN: Same as that. Saving mine for Sunday. But I've got to say, this is the most fun interview we've done all week.

LONG: Yes, it's good. Fist pump (INAUDIBLE).

WALLACE: All right.

BRADSHAW: There you go, man. Mahomey.

WALLACE: They're Mahomey.

BRADSHAW: Mahomey.

WALLACE: True that, baby.

BRADSHAW: True that.

WALLACE: Hey, mike dropped.


WALLACE: Oh, my.

Up next, our "Power Player of the Week." He pulled off one of the most famous plays in football and we'll ask Hall of Famer Franco Harris about the immaculate reception and what he thinks about another big contest as FOX NEWS SUNDAY reports from Hard Rock Stadium live in Miami Gardens ahead of Super Bowl LIV.


WALLACE: One of the best parts of going to the Super Bowl is before the game when you see football giants walking down the street. Well, yesterday, I sat down with Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Fame running back Franco Harris and he's our "Power Player of the Week."


WALLACE: So, Franco, I've got to tell you, I was talking to Dana Perino yesterday and I said I'm talking to Franco Harris, and she said Frank O'Harris (ph). And she --

FRANCO HARRIS, NFL HALL OF FAMER: I get that all the time. And I tell people, that's why the (INAUDIBLE) drafted me, they thought my name was Frank O'Harris.

WALLACE: They thought you were Irish?

HARRIS: They thought I was Irish. And whala (ph).

WALLACE: It worked out.


This is the NFL's 100 season and the league says that the greatest play in the 100 years is your catch, the immaculate reception, back in the playoff game in 1972.

Why do you think that play still resonates 48 years later?

HARRIS: Because the Steelers, before that year, the Steelers always found a way to lose. They were known as SOS, same old Steelers found a way to lose. And on that play, we were winning and then were losing again. But, guess what? We found a way to win.

WALLACE: And that's it.

HARRIS: And -- and --

WALLACE: You can find a way to win.

HARRIS: Find a way to win and that's been carried over with the Steelers ever since.

WALLACE: You say that that play happened because you had been trained by Coach Paterno at Penn State.

HARRIS: Right.

WALLACE: Always go to the ball.

HARRIS: Go to the ball. And during that play, when Bradshaw was scrambling, and he threw the ball, I said, go to the ball. And it's amazing what can happen.


HARRIS: So, thank you, Joe.

WALLACE: Over the years you have supported a lot of causes, education, scholarships for kids in public schools, programs for poor people like energy assistance, Special Olympics.

How important for you to have this platform of the NFL has given you so you can help people?

HARRIS: You know what, the NFL has given me an unbelievable platform. And if my voice can make a difference, then I look at that platform as being something more than just football

WALLACE: This is a political talk show, so I'm going to ask you one, quick political question. I know you're a big Democrat. Do you have a candidate for 2020?

HARRIS: You know what, as you know, I will get behind one. And I like it every four years we compete. I love to compete. And whoever wins, wins, that's my president, right? And -- but then ever four -- you know, then when that fourth year comes around, I'm saying like -- I'm ready. And the other three, three and a half years, you know, I'm like, you know -- you know, I'm not much involved.


HARRIS: But once it's time to compete and get into the game, I'm there and I love it.

WALLACE: And let me say, if that's -- this is the Super Bowl, that's the real Super Bowl.

HARRIS: That's the real Super Bowl, no doubt about it.

WALLACE: Franco, thank you.

HARRIS: Thanks, Chris.

WALLACE: My pleasure.

HARRIS: Really appreciate it. Nice being on here with you.


WALLACE: We want to thank all the Fox at -- folks at Fox News and Fox Sports who helped us report on three big stories today.

Keep it right here tonight on your local Fox station as the best team in sports television brings you every moment of Super Bowl LIV.

And that's it for today. Have a great week and next week we'll see you next FOX NEWS SUNDAY from snowy New Hampshire.

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