
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," October 28, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Could this happen to you? A Florida woman finding out she will have to pay 10 times as much for health insurance. That is because she is losing her current plan to ObamaCare.

Dianne Barrette joins us. Nice to see you.


VAN SUSTEREN: All right. I understand, in fact, I have got a copy of your Florida Blue insurance and it's about $54 a month. And now I understand that, under ObamaCare, it's going to go up -- at least they said that the policy they would offer you under Florida Blue would be $591, is that correct?

BARRETTE: That's correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, you are $54 a month policy is a pretty, you know, bare-bones policy. Why do you want to keep that one, except for the price? Maybe you can get something better with a subsidy?

BARRETTE: Well, I know it doesn't cover lengthy hospital stays. But it's perfect for what I want. I get co-pays for doctor visits and prescriptions. So, so it suffices what I need. Also, the price isn't too bad either.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, does it pay for any hospitalization, the current policy you have?

BARRETTE: Again, I'm a little confused about it. I have been reading over and over the policies. And it appears that it does cover some outpatient. But when you go through the booklet they sent, it would say refer to this. Refer to it, but then refers back to -- it was very confusing.

VAN SUSTEREN: I don't doubt that. I can tell you, I totally agree with you. Trying to figure out insurance is extremely confusing in the best of circumstances.

Look, you were promised you could keep your policy if you like it.


VAN SUSTEREN: I must say though that your policy is like, you know, if you are walking across the street and someone run as red light you are in deep trouble under your existing policy.

BARRETTE: That is true.

VAN SUSTEREN: So maybe it turns out that there might be a different policy. I know that wasn't the promise made to you, but maybe there is something, a policy out there for you that is -- I don't know if it comes as low as $54 with a subsidy. Do you know that? I don't know that.

BARRETTE: No, since I did my tweet about this issue, I have gotten a lot of emails with links that would provide me low -- well, not really low, but better care than $591 a month. So that's something I would like to look into.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, it is true that you are going to get a lot of -- on the services you may not want. You may not want maternal, pediatric, dental or vision. You may not want some of those. And it's extremely confusing. I don't recommend, or at least right now, HealthCare.gov to getting it clarified. You have a real stripped-down policy here. And I think you need to find someone who understands this stuff. It's pretty confusing, I concede.

Your promise wasn't kept. You don't get to keep your policy, I can tell that you much, because I read that right here.

BARRETTE: Yeah. And also the doctors I have been using, they have been wonderful. I wanted to hang on to them. But apparently, I can't do that anymore. And also, trying to get on to the website, that's a joke, because no one can get on it right now. So it's really hard. There is time constraints. They were saying in the letter, you have to make up your mind by November 1st, which is only a couple of days. I'm allowed to keep my plan up until December 31st. As of January 1st, I have to pay that $591 in full or I get dropped.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I recommend that you find someone who understands this stuff a lot better than I do, who can explain it to you, because your situation is a troubling one.

But, Dianne, thank you and good luck.

BARRETTE: Oh, thank you so much.