
The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Fewer Britons Favoring War

A new poll out of Britain — the U.S.'s staunchest ally in Iraq — shows that fewer Britons now back the war in Iraq, with support going from 43 percent two months ago to 38 percent now. In addition, the poll, conducted by British pollster You-Gov, shows the majority of Britons think British Prime Minister Tony Blair should publicly apologize for going to war under what has now been shown to be flawed intelligence.

And, nearly 5 times more Britons hope John Kerry, rather than President Bush, wins the White House in November. However, a different poll shows that in Australia — another staunch ally in Iraq — support for the war in Iraq has been increasing, going from 31 percent two months ago to 38 percent now.

And, according to the Sydney Morning Herald poll, a majority of Australians say Iraqis are better off now than they were before the war.

Libya Suing Secretary of State?

Libya says it is going to sue Secretary of State Colin Powell for — "humiliating the people of Libya" and Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. At a conference in Washington last week, Powell called the Libyan government — "non-democratic" and "totalitarian."

Libya's foreign minister calls those remarks — "blasphemous and defamatory against Libyans," insisting that his government is based on direct rule by the people. And so, the foreign minister says, his government will file a lawsuit against Powell. But he would not say what the lawsuit will be seeking — or even where it will be filed.

Donkey Delegate

The Kerry-Edwards campaign has persuaded the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston to host the Democratic Party's official Donkey Delegate during its convention next week. Due to terrorism threats and heightened security measures, Swifty The Donkey isn't allowed inside the FleetCenter — where the convention is being held — but the zoo has agreed to house him, temporarily.

Swifty's owner insists the donkey — "is going to swing the election for us." The zoo, meanwhile, says Republican elephants are welcome, too.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report