
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 6, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: The fallout from Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl's prisoner trade intensifies, as new details are emerging about the circumstances surrounding the night he vanished. Six of Bergdahl's fellow platoon members who served with him in Afghanistan, expressed anger, sadness, and outrage over what they said was Bergdahl's willful desertion five years ago.

Here they are in a revealing "KELLY FILE" exclusive.


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Raise your hand if you think he deserted? Wow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We knew he had deserted. We knew that he was trying to find the Taliban. When I saw him, I said, wow, he looks pretty good. We looked a lot worse than that when we were out there looking for him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would have done everything I had to do, cursing on them, trying to escape, swinging on them, trying to steal a gun, shoot them. I'm not going to be a propaganda piece so my family can see me on the Internet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever his agenda was in trying to connect with the Taliban, explain to me how that's honorable. I mean --

KELLY: They seem to be trying to pre-date.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, that's spitting in the face to everyone who deployed, came back --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're not there because it's easy. We're there to do a hard job and that's what you signed up to do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We all signed up by ourselves. We volunteered. A draft didn't come through. Nothing like that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He doesn't seem like a captive. He seems like someone who is potentially enjoying himself.

KELLY: What did you think when you saw the president with his parents in the Rose Garden?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hard to watch that. It was hard. I had to leave the room.

KELLY: Raise your hand if you would like to see him court-martialed and see a trial? Wow.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, there you have. That was a "KELLY FILE" exclusive last night on the FOX News Channel.

But there were some in the politics and in the administration that would call these men liars, say they have a loose relationship with the truth. Big problem here because they are coming forward, they haven't been able to be silenced, Eric. They're there to tell the story about what happened and what they know about the man that they served with.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Last night, that hour was one of the best TV I've seen in a long time. Here are six heroes, heroes, who served alongside -- one of them was a platoon leader of Bergdahl who said unequivocally, yes, get him back but then try him. Find out exactly what went on.

Now, since that interview, today -- some of the new pieces that come around today, that one of the Taliban five or the Obama five, whatever you want to call them, the people we traded for Bergdahl, has said he will fight against Americans again. He's not done in the fight, in the jihad against Americans. That's one thing.

Another piece of information I came out now, unnamed sources granted, so take with a grain of salt, high level Obama advisers had said to President Obama, had advised him against making this trade because it would be, quote, "like sending five four-star generals back." That's what it was like. That's what the equivalent would have been.

So bottom line is there were a lot of questions surrounding what went on. I think everyone agrees get the guy back. Just make sure you find out what's going on. Get that information from him.

GUILFOYLE: Justice delayed should not be justice denied here.

But, Dana, talk me through the optics, the communication here, because do you think that the White House anticipated that you would have soldiers coming forward like this to tell the story and speak openly and frequently about what happened back then?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It is hard to imagine that they would not, but it appears that they did not, because I think one of things they could have done to mitigate this is to reach out to those families at the same time or to these soldiers and to be able to say, look, he's going to be able to come back.

The reason I think that all of them want to come out and speak publicly is that the president made a decision to try to paint a narrative of Bergdahl as a hero, and -- period, end of sentence. No answering of questions surrounding his disappearance, nor about the rescue.

Yesterday, James Clapper said in -- is reported to have said in a hearing when asked about the health of Bergdahl and the urgency to bring him back, he said the intel would not support that.

So, it's hard to for me to imagine that the White House didn't anticipate a lot of this. I think they could have had a much different week if they had made a decision instead of doing a Rose Garden ceremony to do a White House photo release of the president contacting the family and Susan Rice, instead of going on Sunday show to say unequivocally what she said to say we're going to get all of the answers. This is a tough deal for America to have to swallow. We think it was the right thing to do. We understand people will disagree with it. But we think it's the best thing for America. They wouldn't have had the week they have had.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's been unnecessarily frenetic for them. You have Susan Rice saying things such as this man served with honor and distinction and so many facts and evidence coming out to fly in the face of that. It's a real credibility problem for this administration.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I think you guys have blown this way out of proportion. It's disgusting. These guys -- the conditions for the release was a one-year travel ban and also, they are going to make an annual Muslim pilgrimage.

They are only going to be praying. I don't know what you are talking about. I hear they might open a goat-only Arby's.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh!

GUTFELD: Which I think would be wonderful. But we all know --


GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

GUTFELD: Yes, you don't want to know.

Killing Americans is their skill set. We just handed five grenades for a squirt gun. It's pretty bad.

I have an idea, though, the Taliban five, those guys, they should get a TV show in Afghanistan, a round table where they discuss the issues of the day like head lice, bestiality, gang rape, beheading. They could have a goat named Casper. What do you think about that?

But yes, this is crazy.

GUILFOYLE: The Taliban's goat, perfect, yes.

GUTFELD: But I'm keeping an open mind about this.

BOLLING: Should each one of them host a separate segment?


GUTFELD: Yes, and you have one more beheading at the end of every show.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God! Bob, that wouldn't go well for you in our group. Oh, my goodness.

PERINO: Somebody on the show gets beheaded.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. One more beheading.

GUILFOYLE: Interesting. One casualty.


BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: If I could comment on a few of these things, first of all, I don't know of anybody who has called these people liars like you suggested at the beginning, I really don't. I mean --

GUILFOYLE: Are you going to respond?

BECKEL: Except for Greg, what does that matter? I mean, talk about authoritative source. But it's --

GUTFELD: How about "The New York Times," Bob? If you can say, "The New York Times" claimed it was these guys' fault. It's the truth's fault.

GUILFOYLE: Right, so we have --


GUTFELD: So, I guess, is that an OK source?

GUILFOYLE: I want to bring that in and Bob can -- hold on one second.

GUTFELD: You came after me, Bob.


GUILFOYLE: Hold on. Eric, give me a second here.

Hold up "The New York Times" editorial because we're going to see if this is going to help Bob. I think it's not. It's not going so far so well for him in six minutes in.

"The rush to be demonize Sergeant Bergdahl. If anything the report suggests that the Army unit's lack of security and discipline was as much to blame for the disappearance. This is what we're referring to.

BECKEL: Well, OK. You can take that as meaning that it's their responsibility.

But let me put it this way -- this guy got away from twice, he wandered away from his base. So, he got a history of doing this, right? I'm sure that was in the official files of the military or secret files of the military.

When you listen to these guys talk last night, and I have no reason to doubt their sincerity, they gave a definitive statement, he was a deserter. The platoon leader said he was a deserter.

When we started this discussion several days ago, it was sent around people getting killed going after him, if you remember. That number one from six to nine, to 14, to something. That number is backing way off because unfortunately, I think the right thing to do is that there is not much indication that people died directly as a result of trying to find him because he wasn't worth losing their lives finding if this is in fact what this guy is about.

How in the world the Obama administration could have done that -- knowing -- just knowing what the military had to know, how they possibly could have had a Rose Garden ceremony is so incomprehensible to me.


But can I -- this thing in "The New York Times," it's kind of infuriating. They are a pig looking for truffles, except that truffle is any defense of any scandal that involves Obama. The paper -- I mean, talking about losing troops -- the paper loses more employees than the Sherpa industry. And it reflects a media cocoon that creates Obama's vulnerability. This is the reason why --

PERINO: He has the Rose Garden.

GUTFELD: -- he has a Rose Garden thing, because nobody tells him his mistakes. Without criticism by your friends, you become, weak, clueless, and incompetent which is the only areas that Obama has really grown in.

BECKEL: Don't you think that somebody would have known about this? I mean, don't you think so?

GUTFELD: Yes. I think so.



PERINO: Or they did and they don't care.

BOLLING: Right, they didn't care. These are the words of Susan Rice the week before this story broke, before the trade was done. She said we need to put some points on the board. I'm not making this up. This is her quote. We need to put points on the board.

So what happens within four days of that quote, they take a victory lap over this trade and they are thinking they are putting points on the board, Bob, and what they are doing is they are throwing air balls up and everyone is saying, are you kidding me? You're putting points against it, on the other team, on the visitors team?

BECKEL: Yes, but you said, everybody says, are you kidding me? You're right. Everybody is saying that.

So, how does a collection of people at the White House --

GUILFOYLE: They don't get it.

BECKEL: The idea that they don't think that this thing was going to exposed, what this guy's background was, is incomprehensible to me.

BOLLING: Bob, it was in "The Rolling Stone" magazine in 2012.

BECKEL: I understand that. That makes it --

GUTFELD: What Bob is trying to say is he's so surprised that such a competent White House would make such a mistake like this?

GUILFOYLE: It's really shocking.

BECKEL: No. It adds to their incompetence. This is the problem. It's one thing after another. But this one happens, served in ones --

BOLLING: There's information that we don't know --

BECKEL: I'm suggesting that somehow, someway, they got together, smoked a bunch of dope and convinced each other that they were going to get something positive out of this. How can you possibly make that determination?

PERINO: I think it goes all the way to the top because if you're staff and you go in and you know the military intel and all the deputy and principles, processes that goes through up until it gets to the president for the final thing, the final decision had to be from the President Obama not just on the decision to do the rescue but to also do the Rose Garden ceremony.

Can you imagine going into the Oval Office and saying, Mr. President, we've got a great idea, we have no answers to anything but we'd like you to go out and speak definitely with Bergdahl's father and he's going to speak Pashto to his son from the Rose Garden, and then you can go to Europe and have a great trip, and we will have put points on the board.

And the president of the United States doesn't say, are you sure that's going to --


BECKEL: No, but they would have said, we have answers, Mr. President, to some things here. We already know. This guy has deserted his base twice before. There's every indication that his platoon leader thinks he's deserter. And if Obama is told that --

PERINO: That's what I mean, I think you and I are agreeing.

GUTFELD: No, but the thing is, maybe those things aren't a big deal. Those things aren't a big deal to a certain mindset that sees desertion as like calling in sick for work.

GUILFOYLE: That's it. It doesn't have the same significance. I don't think they properly vetted this situation. I think he was poorly advised.

But ultimately it's on his call. I think they're worried about the V.A., well, now they have this. Great job. Not only was this sloppy, it was dangerous and reckless to the rest of Americans.

And then there's this, Susan Rice, the gift that keeps on giving. Roll it.


SUSAN RICE, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I realize there's been a lot of discussion and controversy around this, but what I was referring to is the fact that this was a young man who volunteered to serve his country in uniform at a time of war. That is itself a very honorable thing. And --

REPORTER: But honor and distinction?

RICE: Jim, really, this is a young man whose circumstances we are still going to learn about. He is as all Americans innocent until proven guilty. Military has committed to review the circumstances of his capture, if there is a consequence that results from that, that will be -- that will be delivered.



GUTFELD: I like how she gets angry that Jim is like saying I'm just repeating what you said, really, really, Jim?

By the way, based her standard of honor and distinction, you could say the same thing for Chelsea Manning and Benedict Arnold.

PERINO: On that standard.

GUTFELD: Yes, on that standard.


PERINO: Well, I think that -- it's interesting that she seems to never bear any responsibility for something that she's said and she's asking for patience after she was the one who said what she said. It would have been very easy for her to have added a little bit of a qualification at the beginning of her sentence last Sunday that would have avoided their whole problem.

But I think that they -- they decided they wanted to have a narrative of a hero, they went forward with it and now, they're having to deal with - -

GUILFOYLE: Well, Eric, the heroes were the guys were on the "KELLY FILE" last night, OK? Because they brought up a great point. Any honorable soldier knows if you get taken, you're going to put everyone else, all the troops, at risk, they're going to torture -- what do you do? Any good soldier would pull out his Ka-Bar and not be taken alive and everybody knows that. That's how they work.

BECKEL: But would you not think that they say because they knew he was a deserter, right? And the military knows he's a deserter, it's not worth us sending anybody out to get him?


PERINO: They said they would go and die for him regardless.

BECKEL: Because you think that they are stupid enough to believe they are going to get away with this.

BOLLING: Do you have any other explanation?

BECKEL: I have -- I don't have all evidence.

BOLLING: Right. So, therefore, the conclusion is they are that freaking stupid. There's no other explanation. You don't have one.

GUILFOYLE: And you said that the administration was high on dope.

BECKEL: Yes, but nobody can get elected president of the United States twice (INAUDIBLE) and be that dumb.

PERINO: But if you have a willing media, a compliant media --

BECKEL: But they are not that compliant. I mean, you can't --

GUTFELD: Are you kidding me?


PERINO: They need to bring back those campaign people into the White House.

GUILFOYLE: The liberal on "The Five."

GUTFELD: It's a liberal intervention.

All right. We're trying to help you see the light. This is incompetent administration.

BECKEL: I want to -- I guess I want to see all the facts before I decide to shoot myself.

GUTFELD: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh!

GUTFELD: It's a good point. And I don't want you to shoot yourself.

GUILFOYLE: And people, there you have it. Consensus has been reached. This is a FOX News alert on a Friday.

All right. Don't go anywhere, because when we come back, we've got a sneak peek at Hillary Clinton's new book and her revealing remarks on Syria, Benghazi and more. So, stick around.

And later, it's our Facebook free-for-all, you know the drill. Send in your questions for now at Facebook.com/TheFiveFNC.

Lots more ahead on "The Five." Back in a moment.


PERINO: All right. Hillary Clinton hasn't officially announced her 2016 White House run, but she's already making her new memorial, "Hard Choices," out next Tuesday.

In leaked snippets, Clinton reveals her thoughts on a variety of subjects, including a couple of interesting anecdotes involving President Obama.

First, on their disagreement over Syria, she writes, "I returned to Washington reasonably confident if we decided to begin arming and training moderate Syrian rebels, we could put in place effective coordination with our regional partners. This was the president's call. My position didn't prevail."

And on her secret meeting with Obama, before the 2008 Democratic Convention, she writes, "We stared at each other like two teenagers on an awkward first date, taking a few sips of chardonnay. Both Barack Obama and I and our staffs had long lists of grievances, it was time to clear the air. One silver lining of defeat was that I came out of the experience realizing I no longer cared so much about what the critic said about me."

All right. Greg, you're a prolific author and --

GUTFELD: Well, as you know, Dana, I judge a book by its cover. And the title of this book is "Hard Choices.," which I believe should have been the title for Monica Lewinsky's book, or maybe not so hard.

But if you look at "Hard Choices," it's sexist, because it implies that it was tough doing her job. So, we should cut her some slack. Oh, it's such a hard job. It should have been called "I'm not him" with an arrow pointing to Obama.


GUTFELD: Or, Bill, yes.


GUILFOYLE: And not them, them two.

PERINO: Yes, exactly. That could have been good. I'm going to read you a quote, because she commented in an interview about Bowe Bergdahl. This is not in the book, but in the interview. She said, "I acknowledge as I had many times before that opening the door to negotiations with the Taliban would be hard to swallow for many Americans after so many years of war."

I'm sorry, that is in the book, but it refers to this and we know that the intel, the defense community, we don't -- I don't know if we know specifically if she was one of the hold-outs telling the White House that she doesn't want him released for those particular five. She wanted them captured as well.

BOLLING: When you take a step, regarding her in the book, fantastic. I'm glad she said that. She admitted to it. I believe there are some comments on record to say she wasn't comfortable with some of the things that went on.

With regard to -- if you just have half a brain you realize, if you are going to trade five high-level officers in the Taliban, give them back for one guy, you are going to open up a can of worm -- is this banned? Can of worm is banned yet?

GUTFELD: I can't remember.

BOLLING: You're going to open an opportunity for the Taliban to make more people and guess what happened, Taliban says, we're going to take -- we're going to have fun, we're going to enjoy this. We're going to take more high-level Americans. We're going to take more military people.

Our guys are more at risk now in the field and in Afghanistan around the world, any terrorist organization, any location now because of this trade. It's unbelievable, and even Hillary Clinton could see it. It's amazing that the Obama administration just can't see that. Can't see the forest for the trees?

PERINO: Bob, about three months ago, you said that you did not think Hillary Clinton would actually decide to run for president. Now that this book is out, we knew the book was coming regardless if she was going to run or not. Do you have any different sense? Have you changed your mind on that?

BECKEL: Well, the little bit I read about it, it sounds more to me like this is -- I want to settle all scores that have been out there and it doesn't convince me in the slightest that she is going to run. I'm not absolutely persuaded she's not going to run.

But I think for somebody like her to go through what -- she knows -- unless you've run for this office before, you have no idea how difficult it is, at her age, putting herself through this again, knowing she's going to get heat from every direction.

I'm still not persuaded. Now, I may be wrong. I mean, the very small minority think that she's not -- she's thinking about not doing it. But having said, I think she did answer a lot of questions here. She didn't mention the fact that Greg pointed out about Monica Lewinsky showed (INAUDIBLE), by the way.

The thing that was I thought most telling about this was she did say her disagreements with Obama, I mean, in a number of different places.

And that --

PERINO: That starts to show some distance.

BECKEL: Yes. So, that's -- that would be one indication maybe she is thinking about it, but --

PERINO: Let me ask Kimberly this.

"The Washington Free Beacon" reported that two of the PR people that work for Hillary Clinton went to "The New York Times," to complain to "The New York Times" that she was being subjected to too much harsh scrutiny at this point because she's still a private citizen.

Do you think that you can have all the benefits of being a private citizen but still be flirting with running for office like that?

GUILFOYLE: No. She lost her private status a long time ago. And I think that just seems sort of weak and immature, like, I wouldn't want staffers going and saying that to "The New York Times." That just seems like you're so not ready for prime time if you have to have two press aides go and snivel about you being written about or too much focus on you.

You are putting out a book. You are a public figure. You were married to a former president. You were secretary of state during how many scandals? Give me a break. That already shows that she's not ready.

GUTFELD: Yes, I want to comment to what Bob said. I want her to run and I want Hillary to win because I've got to -- I have to see Bill in the White House. I want to know how he's going to sneak women out. Is he going to have one of those emergency inflatable slides that unfold from his window as he's coming in? You see the women come flying out the window.

PERINO: And then they'll complain to "The New York Times" --

BECKEL: You know, I don't know if I'm breaking some secrets that you have to tell me because we both work here. But there is an underground tunnel that goes underneath Lafayette Park.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?

BECKEL: Yes. And I'm wondering if that's not the best way to come in and out.

GUTFELD: Yes, that could be it.

PERINO: Thank you for letting our enemies know your secret.

BECKEL: I probably shouldn't have said that --

PERINO: Now, they're going to have to close it up because of Bob.

All right. Up next, Greg turns the spotlight on President Obama. Is our country weaker or stronger under his leadership? We've got the new poll results.

And later, marking 70 years since D-Day. World leaders and veterans honor the fallen heroes of the Normandy invasion. That and more when "The Five" returns.


GUTFELD: According to a FOX News polls, 55 percent of voters believe President Obama has made our country weaker. And that includes 22 percent of Dems. Is this a bad thing?

Likely not to the president because it's really a question of language. We say weaker, he says smaller. The fact is the whole point of his tenure is to take a Cadillac and turn it into a Prius, to go from arrogant to apologetic.

To the current administration, America really was the biggest loser -- an obese contestant on a reality show that needed to drop weight. The problem is our president mistook muscle for fat. Everything built over the last seven decades was deemed flabby and needed shrinking. Our legacy needed lipo.

As we mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day, it pays to point out what these great men fought and died for. Not to fight and die for anything. The tools they used to get us here are so 70 years ago, dude. What's replaced them? A disdain for values like honor, a mockery of basic traditions, an obsession with cultural division. A campus clown car full of loser majoring in American self-hatred. All of that was made possible by millions of brave souls who risked their lives.

Today, let's remember the winners whose bravery paved the way for a modern contempt for those value they exemplified and who sacrificed, made it possible for petulant amnesiacs to embrace dumb doctrines heroes tried to eradicate. As someone in Colorado might say, this bud's for you.

All right. There was a really, you know -- there was a moving Normandy event today. I watched some of it, but this kind of caught my eye. This was the interpretive dance recreation of the invasion. What do you guys make of this? Thoughts?

BECKEL: Well, I think it's actually -- interesting, just finished reading about D-Day. It occurs to me is they had to slog through the water to get there.


BECKEL: A lot of the amphibious landing craft did not, they had the tides wrong. So they had to go through the water. And lot of them were killed that way.

But the one that amazes me more than anything else is the point of the hook, where they went up and rammed -- they threw up hooks and went up in the face of machine guns...


BECKEL: ... and pulled themselves up to. Ninety percent of casualties, and yet made it to the top and broke through.

Normandy was a gutsy call. And I've got to give -- you've got to give Eisenhower a lot of credit here. There was a lot of reasons not to go.


BECKEL: And Churchill was not convinced that we could go in at that point. He wanted to go up through Italy and southern France. And I think that it was one of those things that's just remarkable.

The last thing I'll say about that is you've got to give the Canadians, who were a big part of that -- they never get enough credit. They took an enormous beating that day.


BECKEL: They lost a larger percentage of their forces than anybody else did.

GUTFELD: Dana, I love this story. I don't mean to spring it on you, because I just read about it. There's an 89-year-old man in England who escaped from his nursing home, and they couldn't -- he was missing for 12 hours. They found him in Normandy with his comrades.

PERINO: I love it.

GUTFELD: I mean, those are the kind of guys.

PERINO: You also see a lot of the -- those who had parachuted then are redoing that this year on the anniversary with someone holding them, making sure that they're going to be safe on the landing. And there's something about them wanting to go back and witness it. And I love that we still have so many of them here. We need to make sure that we're taking better care of them.

That's one of the things I think my grandfather -- both my grandfathers fought in World War II, one in the Pacific, one in Europe. And when you talk about values and that maybe the values that I have now, you know, they may be ridiculed by half of America at this point, but I learned them from them, and I'm proud of it.

GUTFELD: Yes. Eric, it's -- have grits been replaced with grievance?

BOLLING: Can I get back to Obama's approval rating that you pointed out in your monologue? You pointed out that, by a decisive 20-percent- point margin, Americans think the country is weaker under the leadership of President Obama.

He also pointed out the way this White House is seen as less competent than the previous two administrations, but there's silver lining in this all. Because the Obama approval rating is soaring in Yemen and Pakistan.


PERINO: Oh, my God. Yes.

BECKEL: Let me just say this. It would be inconceivable to me that anybody would have poll numbers any different than this after the last couple of months they've been through. Inconceivable.

GUILFOYLE: Well, guess what? Because they earned them. They built them.

BECKEL: Well, I'm just saying it's actually no surprise to me, and it will change. It's -- it's just how do you do this and facing something like this? It's like having a candidate that I used to have, to discover in one week, he announced he was gay; two, he'd been arrested seven times for drunk driving; and three, he'd molested a little girl. What was I supposed to do? We fell 40 points in the polls. We still managed to win, but it is...

PERINO: ... about you.

GUTFELD: You have to Google that story, Bob, because I would have remembered that.

GUILFOYLE: It changes every time he tells it.

BECKEL: Well, the age of the girl...


BECKEL: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Look when I see this and I look at the footage, I can't get enough of it. I'm ignoring Bob and blocking him out.

GUTFELD: There's something great about...

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to tell you when you think about it, just inch for inch, what they fought to get a little more of that beach, so many Americans dying and fighting. That's why all these stories and these scandals matter, because they lived, they served, they died for our freedom.

So that's why people are upset in this military and in this country when you see someone in a story like Bergdahl, in an administration, the lack of regard for veterans -- sorry, Bob -- the V.A. treatment. We're better than this. Look who we come from. Look at the people that fought and died for us. We owe them a debt of gratitude and service.

BECKEL: But don't lay this all on Obama. Just remember, it was the Reagan administration who negotiated with terrorists.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BECKEL: They did. That's history. That's fact.

GUTFELD: Can we focus on the event that was filmed today. Am I being petty?

PERINO: About the interpretative dance?

GUTFELD: No, about the gum chewing. Was President Obama chewing gum? If Bush was chewing gum, people would have ripped him to pieces. Maybe it's -- maybe it's Nicorette. Who knows?

PERINO: Even if you forget that you have gum, because you want to make sure, like, you have fresh breath, whatever, then you have to swallow it.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

PERINO: I don't care if it takes seven years to get through your bowels. What your mom said.

BECKEL: Remember that day that I put it under the table in the board room?

BOLLING: Right. But you weren't president at a D-Day memorial. Was there someone who could tell him to lose the gum?

PERINO: You don't do that. Every -- from every decision, from having Bergdahl as a father in the Rose Garden to gum chewing at Normandy, I mean what am I supposed to...


GUILFOYLE: You would say, "Spit it in my hand. Give it to me."

BECKEL: You think it's that bad he had gum?

GUTFELD: I don't. That's why I asked.

BECKEL: I mean, are you going to be into his toilet paper next or what?

GUILFOYLE: It's not our fault that he can't do anything right. What are you going to do?

BECKEL: He can't do -- you know, you think you got the word Pampers next.

GUILFOYLE: Stick it under the podium like you did that time.

BECKEL: I still do.

GUTFELD: We've got to go. They're yelling at me. Don't move. Our "Facebook Free-for-all," it's next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Back by popular demand it's "Facebook Friday." We asked you to send in your questions. Let's get started with the answers right away.

GUILFOYLE: You've been cheating and looking.

BOLLING: Anyways -- anyways, "Kimberly, I know you love to eat salami and chicken. How do you keep your figure?"

GUILFOYLE: Well, because those are high in protein. Right?

PERINO: She's a blessed child.

GUILFOYLE: It's like Atkins for Puerto Ricans. I love it.

BOLLING: Not working out?

GUILFOYLE: No. But I mean, think about it. You're moving around all the time, you're eating all this stuff. It's not like pasta.

BOLLING: All right. Bob, are you going to join us? Or are you going to look at the paper?

BECKEL: I was just checking the scores.

BOLLING: To Greg from Shirley B. "Greg, what's your favorite advice from your mom?"

GUTFELD: This is a good question because I -- our sound guy, Jack, when his dad was dying, he was asked some advice. He said, "What can you tell me that will make my life better?" So I thought I would do the same thing? So I asked my mom that.

And I said, "Mom, what should I do, you know, for the rest of my life?"

And she said, "Talk slower."

And I thought -- and I thought she meant then. Like, "What can I do - - what can I did to make my life better?"

And she said, "Talk slower on the show." I swear to God.

BOLLING: Always follow advice.

GUTFELD: And accept Jesus.

BOLLING: There you go.

Dana -- Dana from Adam H. "Dana, what was your favorite song to play as a country DJ?"

PERINO: Well, I don't really remember the songs that I liked to play at the time. But I remember two in particular. I was 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Billy Ray Cyrus's "Achy Breaky Heart" was the No. 1 song, and I had to play it every hour on the hour. And I've had it stuck in my head for the last 20 years.

GUILFOYLE: Or more. What would you say now?

PERINO: Then the other one was we had to go get cartridges and pull them back out and put them in. So every Saturday around 3 a.m. in the playlist, it was number 666, "Crazy" by Patsy Cline.


PERINO: I thought was kind of -- somebody was making a joke.

BOLLING: All right, Bobby, this is a good one. Ready?


BOLLING: Kevin B.: "Bob, if you could write a letter to your younger self, what's the one piece of advice you would give to young Bob?"

BECKEL: To stay healthy and get off of drugs and alcohol 30 years before I did.

GUTFELD: You wouldn't have listened, though.

BOLLING: OK. To Eric from Tina Ann: "Eric, I notice you are wearing a corded bracelet on your left wrist. Any significance?"

I don't have it actually on at this moment. It is. I made a promise to my son. We both have it. My wife has it. I really can't explain what the promise was.

All right. Want to do quick round one. Another very quick. Answer quick. Ready? Kimberly, "Do you miss being in the judicial system or do you enjoy broadcasting world more?"

GUILFOYLE: I definitely miss it, but I feel like I have a passionate voice here, as well.

BOLLING: And you're very good at this stuff, too. All right, Greg. Matt B.: "Greg, how did you and TV's Andy Levy meet?"

GUTFELD: It's an interesting question. It was late at night. No, I was writing for the Huffington Post, believe it or not, and he was leaving comments on the blog and they were better than the things I was writing. So I ended up meeting him at a bar in Hell's Kitchen. This is about seven years ago.

BOLLING: Good man, good man.

Dana, how about this one: "Has Jasper ever embarrassed you at any time?"

BECKEL: Every day.

PERINO: No. Jasper has served with honor and distinction.

GUTFELD: And arousal.

GUILFOYLE: I can attest to that. I have the photos.

BOLLING: What would it -- if you were to write a book, what would it be -- if you were to write a book, what would it be about, Bob?

BECKEL: Actually, funny you say this. I'm writing a book right now. I'm negotiating with publishers. The title of it is "I Should Have Been Dead." And that's from the dark back to the light.

BOLLING: That's a good book. That's going to be a must-read.

"Eric, were you ever a part of a union when you played pro baseball?"

I've never been part of a union.

BECKEL: Why weren't you part of the union?

PERINO: Did you have to pay a fee to get out of it?

BOLLING: I was never a part of it. I was a minor league baseball player.

BECKEL: That's right. That's right.

BOLLING: OK. Very quickly. To everyone, from Mary A. "What's your worst memory of high school?" Want this one, K.G.? Worst high school memory?

GUILFOYLE: I loved high school. I thought I was amazing, and I had good hair.

BOLLING: Anyone have a bad high-school memory?

PERINO: Yes. When I got in trouble for ditching once, and I got detention.

BECKEL: Oh, gee, that's terrible. My worst memory is blowing up the toilets with cherry bombs.

GUTFELD: Is that what you called it?

GUILFOYLE: Thank God I didn't go to your high school.

BECKEL: Not the worst.

PERINO: What do you call it? Oh, gross!

BOLLING: My first day of high school, I was on the bus. I got punched in the face, because I sat in the senior's seats. Right in the face. I'll never forget that. Saw gray (ph), everything.

"With the start of" -- this is from Maggie. "With the start of summer, what is your best memory of summer from childhood?"

GUTFELD: That's always the last day of school. That's the last day, when you walk out. You throw all your stuff all over the place. You beat up a mailman. You break windows.

BOLLING: Throw cherry bombs in the toilet.

GUILFOYLE: Mine, every summer I would go and live in Ireland since I was five years old.

BOLLING: You did? Interesting. Bobby?

BECKEL: Every summer I would go look for nude beaches.

PERINO: I loved my grandpa's ranch. It's up in Wyoming.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it right there.

Directly ahead, California Chrome races for a shot at history tomorrow at Belmont. Will the Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner achieve Triple Crown glory? His inspirational story and our predictions for the big race coming up.


BECKEL: California Chrome would make history tomorrow by being the first Triple Crown winner in 36 years, and what's equally amazing is the story of Chrome's co-owner, Steve Coburn, a blue-collar factory owner who clocks out for lunch and is a gunsmith on the side. Not your typical blue- blood Kentucky thoroughbred owner.

Coburn explained on "Hannity" how his colt has defied all odds against those blue-blood jerks.


STEVE COBURN, CO-OWNER, CALIFORNIA CHROME: It's called DAP racing. DAP racing stands for dumb-ass partners. It's kind of like the fairytale story, you know? Two guys work hard every day, spend $8,000 on a filly that really didn't like to race. Bred her to a $2,000 stallion, and end up with a multimillion-dollar horse, you know. It's a fairy tale coming true for us. It really is.


BECKEL: What an amazing story. I'll tell you, I lived in Kentucky for a while and those blue-bloods in Lexington all think they're so hot. And you got some blue-collar people, 10,000 bucks total to buy the mare, to get it bred. And now they've turned down, I think, something like 8 or $10 million.

Eric, you got to -- you think this horse can win?

BOLLING: I like this one. Of course, if Bill Hemmer going? Because he's been to two or three Belmonts where it could have been a Triple Crown, and they lost all two or three times.

BECKEL: Well, tell him to stay home.

BOLLING: I think he's not. But I'm going to say that, yes, this is the one. This is the one. I like this.

BECKEL: Dana, what do you think?

PERINO: I like to watch history being made, and I think America needs a win this week. It would make everybody feel good.

BECKEL: You think Obama has got a horse in the race?

GUILFOYLE: Like Jasper is America's dog.

BOLLING: He'll take credit if he does.

BECKEL: What do you think? Greg, I know you don't follow horse racing, but this is a great story. Isn't it?

GUTFELD: That's a lot of glue there.

I -- I love horses. I love horses. Some say too much. But I look up -- I actually look up to the jockeys. Literally. Because I'm short. Short joke. See?

I love horses. That was a joke about the glue. Don't write letters about how "you hate horses."

BECKEL: The jockey in an overlooked Mexican jockey who's done very, very well. Won those two races.

Kim, what about you?

GUILFOYLE: I'm excited about it. I hope California Chrome wins. And I like what the owner says, that we feel so blessed to be able to have this horse. We feel like it's America's horse, out there running. Like Jasper is America's dog.

PERINO: I do have something to show you. You know how this horse, Bob, wears those, like, the breathe right strips so he can breathe more. I made a picture for you today. This is for you today. There's America's dog with the...


BECKEL: Last thing I wanted to see was your dog.

OK. Let me just say this.

GUILFOYLE: He's in the No. 2 position, right?

BECKEL: If you're going to bet tomorrow, this is my advice. Two of three horses I think are going to come in the top three. California Chrome, Ride On Curlin' and Wicked Strong.

GUTFELD: By the way, those were my nicknames.

PERINO: Ride On Curlin'?

GUILFOYLE: Bob, how about California Chrome is in the No. 2 position? Same as Secretariat. The Secretariat position.

BECKEL: Ride on Curlin' is a -- right now is a 12-to-1 shot. And Wicked Strong, I believe, is now running off at -- let me see -- 6 to 1.


GUILFOYLE: Bob's prepping for his block right now.

BECKEL: That's a good horse. All three of those are good horses. The question is can they make the distance? This is a mile and a half. It's a tough, long race. But I think California Chrome can do it.

Oh, yes. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Bob just forgot he was on...


GUILFOYLE: Time now for "One More Thing." Bob is aware that he's on live television now so things should be improving -- Bob.

BECKEL: I want to say congratulations to my lovely daughter MacKenzie, who graduated from college yesterday and...

GUILFOYLE: High school.

BECKEL: ... my advice to everybody who has kids -- Excuse me, high school. Sorry. My advice to everybody who has kids out there, please stay close to them because they grow really fast.

And I also want to say secondly that I want to wish a happy birthday to the old of the man I know, which is named Peter McMahon, who's 60 years old today.



GUILFOYLE: Very, very sweet. Happy birthday, Peter.

OK. Eric.

BOLLING: So we talked about -- I talked about having the "Fool of the Week" and who would be the great "Fool of the Week." Well, it's finally arrived. Let's roll the animation.

So now here's what happened. Today, I was watching "FOX & Friends" this morning. On D-Day, Chris Daughtry was asked to play one more song, a patriotic song. Watch what happens.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One more song! One more song!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One more song! One more song!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One more song! One more song!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll tell you what. Since today is D-Day plus 70, what patriotic song could we all sing?

CHRIS DAUGHTRY, MUSICIAN: I'm off the clock.


TANTAROS: He left?

BOLLING: He walked off the stage and said, "I'm off the clock" on D- Day. Chris Daughtry, you are the "Fool of the Week."

GUTFELD: Wow. That's pretty hardcore.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe he didn't know any songs off the top of his head.

GUTFELD: Maybe the song was called "I'm Off the Clock."

GUILFOYLE: "I'm Off the Clock"? Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: And he was going to get his banjo.


GUILFOYLE: That was really brutal.

GUTFELD: Don't judge lest ye be judged.


PERINO: Maybe he could write a little jingle for your...

GUILFOYLE: Dana. Dana Perino.

PERINO: OK. You know I love Twitter. Well, I don't know if this is a good thing or not. The CIA has just joined Twitter. Their first tweet says, "We cannot confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet." Very clever over at Langley.

Congratulations. Welcome to Twitter. Please follow me.

BOLLING: You know, I followed CIA, but I'm not sure I want them to follow me back.

PERINO: They're already following you.

BECKEL: Does your dog have a tweet?

PERINO: No. He -- we are one and the same.

GUTFELD: So I'm going to be "O'Reilly" tonight with Bernie McGuirk. I figured I'd just jump in here.


GUILFOYLE: Well, you were next Greg's banned phrase, "I didn't get the memo." Why is it when there are two people in an elevator that are wearing similar colored clothing or colored clothing, some other person will say, "Oh, I didn't get the memo." Shut up.

PERINO: Maybe they're just trying to be nice.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? I don't need any catch phrases and small talk in the elevator. You just stop it. And you know who you are. You know who I'm talking about.

BECKEL: By the way, your wife travels a lot doesn't she?


BECKEL: It's understandable now.

GUILFOYLE: Can you talk slower? All right.

BECKEL: Are you going to bet on the -- wait, we've got two...

GUILFOYLE: But it's my turn now.

BECKEL: I'm sorry. I thought you had gone.

GUILFOYLE: I can't handle it. Anyway, I'm in tonight for Greta Van Susteren at 7 p.m. I hope you will join us there. It's going to be a great program, because it's been a very busy news week.

And thanks for spending time with us today. Don't forget to set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." Have a great weekend. We will see you back here on Monday. "Special Report" is next.

BECKEL: Go Chrome! Go Chrome!

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