This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 3, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Emily Compagno, Juan Williams, Kennedy, and Greg. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: I was happy to see on the front page of the New York Times for the first time where they were talking about spying, and they were talking about spying on my campaign. It's a story bigger than Watergate as far as I'm concern.


WATTERS: President Trump calling a new report that his campaign was spied on bigger than Watergate, as the Democrats and the media continue to eat crow. The New York Times exposing just how far the spying went during the summer of 2016, the FBI sent a undercover female investigator to meet then- Trump aide George Papadopoulos at a London bar. She reportedly then ask him if the Trump campaign was working with Russia, and Papadopoulos says the young informant even tried to seduce him.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The night when I met with her and she was very suggestive as you can understand, younger, you know , very flirtatious, and I -- right away understood that this wasn't a camber assistant. And was trying to do two things, one, to extract information about my professional connections in the Middle East, and two, to see if I had any information that she could potentially extract from me about Trump and Russia, which of course is nonsense.

When the New York Times suggested in their reporting today that the British were told of this operation, I believe the British actually were actively spying on me as well.


WATTERS: And President Trump thinks he knows who started the whole thing.


TRUMP: I think it's corrupt as hell. And I think what happened between Comey, and McCabe, and Brennan, and all of these people, I think that he did a terrible job. I would say he probably led some kind of an effort. The word spying has been used. He probably was one of the people leading the effort on spying.


WATTERS: And the media is once again looking foolish. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane when they trashed Trump for daring to suggest that there was spying.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump has a new favorite word and every time he uses it he is lying, and that is the word spy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president is tweeting in high gear. He wants you to believe that his campaign was spied on and it's one of the worse things that we've ever seen from government.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The notion that somehow the FBI implanted, planted someone inside the campaign to spy on the campaign is just not true.


WATTERS: Just not true. All right. So, Greg, the media's been wrong about the dossier, about collusion, and now they've been wrong about spying. But I know you want to talk about the honey trap, probably.

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: I probably don't.


GUTFELD: No. I want to say, though, that there has been one oasis of rightness and I believe it's called “The Five.” “The Five” has been right the entire time. By the way, I didn't enjoy him saying bigger than Watergate because that was the basically throwing it back at everybody saying that collusion was bigger than Watergate. That's like saying, you know, just say no while smoking a joint, you know.

It's his way of mocking everybody for the past two years. The media is going to have to play this down because they've been wrong for, what, three years. They've been chasing the wrong story the whole time. They're like the reverse Colombo, right? It's like they always catch -- they never catch the bad guy. They always catch the wrong guy.

So they're going to continue this narrative because it's too humiliating. So they're going to shout about McGahn, and they're going to shout about Mueller because they can't admit that for so long they were chasing the wrong. You know what it is? This is like a great episode of Law and Order, you know how there's always a surprise at the end, a surprise twist, but it's always the architect, you know, that kills the person. And in this case it's like -- the rich executive is innocent.

WATTERS: Maybe Colombo is the bad guy. That's what the media is. Think about this -- unbelievable, they've spied on a presidential campaign. They've tried to cover it up. And Juan has been wrong about the whole thing.


WATTERS: The New York Times reported it.


JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Because this is like a drunk-risk convention. You guys are so off. I know it's Friday, but it's not Friday night yet.

WATTERS: OK. So is the New York Times fake news, Juan?

WILLIAMS: No, they're right. You're fake news. You said the FBI implanted somebody in the campaign. How crazy is this. But you just go on --

WATTERS: If you sent a paid informant overseas to entrap someone with sex --

WILLIAMS: It wasn't an entrapment.

WATTERS: Oh, it's not?


WILLIAMS: You want to know what it was?


WILLIAMS: They were doing their job. Their job is to check and see if a foreign nation was interfering in an American election. They send someone over there because Papadopoulos had told people, oh, yeah, Russia is providing information --

WATTERS: And who told Papadopoulos that?

WILLIAMS: I think --

WATTERS: Another informant.

WILLIAMS: I don't know who told them, but that's what --


WILLIAMS: What does FBI stand for? Bureau of investigation. They didn't come to any conclusion. They were protecting America, and you make this, just like Trump, I guess you're reiterating Trump's point, you're just saying, oh, yeah, that means they're spying. There's no evidence of spying.

WATTERS: Now it's just not spying, now it's paid informants overseas.

KENNEDY, HOST: And I love that somehow changing the definition of words is going to make problems go away. And I really hope there're journalists who investigate this story thoroughly so it doesn't happen again. You have 25 people on the Democrats side who want this job. They better hope to holy hell --


KENNEDY: -- don't still have this amount of power that they can do the same thing because the person they hate the most in the world, the person that they hate who ever existed, that person is the President of the United States, and arguably has the exact same power within his domain and can do the same thing that the FBI and CIA did under the Obama administration. They better get to the bottom to this story, and they better make damn sure that there some massive structural changes that have been made.

WATTERS: Yeah, powers' been abused. And I think in my opinion this is the New York Times and the intelligence community getting out in front of what they see as an IG report coming out that's going to be damning.

EMILY COMPAGNO, HOST: That is exactly the reason why the Democrats and the media are attacking all of this, and especially A.G. Barr and his testimony. Yeah, they're trying to undermine his credibility so that when the IG report comes out and proves the FBI and CIA overreach and overstepped its government bounds, it will be proven and that is why everyone in those two building or from those building, like Comey, are terrified. I want to tell you that the reason --


COMPAGNO: Yes. And the reason why it's such a big deal, it's not just the spying. It's the spying also in conjunction with the fact that there was no defensive briefing of the Trump-then campaign. That is what proves that our intelligence agencies were deployed and armed against then-candidate Trump. If, at the time, they thought the campaign had been compromised in some way and that there were people within the campaign that were compromised, they would have briefed then-candidate but they didn't, which means that they thought he was or wanted him to be the Russian asset.

WILLIAMS: No, let me just say --

COMPAGNO: So it's the spying in conjunction --


COMPAGNO: The briefing in August was a general briefing.

WILLIAMS: But, Emily, they didn't know. So they're trying to find out if Russia, in fact, has put some kind of asset inside the campaign. So they don't want to blow themselves up. So they are making a request.


WILLIAMS: Hang on. We have eight intelligence agencies, plus the Mueller report that say Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign. We have Jim Comey who is FBI director never said a word to us the American people about the fact that there was a counterintelligence operation aimed at discovering whether or not Russia was somehow hidden inside the Trump campaign. He did that to Hillary Clinton. He protected this president.


WATTERS: James Comey protected Donald Trump?

WILLIAMS: Because he could put out the word -- if he had put out the word toward the end of the campaign, the FBI had an active investigation into whether Russia has some embedded assets inside the Trump campaign --


WATTERS: So they've care more about politics than national security, is that what you're saying?

WILLIAMS: What national security?

WATTERS: No, you're saying he didn't do that publicly because he didn't want to interfere with the politics of it.



WATTERS: As FBI director, stay out of the politics.

WILLIAMS: He did, that's what he did, except he didn't --


GUTFELD: It would be wise at this point after all this time to just step back and take a look at what's happening right now this week. You're seeing a lot of narratives collapsing. You're seeing -- the Mueller report is out, it's not what you wanted. I understand. That's over.

Meanwhile, we're going to talk about this on the next block. Trump's doing pretty good and you hate Trump's gut, that's another narrative that's collapsing. My advised is I think the Democrats and the media should take a time-out, a vacation, because this is not going well for you.

You have the greatest economy probably in modern history. You're watching unemployment numbers like you've never seen for Hispanics and for women. This is an incredible time to be alive and you're so mad that life is good. There's something wrong with you.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's why the president is talking the fruit and he said -- oh, we didn't mention it.


GUTFELD: You should wonder why good news makes you sad. Good news makes me happy.

WILLIAMS: You should wonder why at closed eyes you don't see anything.

GUTFELD: My eyes are wide open.


KENNEDY: You mean like Democrats and socialist when it comes to the economy? They're closing their eyes to these numbers and how to compound it and make it even better than it is?


KENNEDY: That's not the message --


KENNEDY: Show me one person who's running for president on the Democrat side particularly one of the progressive strike who's talking about using this good economic data and making it even better.

WILLIAMS: That's, in fact -- what exactly what Elizabeth Warren -- they're all saying we've got to do better for the middle class. In fact, Biden gave a speech the other day --

GUTFELD: No one heard it.


WATTERS: I think there is 200 people that showed up. All right, we're going to do that next, Juan. The Trump economy is surging. Do Democrats pushing socialism even stand a chance?


COMPAGNO: The red hot Trump economy keeps smashing records, 263,000 jobs were added last month, and the unemployment rate fell to a nearly 5 decade low. The surging economy is giving President Trump a strong message to run on in 2020, but Democratic candidates apparently aren't impressed, they're instead pushing socialist policies.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We should be work not wealth, or at least we should be already work as much as we do well. Folks, the first step is to revised Trump's tax cut.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Anyone who's got outstanding student loan debt can have up to $50,000 worth of student loan debt cancelled out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our antidote to what he is talking about is to have the United States join every other major country on earth through a Medicare for all single-payer program guaranteeing health care for every man, woman, and child in this country.


COMPAGNO: OK. Jesse, why are these messages -- or how are these messages reconciled with how great out economy is right now?

WATTERS: You can't reconcile it. It's the hottest economy since the 1990's and Democrats want to destroy it because they hate the president.

GUTFELD: 1890's.

WATTERS: 1890's --


WATTERS: You look at wages, you look at 401-K's, manufacturing, GDP, it's all fantastic and getting better if you sign the Chinese trade deal and sign -- get NAFTA through the Congress. There's a big lie out there that the Trump economy is not working for the middle class, and it's not true because the most wage growth acceleration has come from the bottom 50 percent of workers. It's blue collar wages that are rising faster than white collar wages.

So if you think about it, Trump is actually shrinking income inequality more than Barack Obama did. The Democrats thinks the American people are stupid. Think about what happened during the Obama administration, we lost millions of jobs to China. We lost over $200,000 manufacturing jobs. It was a mess in terms of health care premiums, in terms of prescription drug prices. And now the president has come in and through deregulation and tax cuts has reversed a lot of that stuff.

So the Democrats now want to introduce radical socialist schemes, they want to destroy private health care, they want to take your health care insurance away and give it to government bureaucrats. They want to give what? Guaranteed income? This stuff is crazy and it's gonna boil down to capitalism versus socialism. And with that framework it's gonna be a lay- up for the president.

COMPAGNO: Kennedy, how are these candidates and voters so willing to overlook the reality of socialism like we're seeing in Venezuela right now.

KENNEDY: Well -- and that is the reality, and that is the ultimate fatal end of socialism. And it really is a magnet for authoritarian, people who want to control your life. And when I look at this economic picture, right now the president and Republicans have it half right. They have it half right with the deregulation and the tax cut, and that's really what's driving a lot of these economic growth, you know, GDP is up, higher than the estimates, same with the unemployment numbers.

But the progressive Democrats, the Democratic socialists have it all wrong because they want to increase spending. They also want to increase taxes and that will not only snuff this economic growth but it will hamstring generations of Americans and future wage earners, and that is not only politically impractical it's immoral. Like that is the wrong thing to do.

So if we actually cut down the size of government, and the president is right about the deregulation, but really cut spending you will see phenomenon economic growth and that means people will have more money in their pockets, they can start businesses, they can hire workers, and they can do much more with their money like not send their kids to college if you don't want to.


GUTFELD: It's weird when you see a party pushing socialism during the greatest economic boom since the 1590's. Pushing -- yes, pushing socialism during a free market boom. The Dems would -- instead of throwing a life preserver to a drowning person would throw an anvil because that's what this is. You're throwing an anvil to a drowning person.

The Dems can't run against an economic boom because they'll lose, it would be Dukakis 2.0. So they have to do -- they have to run using fear. And they've got the three fears. They've got environmental fear, social fear, and moral fear. Environmental fear would be climate change, which they've already kicking in. The social fear would racism, racial division, because they know that works for them. And then the moral fear would be that Trump's repugnant.

This is all going to be really effective for their base, but it's going to hurt the country in two ways. One, it will create a lot of hysteria, and it will exaggerate racial division where there isn't any. So I think -- that's the only game they've got to play, especially when Hispanic unemployment is now at a record low, historic ever, 4.2 percent.

And I guess that's due to a tight labor market which means -- maybe Trump's immigration policies are working or jobs -- or less jobs actually, fewer jobs --

COMPAGNO: So, Juan --

GUTFELD: -- available.

COMPAGNO: -- if you acknowledge that this is an effective campaign messaging for the progressive radical left, do you really believe that it's an effective policy in any way?

WILLIAMS: It's complete -- well, first of all, I think you make an important distinction, it is both good campaign policy and good economic policy to say that we have rising income inequality in the country, but it's also important to say that these Trump numbers are good numbers and say, yes, but they're good for people who have money to put in the stock market, they're good for people who benefited from the tax cuts, 80 percent of which went to the top 1 percent.

KENNEDY: That's not true.


WILLIAMS: Let me finish, Kennedy. Here's the reality, you see right now 40 percent of American workers make less than $15 an hour. You say, wait a second, so for the middle class to pay for health care, to pay to send their kids to school, rising gas taxes, rising housing costs you say, boy, the middle class is getting squeezed. But when you listen to this crew or President Trump, oh, no, everything is fine, everything is dandy --

GUTFELD: Because it is.


WILLIAMS: -- and the Democrats are not talking -- unlike what you hear, the Democrats aren't talking about socialism. They're talking about doing more for the middle class. Look at what Elizabeth Warren is talking about. Look at what Joe Biden is talking about. This is just consistent and yet it's distorted by President Trump --


WILLIAMS: -- because he knows that the polls indicate that if you asked people about taxing the super rich, if you ask people about Obamacare, if you ask people about whether or not we should do something about student debt, these are all extremely popular with the American people until president says, oh, that's socialism. Everybody runs.

GUTFELD: Until you ask -- how to do it. So how do you cancel the debt? Where do you get the money? You don't have any answer. You don't have an answer.

WILLIAMS: The answer is tax the rich more.

GUTFELD: Of course because you never run out of rich, do you.


GUTFELD: OK, but it doesn't work. Here's the other --

WATTERS: Juan, you raise taxes on the rich --


GUTFELD: You keep yelling.

WILLIAMS: The GDP growth is like a 100-plus months because most of it took place under Obama getting us out --


GUTFELD: If you look at the economic numbers countries with strong markets have a lot of economic inequality, but it actually canceled out by economic mobility. Meaning, people move from income bracket to income bracket. So if you sit there and you look at a static bracket you go inequality. Remember, that's somebody -- the top 10, they move to the second to the second ten and they move around.

That's why the strongest economy -- if you look at it from a static perspective looks unequal but it's not, it's mobile.

KENNEDY: And you know what they don't have in Sweden? They don't have minimum wage loss. I love that fact. They respond to the labor market and the free market. It's a free market economies.

COMPAGNO: All right, guys, Facebook banning controversial figures on its platform and what it means for free speech, next.


WILLIAMS: Facebook taking steps to enforce its hate speech policies now permanently banning controversial figures and some organization. Among the high profile voices that the social media giant considers, quote, dangerous? Here we go, nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Info Wars host Alex Jones, and conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos. The company CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying the ban also extends to other platforms including Instagram.

So, Emily, what strikes here is -- I think lots of people wonder is this in defiance of your first amendment rights, or is it the case that since Facebook is not the government, a private business, they have the right to stand up and say, hey, you know what, you've incited violence and whatever our standards are you violated them and you're gone.

COMPAGNO: They are a private company. They are not a government entity which means that, yes, they can set their own censoring rules and policies by which they can abide. I think this is a total first. I think this is an exercise by Facebook and Zuckerberg to make us think that they care, and that they're virtuous, and that they're concern, or whatever, and really -- it's distracting us from the reality that they are and it is a platform that amplifies violence.

And I think it's impossible to reconcile how all of a sudden they feel responsible for this content by right-wingers and, you know, one on the left, or whatever, and all of a sudden they're shutting it down when they have refused every step of the way to take responsibility for their platform that live streams gang rapes, and suicides, and terrorist recruitment and show up in court constantly as, oh, no, no, no, we're not responsible for the content and here's why, we have nothing novel. And all of a sudden they care about this?

So I was one of the attorneys that has brought a negligence lawsuit against them, or a representative that is drafting questions for the congressional inquiry, I would ask how all of sudden they feel responsible for this content and not their content as a platform as whole.

WILLIAMS: You know, in fact, Jesse, lots of people -- I was surprised in looking at the poll numbers, people think, you know what, Facebook and these other social media sites they just foment hate, and they are not to be trusted. It's kind of shocking. Emily is on to something. Lot of people has just lost faith in it.

WATTERS: Well, if you don't like someone on Facebook don't follow them. It's not that hard to figure out. And I think you're right, I think this was a P.R. move to say we've got it under control. But there's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying can you ban this person. Can you please ban this person? It's pretty pathetic if you work for a media company, you're supposed to be all about free speech. Spend your whole day on the phone trying to shut other people's free speech down.

WILLIAMS: Tell me that's fair. I don't know what you're talking about?


WATTERS: No, I mean, there's correspondents on multiple networks that calls social media companies and try to get other people thrown off -

WILLIAMS: You know what--

WATTERS: -- that's what - you know I know why it's political, but it's not the point. My thing is this. I think they shouldn't ban anybody. I think they should have Farrakhan, I think they should have everybody. More freedom is better than less freedom.

Unless they're actually inciting violence, I think Facebook private company, knock them out. But once we get into nitpicking who we're going to kick off, I think it's a slippery slope.

WILLIAMS: Well Kennedy, here's a here's a proposition. Do you think that we as Americans, as American society, are better off without these provocateurs, these voices of incitement being there in Facebook, Instagram, where most Americans now get their news?

KENNEDY: If you're beholding two big personalities on social media, you got a lot bigger problem than then someone needing to be banned, and I don't think that this really does anything. it doesn't make the world any safer.

And this notion that that we have to be insulated from ideas that we disagree with or things we find offensive, that our entire lives have to be bubble-wrapped, it's actually really dangerous. Because at some point an entire generation of people who've been bubble-wrapped and sanitized their whole lives, they're going to be running everything and they're going to be a bunch of cream puffs. And I'm kind of terrified for that point.

And I do think that I share Snoop Dogg's frustration, because I know that he was really upset that Minister Farrakhan was thrown off of Facebook and the Graham--

WATTERS: Minister?

MONTGOMERY: That's what he calls--

WATTERS: Very respectful.

MONTGOMERY: Very respectful. And I don't think this does anything. I don't think it changes peoples who beliefs. I don't think sanitizing makes better. And I agree with Emily, I think it's just a way because Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg has been so much time from the Congress apologizing --"Well, we're so sorry. We're going to do better, we're going to do so much better. And this just makes it look like they're doing something".

WILLIAMS: You know what I noticed, Greg, and I'm really interested in hearing what you think about this. I saw the other day that the New Zealand shooters horrific slaughter is still on some sites that you can still get up there and see it, and to me this then contributes to radicalization of some people who - like this guy who just shot the synagogue up outside of San Diego, and he cited it.

And so I do think it makes a difference if our social media perpetrates hate speech, allows groups to form that - like ISIS and alike who are - have radical extremist ideology. I don't think it's good. What do you think?

GUTFELD: Well I mean I do believe that this is nothing more than a virtue signal, that's all it is. And I would be a hypocrite if I condemned Facebook for this, because I always say that social media - I would - it be good to be thrown off social media, get it out of my life, I ate it.

But it does seem like they're more easily inclined to police one side of the nut cases and not the others. And I noticed on other media arenas they were portraying Farrakhan as far-right--

WATTERS: Washington Post.

GUTFELD: Yes, which I believe in in the media's world there's no such thing as far-Left, because they're within that world and they don't believe there's a far-Left. Everything that's unusual or extremist is far right.

But I have to say this you got to be aware, it's really cool to be labeled dangerous. And if somebody banned me and said - because I was dangerous, I mean rock and roll was called dangerous. So they got to be careful - like a lot of times people get attention by being bad.

WATTERS: This might help out--

GUTFELD: Exactly, exactly. But I mean Facebook they banned extremists - the Dems just elect them.

WILLIAMS: By the way, I think, if you look at Booker T, Washington, Marcus Garvey, I think Farrakhan saying that tradition. It's interesting to have a conversation at some point--

GUTFELD: He hates Jews.

WILLIAMS: --yes, - oh, no, he's definitely anti-Semite, that's why I would - that's not the issue. The issue was whether or not these news organizations that said, he's a conservative right-wing, whether they were wrong. That was more--

WATTERS: They issued a correction.

WILLIAMS: Well, yes, but I just think you know what, look back, look at him in terms of black American life and thought, he's a conservative on so many issues. He's an anti-Semite that's why he got--

GUTFELD: Well, he doesn't like gays.

WILLIAMS: I'd say he's anti-Semitic that's the bigger point, what he says about Jewish people. Anyway, a big update on the suspected Russian spy whale - you remember our Beluga friend. And a Jeopardy! champion making history and a baseball fan going all-out twice to snag a fly ball, that's up next in the "Fastest 7" with Kennedy.


MONTGOMERY: That's let's zigazig ha. Welcome back. And it is time for "The Fastest 7". First up, looks like our favorite suspected Russian spy may have defected the adorable whale that's gone viral off the coast of Norway as apparently refusing to leave. And why would he, the friendly beluga has become a big hit with the locals posing for selfies.

He was found wearing a Russian-made harness with a holster for a camera. Russia says it's not the spy. What do you make of this Emily?

COMPAGNO: He is so cute. He's looking his best right now. Let him stay. And also you guys remember when Ukraine had to give their dolphins back to Russia and then they all staged a hunger strike and then they died, that's exactly what he basically is not doing.

WATTERS: I don't remember that, I don't.

COMPAGNO: Yes, yes. Basically, so let him stay, let him be free and stay there. I don't want him to take in to Iceland to that sanctuary.

MONTGOMERY: And Jesse they say that typically Beluga whales do not like to be touched by humans. But this little fellow loves a good cuddle.

GUTFELD: He's a pervert.

WATTERS: Yes, that's the Biden of whales. And whales are narcissists, obviously. If this was a real Russian trained spy well, the thing would be maneuvering out to Baltic Sea.

GUTFELD: --suicide pill already.

WATTERS: Yes. Come on, they would have blown up the smithereens, right. We all been having whale meet for lunch afterwards. But this guy is obviously some pet from some oligarchs aquarium that escaped and he's very friendly, that's why he's sticking around.

WILLIAMS: I think baby Beluga has defected. I think he defected and you know what, he playing for the Mets next year. I think he wants to come to the USA. He knows freedom.

GUTFELD: You know what I think, he should - I think Trump should offer him asylum, build a giant pool at the White House for him and then finally the Dems can have the Russian spy in the White House.

WILLIAMS: Yes, that'd be great--

WATTERS: The one time Trump gives asylum to some--

WILLIAMS: That's what I was going to say. You beat me to the punch, because I think you can separate the families.

MONTGOMERY: Juan, do Beluga whales--

WATTERS: Some ones got goodwill--

MONTGOMERY: --do they participate in underwater buggery the way dolphins do?

GUTFELD: Let's get off.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my god.

MONTGOMERY: Up next. Jeopardy! sensation James Holzhauer, making history again last night, watch this guy.





HOLZHAUER: What's cubit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cubit, yes. James.

HOLZHAUER: What is unbroken.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's it. James.

HOLZHAUER: What is X Games.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Correct. James again.

HOLZHAUER: What is World War I.


HOLZHAUER: What is herd?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you have gone over a million, so $1,608,627. And you get to play a game tomorrow.


MONTGOMERY: What a dream come true. Holzhauer now has a second longest winning streak and show history at 21 games, but he's never going to touch Ken Jennings, is he?

GUTFELD: Uh, who would want to? I don't even know who he is. Anyway, in the future we're going to look back at this and laugh. And we're like, remember when humans had to know this stuff, because right now we are working on brain chips that are going to take your phone and put it into your head, so all you have to do is think what is what is the capital of - I don't know Switzerland? And then it's like Wikipedia blah, blah, blah.

MONTGOMERY: It's France.

GUTFELD: Its France, isn't it. And so you can think - so now on we'll look at these shows and we'll go like, what are they trying to test? They're trying to test your computational ability of the chip in your brain.

WILLIAMS: But the story here is not the fact that he has the answers. By the way, he says he reads children's books mostly and they tell him so many things. But the story here is his strategy, Greg, because what he does is he bets on the Daily Double every time.

MONTGOMERY: You got work the buzzer too.

WILLIAMS: He works it and he is - and for me it's like a life lesson. If you got something, go for it. Go all the way.

MONTGOMERY: But he's such a natural. How has it taken him this long to finally get on Jeopardy!?

WATTERS: Well, I mean, he's - what is he - I mean, he doesn't look that old to me.

COMPAGNO: 75 years old.

GUTFELD: He looks great.

COMPAGNO: He reads children's book--

WILLIAMS: You look marvelous--

GUTFELD: Why is he wearing a shirt on that sweater?

WATTERS: I never thought about him as Dana invited him to be a guest on the Daily Briefing and he said no.

COMPAGNO: That's not OK.

WILLIAMS: Yes, she wasn't pay him.

WATTERS: Well, they don't pay to go on the--

GUTFELD: He was very polite.

WILLIAMS: Very polite.

COMPAGNO: I looked up what he got wrong and the only two that I knew had to do with Argentinian wine country and laundry and kind of the Jane Fonda one.

WATTERS: I thought they put a picture of Ben Sasse, the senator up there.

GUTFELD: Yes, he got that wrong.

WATTERS: He got that wrong.

WILLIAMS: He didn't know who that was.

GUTFELD: Yes, but so does the Ben Sasse's wife. Just kidding Ben.

WATTERS: Who is that?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

WATTERS: Who is next?

MONTGOMERY: Finally. Talk about food foul, watch what happens when an LA Dodgers fan tries to show off his catching skills, but ends up losing his lunch twice. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, he got this one.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He got it. Oh, no.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. It is it. Is--


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's the same guy and the seat--

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This goes really serious business.


WATTERS: Do you know how expensive that is? Do you know how much of pizza and fires cost at baseball games - $50 at least.

MONTGOMERY: That's 30,000--

GUTFELD: This should be a sport. Burger, beer, ball, all right, so the batter - so that - you have a person they're holding food - right, like they're at home plate and the batter scores by clear - and the pitcher scores by clearing the meal out of the person's arm by getting the ball. This is this is a great game.

WATTERS: This has the GG Show written all over it.

GUTFELD: Yes. We're going to do this tonight or tomorrow.

WILLIAMS: But let me say, when you think if you had a choice to make would you have the pizza as your souvenir or the baseball? I'll take the baseball every time.

WATTERS: I'll take the beer. I will catch the baseball in the beer.

MONTGOMERY: Exactly. You use the vessel as the spectacle.

COMPAGNO: I used to host a whistle booze. Did you guys play whistle booze??

WILLIAMS: I don't even know what that is.

COMPAGNO: Basically it's whistle ball, but second base is a keg and then you can't pass it without drinking a beer.


COMPAGNO: Yes, and so I hosted that Law School.

GUTFELD: That's not very wholesome. That's not very wholesome Emily.

COMPAGNO: It was good clean fun. Yes, it was. It was a charitable endeavor. It was philanthropic.

GUTFELD: Oh, really.

WATTERS: That's what all sororities say.

MONTGOMERY: And then you liberals like - surrender. All right, we have so much more to come. "Fan Mail Friday" is coming up in moments. Stay right there.


GUTFELD: Fan Mail Friday. All right. This is from Connie D. D for delightful. All right, I'm going to you to Emily first, because you're so annoying. Describe your bedroom when you were a kid?

COMPAGNO: Well, depending on the year, like for example - like one wall was all Baryshnikov and like dancing stuff.

GUTFELD: Really.

COMPAGNO: And also - yes, my hair band phase, so like Bon Jovi. Like New Jersey album with hair.

GUTFELD: Why not attractive bands? Why Bon Jovi?

COMPAGNO: Because he is--

GUTFELD: he is hideous.

COMPAGNO: No not in my then 12 year old opinion. Not then.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's interesting. And that all went away when - all go down when?

COMPAGNO: Last week.

GUTFELD: All right, Juan. Did you have Bon Jovi posters when you were child?

WILLIAMS: But you had some culture - Baryshnikov, I'm loving it--

COMPAGNO: Yes, he was idol.

WILLIAMS: That's very sweet. So I have older brother and for the longest time it was room. I just had my cot in his room and he used to have things like girls hairs stick up on the wall. I'm like what is this? And I would wipe it away. And he'd be like what are you doing, put that back. I'm like get out of here.

GUTFELD: --hair. There might be some secret unsolved crimes in your house.

WATTERS: Do you have any follow-up questions, Greg? Why is there hair on the wall?

GUTFELD: Oh, my god. All right, Jesse, I'm dying to know what your little bedroom was like.

WATTERS: It was a massive bedroom.

GUTFELD: Massive.

MONTGOMERY: Nancy Glass--

WATTERS: No, no, not all. I had bunk beds, I had a Nintendo. I had--

GUTFELD: You had bunk beds, do you have brother?

WATTERS: For sleepovers.

GUTFELD: That is just wired.


GUTFELD: You didn't have a brother but you had bunk beds.

WATTERS: Well, everybody wanted a bunk bed.

GUTFELD: Not if you didn't have a siblings

WATTERS: It doesn't matter.

GUTFELD: That's the weirdest thing. I want bunk beds. You can only sleep in one at a time.

WILLIAMS: No, no, he is swappy, go top-bottom, top-bottom.

GUTFELD: I know few people like that. All right, Kennedy?

MONTGOMERY: Yes, I love music. Portland, great music city and I used to sneak out and go see bands and I would steal posters and set lists from my favorite Portland bands, Dharma Bombs, Killing Field and Nero's Rome, I'd love them so much and I would put them all over my room. And I had a big picture of Nick Rhodes--

GUTFELD: Nick Rhodes - Duran Duran, yes. My room was covered in blood. No, I had the disaster movie theme for years, which was towering inferno poster, earthquake poster, Airport poster. There was - inferno, earthquake, Poseidon Adventure - all Irvine Allen movies.

And then I switched the punk rock, so it became Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned and then it would - then came the blood.

WATTERS: Do you think we would have been friends as we were children?

GUTFELD: No we would have been separated. We would - we would probably OK through kindergarten and first grade and then something would happened.

WATTERS: Something would have happened. The parents would have gotten involved.

GUTFELD: So funny.

WATTERS: You are one of those kids.

GUTFELD: I have no more time. We just did one question.


GUTFELD: It was a great question, though. It was really great. So is "One More Thing". That's up next. So you in bit.


WATTERS: It's time now for "One More Thing", Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? Well now you can. Take a look at this video




WILLIAMS: Yes, to celebrate the show's 50th Anniversary, the intersection of Broadway and West 63rd Street here in New York is now officially Sesame Street. That's the location of the show's headquarters. The fictional Sesame Street is home to the New York brownstone where Elmo, Bert and Ernie lived.

That fictional Street is known to children in a 150 countries. Some people say the show is really located on the in the East Village, others say the Upper West Side. Anyway Mayor Bill de Blasio was joined by the puppet cast for the unveiling.

GUTFELD: Where is he? The guy in yellow?

WILLIAMS: That's him, that's him. That's big Ben. By the way, the same intersection was named Sesame Street in 2009, you may recall to celebrate the 40th anniversary. This time for the 50th it's going to stay. It's permanent, it's for good.

WATTERS: All right, Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. I might prefer The Electric Company. All right coming up tomorrow on the Greg Gutfeld Show, we got Lawrence Jones, Stephen Miller, Kat and Tyrus. It's going to be a fun show - 10 o'clock. You miss that, I won't speak to you for a week. Now it's time for this.

"Greg's Crime Corner" Well, take a look this nutty criminal.


GUTFELD: There he is, going into this guy's pants searching for a free nuts. I don't know about you, but the bigger crime is that guy's guts. Get to the gym pal, lay off the nuts. All right that's it for me.


WILLIAMS: How can he not notice that this animal is in his pocket?

WATTERS: I think he's doing that to lure the animal into his pocket, because he's that pervert. No, I'm kidding, who knows. Maybe he has nuts in his pocket.

WILLIAMS: Let's stop--

WATTERS: He probably does

GUTFELD: He does.

WATTERS: OK. This guy was probably playing whiffle booze.


Check out the Milwaukee Bucks player Pat Connaughton throw out the first pitch of the game here. Not the greatest pitch. Oh. He went swivel booze with Emily, high and a bit outside. Sorry buddy. All right, but no one got hurt, so there you go.

Also Watters World, where people do get hurt seriously injured 8:00 pm Eastern, Sarah Sanders will be there. I will throwing fast balls just like the Milwaukee Bucks player. Kennedy? Let me know how Stephen Miller is, by the way, I want to have him on my show.

GUTFELD: He is a delightful chap.


MONTGOMERY: Great conversation for off air. There you go. Are you looking to get into that bikini bod, maybe trying to lay off little bit of the fast food? Taco Bell has something just for you.


MONTGOMERY: Look at that, it's a pool float inspired by their world famous hot sauce packets. But my favorite is the bikini. It's a hot sauce packet bikini. It's so amazing. So if you want to get in bikini shape, buy that know and it will remind you to not eat too much Taco Bell, especially late at night.

WATTERS: We got to have those on set next time.

GUTFELD: They should have some kind of toilet roll that you take the beach, if you're going to be eating Taco Bell, stuff goes right through you.

WATTERS: Or at least inflatable raft--


WATTERS: Shaped like Juan (ph).

GUTFELD: Or maybe something like Imodium that comes in a Taco Bell bag.


MONTGOMERY: - Imodium taco--


MONTGOMERY: With little bit of Pepto-Bismol cheese.

GUTFELD: Pepto taco.

WILLIAMS: Tell that to that squirrel. I wonder if he's going to have some thrown.

WATTERS: He needs some. Emily?

COMPAGNO: Coffee addicts, this phone case will change your life. Now has this ever happened to you? Check it out.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm sorry, but I don't really have time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't you have a time for a coffee?


GUTFELD: What's going on?

COMPAGNO: So - OK. So basically what's happening is that phone case literally makes espresso and it has the coffee inside the case. And then when you press that button, it prompts the thing to heat up.

WATTERS: What? No.

GUTFELD: I don't believe this. That - you


MONTGOMERY: But isn't it - to actually do anything?

COMPAGNO: It's probably like one shot of espresso.

GUTFELD: Yes, is it a real phone?

WATTERS: Can I do them with vodka?

COMPAGNO: Yes, yes, because it's a case.

GUTFELD: Why don't you order one?

COMPAGNO: --it would be heated up.

GUTFELD: Order one. That's what--


WATTERS: you needed the bikinis, you needed the coffee, iPhone.

MONTGOMERY: You needed the bunk bed.

WATTERS: It's very comfortable by the way.

WILLIAMS: Is that?

WATTERS: No, I do not sleep on the top. All right. That's all for us tonight. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a nice weekend everybody. You know Greg well.

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