
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 22, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Tuesday: Terri Schiavo's parents won 24 hours, but the clock is ticking. Can they get more time? A last-minute emergency ruling has extended Terri Schiavo's life for now, but the new deadline is less than 24 hours away. The Florida woman has been in a vegetative state for 15 years, and just hours ago, a Florida appeals court cleared the way for her husband to disconnect the feeding tube that keeps her alive. That was immediately followed by a judge's ruling to block the removal of the tube for at least one more day.

Terri's father made a last-minute plea for her life.


ROBERT SCHINDLER, TERRI SCHIAVO'S FATHER: We are begging and pleading with the legislators and Governor Bush to save Terri from being murdered in cold blood.


VAN SUSTEREN: Protesters gathered at Michael Schiavo's home in an effort to keep him from pulling Terri's feeding tube.




VAN SUSTEREN: But Michael Schiavo's attorney thinks the legal wrangling is nearing the end.


GEORGE FELOS, MICHAEL SCHIAVO'S ATTORNEY: I think it's obvious to most observers and to the courts that there's been nothing new brought up in this case for years now. What we have seen is a series of recycled motions re-alledging the same claims that have already been adjudicated by the courts and ruled in favor of Mr. Schiavo. I think the courts are finally coming to a position where they realize that these continued filings are an abuse of the legal system, and we're hopeful that the courts will finally come to the point of saying, "No more delay."


VAN SUSTEREN: We should note that we invited Michael Schiavo and his lawyer, George Felos, to appear on this show, but they declined our invitation.

Joining us from Tampa, Florida, are Terri Schiavo's brother, Bobby Schindler, and the Schindler family attorney, David Gibbs.

Bobby, first, did you expect to get this 24 hours until the hearing tomorrow afternoon? And second, how do you feel tonight?

BOBBY SCHINDLER, TERRI SCHIAVO'S BROTHER: Well, we didn't know what to expect today, Greta. We went to visit Terri today at the hospice. My family was in the room with Terri, and we were waiting. And we didn't know what was going to happen. And I got to tell you, it was heart-wrenching having to sit there and watch my mom and dad go through this and not knowing from minute to minute if Terri's feeding tube was going to be removed.

When we did get the news that we did have until tomorrow, until the hearing, we were just overjoyed and we were just ecstatic that we had another day that we were going to be, you know, without having to deal with Terri being put through starvation and dehydration. But it was just an extremely tough day, Greta, having to watch my parents sitting there and just waiting to see if their daughter is going to be starved to death.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bobby, the court of appeals at 1:00 PM issued the mandate which, in effect, would allow Terri's husband, Michael, to withdraw the feeding tube, but then the trial court judge issued a stay until the hearing tomorrow afternoon. Where were you at 1:00 PM, or when did you learn that you would at least have the stay until 2:45 tomorrow?

SCHIAVO: Well, as I said, her whole family was in bedside with Terri, and we were just waiting, waiting anxiously to hear what was going to happen. We didn't know if we were going to be there and Terri's feeding tube was going to be removed today. And it was just-- it was a very tough day, having to see my mom-- it was very difficult to look at my mom today because she was extremely upset and she just didn't know if her daughter was going to begin the process of death by starvation and dehydration. So it was, as you can imagine, for any parent, a very difficult day for our family.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was Michael there today, Bobby? Michael being Terri's husband.

SCHIAVO: No, he was not. I did not see him.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, David, tomorrow the hearing. Judge Greer is the trial court judge. He has previously -- and correct me if I'm wrong, but previously said that Michael has the right to speak for Terri and have the tube removed. What do you expect to happen tomorrow during that hearing?

DAVID GIBBS, SCHINDLER FAMILY ATTORNEY: Greta, I expect Judge Greer to listen to all of the pending motions. And I believe he's going to grant an extended stay that will protect Terri's life. He gave the stay today so there wouldn't be this barbaric rush to starve her to death.

We need to remember Terri's not on a ventilator. She's not on a heart machine. We're talking food and water. And here we have a family gathered at a bedside, wondering whether Terri's going to be starved to death beginning today. And so I am very encouraged that we are on the first step to victory in ultimately saving Terri's life. I think Judge Greer's going to grant the stay, and I believe that we are going to see success, ultimately, in saving Terri's life.

VAN SUSTEREN: Explain to me, though, David-- and first, correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Judge Greer in previous hearings ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo on this issue? And if that's true, what makes you think he's suddenly going to reverse himself tomorrow and rule in your client's favor?

GIBBS: Well, we're not asking for him to ultimately adjudicate in our favor. We're asking for a stay. And what that means is, Judge Greer, lets us at least be decent, in terms of letting the family have a schedule. Let them have an opportunity to visit Terri, have some certainty. Certainly, to just rush off and say, We're going to remove the food and water and just begin the starvation process is incredibly unkind to the family. What they had to go through today was unbelievable. And so I think Judge Greer did the sensitive and the right thing. I think he's going to grant a stay.

These medical advances are huge. They are now beginning to say Terri may not be in PVS, a vegetative state, but she might be in a minimally conscious state.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bobby, have you had a chance in the last week, month, to talk to your brother-in-law, Michael Schiavo, at all?

SCHIAVO: No, Greta. I've tried to talk in the past. I've tried to set up some type of of meeting where we can talk. And you know, as you know, we've been telling you over and over again, our intention, our only intention of our family is we want Terri. We want to bring her home. We want to make her part of our family again. It's obvious Michael doesn't have Terri's best interests in mind anymore. He has his own family, his own children. And we just want Terri and to bring her home. And just as we said from the beginning, we just want to make her part of our family and take care of her. There's no reason to be doing this, no reason at all to have to kill my sister, when we have a family standing by to take care of her.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Bobby David, thank you. We'll be watching, of course, Wednesday, see what happens at that hearing.

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