
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

European Support

The European Union, which was the source of some grumbling about the nomination of Paul Wolfowitz as the new head of the World Bank, has now decided it will support him, despite reservations about his role in U.S. foreign policy. After meeting with Wolfowitz in Brussels, a German official said he was satisfied with what he heard from the deputy defense secretary, adding that the EU and Germany will back Wolfowitz in Thursday's vote.

And the Prime Minister of Luxembourg has already described Wolfowitz as "the incoming president of the World Bank." EU members say they'll push Wolfowitz for more European representation among World Bank management.

Scary Study

A new report suggests that humans have used up nearly two thirds of the world's resources, claiming that the planet's ecosystems may no longer be able to sustain future generations. The report was supervised by chief World Bank scientist Robert Watson, who boasts a questionable track record on environmental issues. In 1992, Watson forecast an imminent hole in the ozone layer over the northern hemisphere. That hole has yet to appear.

And in 2001, Watson predicted that U.S. emissions would cause water shortages, disease, and agricultural damage and could raise global temperatures more than 10 degrees over the next 100 years. But that claim was based on a computer model of a world without mountains, thunderstorms, or ocean currents.

Forced Exit

The Secret Service has denied that it was its agents who forcibly removed three ticket holders from the president's speech in Denver last week, saying it was most likely a Republican staffer. The three individuals claim they were tossed out of the event for driving a car sporting a "No More Blood for Oil" bumper sticker. One says he didn't even know the sticker was on the car, and that the group had no plans to disrupt the speech despite wearing "Stop The Lies" T-shirts under their business clothes.

And while all three are members of a local anti-Bush political organization, one tells the Rocky Mountain News that their intentions were innocent, saying, "I have never seen a president in person. For me, it was kind of exciting to be involved in a historic, presidential event." An attorney for the three has asked Justice Department to investigate the incident.

Full Disclosure

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington says its mission is to promote greater transparency in politics — and threatens to take government agencies to court to enforce disclosure laws. But after Republicans targeted the group for demanding the resignation of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay last week — alleging that several high profile Democrats sit on the group's board of directors — the group calling for government transparency refused to reveal the names of its board members.

When pressed by The Hill newspaper, a CREW spokesman finally confirmed two members — one a big money Democratic donor, the other a former pollster for President Clinton.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report