
Have any of you been following the latest on JFK? It seems he had his way with a 19-year-old intern named "Mimi," and now "Mimi" has spoken out.

Marion Fahnestock, now 60 years old, tells the New York Daily News it's all true. That while she couldn't type, she could indeed do other things to catch the commander-in-chief's attention.

No offense to Mimi, but please, stop. I don't care. I don't want to know.

I hear you've moved on, great. Now I want the rest of us to do the same. I mean, the guy's been dead for nearly 40 years.

Don't get me wrong. He was personable and smart, charismatic and engaging. But he is gone.

You know, my mother, being of Irish descent, loved Kennedy. I was only five years old at the time, but I still vividly recall her crying for days after he was killed. But we have to move on, people.

This national fixation with this guy is over-the-top. To this day Democrats clamor over whether they've got that Kennedy flare. To this day, candidates vie for who can seem the most Kennedy-esque. And to this day, media pundits obsess over that Kennedy ease with the press, even though this guy clearly bamboozled the press and us, and in some cases, the press happily, albeit quietly let him bamboozle away.

Stop it. Please. We have bigger things to worry about "now" than obsess over what intern was servicing the president "then."

It's a pity we remember more about Kennedy now by the company he kept than the things he did.

It's natural to fixate on such things. But it's weird, and it's not healthy.

We all need a 12-step program to de-Camelot ourselves.

He's dead. Marilyn Monroe is dead. Judith Exner is dead. Sam Giancana is dead.

Most of the cast of characters who dominated the scene then are long gone now, save Castro, and of course, Mimi.

The less I hear about either or both, the better.

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