
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 2, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, yesterday, Chick-fil-A appreciation day, a man taped himself confronting a drive-thru employee.

Warning: what follows will fry your temples.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my free water?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Awesome. You know why I get free water, right?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because Chick-fil-A is a hateful corporation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We don't treat any of our customers differently.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know. But it's money to hate groups. Hate groups. I don't believe corporations should be giving money to hate groups.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm uncomfortable --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I totally understand. I don't know how you live with yourself and work here. I don't understand. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values. You deserve better.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're here to serve you any way that you need.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You deserve better.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I hope you have a really nice day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will. I just did something really good. I feel purposeful. Thank you so much. OK. I'm a nice guy, by the way, and I'm totally heterosexual. I'm not a gay --


GUTFELD: "I feel purposeful." What a d-bag. I mean, what a brave man. Never using his name, posting the video under an alias, filming a woman without her permission, as she only tries to serve him.

So, under the guise of tolerance we have sanctioned bullying. Congratulations, sir. You have officially become everything you've been complaining about all these years. You're a big, fat, stupid jerk.

What a wonderful contrast. Here you have a sweet, hard-working woman trying to do her job, maintaining an amazing amount of grace. And before her, a prostitute for attention.

Mind you, this hateful harasser stressed that he was straight. Does he worry that people think he is gay, as if that's an insult? Maybe he did all of this just to mask his own homophobia.

In seeing this woman's poise under persecution, you've got to ask -- whose side are you on? It's not about gay or straight, or freedom versus tyranny, it's heroes versus zeroes. Because when the temporary conflicts dissipate, and they always do, the only one left holding the bag is that young lady at the counter. She couldn't care less who that dope sleeps with. She does her job and will keep doing her job long after we moved on to something else.

Although I bet that guy is still in the parking lot recording his sad and lonely commentary.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: You made one of the most important points of the whole thing -- why was he pointing out he was straight? What was --

GUTFELD: Yes! Was he trying to hit on her? After basically humiliating her.

BOLLING: Even worse than that, was he trying to say if he were gay, was it a bad thing? Was he embarrassed of someone gay? Isn't that homophobic?

GUTFELD: Yes, he's actually, I mean, going after this poor girl is doing his job and he comes off as a homophobe. Amazing.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: By the way, he said I'm so happy with myself. If you're so happy with yourself, why did he take down the video? Why did he post it anonymously?

You know, we're always taught in the restaurant business the customer is always right. I can tell you right now that girl has more self-control than I do. That would have resulted with a chicken sandwich going somewhere that may have cost me my job.

GUTFELD: Where are all the heroes for bullying?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Let me tell you -- I think she is a heroine, because she was polite. She was courteous. She's a model employee. This backfired completely because she was perfect in how she handled this and so sweet.

They couldn't have handpicked somebody if they knew he was coming to put at the window to show their customer service, the attitude, the employees that work there. I thought she was spot-on.

TANTAROS: She should get a promotion, right?


GUTFELD: Bob, you didn't listen --

GUILFOYLE: Bob is playing with these balls.

GUTFELD: No, you're playing with magnets.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: You know what struck me about that? Here's what struck me about that, is that all the gays over the years who have been harassed by people, for this guy to go under the guise of defending the gay movement and to do that kind of thing, which is exactly what has happened to gays through decades is to me the worst kind of bullying, if you will. That's what gays have been bullied for most -- for a long time until they got organized.

And to do that, it seems to me, it's just a simple thing. Shoot 'em.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh. Bob! Bob is kidding. Bob is joking, he doesn't condone violence or suggest anybody engage in them.


BOLLING: You know, you want to look at homophobia in the dictionary, I should be -- there should be a link to that videotape there. Gay community should come out against this guy.

BECKEL: I think they would, probably, if you ask --

GUILFOYLE: Disavow him.

BECKEL: I'm sure they are appalled by that.

GUTFELD: This is the first time ever you were playing with a toy during a segment.

BECKEL: Yes, but I was listening very carefully of what you said.

GUTFELD: She deserves a race.

TANTAROS: I think she deserves a raise and promotion, and she probably will get one. I mean, what a better employee do you want?

GUILFOYLE: I would hire here.

TANTAROS: Saying, have a nice day. I mean, she maintained her cool.

This whole thing, though, the same First Amendment, it's very clear that protects Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A's, right to hold his own personal religious beliefs is the same First Amendment that allowed for mosque at Ground Zero. The same people that are arguing that this is bad were the people who said, no, they should have freedom, freedom of religion.

BOLLING: Then again --

TANTAROS: The government -- it's different. A CEO's personal belief is different from government official like Rahm Emanuel trying to stop this.

BOLLING: Well, my point is then you should be OK with that guy doing exactly what he did. His First Amendment rights.

TANTAROS: That seems like bullying. Would you argue tomorrow, OK -- people have a right to do it. But a lot of people are talking tomorrow, a lot of gay and lesbians are going to Chick-fil-A for a kiss-in.

Appropriate or not appropriate? They have the right to do it, I guess, as long as they don't interfere in the workplace.

BECKEL: Nobody has been bullied more nor given less access to the First Amendment than the gays in the '50s and the '60s. For this guy to represent them is -- I find just appalling. I assume the gay community does, too.

GUTFELD: But then again they took it down.

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem. The video wasn't up so long.

BECKEL: I think she should be the manager.

BOLLING: She should, Chick-fil-A should bring her to corporate and make her head of customer service.

GUILFOYLE: She was great. She was so well-composed. I think she was raised by great parents.

TANTAROS: No, he does have a right to say it. It doesn't make it right. It's the same argument with the mosque. You have a right to build

it, but it doesn't --

BECKEL: That's same with the COO. He has a right to say it, but he shouldn't have said it.

GUILFOYLE: He's a coward to beat up on a girl like that. Who is she?

She is not corporate.

BECKEL: But the corporate COO basically beat up on people who are gay.

TANTAROS: There's two different issues here, Bob. He's allowed to voice his own personal beliefs. Chick-fil-A doesn't discriminate against their employees based on their sexual orientation. It's totally different than saying the government banning a business.

BECKEL: Eric has a point here. You can't say that this guy is important as he is has a right to not, has a right to say that. Same way that the COO had a right to say that reasonably bigoted thing.

GUTFELD: I want to end with a quote from our Clarke Cooper, who is the executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, talking about this whole thing. He wrote, "While in a perfect world, our equality should not depend on our good behavior, in a world where the rights often hinge on the political reality, the way our movement conducts itself matters."

Just means be a good guy. That's all it means. That's all anybody is asking.

BOLLING: You like that drive-thru clerk.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

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