
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 24, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly
Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Jedediah Bila and Greg
Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Hillary Clinton owes the American people an explanation, about whether
donors to her family foundation got favors in return while she was
secretary of state. Will she give them answers? It doesn't sound likely.
Politico's playbook got Intel on what Clinton campus saying internally and
will be saying publicly to try to make this go away. Things such as, the
Clinton Cash book had been hyped by Rand Paul and Fox News as a ticking
time bomb. While it fails to break any new ground, it doesn't offer any
true bombshells and so on. But, will that strategy work? Well, here are
some nonfacts, non-conservative folks in the mainstream media who aren't
dismissing these latest Clinton allegations.


CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS: How many more warnings did the Clintons need to have
and yet, they ended up doing these things. It's politically - nope, just
dumb and ended up (ph).

MARK HALPERIN, BLOOMBER: There's no doubt, that if you were a Clinton
Foundation donor and you wanted your calls returned, I have no doubt that
people got their returned.

JERMEY PETERS, THE NEW YORK TIMES: You have these people whose main goal is
to misdirect and obfuscate every time there is the slightest bit of
criticism about the Clinton's leadership.


PETERS: They're definitely misdirecting here. I mean, this is what media
matters exists to do.

JOHN KING, CNN: This has been a Clinton playbook. When you are criticize to
say the person attacking us is political, they are partisan. It doesn't
matter if there are actual facts in here.


GUILFOYLE: All right, Greg, so what do you do? By means, these are people
in the mainstream media saying that this is a problem. How do they get it
out of this mess?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I don't know. Hillary can hide, but
then she can't run. So what it did there? Did it occur to anyone that
maybe, she actually isn't the person that wants this job? That it's Bill
who really wants her in there, because -- he still has, there's still rooms
in the White House he hasn't sex in. What's interesting and --

GUILFOYLE: And there goes the A-block.

GUTFELD: Yes. What's interesting -- no, but here's a serious point. It is -
- it's a vetting hypocrisy. When a reporter files a piece about Republican
-- that slams Republican or law enforcement or hypes up climate change,
there's no attempt to expose their bias, to look at their background. And
then when you find out later that they usually have a bias. With --
Schweizer is that his name? Every article reveals -- whenever they talk
about this book, every single thing that he has done from the Hoover
Institution, to working Palin, to working with the Koch brothers. So --
when he -- whenever it's a conservative doing a book, they are vetted. Take
Seth Meyers. Seth Meyers just did a piece on it where he went out -- he
didn't go after the book, he, he went after the author and his connections
to Palin and Bush. But what he, what he didn't bring up was his connection
to Hillary. That he would -- he hosted the Clinton Global Citizen Awards.
So it was actually Seth Meyers, if this quid pro quo, this, this exchange
of power, he's the one that is guilty and hid that while going after the
author. The scandal is complete.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: One of the --

GUILFOYLE: Wrap it up.

BOLLING: One of the rooms in the White House --


BOLLING: The Oval Office? You can check that one --

GUTFELD: Yeah -- exactly. The Lincoln bedroom.

BOLLING: Can, can I just weigh in.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, just poor Lincoln.

BOLLING: The New York Times -- the New York Times is actually telling the
Clinton -- both of them that they need to come clean on all the money where
it came from, that was today. Look, this thing keeps getting bigger. The --
the left is a big problem here, if you try to defend, they, they have one
candidate. If there are three or four they can say, you know -- it's, it's
really bad and we need to look at Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden or O'Malley
-- who, whomever, but they don't. They have one, so they have to hide. They
have to deflect. They have to duck. These things -- nothing, there's
nothing new. How about, Digicell -- the owner of Digicell, got $15 million
worth the contracts and dropped a few million dollars of his own money and
to the Clinton Foundation and hired Bill Clinton to do speeches. How about
VCS Mining? It wasn't even a mining company, it was VCS. It is a Shell
Company that decided to become a mining company, got millions of dollars
worth of business from Haiti, and guess who give on the board of VCS
Mining? Hillary Clinton's brother. This is saying -- I've said it before,
I'm gonna stick by it, it's gonna bring her down. The Clinton Foundation is
gonna take her out (inaudible) -- so blame something else, but there's
enough -- there's enough there, there.

GUILFOYLE: Like we said yesterday, she'll make another excuse of health, or
there is all of a sudden gonna be another grandchild.


GUILFOYLE: Something like that. Juan --

BOLLING: And she is like Chelsea, hurry up and get pregnant.




GUILFOYLE: We got plans for you this Friday night. Clock is ticking. All
right Juan, influence pedaling, Shell Company -- this is not good.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: This is not good at all. And I think,
what you saw there by the way, in that montage of left-wing, I don't think
they're left-wing, but of journalist -- mainstream American journalist, who
you guys might (inaudible) in the left-wing. I think it's accurate. Is that
the people, especially in the press, really do see a clear pattern with the
Clintons going way back. Which is the way that they push back is they
attack the person who is making the charge, to come to Greg's point and
then they say, hey, you know you are a part of vast right-wing conspiracy.
I don't know about bedrooms for Bill, but that's the deal, right?

GUILFOYLE: Bedrooms for Bill, what a campaign slogan.



WILLIAMS: Let's give some money. But I --


WILLIAMS: But I -- I got to tell you, you know the thing is that when you
start off like this and you go into the weeds, I think you know a lot of
people --


WILLIAMS: You do it.

BOLLING: What -- where's the weeds?

WILLIAMS: Because you gonna on with the weeds on --


WILLIAMS: Somebody owns this company.

BOLLING: Juan, this? No, no.

WILLIAMS: Here's the problem --

BOLLING: These are quid pro quo --

WILLIAMS: People start to get my eyes glaze over.

BOLLING: Here's the problem.


BOLLING: No, no.

WILLIAMS: You hurt your (inaudible).

BOLLING: These are quid pro quo in the last month --

WILLIAMS: To combat.

BOLLING: Quid pro's with no quo. Guess what? All you need is an e-mail, one
of the e-mails coming from the other direction, form one of the company who
got this skill (ph) --

WILLIAMS: Yeah, it sounds like wishful thinking on --

BOLLING: And then you got your quo.

WILLIAMS: It sound like -- look, I don't -- I think even without your
wishful thinking, there's a problem here. These people are ethnically

BOLLING: Correct.

WILLIAMS: Look it that way.

BOLLING: That will be real.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but so where is the wishful thinking on his part? We're
just giving --

WILLIAMS: No, he is, he is wishing --

GUILFOYLE: The facts out --

WILLIAMS: We're wishing for --
GUILFOYLE: We wait and see.

WILLIAMS: An e-mail or something hard proof that they have committed a


WILLIAMS: That hasn't happened.

BOLLING: I think it's there and I like to be vindicated.


BOLLING: That, that I would like --

WILLIAMS: All right.

BOLLING: Just think I'm right about it.

JEDEDIAH BILA, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, you know, I think you're right,
Juan --

GUILFOYLE: He doesn't want to make everyone's honesty. We all want
transparency --

BILA: Yeah.

WILLIAMS: We all want honesty -- yeah.

GUILFOYLE: I want to know at what point of the Democrats even going to care
about this.

BILA: Yeah.

WILLIAMS: No. It came to New York Times, that's what he was saying earlier.


WILLIAMS: New York Times editorial this morning.


WILLIAMS: Wall Street Journal editorial said. The Clintons need to say


WILLIAMS: You just speak up.

GUILFOYLE: But let's see the voters say about --

BILA: But I think --

GUILFOYLE: Jedediah.

BILA: The Clintons are being arrogant, because I think they are counting on
what you are saying. Which is that, the vast majority of voters will get
lost, will, will say, will all politicians are the same, they are all
dirty, they are all lie, everyone is on the same page.


BILA: So it relies on the media to come forward and ironically, the left-
wing media is reporting on this. And I think they are doing it, because I
think they would love for someone else to jump in. The media does not love
Hillary Clinton left, right or center. And I think they would love if -- if
Elizabeth Warren or somebody else.

WILLIAMS: That's true.

BILA: Jumped in and challenged her. And they know that this is a huge
problem for her because, she's not a good defender of herself. She is not
Bill Clinton. She is --

GUILFOYLE: She a reluctant defender almost.

BILA: Right. And she's not someone who's --

GUILFOYLE: She doesn't want to be asks question.

BILA: Charismatic, who's likable, who gonna be able to take an issue like
this and win people over in spite of it. Her husband might have been --
she's not gonna be that person. I think the media knows that and to say, if
anyone else out there can challenge her? Get on in. Because I don't think
she can win.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think she can win. But you know, it's what Greg --

BILA: Well, the media is saying that.

WILLIAMS: It was Greg -- let me say, I think there are people are afraid of
Greg and Eric. I -- personally am, so I guess other people are.

GUTFELD: Don't be afraid of me, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I got to be afraid of you.

GUTFELD: I'm gentle.

BILA: He's pretty scary.

WILLIAMS: Are you kidding?


WILLIAMS: Mockery, mockery is the worst. You know --


WILLIAMS: To be mock by Greg Gutfeld -- OK. So I think, I think to get to
your point, Jedediah.

BILA: Yeah.

WILLIAMS: There's a lot of American -- You know, New York Times tight
media, what I would call mainstream -- my friend here might call, left far
left-wing --

BOLLING: Left-wing -- of course.

WILLIAMS: Who have felt some sting of Gutfeld like charges of being a lap
dog for the Clintons. And I think that they are right now making a line in
a sand -- you know how dogs make a line in the sand --

BILA: Yeah.

WILLIAMS: But I won't say that. And then, they are saying, we have --
whenever possible, even cooperated with folks who might be described as
right-wing and going after the Clintons.

BILA: Yeah.

WILLIAMS: And exposing their excess.

BOLLING: Now, now --

BILA: But also, it's a legitimate news story, though. I mean --

WILLIAMS: It is though (ph).

BILA: It would -- this would be crazy --

BOLLING: Let me -- here's, here --

BILA: She's talking about she -- she deleted all of her e-mails.


BILA: We have tax return errors.

WILLIAMS: I agree.

BILA: You have potential bribery that influences policy. She -- this could
have potentially influenced national security policy.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

BILA: This is a huge story. So I think the media realizes they have to
acknowledge it. They don't have a choice. Otherwise they are gonna be the
laughing stock.

GUTFELD: You know what, you know what --


GUTFELD: What's affecting the media too is -- the media matters obsession,
because you can smell the desperation coming from their sweaty foreheads. I
get a frantic release, every hour from media matters. Use of the headline -


GUTFELD: Use of the headline --

GUILFOYLE: That sounded really weird.

GUTFELD: The book claim -- book claims fall apart. It's like a parrot in a


GUTFELD: That is -- you know croaking stuff that you heard (ph) in David
Brock's therapy sessions. Their defenses are ridiculous. OK, this was a
defense. Hillary -- the uranium decision -- the uranium deal, she is not
responsible for that because, she may not have known about it.

BILA: Right.

GUTFELD: So her ignorance is her asset.

GUILFOYLE: And her (inaudible).

GUTFELD: Her defense is indefensible.


GUTFELD: Now they are just saying, she didn't know, so it's not her fault.

BOLLING: You know what the problem with that is? She had to know. The state
department --


GUTFELD: Right, though (ph).

BOLLING: Had to have proved that deal, before the deal went down. She was
having --


BOLLING: The state department at the time that they approved the deal that
ended it up giving the Russians.

GUILFOYLE: Otherwise --

BOLLING: Full interest.
GUILFOYLE: Ignorance, he's an incompetent --

BOLLING: Can I just throw something to Juan's point --

GUILFOYLE: Real quick --

BOLLING: Very quickly.

GUILFOYLE: And I must go to Romney --

BOLLING: Maybe The New York Times.


BOLLING: Think progress and -- always -- his left-wing groups are coming
out now.


BOLLING: Because they trying to get the stuff over with. Out of the, out of
the way and then let's -- get that in our rearview mirror. Accept it keeps

WILLIAMS: They keep coming.

BOLLING: It's more and more and more.

WILLIAMS: Well but -- but they are doing it.

BILA: Doing what?


GUILFOYLE: If it's gonna be -- you know, it's gonna do her in now because
not at the last second when then it can cost them.

BOLLING: Correct.

GUILFOYLE: The White House. Because if they need to put in.

BOLLING: Correct.

GUILFOYLE: A new fresh pony then.

BOLLING: You got in the way out.

GUILFOYLE: That's what they are gonna do.


GUILFOYLE: Speaking of someone, born to run, born to ride -- Mitt Romney
even opined on this subject matter.


there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the
sale of, what, 20 percent of America's uranium -- uranium production to
Russia, and then it was covered up by lying about a meeting with her home
with the principals, and by erasing e-mails. And -- I presume we might know
for sure whether there was or was not bribery if she hadn't wiped out --
you know, out -- thousands of e-mails.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, Mitt. I was waiting for this.


GUILFOYLE: I was waiting for that kind of language and enthusiasm and tough
talking, and it just like man got fall all over the place.

GUTFELD: Just phone (ph) it in, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, this is what we wanted, right? Why didn't he do this and
go there, Jedediah?

BILA: Yeah.

GUILFOYLE: It would have been oh, so pleasing.

BILA: This is what everyone was waiting for Romney to do. You are a hundred
percent right. I think the GOP candidates are gonna be reliable on this. I
don't see a Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Rand Paul backing down on this
issue. I think they are gonna hold their feet to the fire. And the question
is, are they gonna find any criminal activity here. I think if they find
criminal activity and there are some sorts of FBI investigation, I heard
Judge Nap talking about that. That takes this whole thing to a whole new
level. Also, if she begins to realize that there are a lot of other things
that maybe disclosed, what are her actions gonna be from here on end. How
is she gonna treat this run? Is she going to stay in the game, if she's not
gonna stay on the game, that's a good question --


GUILFOYLE: The Bolling, Bolling's gonna be --

WILLIAMS: But oh, wishful thinking.

GUILFOYLE: Convince --

WILLIAMS: Wishful --

GUILFOYLE: Criminal activity of foot (ph).

WILLIAMS: More wishful thinking.


GUILFOYLE: Right? I mean --


GUILFOYLE: But the problem is, if she didn't help conceal half of this
stuff like with the server.

BILA: Right.

GUILFOYLE: So how -- you are gonna reward that kind of duplicity?

BILA: Yeah.

GUILFOYLE: From -- You know, coming from the former secretary of state? And
reward her with the White House, that's the problem.

BOLLING: -- the interesting sound bite from Mitt Romney, I compelling, it's
heard down like -- I agree with you, where was that --

GUILFOYLE: Love it (ph).

BOLLING: A couple of years ago. He -- by here is he now --

GUILFOYLE: And now he's boxing, too.

BOLLING: But here's the question --

GUILFOYLE: So ask him now (ph) --

BOLLING: Where, where are the GOP candidates --


BOLLING: The real ones.


BOLLING: Why are they calling that bribery and quid pro quo? Hopefully,
it's not because they are worried about what the investigation is gonna
turn up. And there --


BOLLING: You know -- buffers --

BILA: That's a great point.

BOLLING: I hope that's not the reason.

BILA: that's a great point.

BOLLING: But if the first one who gets out of in front of it and say, you
know what? It is bribery. She is wrong. They did -- they did this that it's
illegal and you don't want a president that, that is willing to do ---
think about this for one second. It's -- vice -- a former president is one
thing, a secretary of state, one thing, selling influence for them. If she
becomes the president, as willing to sell influence? Wow, that's quite a --
that's quite of boatload of influence she could sell.

WILLIAMS: Oh, it's terrible. That's why there is really has some staying
power. You can't sell political inference at the highest office in the
land. Again, their president and I think --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, they will try.


GUILFOYLE: They'll try.

WILLIAMS: I think it was a lot of reporting today about former president's
making these big money speeches overseas, they hauled it in or
contributions to these presidential libraries by foreign governments.
Again, sort of questionable, they are buying the influence of a former
president of the United States. That -- what makes this distinct and unique
is, you've got a former president and you've got a future president. So
you've got the idea that you're buying influence from some who is going to
be in the Oval Office.

BOLLING: Exactly (ph).

WILLIAMS: And that's, that is bad.

BILA: Yeah.

GUTFELD: The strategy, I think for Hillary's people are to call this a
witch-hunt. When you have, when you have a little bit of controversy and a
little bit of criticism, you call that a molehill. And then a molehill when
it becomes a mountain, then you says that's a witch-hunt. A witch-hunt is
just another way of saying, they caught you. It is the consensus of
reporters saying something is wrong, their -- their best strategy is to say
it's a witch-hunt. They don't want a woman in office, they're -- they don't
like Hillary, this is all tramps up. That's the strategy I would use.

WILLIAMS: But you know what I'm struck at?



GUILFOYLE: Man or woman in the White House. How about that?

WILLIAMS: Peter's -- Peter Schweizer's book is not on sale.

GUTFELD: I know. Nobody, nobody has read it.


GUTFELD: That hasn't stopped us before.




BILA: (inaudible) I mean, he -- he's an investigative guy. He doesn't mess
around Peter. I mean, I've worked with him in the past. This is gonna be --

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but it looks it will be on sale.

GUTFELD: They did.

BILA: If he says, this is gonna be a bombshell -- it's coming out soon. If
this is what --

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but I say --

BILA: He's claiming that -- it's gonna be. I promise you. This is gonna be
able that Hillary's people are gonna want to read.

GUILFOYLE: So you spent time with him?

BILA: Yeah. It was like in the past.

GUILFOYLE: You guys just like Tapas on Tuesday --



WILLIAMS: Topless?



BILA: He worked with Palin before, he's --


BOLLING: Topless.

BILA: Yeah. Tapas --

GUTFELD: Topless Tuesday?

BILA: Tapas.

WILLIAMS: What is it, wait. What is it, wait.


WILLIAMS: Wait, wait. You did -- now she's trying to clean it up.


WILLIAMS: Go ahead. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Anyway, right. Yes.


GUILFOYLE: Good thing.


GUILFOYLE: There are real shows coming on out of this. All right, make sure
to catch this Tangled Clinton Web tonight, a Special Fox News investigation
on the Clinton money trail at 10 p.m. Eastern. Coming up, a Nobel Prize
winner said there is no such thing as the American dream anymore. Is he
right? Eric says, (inaudible).



BOLLING: Hillary Clinton has made no bones about her concern for an income
inequality, but it is widen massively under the last two Democrat
presidents, Clinton and Obama. Another misguided liberal Joseph Stiglitz.
Columbia University professor and Nobel Prize winner, claims the American
dream is dead.


countries -- the advance countries with the least equality of opportunity,
which means that the -- while I prospects of young American, a more
dependent on the income and education's parents (ph) than another -- other
countries. So this notion of equal opportunity is sort of American dream
is, is now a myth.


BOLLING: Stiglitz is confused. Yes, the American dream is equal
opportunity. But contrary to Stiglitz, equal opportunity isn't dead, it's
alive and thriving in fact, we guarantee that in America, equal opportunity
by law. Now, equal success, that's up to you. That's capitalism, folks.
Elizabeth Warren claims capitalism is (inaudible).


ELIZABETH WARREN, MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR: This country is in real trouble.
The game is rape. We cannot continue to run this country for the top 10
percent. Government cannot continue to be the captive of the rich and the


BOLLING: I'm sorry Senator, you have the backwards of free market is the
greatest generator wealth in history. Government is get away of the way,
not smother (ph) with laws, taxes and race. Why -- Juan, why these liberals
say capitalism is dead, the free market is dead. They are wrong. Things are
good, right?

WILLIAMS: -- I think every -- by every measure, the ability of a young
person to move up the ladder of upward mobility now is less in America than
it was, you know 20, 30 years ago. And you know what Stiglitz's
recommendation is remedy by the way, it's something that's gonna set you on
fire here, you gonna have to -- get the fire --


WILLIAMS: No, not I think is distribution, but that in terms of -- you
know, the money that comes from investments and stocks, dividends, all of
that. That we don't sufficiently tax it, we don't reinvest.


WILLIAMS: We don't reinvest in the American people. We don't put enough
money into American education.

BOLLING: Does -- do we guarantee success --


BOLLING: Or do we guarantee equal opportunity?

GUILFOYLE: We guarantee equality of opportunity and not of result in this
country. Earn it, get after it, be passionate, show us how bad you want it,
you are in the best country in the world, so you already got such a leg up
on everybody else. Think about the opportunities that you're literally just
born into by waking up every morning in America. And somebody like
Elizabeth warren just -- does not quite grasp that concept. She's too busy
trying to spread it around because -- and you know what that does, that
weakens people. It weakens the individuals. It does not make them strong or
embolden them and that, that's a problem, because she's telling everybody
that, you're not good enough to figure this out and do it on your own. I'm
going to have to help you.

BOLLING: Who gives out these Nobel prizes?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I think it's a -- I think it's a collection of
weirdoes in a basement. But this --

GUILFOYLE: You mean your friend?

GUTFELD: Yes. It really is about language.



GUTFELD: What the, what the -- the left, the left is very is great at
recasting bad ideas with new rhetoric. They're good at selling bad ideas,
but conservatives are really bad at selling great ideas. We have to learn
how to respond to this argument that in income inequality is not cured by
redistribution. It's, it's disappears when luxury items become more
commonly available. People get rich by creating things that - then later,
become affordable. So -- what you look at the line at the -- iPhone store,
you don't see class warfare. You don't know who is making what. But they
are all getting the same luxury item for an affordable price. George Will
(ph) brought this up about how like in 2,000. A 50-inch plasma screen was
like 20 grand, and now it's like a thousand bucks. That -- that erases
these lines of inequality.

BOLLING: -- before we do this, can I just play a little sound bite from the
president --


BOLLING: He loves to talk about this. Listen to the president.


about things like reversing the rise of inequality and strengthening social
mobility, since before it was cool.



OBAMA: Go. Go back to -- my first campaign for the United States Senate. I
got a bunch of people now talking about inequality. But back then they sure
weren't. Back then, folks were saying I was preaching class warfare. Now
it's suddenly their campaign platform.


BOLLING: You know, it was his, too (inaudible) --

BILA: Yeah.

BOLLING: And guess what? It got worst under President Obama.

BILA: Yeah. I think Juan was stealing some of his talking points before.
Talking about reinvestment, I would jump out of my seat --

WILLIAMS: Are you or your hair is on fire?

BILA: We have -- listen.


BILA: I worked in education.

GUILFOYLE: Those are highlights.

BILA: We have spent years throwing money into our educational system. It
did absolutely nothing. The same people here who are arguing for
redistribution of wealth, is the same people that argue against things like
school choice. And against things like competition in the marketplace that
would boost educational opportunities for kids. That's what -- you want to
see people climb the ladder? Then power that education system with
capitalist principals, and then you will see that. Margaret Thatcher said,
you know the problem with socialism is that eventually it will run out of
other people's money. And she was absolutely right, because it does
absolutely nothing from you to take Greg Gutfeld's money and you --

GUTFELD: Better not (ph).

BILA: You are not generating wealth that way.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you got a better apartment.

BILA: And these people are real economists?


BILA: They know that. These are not real economist. The academic --


WILLIAMS: Let me say. I-- I love it.


WILLIAMS: I'm big for school choice.

BILA: You are.


BILA: But these people often are not.

WILLIAMS: Well, I agree. So I mean, I guess, I think they are wrong on this
point. But I think that you are wrong when it comes to ignoring the fact
that I think it's now - you know the top 1 percent.

BILA: I'm not ignored (ph) yet.

WILLIAMS: Based on 20 percent of all --


GUTFELD: So the cop said -- taillight --


GUTFELD: Can I address --

WILLIAMS: Because they are rich?


WILLIAMS: You think they shouldn't pay taxes?

GUTFELD: Can I address what President Obama said though? Because we ran
that and said --


GUTFELD: He was, he was into the inequality map before it was cool. He's
lying. Before -- before him there was Stalin, there was Mao, there was
Castro, there Chavez. Redistribution depends on three things, amnesia,
meaning you don't remember the murderous paths of these beliefs.

BILA: Right.

GUTFELD: Envy, you hate the successful in the present and used, people who
have nothing to earn yet.

BOLLING: Can I add one more?





GUILFOYLE: They compel it. Yeah, they compel it.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I know. I mean, the problem is Obama, you next thing he'll
be taking credit for the internet when somebody else already did that.


BOLLING: Well done. That's a nice way to tie up the segment. All right,
ahead. The Obama administration was willing to trade five terrorist for
deserve (ph) of Bowe Bergdahl, but the family of American doctor Warren
Weinstein wants to know why it didn't do more to save their loved ones,
accidentally killed by U.S. drone strike -- coming up.


BILA: Yesterday, President Obama made a tragic announcement. A U.S. drone
strikes in Pakistan this January, accidentally killed two aid workers being
held hostage by al-Qaeda. American Dr. Warren Weinstein, an Italian
national, Giovanni La Porta.


OABMA: As president and as commander in chief, I take full responsibility
for all our counter terrorism operations, including the one that inversely
(ph) took the lives of Warren and Giovanni. I profoundly regret what
happened. On behalf of the United States government, I offer our deepest
apologies to the families.


BILA: But it's worth enough for much comfort to the family of Weinstein.
His wife Elaine, call the government effort to help bring her husband home
over the last 3 1/2 years inconsistent and disappointing. His sister Claire
said it greatly bothered the family when the administrations need the Bowe
Bergdahl swaps last May, they're willing - quote, "They're willing to trade
hostages for a traitor, but they were not willing to do anything for my
brother? That was a very difficult time." Did the administration ever try
to make a similar trade for Weinstein? The White House was asked.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was one ever offered?

to great lengths to try to rescue Dr. Weinstein.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was there ever a trade?

EARNEST: We've been very clear about the policy of the United States. It's
painful as it is. It is a policy that prevents the United States from
negotiating with terrorists. And that policy was in place in the course of
our effort to try to secure the rescue of Dr. Weinstein.


BILA: Juan, I want to get your opinion on this, with what Josh Earnest
just said. If he's going to say they don't negotiate with terrorists,
that's not really true because they did negotiate in the Bowe Bergdahl
case. Doesa this administration have a problem, in terms of priorities,
when people look and say, well, why are you willing to negotiate for one
person and not another.?

WILLIAMS: One is a military man and it's our military guy.

GUILFOYLE: And this is an aide worker working to save and protect people.

WILLIAMS: I agree. I hold him in the highest esteem and my heart goes out
to his family. Obviously a very difficult situation. But I think it was a
different standard in the American government's mind when it came to an
American soldier. I will say this, that the wife captured this exactly
right when she said the people who are to be held responsible for her
husband's death are the people who took him captive, the terrorists.
That's the No. 1 group of people to be held responsible and to be
excoriated, not the U.S. government. The U.S. government was trying to do
what is best.

I'll make this point, Jedediah, also, the family actually paid money to the
terrorists to get him back. Guess what happened? They didn't deliver.

BOLLING: Terrible.

BILA: Eric, some people feel that these targeted drone strikes is failed
methodology. Because what you have is instances like this that happen, and
when you look at counterterrorism strategy moving forward long term, they
feel like these drone strikes don't really do anything effectively to
address that. What do you think? Does this make people question drone
policy in general when they see things like this happening?

GUTFELD: First of all, I agree with Juan - our hearts and prayers go out
to the Weinstein family. It's a terrible loss. You really have to hold
the terrorists accountable. They are the ones who probably dressed the
hostages up to look like one of them and from a drone it's
indistinguishable between a terrorist and an American or an Italian. Josh
Earnest talked about policy failure. The policy failure didn't happen with
Weinstein - unfortunately we lost him. The policy failure was with
negotiating with Bowe Bergdahl. I don't care that you're saying he was a
military person. He was a deserter, he was a proven deserter.

BILA: A traitor.

GUTFELD: A proven deserter prior to the negotiations.

WILLIAMS: You and I have been around the track on this. Let me just say,
if it's your son, my son, they're in the military, and he's back in our
custody and --

GUTFELD: And I will look you in the eye, and everyone else in the eye,
Juan. If my son was a traitor or deserter, all bets are off.

WILLIAMS: No you wouldn't. You have unconditional love for your kids.

GUTFELD: Absolutely. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't love and miss him.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, why are you valuing somebody who is a traitor and
deserter like Bowe Bergdahl over someone like this, an American doctor. He
didn't do anything against this country. He is an innocent and this
administration knowingly went in when they knew what the background was of
Bowe Bergdahl and gave up five high-value Taliban members because this was
part of the plan for this administration to close Gitmo and they can't
close Gitmo when they have what's called forever prisoners in there. These
guys were never going to be released on their own because where were they
going to put them?

WILLIAMS: This is a bigger story because they are now making big efforts
to close Gitmo that we're going to see --

GUILFOYLE: And it weakened the position for other hostages -

WILLIAMS: No it did not.

BILA: Legitimate innocents like Weinstein --

WILLIAMS: Are they in the military? Are they wearing our uniform, with
our flag on it? No.

GUILFOYLE: I don't understand why you are valuing him over somebody who
was an innocent and did nothing wrong?

WILLIAMS: He volunteered to join the army and fought for us. He screwed
up and now he's in court -- he's being court-martialed.

BILA: Greg, I want to ask you about Weinstein. He was abducted in August
2011. People always say to me, why does the U.S. government have a hard
time retrieving these people? is it a legitimate argument for the
administration to say, well, we tried but we couldn't make it happen. Does
that hold up?

GUTFELD: I think maybe so. I'm just really careful not to turn somebody's
grief into a team sport. I mean, yes, I know this segment we're tying it
to the Bowe Bergdahl thing and then you have this, this, this. Something
horrible happened to this family. That's the case. The advances in war
makes this stuff rare but it's not totally avoidable. Drones, in my view,
are inescapable in terms of the inevitably of warfare is moving in this
direction. Drones make sense because we want to kill the bad guys without
putting our good guys in harm's way, but it's not perfect.

GUILFOYLE: But it's impossible not to have collateral damage.

GUTFELD: And the argument in the future is these examples will be used
against the pro drone argument and we have to always think logically, what
is the alternative to drones? Putting American men and women in danger.
There is collateral when Americans are flying planes.

GUILFOYLE: Boots on the ground, there is collateral damage..

GUTFELD: Some of our own get killed and --

WILLIAMS: You see, that's really smart. I think you guys have --


WILLIAMS: I'm reminded that this al Qaeda guy, Adam Gadahn, he got killed
in the same strike.


WILLIAMS: We want him dead.

GUILFOYLE: He was an American, another traitor.

WILLIAMS: That's an interesting thing, because you shouldn't kill
Americans, but he's a terrorist.

BILA: Certainly we'll be keeping the families in our thoughts and prayers.
It's a horrible tragedy. You're right. Sometimes this happens.

Ahead on The Five, Muslim students succeed at getting another screening of
American Sniper canceled on a college campus.

And remember the Shake It officer, the cop who likes to drive around lip-
syncing to Taylor Swift? He's back and he's got a partner this time. .


GUTFELD: Another American Sniper screening at University of Maryland has
been canceled after Muslim students claimed it, quote, perpetuates the
spread of Islamophobia and is offensive to many Muslims around the world
for good reason. What's that reason? Well, when you're a baby, who needs
one. Campus petitions have only one goal. Exert pressure against whatever
hurts their little feelings. But really who is more cowardly? Coddled
students who cannot bear different views, or those who folded before this
whiner wagon? They deserve each other. My solution? Ban all films there,
for all can hurt your delicate sensibilities, even the children's classics.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - it turned little people into crass
stereotypes. And what of Snow White? Why not Snow Black? Truly this is
Snow White privilege. Cinderella demonized stepsisters, and the Wizard of
Oz was a clear attack on Wiccans. Babe featured a talking pig, a mockery
of Muslims and Jews, who don't like pork. Pinocchio made sickening light
of a lad's deformity, as did Dumbo, ridiculing Jumbo for his big ears, with
a mean nickname. And of course, every Harry Potter film features Lord
Voldemort, who stereotypes evil. And movies that discriminate against evil
have no place on campus, because evil has feelings, too. Terrorists cry
during commercials and mad bombers enjoy long walks and campfires, too.
Until we get rid of these cruel notions of good and evil, these students
should watch something more age appropriate.

(Teletubbies video clip)

GUTFELD: Okay. Time for a little nap, you babies.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, come on. Tell us more.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I miss Teletubbies.

WILLIAMS: What was the one with the shoes and the toes --

BILA: The Wiggles?

WILLIAMS: Didn't Jerry Falwell say they were promoting gays or --

GUTFELD: Satanism or something like that.


GUTFELD: Kimberly, pretend I'm a shoe. Okay. This is my favorite part.
They wanted these students to sign a petition, so the Muslim Students
Association asked students to exercise their freedom of speech by signing a
petition to remove a film - ironic.

GUILFOYLE: The irony, the hypocrisy, right? this, to me, is so disturbing
because the very people shouting from the rooftops about first amendment,
freedom of speech, about having individual thoughts and not being
controlled by the group or the government, they are trying to shut it down.
They don't want you to open your minds.

GUTFELD: They are cowards. They claim they are for freedom of speech but
then they run.

GUILFOYLE: At the first time of it.

GUTFELD: They got 300 signatures. That's it.

WILLIAMS: I think it stinks. I don't understand it. The whole idea is
you go to college so you can think critically and be challenged. This is
what a student group, as Greg pointed out to us in the break, don't say it
was the president of the university, although I suggested maybe it was
Obama. That's just me mocking Greg.


WILLIAMS: Somebody was in there.

GUILFOYLE: Give credit where credit is due.

WILLIAMS: That's what saying, Kimberly. The resolution for this is, they
have to set up events and discussions so they eventually can show the
movie. You know what, you can do that anytime. It was not necessary to
cancel. And this isn't the only campus - I think there's another campus -

GUTFELD: There was three, total. I think there was a couple in Michigan.

WILLIAMS: -- where this specific film. The fact is, I don't like watching
people get shot so I would be a little skittish about that - squeamish, but
I must say, I don't think the argument that this is going to offend Muslims
is a legitimate argument.

GUTFELD: Especially when you know they didn't see the movie, Eric, they
just reacted this way.

Don't send your kids there. Maryland.

BOLLING: It was on the list - it was Maryland, UT-Austin, it was Tulane,
it was Miami. Maryland, you are now off the list.

GUILFOYLE: At least Vermont --

BOLLING: If you go to these college websites, look at their studies, you
can see things. There are studies, you see whacky stuff. Not just
hypotheticals, trigger words.

GUTFELD: There's another one --

BOLLING: They are so cognizant of that right now on college campuses for
some stupid reason.

GUILFOYLE: It's really weird. Before, you just had to avoid Berkeley.
Applying to all UC campuses -

GUTFELD: I went their -- look what happened to me.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know what happened. Maybe it had reverse programming
on you, but yes.

GUTFELD: It did. I slept through it.

WILLIAMS: You know what we can do, Greg? You would have to get permission
for me to talk to you.

GUTFELD: That's true.

WILLIAMS: Certainly if I put my arm around Eric --


WILLIAMS: Babe would have to sign something that says Juan can touch me.

GUTFELD: I have to get to Jedediah, here. These kids will never be able
to survive in the real world, if they're scared of movies.

BILA: Absolutely never. They are sheltered. And the schools are where
you said before, there was a 300-person petition. But the schools are
worried about donors, about parents, people coming in and complaining, not
giving them money and otherwise. That's why they make these decisions

Juan, you talked before about how they need to set up events and
discussions. In the old days, we call that a class.

WILLIAMS: That's what I agree with. You do have bad movies, like Birth of
a Nation, which I think has perpetuated racism in this country. But I
think, again, if a book comes out, if you think it's wrong, talk to people.
What is going on around here?

GUTFELD: Liberals have to stand up and talk about this more. Because
nobody listens to conservatives on this.

BOLLING: What happened to just playing Reefer Madness - that just doesn't
happen any more?.

GUTFELD: All right. We have to move on.

Is your relationship strong enough to survive a trip to Ikea? Is their
furniture strong enough to survive a relationship? Have you ever bought a
bed there?

BOLLING: Yes, I have.


WILLIAMS: Want to know the key to a long-lasting relationship? Don't go
with your loved one to Ikea. One psychologist says the stress of a visit
to the popular furniture store can cause serious friction between couples,
whether it's disputes over what to buy or spats while you assemble the
items that you bought there.

BILA: Look at that.

GUILFOYLE: Are there any elements to this segment?

WILLIAMS: Heavy lifting! You know what, because I think this is so right
and so true, that if you go home, especially there's one item that they
call the divorce maker. Literally. You go home and this thing costs about
2,000 bucks and you're supposed to put it together with your husband or
wife, and apparently nobody can.

BILA: Is it a wall unit?

WILLIAMS: That's it.

GUILFOYLE: Is that the divorce maker?

GUTFELD: The best thing about Ikea -- I'm going to do a quiz here -- the
names. Do you know what a Floria Fin (ph) is? It's a candle. A Pogestra
(ph) -- table. A Bar Grick (ph) is a plate, an Eterleeg (ph) is a wine
glass and a Scuggle (ph) is the name of my third nipple.

I want to make a positive point of Ikea. It makes income inequality a
minor distraction, because when you have a low salary - like, in the '90s,
I was making $25,000 -- you could go to Ikea, and for $500 bucks, you could
fill your apartment and it looked pretty good. And you can't tell that you
actually had no money. Ikea is great.

WILLIAMS: Ikea is great.

GUILFOYLE: Things have gotten pricier now.

WILLIAMS: You know what is bad about it now? There are no words in the
instructions. There are pictures. You have to look at the picture and see
if it matches what you are doing, and sometimes I'm totally at a loss.

GUILFOYLE: Plus, you have to live in a doorman building with a Super,
because, who the hell is going to put all of that together?

BILA: My parents, last time we went to Ikea, got into a huge fight, almost
got divorced. My dad accidentally put his fist through the wood. I don't
know what it was made of. Just going there it's like a maze. My mom makes
me go. I get lost. It's very stressful.

GUILFOYLE: But there's food. Swedish meatballs are to die for.

BILA: You eat the Swedish meatballs at Ikea?

GUILFOYLE: Totally. It's good.


WILLIAMS: So if your marriage is in trouble, you can eat at. They have
cheap food.

Anyway, one more thing coming up next.


GUILFOYLE: Happy Friday and it's time for One More Thing. It's my turn.

Do you remember this guy, a Dover, Delaware cop, he was dancing to Shake It
Off by Taylor Swift?



GUTFELD: Keep your hands on the wheel!

GUILFOYLE: You're even angry during a Taylor Swift song?

GUTFELD: He's a cop - keep your hands on the wheel!

GUILFOYLE: I think he was not moving.

But now he's got a partner. He's back with a little bit more. Take a


GUILFOYLE: Don't quit your day jobs, boys, but always keep your sense of

BILA: I love it.


GUTFELD: It's time for something new. Greg's What the Heck is That? Used
t be about medical issues, but now I want everybody to watch this video and
you guys have to guess what it is.

Roll it.


GUILFOYLE: What is it?

GUTFELD: I know. What is it?

I don't know what it is.

BOLLING: Is it a Slow Loris?

GUTFELD: I have no idea what it is.

GUILFOYLE: Does it have any private parts?

WILLIAMS: What is with you?

GUILFOYLE: No, I'm just asking.

WILLIAMS: It's like a beautiful animal.

GUTFELD: Kimberly, you were wondering if there were any private parts.
What is that?

GUILFOYLE: I'm trying to identify it by perhaps seeing a closer a
anatomical look.

WILLIAMS: Would that help you identify?


WILLIAMS: Looked like a kitten to me.


BOLLING: A Slow Loris.

BILA: Some kind of a cat.

GUTFELD: You're all wrong. It's actually a rare fruit, called the kicking
melon. It looks like a sealion, but it's actually tasty fruit found in the
rainforest. It's adorable now but when it grows up it ends up looking like


GUILFOYLE: Now at least we know about the gender.


BOLLING: Very quickly, I'm going to be filling some big shoes tonight.
The O'Reilly Factor. Check that out.

And some little shoes tomorrow morning. Here's why I love Twitter people.
Genie rhymes with martini - A Jahad Nod (ph) made this poster for Cashing
In. Check it out. How awesome is this? That's it.

GUILFOYLE: Okay. Juan?

WILLIAMS: You know I love baseball. Guess what, now, I can get fat at the
game, because, if I go to the Arizona Diamondbacks, I can get a churro dog,
which is warm cinnamon churro inside a longjohn chocolate glazed donut -
1700 calories. Texas Rangers, how about a fried smoreo, which is deep-
fried, breaded marshmallow, sandwiched between two deep-fried Oreos.

BILA: That's just all dessert.

WILLIAMS: If I'm going up the East Coast to Wilmington, to Wilmington Blue
Rocks, I can get a Sweeney Donut, which is a Krispy Kreme donut with all
the meat stuck inside.

GUILFOYLE: Jedediah.

BILA: I am in mourning today because Abercrombie and Fitch has decided
that there will be no more shirtless models. Look at - ah, man! I am
going to need to go to Greg Gutfeld for my eye candy now. I'll watch The
Five and get my eye candy.

BOLLING: He's got three nipples.

GUILFOYLE: Have a great weekend, everyone.

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