
This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 16, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight: political messages. This presidential campaign is being actively waged on the Internet. And a viewer warning here. What we're about to show you is pretty risque.

Some Democrats are using sex and dating to make their political points.

Click here to watch the ad.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What? What's wrong? Where are you going?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, that's not mine. That was here when I got here. You've got to trust me. I'm not…


O'REILLY: All right. Because the guy had a picture of John McCain, the girl split. The question: Will that kind of stuff be effective?

Joining us now from Washington, political analyst Mary Katharine Ham, who has plenty of pictures of McCain in her apartment. And here in the studio, FOX News anchor Heather Nauert, who is covering the youth vote for us this year.

Beyond stupid is my critique, but maybe I'm missing something here.

HEATHER NAUERT, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Look, I talked to the guys today who put together this video. They're planning a dozen videos. They say that this one is meant to be fun. But their entire goal is to really get young people to pass this video along and to make Republicans look a little goofy. And it's a...

O'REILLY: Goofy?

NAUERT: It's a brilliant way to do it.

O'REILLY: Really?

NAUERT: Their goal is to get Barack Obama in the White House, because this is how young people get the news and information.

O'REILLY: All right.

NAUERT: It gets passed along. It will get lots and lots of hits, and it furthers the goal.

O'REILLY: It's — look, the commercial, you don't know what's happening. They set it up in a way that why is the woman running out of the apartment and all of that? But it can't be anybody in the world whose vote is going to be influenced by that.

NAUERT: Not by this alone, but in its entirety, along with...

O'REILLY: With all of 12 of them.

NAUERT: ...all of the other things — with all of the other things that make Barack Obama the hip, cool candidate and John McCain the dopey, old guy, this is going to help the Democrats in the long run.

When you talk to young voters — and we've talked to lots of them over the months — they say, yes, they like Barack Obama's policies, but they really like him because he's cool and hip.

O'REILLY: He's cool and hip. And the ladies don't run away, right, Mary Katharine?

MARY KATHARINE HAM, TOWNHALL.COM: I mean, Heather is right. This is part of a larger marketing campaign by liberals in general to make the Democratic Party the hip and cool party. Obama does it actively and aggressively with his own campaign with some very slick imagery and that kind of thing and all the products that he sells on his Web site.

O'REILLY: Stop, stop, stop. Because I don't know if anybody knows what he's selling on his Web site. What is he selling?

HAM: I'm just talking — his imagery is very consistent. It's done as a very sophisticated marketing campaign where everything matches. And they've got all sorts of products, T-shirts, you know, all the things that match that are just a little bit hipper and a little bit more slickly done than they have been in the past.

O'REILLY: But this has always been the way — the Democratic Party has always been the party of liberal people…

HAM: It's true.

O'REILLY: …and much more progressive than traditional. So what's new here?

HAM: I don't think that's new. The way it's being marketed a little bit more brazenly, especially in this video, I think, is a little bit new. Because Democrats like to pose as the sort of party of ideas, and they want to have very heady conversations, when really this is what works for them is to brand themselves as cool.

But you know, I don't think it's anything particularly new in the message. But the thing about the Internet, which you know, the left is — can be better about organizing people on, is that that is what reaches young people. But it also is what raises money. It creates political organizations these days.

O'REILLY: Right.

HAM: And that's the wave of the future when it comes to political organizing. Whether those young people will actually get out this year and vote, they're always unreliable. But in the future this is how things are going to work. And so if McCain and the Republicans fall behind this cycle, then that's a problem.

NAUERT: And Bill, this is a 527 group. So people can give unlimited amounts of soft money to this group. So it only cost them $10,000 or so to put this video together. They're planning a dozen more just like this.

O'REILLY: But see, I don't know who it's going to persuade. I mean, there's not a person in the world, I don't think. I think they're preaching to the choir. That's what I'm saying. I think the person who would watch this ad and be actually influenced in any way, shape or form…

HAM: But...

O'REILLY: Let Heather jump in.

NAUERT: It helps get young — it helps encourage young people to get out to vote.

O'REILLY: Or run out the door.

NAUERT: In the case of that girl, yes.

O'REILLY: You're sitting there, you're telling me that encourages young people to vote? Because some woman is running out the door?

NAUERT: Because Barack Obama is cooler than the Republican, absolutely. The next ones they plan to put together are about the war or about the economy. Just think how much fun they can have with Republicans on taxes, on health care. A whole host of issues.

O'REILLY: OK. All right.

NAUERT: Three of them for the next four months.

HAM: If you start advertising a Barack Obama rally as a place to meet chicks, which I think a lot of liberal guys know it is anyway, and that they only sleep with Democrats, as the ad says, then, you know, you've got a bigger rally to speak to. That's the bottom line.

O'REILLY: So, this is just so bizarre to me.

HAM: The Democrats went there. I didn't.

O'REILLY: I want to see what the Republican young people, because there are Republican young people...

HAM: There are.

O'REILLY: ...I believe, in the country, what their counter ad on the Internet is. So, I can't even imagine what it is. I'm not even going to even give them any idea.

HAM: It would be a little less crass, I would imagine.

O'REILLY: So I just think this is for fun. It's a goof. And I don't think it's going to influence anybody. But ladies, it's always good to hear your point of view.

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