
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," August 26, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: You think some Democrats are getting scared about the midterms? Check out these political ads and ask yourselves, do these candidates look more like Republicans or like Democrats?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Penalize any business that hires illegals. Deport illegals who commit felonies, eliminate amnesty, because no one should be rewarded for breaking the law. I don't work for the Washington crowd, but I don't work for them. I work for you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Too many in Congress just vote party line.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jason is independent, no doubt about it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You saw when voted against health care.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like that Jason Altmire is not afraid to stand up to the president.



VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live is Dick Morris, author of the book "2010 Take Back America, a Battle Plan." Good evening, Dick. And these two ads by Democrats, listen carefully and they are by Democrats. It looks like they are running from the party a bit.

DICK MORRIS, DICKMORRIS.COM: Well, Jason Altmire, the second ad, voted the way Nancy Pelosi told him to 96 percent of the time. So for him to posture as an independent is really kind of funny.

It is true that he once voted for health care and once voted against it, but in each case obviously he was let off the hook. And so to posture as independent is ridiculous.

What I think the Democratic strategy is going to be to say don't worry about the issues. Look at what a horrible, vicious monster my Republican opponent is. and the Republicans will try to bring it back to the issues, because the amazing thing about this election Greta is the four worst words in the English language, they're almost curse words, are "stimulus," "cap and trade," "TARP" and "card check" and "Obamacare."

And you don't have to put adjectives on them. The voters hate them all so viscerally. If the Democrats accurately describe their record and accurately describe how they voted, that is a huge negative.

VAN SUSTEREN: The other couple of factors that are coming to play in terms of the appetite for voting in what direction or whether independent come November is that before Tuesday's primary 15.4 million Republicans voted in primaries to only 12 million Democrats, one sign of the enthusiasm.

And also new Gallup poll, 46 percent of Republicans are very enthusiastic about voting and only 23 percent of Democrats are very enthusiastic about voting. So the Democrats need to get their people off, get a lot more excited, or there is going to be hell to pay come November.

MORRIS: It is very interesting. The Democrats have a serious problem. I write about this on my website, DickMorris.com. How do you handle the triage? Obviously you can't put all your money into every race. How do you decide which ones to put your money and effort into?

Do they do a goal line stand and fight for the 39 most vulnerable and, if they save even one the others don't lose, they can keep control. Or they can be realistic and say those 39 seats are probably gone. Let's defend the 60, 70, and 80th seat so there is not a total wipeout.

My view, Greta, and I'll be "On the Record" saying this, this is the first time I've said this, the all-time historic record for takeaways by a congressional off year was 74 seats that the Democrats gained in 1922. I predict the Republicans will gain more than 74 seats to set the all-time record in House elections.

And this is because I'm in the field. I'm in Mississippi today. I was with Alan Nunnelee who is running against Travis Childers in the northern part of the state. He's five points ahead of him. Childers is an incumbent. For an insurgent to be five up at this point is incredible.

Down on the Gulf Coast you have Dean Taylor, who is a conservative Democrat, but he voted for Pelosi, and his challenger is absolutely waging a very spirited fight and could beat him. I think they are going to be losing 80 seats.

VAN SUSTEREN: But Dick, another important factor is money. And according to the latest numbers, the Democrats, the DCCC has $35.8 million to the Republicans, who only have $22.1 million. And that a $13 million difference that the Democrats have over the Republicans.

Do the Republicans have to worry a little that money difference is going to have an impact?

MORRIS: In the last four quarters, Greta, the Republicans out-raised the Democrats in each quarter. In the last quarter I think it was by two million dollars or something. The reason the Democrats have more is because they had control of the years and they collected money in the past.

I think that in September and October the Republican Party going to be deluged with campaign contributions because people are getting the point they are going to win. And there's this one thing Washington likes, it's to be on the winning side.

VAN SUSTEREN: In Nevada, I have sort of an off camera skirmish when I see Karl Rove and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich about the Nevada race. In spite of the numbers that were so bad for Harry Reid, I still think Senator Harry Reid is going to still win come November no matter what the numbers are.

Whose side are you on? Are you with Gingrich and Rove on this?

MORRIS: I am. I think that Harry Reid can't get more than 43 or 44 percent of the vote if he stands on his head. Angle was seven or eight behind with Reid still at 44, 45, 43.

But then she put on an ad with the independent expenditure group Americans for New Leadership put on ad rebutting Reid's attack over Social Security and Medicare. And now in the polling I just saw Angle is three points ahead. Sharron is going to win that race and she's going to win it by more than 10 points.

The point is, Greta, we you are an incumbent, it doesn't matter if you are ahead or behind. It matters if you are end 50, because if you are under 50, more than 50 percent of the vote has decided not vote for you.

Like I ask you, are you going to be married to the same guy next year? And if you tell me you are undecided that doesn't say good things about your marriage.

So we ask the people of Nevada, do you want to reelect Harry Reid, and 43 percent say I'm voting for angle the rest say I'm undecided, that doesn't say good things about the marriage to Harry Reid.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm going to take the last word on this. I hope on election night we'll see whether you three predicted right or I did. I'm feeling a little chagrined because the three are so much more vastly experience in this. But he has a lot of money. We'll see come election night whether I get to say I told you so or you guys do. Dick, thank you.

MORRIS: OK, thank you.