
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 9, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Gillian Turner, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

A new push on immigration, President Trump is reaching across the aisle to strike a deal with Democrats on so-called dreamers. In return, the president wants funding to pay for the border wall. Some top priorities in his 70-point plan include building the wall, hiring 10,000 additional ICE agents, and 600 prosecutors. Mandatory e-verify system, which confirms an immigrant work eligibility, and a new points-based system for green cards. But don't expect a deal from the Democrats. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and house minority leader Nancy Pelosi, already saying no thanks, quote, we told the president at our meeting that we were open to reasonable border security measures alongside the dream act. But this list go so far beyond what is reasonable, this proposal fails to represent any attempt to compromise. Meanwhile, the president's counselor has this message for critics on the left.


KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: They should actually be calling their friends Chuck and Nancy to say, you know, are you going to give up this deal because you don't want -- a border wall constructed? Why don't you want more immigration judges and agents? And why is it a reasonable policy to limit chain migration, and also to stop these visa overstates, and to make sure people that are following the law once they're here -- breaking the law one they're here, go back.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So Jesse, what do you make of this plan? The Democrats obviously pushing back, but Trump a.k.a., the wall, pushing forward.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: That's right. Well, crying Chuck needs to put down the New York Times and starts reading the Art of the Deal because this is classic Trump. He start with a big ass and then you dial it back enough of getting 75 percent of what you want. I'm sick of hearing this is a nonstarter. Can we ban that phrase?


WATTERS: According to Democrats, anything the Republicans propose is a nonstarter. The Democrats idea of compromise is a hundred percent of what they want. I understand why though because the Republicans in congress have caved and buckled for the last eight years. So it's two-pronged strategy here. One, you insert the wall and at the last minute you dial it back and then you look like you're flexible and a big leader. Or you take the wall to the limit and make the Democrats look like rigid radicals. But here he still has a Trump card. He can extend DACA if he doesn't like the terms for an extra six months, so he controls the whole debate. The issue though is the wall isn't as popular as protecting dreamers. But I don't think Trumpcare is about polling and I think his base is going to stay with him no matter what.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he cares about that base.

WATTERS: Exactly.

GILLIAN TURNER, CO-HOST: He does care about dreamers.

WATTERS: He actually does care, but he also cares about the big beautiful wall.


GUILFOYLE: Big and beautiful. Greg?

GUTFELD: I'm a dreamer.


GUTFELD: I dream about the wall. But you know these are green cards, they're not gift cards. I think somewhere along the line we lost our way. What's wrong with a little bit of process, a little bit of rules? I don't think it's that big of a deal. But, 70 points, that's a lot of points. Can you imagine being.


GUTFELD: Can you imagine being in that meeting, you know, point 22 -- 47 more points.

TURNER: It's refreshing to hear you talk about rules and process in such a respectful way.

GUTFELD: This is an interesting point because the argument that the Democrats have about immigration is exactly the opposite of their argument for gun control. They don't want laws. In immigration they go, why do we need more laws? Why do we need more laws? We need sanctuary. But that's exactly opposite the gun-control law argument which is we need more laws. We need more friction. We need to slow things down. But they can't do it with immigration. I find that very interesting. By the way, that can work both ways. You can say that somebody that argues against gun control laws, why do they want laws for immigration?

WATTERS: I like the first way better.

GUILFOYLE: But Governor Jerry Brown doing that with California, essentially making it a sanctuary state. They want to make their own laws and play by their own rules, but yet they don't like this over here. Hello, Juan.

GUTFELD: Welcome back, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Good to be here.

GUILFOYLE: How do you feel about this?

WILLIAMS: Well, I see it so differently because I realized that there was a deal in place, a deal between the president and Chuck and Nancy, right? And then, the president has him a group of Republican senators who say, hey, we think you are pushing us out, Mr. President. We don't like this. Why don't we look at some principles that we can employ with regard to immigration? And so then, having struck a deal with Chuck and Nancy, guess what.

GUTFELD: Call them Chancy.

WILLIAMS: Chancy, all right. Having.


WILLIAMS: Hashtag, Chancy. He then goes back to them and says here's my principal. Well, wait a second. Wait a second. Nobody does business this way. Nobody does a deal where you say it's all on my terms or no terms or the highway, and that's what he did. So then, when the Democrats say, ah, excuse us, that's not the deal we discussed, because they had agreed, by the way, Jesse, to added security on the border as part of their deal. They had agreed that they want e-verify -- they want so many of these things.

WATTERS: So what were the deal breakers?

WILLIAMS: Because Trump has just gone back and undone the deal. And I agree with what Gillian said. I've read Trump saying he cares about the dreamers. He would not want to do anything to hurt the dreamers.

WATTERS: But we don't want more dreamers, and that's the point, and that's what the wall accomplishes.

GUILFOYLE: Dreams have to end according to Watters.

WATTERS: We have to wake up eventually.

WILLIAMS: But Jesse, the dreamers are a circumscribed group. You can't add more.

WATTERS: Sure, you can when you have more coming over and bringing their children, hence more dreamers.

GUILFOYLE: So hashtag, yeah. I saw the look on Greg's face.


GUILFOYLE: Leave it out of it, OK? So, #chancy, whose theme song I guess is going to be Abba. Take a chancy on me.

WATTERS: What about not.

GUILFOYLE: I like that a lot. So Jillian, I like what you're saying here. You're saying, you know what, the president isn't trying to be mean- spirited or not honored those like hardworking Americans who came here. Perhaps who knows -- you know, fall directly of their own. So, is there a way to kind of make both sides happy a little bit, or will the Democrats just be obstructionist? Now you see Chancy saying, no, we have no bid for this.

TURNER: So I was surprised to see -- what worries me in this proposal is - - there is an element of using the dreamers as a negotiating chip. And President Trump has taken great care in many speeches, many public remarks to talk about the fact that emotionally and psychologically he connects with the idea that America should be a place to welcome these people. So I was disappointed by that. But my own political stuff aside for a second, I think the proposal that was submitted yesterday is really the administration's answer to the criticism that President Trump received in the wake of the failed health care repeal, which is that he was not invested personally. He was not involved in the process. He was not down in the nitty-gritty, figuring this stuff out, trying to help congress come up with the specifics to populate this bill. This is something that's chockablock full of specifics. No one can levy that criticism again. You know, against him in this instance. I think that was really the priority here was cobbling together a complete plan.

GUILFOYLE: So Gillian, the thing here is -- I just want to put the point out there, the president has been willing to reach across to the Democrats to try to find some common ground. He's doing that even right now with Chuck Schumer as it relates to health care and saying, hey, look, I'm willing to do a deal. Like, can you guys come and sit at the table? No, but he is. You can't say that he's not. He's reached out in that regard.

WILLIAMS: Isn't he trying to undercut the health care deal?

GUILFOYLE: Well, he's trying to make it better. When are the Democrats going to reach across and say, OK. Yeah, we're actually going to try and do something that's in the best interest of the country.

TURNER: And you don't sit down to a negotiation and put out your lowest number. You sit down and put out your highest number and then negotiate.

GUILFOYLE: Art of the deal.

TURNER: Art of the deal.

GUTFELD: It's what Jesse said. A 70-point plan isn't what he's expecting to get.


GUTFELD: If he can get 30 points out of that, that's a win. And it also exposes the fact that Chancy did not read this because they didn't give specifics.


GUILFOYLE: They tend to do that.

GUTFELD: But you brought up the point about how he's using DACA as a chip. That was brilliant on his part because it wasn't a chip. He's already given in to that, but he's still using it. Now, you know what, you can have that. But he knew he was never going to send those kids back or the families back, so he fabricated a chip out of something that wasn't a chip.

TURNER: Do you think he would go -- if congress doesn't get this done, do you think that he'll go back with an executive fixed to the problem? Do you think he'll go that far?

GUTFELD: No, I don't think so.

WATTERS: No, the base would freak out after that. And the politicians use chips all the time. They use the military as a bargaining chip during the debt ceiling.

TURNER: Right.

WATTERS: Let's be honest, the Democrats don't want to secure the border. They like illegal immigration. They want to keep criminal illegal aliens here in this country. They don't want them deported.

WILLIAMS: Stop, stop, stop.

WATTERS: They're all for infrastructure except the wall. Except the wall. They'll build everything in America. The wall is going to be made in America too, Juan. Don't you like that?

WILLIAMS: Is that right? I hope so because it was going to be paid for by the Mexicans.

WATTERS: They will be.



GUILFOYLE: In Donald's world Mexico pays for it.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I didn't know you were on fantasy island. OK.


WILLIAMS: But here's the thing.

GUILFOYLE: Surrounded by water.

WILLIAMS: You know, one of the arguments that came from the dreamers, remember when they went and they got a Nancy Pelosi's face out in San Francisco, push her off, remember that?


WILLIAMS: What were they saying, Jesse? They were saying don't use us as a football in your negotiations with Donald Trump. Don't give into added security for this and added funding for that. We believe we have a case to make the American people want us to stay. Why are you guys making us a political football. And Nancy Pelosi, remember she ran off the stage. You humiliated her. You enjoyed that moment.

WATTERS: I very much did, Juan.



WILLIAMS: So now, guess what, here comes Donald Trump and he's in trouble with the Republicans. He says, oh, wait a second, I've got some principles here. And he's changing the deal, Jesse. That's not the art of the deal.

WATTERS: He's changing the deal.


WATTERS: Sounds like a good deal to me.

WILLIAMS: You reneging on a deal. That's not you.

WATTERS: No. Listen, he always said he wanted massive border funding.

WILLIAMS: They made a deal to get his border funding.

WATTERS: It was a handshake deal, Juan. There's nothing in writing.

WILLIAMS: If a Democratic did this, you would be through the roof, Jesse Watters.

WATTERS: Wouldn't because it wouldn't happen to me, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Greg? Seize the moment.

GUTFELD: When you compare exit questions, OK? McGlocklin Group.


GUTFELD: If you compare illegal immigration to the Russian meddling, why is one foreign influence OK, and the other one not.

TURNER: I don't think that's a fair -- that is not fair analysis.

GUTFELD: It's a great question.

TURNER: it is a nonstarter.

GUTFELD: You know why it's not fair, because it's a great question. Why is it illegal immigration can have an impact on your elections and on what you do, but Russian meddling can't.

WATTERS: Great point.

WILLIAMS: What are you talking about? One is a domestic issue for us as Americans.

GUTFELD: Illegal immigrants are not domestic.

WILLIAMS: But they're in America, Greg.

GUTFELD: There were Russians in here too.

WILLIAMS: Oh, is that right?

GUTFELD: Yes. I can tell you.


TURNER: The idea of foreigners, registered or not registering, voting without registering, so voting illegally in this country, that myth is largely dispelled.

GUTFELD: I'm talking about demonstrations. Political demonstrations. Keep up.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Gutfeld, you're on a timeout. Not a word from you during the entire commercial break.

WILLIAMS: You know what, Gillian. Gillian, he's a Russian. I think he's a Russian.

TURNER: I wouldn't put it past you.

GUILFOYLE: So coming up, more national anthem protests this weekend for the NFL, and the vice president takes a stand. That's next. Stay with us.


WATTERS: Just when you thought we were out, the NFL players pull us right back in.


WATTERS: Vice President Mike Pence and his wife attended the Colts-49ers game, Sunday, only to witness the 49ers players kneeling for the national anthem once again. So the vice president left the game, tweeting, I left today's Colts game because POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespecting our soldiers, our flag, and our national anthem. The president jumped in supporting the vice president, I asked VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I'm proud of him and second lady Karen. For now, critics are suggesting it was a stunt. Here is Eric Reid of the 49ers.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Last time he's been a Colt game -- this looks like a P.R. stunt to me. He knew our team -- most players protest. He knew that we're probably going to do it again.

(END VIDEO CLIP) WATTERS: By the way, it should be noted that the vice president was scheduled to be at that game for the statue unveiling of Peyton Manning.

GUTFELD: Take the statue down.


WATTERS: I know. What are we going to do? I think that's statue is going to come down.

GUTFELD: Look, the idea that you're concluding that it's a stunt does not make you intelligent. He knew this was going to happen. It's a stunt. So what? The media uses every crisis as a stunt. If one side can pull stunts, if the NFL can pull publicity or political stunts, why can't the vice president do the same thing? I think that they just -- they basically just spiked the football on the NFL and I think it's hilarious. You responded with a political stunt and a publicity stunt against one that it caused so much divisiveness. I think it's great. But just admit it. It was a stunt, and so what? I love stunts?

WILLIAMS: Why are you doing this? Why are you undercutting me before I can argue with you. What is wrong? Something is wrong with him today. I think it's that Russian guy.

WATTERS: Juan, wasn't a stunt. I mean, he has a son who's active duty in the Marine Corps. Maybe he was very upset about the kneeling.

WILLIAMS: Well, from all that we hear, he spoke to Trump right before. He tells the people in the press don't get out of your cars because I'm going to leave soon. I mean it looks like every indication is it was a stunt.

WATTERS: And it was an effective stunt because everybody is talking about it.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think it was a stunt. Pushing back, pushing back, pushing back.

WATTERS: Kimberly, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: He's a huge fan of the Colts, so why wouldn't he be there? You know, wearing the jersey, the whole thing. This was planned ahead of time. And by the way, he should support the president.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, you said it was planned ahead of time.

GUILFOYLE: Meaning, the event for him to attend the game. And he was already going to be there for discussion, tax cuts, so he went. OK. So the 49ers, what wrong with the team -- by the way, Colin who started all this was like, hey, I'll play for any team. I'm going to stand now. It's no problem, no kneeling. That's the other latest thing from him.

GUTFELD: I think he's pushing back on that or his girlfriend is.

WATTERS: Someone said that was fake news. And I'd like to hear from Colin. Can he do an interview one of these days? It would clear a lot of things.

GUTFELD: I'd like to go sock shopping with him.

WATTERS: Yeah, he needs to upgrade the wardrobe. Now, Jerry Jones the owner of the Dallas Cowboys said that all the players are going to stand. If you don't stand, you're going to get in some trouble. What do you think about that?

TURNER: I think that it's fair because the NFL, as we've discussed before, has very clear guidelines that are distributed to all the players about what conduct on the field during, before, and after the game is supposed to look like.


TURNER: That said, there's some distance between you and I on this. I think that nobody is really pulling a stunt here in the sense that everybody is exercising grievances in a legitimate way. They're exercising their constitutional rights. The players who are kneeling, the players who are standing, the American people who are boycotting games, the vice president -- everyone has legitimate grievances here. And I think that's OK, right, for all of this to be going on. The people I think that I put in the center of this, and I put a lot of the blame on is the NFL. So they have very clearly issued guidelines and they're reneging on them for -- they've not put forward.

WATTERS: Because they're scared of their players and I know that from a very well-placed source.

WILLIAMS: Scared of their players.

WATTERS: Yes. He said that there are a lot of owners who are afraid that the players are going to do this and they don't want to come down too hard on them. But let me ask you this.

WILLIAMS: They'll do what?

WATTERS: They're going to kneel and it's going to be bad for business, and terrible P.R.

GUILFOYLE: Remember the baseball strike. That didn't work out so well for baseball if they're going to get too cute with this.

TURNER: But I think so far this has been in their financial interest. All the national and international attention on the NFL.

WATTERS: The ratings don't really prove that. Juan, let me ask you. Jemele Hill, our friend over at ESPN who got into trouble for saying that Trump was a white supremacist, weighted again and wants to boycott Jerry Jones his advertisers from the Cowboys, was just suspended.


WATTERS: Fair, unfair?

WILLIAMS: I think that when she start to do things repeatedly. And according to ESPN, they've spoke with her and not suspended her after the first comment. They've made it clear that she represents the company. So, you know, by the standard I would apply to myself as an employee of Fox, I am not free to go out there and say things that would be contrary to Fox's best interests. You can ask me things that I can say in my personal life, but guess what, I do work for Fox, and I'm a proud employee of this company.

So I think she understood that she broke a rule. And I think -- I'm interested in knowing how other people, especially other black people at ESPN react, because the first time when there was some question about what she had done and whether or not she should be off the air, everybody said no. We're not sitting in for Jemele. In this case, I think Jemele, intentionally knows -- intentionally broke a rule and knows that she intensively intentionally broke a rule.

WATTERS: You're a 49ers fan, right?


WATTERS: And you're a 49ers fan? You know that they're 2 and 19 since this whole kneeling thing began.

GUTFELD: I know. The thing that kills me, Jesse, and I know it kills Kimberly. This was an amazing team. One of the greatest teams, remember in the 80's and the 90's. And it's like you can't even remember that. What drives me nuts about this whole thing is that if you endorse patriotic symbolism, the media will mock you. You're so old-fashioned and irrelevant. But if you resist patriotic symbolism, they elevate you because you're edgy and you're cool.


GUTFELD: That's the core bottom line issue here is that if you mock something that is considered traditionally American, it's great.

WATTERS: But they're hanging you out to dry because the majority of the country disagrees with that position.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you know what, how about put a couple of wins up on the board. They're like shaming the 49er dynasty that played so well for so many years, back in the day. Remember, Ronnie Lot, number 42.


WILLIAMS: Jesse, this is your segment, but can I ask you a question. I don't understand. This has nothing to do with the flag or the anthem. Nobody is trying to say they don't like America. They're saying they have a grievance over.

WATTERS: Kaepernick said it.

WILLIAMS: No, no. He said the police issue with black America is really what he was trying to raise awareness of.

WATTERS: Well, that failed because no one is talking about that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, the right -- I think people on the left are, but people on the right.

WATTERS: People on the left are talking about Donald Trump.

GUTFELD: Protest the police that are standing there if you have the guts. Stand in front of a cop and kneel.

WATTERS: That's right.

GUTFELD: . see where that gets you.

WATTERS: Nowhere. Directly ahead, the story no one is talking about except Gutfeld. A major breakthrough in the fight against ISIS.


WATTERS: Greg's monologue up next.


GUTFELD: So remember ISIS? What happened to them? On Sunday's New York Times, Rod Nordland, writes about a thousand ISIS dirt bags surrendering to Kurdish authority. This is huge, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

GUTFELD: Remember when martyrdom was their only option, now these so-called warriors meekly give up. Why now? It's not hard to figure out the only way to beat ISIS was to disprove the thesis that is an Islamic State was inevitable, and to do that was through humiliating crushing defeat. The only reason why ISIS was around so long was that we wouldn't do that. And their grisly propaganda proceeded, unabated, persuading entire cities to flee instead of fight. The longer we waited, you saw it, the worse it got.

But coming at them, bombing the crap out of them, killing everyone they know, it seems to work. Who would have thought? Oh, yeah, President Trump. It's something for which he gets no credit. He's literally ending ISIS.

It won't be the end of jihadism, but for now the dreams of a state are over. Their terrain is shrinking. Sometimes a full frontal assault is the most strategic idea and it beats Obama's dithering. All that ever got us was the paralysis of analysis.

So laugh all you want about the tired phrase, "there's a new sheriff in town." I think ISIS got that message. And while we have to careful of the "mission accomplished" syndrome, what is undeniable is that ISIS is off the front pages and on their last legs. One hopes Jim Jong Un is watching.

WATTERS: Yes, I wrap it all up.


GUTFELD: Take it away, everybody. Jesse, what do you think, big news, no one caring because everything else is covering up?

WATTERS: I agree. This strategy is taking hold. Trump said in Saudi Arabia that he was going to have these Muslims drive them out, and they are. So it's the Kurdish military, the Arab militias, and the Iraqi forces. They have now toppled three strongholds, Mosul, Tal Afar, and Hawija. Raqqah is now the last stronghold. It's surrounded at this point.


WATTERS: It could fall by the end of the year.

We learned some valuable lessons here. One, ISIS fighters, cowards. Two, loosening the rules of engagement, letting boots on the ground do their job and then fighting them instead of containing them is actually an effective strategy. And the Iraqi military has come a long way since when Bush trained them. Remember those little videos where they were, like, hopping over things? That's gone. These guys are doing a great job.

We also learned that everything President Obama said about ISIS was wrong. He said more boots on the ground was going to inflame the situation. He said more U.S. presence there was going to bog us down into a quagmire. And he also said there needed to be a political solution before there was a military solution. Turns out the military solution came first, and it's working.

What I would like to see, though, is I would like to see more camera teams embedded in some of these battlefields, because then the American people can see the sacrifices...

GUILFOYLE: You first.

WATTERS: ... that we're making.

KIMBERLY: Are you volunteering?


GUTFELD: No, but you know what? Here's the thing. Here's my theory on why there are no cameras there, because we are killing everything, and they don't want to show it. And they're doing in a way that might be experimental. They might be using stuff that -- like drones and stuff that we don't know about. So that's why I think we are not seeing a damn thing.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, I think you have no problem with that.


GUILFOYLE: Because I think you want the end result and the outcome.

GUTFELD: I'm pro-drone.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, absolutely. You always are.

And what I think is important, and Jesse, you touched on this, is the Kurdish Peshmerga, what an elite fighting force, and they have really done a tremendous job along with their allies. It's pretty much only Raqqah and they have them contained in little pockets in Raqqah.


GUILFOYLE: So I think they just wipe them out all the way so they're not even JV team like Obama used to claim.

But the interesting part is all of these members of ISIS, these fighters that are surrendering, OK, the ones that aren't, they're going into Afghanistan to try to fight the U.S. and western forces there. So keep an eye on that. And that's, hence, the escalation and doing more -- you know, troops and stuff and forces in Afghanistan to help combat that.

But where are all the ISIS guys that are surrendering going to go? Who is going to take care and control of them? And are they going to be released back out into Europe where they can continue being radicalized or join with other groups or have cells and pockets to, in fact, commit other acts of terror? So I think that's a really important piece.


GUILFOYLE: Well, put another -- put another floor on it, or two.

WATTERS: Let's do it.

GUTFELD: Juan, why hasn't President Trump been awarded the Nobel Prize for this, because he clearly deserves this?

WILLIAMS: Oh, is that right?

GUILFOYLE: Great point.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

TURNER: You took the words right out of Juan's mouth.

WILLIAMS: Really? Was it words, or was it throw up?

GUTFELD: These are -- these are modern-day Nazis. These are modern-day Nazis.

WILLIAMS: These are -- look, I can't tell you -- I'm all for the decimation of ISIS. Go forth.

But remember, when you said let's not say mission accomplished...

GUTFELD: I agree, I agree.

WILLIAMS: ... I'm all for that. Because guess what? Everything, in fact Kimberly was just pointing this out. What's going to happen inside of Syria? We don't know. Not to say.

Jesse says additional troops. No, really, we put a few more specific trainers and fighters on the ground to work with Iraqi forces and especially Kurdish forces. Guess what? The Turks don't want anything to do. And guess what? The Iraqis say the United States, by supporting the Kurdish forces, is dividing their country and contrary to their interests and interfering in their domestic affairs. Huh? I'm remembering....

WATTERS: Only Juan can turn a positive story about winning in Iraq into all these bad things.

Let's get Gillian in.

TURNER: There's a further point here. OK. Well, I don't want to just come in and be a downer. So the good news, first, is that Greg is right.


TURNER: Major military victories on the ground in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, undeniably. And they cannot have a state, any legitimate claims to statehood without land.

OK. Now are you ready for the bad news? You're going to get it anyway. The bad news is that the battlefield is no longer in Iraq and Syria. The battlefield has migrated into cyberspace.


TURNER: The battlefield today, four years into this battle, is now largely online. And while we are denying them safe havens, while we are killing their forces, they are still -- they are attracting more and faster than ever before online. And that is -- that's where the part about combating the ideology comes in.


TURNER: And that's the point where President Obama was right. President Trump is right. Everybody continues to point this out. We're not very good at combating it. So we need -- we have major strides to go before we can declare "mission accomplished," unfortunately. I wish we could declare "mission accomplished."

GUTFELD: I just think killing -- killing them is a good thing.

TURNER: It's a great thing. It's a great thing. That's why I started with -- that's why I started with the good news.

GUILFOYLE: ... on us again. Well, that's the problem. And by the way, the majority of them that are captured, they're like, "Hey, yes, my bad. I was just with ISIS a few months. I'm actually really good cook. I just want to go and work and live in America at McDonald's."

WATTERS: They should put them in front of a stove and be like, "All right. Whip something up. Let's see."

WILLIAMS: Isn't that funny? You are far more forgiving than I am. I would be, like, "Get out of here."

WATTERS: Then we shoot them in the head.

GUTFELD: OK, coming up, President Trump unleashes theory on a GOP senator. Stands for "Grand Old Party," Gillian. Details when we return.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. It's a war of words between President Trump and Republican Senator Bob Corker, and it just keeps getting worse. Over the weekend, President Trump went after Corker for not being a strong senator, he said, and dropping out -- he's not seeking reelection, because the president wouldn't endorse him. Trump tweeted this among other things, quote, "I would fully expect Corker to be a negative voice and stand in the way of our great agenda. Didn't have the guts to run!"

Senator Corker, well, he fired back, tweeting, quote, "It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift," end quote. Gillian, want to make of this?

TURNER: That's what we say about you all the time around here: "Someone missed their shift this morning."

WILLIAMS: Shift this morning, yes, yes.

TURNER: I don't think this is about who's right and who's wrong. Because we'll never know, you know, who really said what and who's done what. And it's also not about who wins, because I don't think anyone wins in this argument. I think everybody loses.

But I do think that something important to consider is who has more on the line to lose here? And from that optic, the president definitely has more to lose because Corker is now a lame duck. He has no -- he has no one to care about except himself. He has no constituents to impress and retain. He's just a free agent.

WILLIAMS: So you're saying, he's retiring? Right.

TURNER: In the next two years, the president actually needs Corker to get some important parts of his agenda through, like potentially tax reform, like potentially...

WILLIAMS: Health care.

TURNER: ... rejiggering the Iran nuclear deal.


TURNER: Potentially some more nominees for the State Department, if we ever get any.

So I don't think that it was smart for the president to go down this road with him, not because he's -- he's wrong and Corker is right, but just because of the practical considerations here. I don't think it was a smart calculation.

WILLIAMS: So Kimberly, in fact, over the weekend, you know, the controversy about Tillerson supposedly calling Trump a moron, and then Corker gets involved and says, "Oh, you know, I'm close to Tillerson and, in fact, Trump's tweets have undermined our diplomacy in the world."

GUILFOYLE: All right. So somebody queue up, like, "Bad Blood."


GUILFOYLE: That's all I'm going to say. Obviously, they don't get along. They're not, like, simpatico. There's people who had thought at first maybe that Corker would primary President Trump, but his approval rating right now is, like, 34 percent in Tennessee. Marcia Blackburn is a strong candidate, more in the president's liking.

So you know, I don't know where he's going with this, meaning Corker. But you know, it's not going over well in general. I mean, what's he going to do? He's going to hurt the party then next by, what, not supporting tax reform or immigration or being on board for health care? I don't know. Not going well.

WILLIAMS: All right. So Jesse, today Jerry Seib in The Wall Street Journal writes the president has become a man without a party, that he's angry at Corker, he's angry at McConnell, he's angry at Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins. What is going on?

WATTERS: Well, the president does well when he runs even against the Republican Party. He's an outsider. That worked during the campaign. But I can't believe I'm saying this, but Corker started it. I can't believe that this is like what we've devolved into, when we talk about Trump tweeting. He did. But he did.

He said that Tillerson, Kelly, and Mattis were the only three people that are keeping the world from descending into chaos.


WATTERS: That's what triggered the Trump tweet and then triggered the retweet. The whole thing is nonsense. Everybody just needs to chill.

WATTERS: Well, whenever it comes to nonsense, the man who brings good things to the table, Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Everything about life you can learn from the movie "Dirty Harry." Corker is a genius. He's playing the befuddled mayor in "Dirty Harry." Remember, he was always screaming at Harry Callahan, "Harry, you've got to stop that. You're going to get somebody killed." But Harry always won.

And so what he's doing, when Corker is saying, "Oh, God, Trump is going to start World War III," he's contributing to the fears of Iran and North Korea that even the politicians on Trump's side are scared to death of him. Who knows what Trump will do?" Well done, Corker. You're scaring the hell out of our adversaries, and I knew that's what you meat to do.

WILLIAMS: By the way, you know, when I first met Bob Corker, he was mayor of Chattanooga. So maybe. It could have been. I don't know.

All right. Coming up, calls for Christopher Columbus statutes to be removed on a day when the man is honored with a public holiday. That story next.


TURNER: Columbus Day, that's today, and the Italian explorer who is honored today is under attack now. For months, Christopher Columbus statutes have been vandalized across the country, and protests are now a common theme.


SUSAN DANTINO, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS PROTESTOR: The truth needs to come out. By his own admission Columbus was -- had committed many, many atrocities and was really the author of the transatlantic slave trade. He led and participated in the annihilation of over 3 million indigenous people.


TURNER: So 60-plus towns and cities across United States are now rejiggering this holiday, and they're calling Columbus Day things like Indigenous People's Day.

Greg, I know that as long as we get to keep the holiday, you don't really care what we call it.

GUTFELD: You could come up with a better name. But it's got to be great to live in a country where this is your primary outrage. The greatest country the world has ever seen, you are out there arguing over the name of a holiday. That is the luxury of a leisure society.

Let's talk about Leif Erickson, 500 years before Columbus. The guy discovered Newfoundland and, I guess, Canada. He was the first European expedition to North America. The most important thing, better than discovering America and Canada, wild grapes. Leif Erickson discovered wild grapes in, what was it, 1100 A.D.? I can't remember. Look it up at home. If it wasn't for Leif Erickson, I would not be drinking every night and keeping three bars in business. Thank you, Leif.

GUTFELD: To Leif, everybody.

GUILFOYLE: Way to stimulate the economy.

GUTFELD: Leif Erickson Day.

TURNER: Jesse, what do you -- can you get on board with Indigenous People's Day?

WATTERS: Yes. I think we should just keep Columbus Day and then add Indigenous People's Day, extra holiday. But here's the deal...

TURNER: That's like the Tuesday after?

WATTERS: Sure, yes. It's like...

GUILFOYLE: We'd still have to work. Just saying that.

WATTERS: We do, because we're here right now. Let's have some fun, though.

I think Columbus is an illegal immigrant.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God. Oh, no.

WATTERS: He was the first illegal immigrant. It wasn't his country.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: He landed there. He wanted to stay.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: What's wrong? You guys love when that happens, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Wait. So...

WATTERS: You should love Columbus.

WILLIAMS: America was the first sanctuary city.

WATTERS: That's right. He committed crimes; they didn't deport him. Come on.

GUILFOYLE: He was a dreamer put here by Spain, by no fault of his own.

WATTERS: In all seriousness, though, it's an important holiday, especially for Italian-Americans. They celebrate his heritage on the day, and that he was Italian. He sailed for the Spanish crown, but I think everybody needs to acknowledge that. That that day is very important, and it needs to be remembered and respected.

WILLIAMS: I was just waiting for you to tell me why it was important.

WATTERS: For Italian-Americans.

TURNER: What about Italian-American Day, heritage day.

WATTERS: That's what Columbus Day is.

TURNER: And, you know, then you don't have to offend the people.

WILLIAMS: Well, that was a solution, Jesse. You came up with a solution.

WATTERS: I did. Wow, that's a first.

GUILFOYLE: Way to show us your brains, Jesse.

WILLIAMS: Go, Jesse, go.

GUILFOYLE: Like, here's an idea.

TURNER: Kimberly, what do you think about this?

GUILFOYLE: I think you can't blame Christopher Columbus for atrocities that then happened later on. What was he supposed to do, go back to Spain and be like, "Yes, I actually didn't discover a new continent. Deleted"? So reported, did the job he was going to do, and then, sure, I have no problem. You want to do Indigenous People's Day, pick some slot that's available...

WATTERS: The day after the Super Bowl.

TURNER: Keep the holiday. Add another holiday.

GUILFOYLE: We want to extend that one.

TURNER: Juan, you get the last word.

WILLIAMS: I was thinking. Indigenous People's Day invites mockery. What a name, what a crazy name. If you want to say let's do something for American Indians, Native Americans, OK. Let's argue about that.

TURNER: Native American Indians.

GUILFOYLE: They say that they're indigenous to the region and came from it to begin with.

WILLIAMS: So this is bigger than the USA, Kimberly? This is about, you mean, the world?

WATTERS: Juan, you made that phrase up. You guys.

WILLIAMS: I didn't.

WATTERS: Indigenous People's Day.

WILLIAMS: I didn't make it up. I just said I thought it...

GUILFOYLE: But it's never enough. We gave you another holiday.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, let's go to Louisiana. They have the most holidays.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but what would you -- what would you like to call it?

WILLIAMS: Well, you said Italian Heritage Day was Jesse's solution.

GUILFOYLE: That's a separate day.

TURNER: That was my idea.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that was your idea?

WATTERS: I'll take credit for it.

GUTFELD: Let's call it Greg Day.

TURNER: Jesse will take credit for it, and you should all stick with us, because the best part of the whole show is coming up next. It's "One More Thing."


GUILFOYLE: "One More Thing" is now with me. OK, country music star -- well, I'm first -- Jason Aldean returned to Las Vegas yesterday to visit with the victims of the last Vegas shooting, at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada Trauma Center. And you can imagine it was incredibly uplifting. There is with his wife, Brittany. And the University Medical Center posted an image to their Facebook page, thanking Aldean for his visit and wrote "His visit helped heal hearts and cheer those who are wounded in the tragedy." So I think that was really wonderful for him to go and give the time and see them and make, you know, a positive impact in that way -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, big weekend for baseball in my family. Washington Nationals are in the playoffs against the Chicago Cubs, and Steve Scalise, the congressman who was shot practicing for the congressional baseball game, he threw out the first pitch Friday night.

Here I am with my red hair on for the nationals during the Saturday game. And here I am with the president's lawyer, President Trump's lawyer Ty Cobb. He came over to say hi, says he loves "The Five."

And what a weekend it was for baseball across America. One Houston Astros player hit three home runs in one game, and last night the Yankees kept me up with a nail-biting 1-0 victory.

WATTERS: Big game tonight, too.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Jesse.

WATTERS: All right. I was working out with a buddy of mine this morning.

GUTFELD: Pictures?

WATTERS: Dustin Grosbau (ph). Can you tell? Anyway, he has a 2-year-old son and is diagnosed with type one diabetes. And there is, this Saturday, a walk, the JDRF One Walk out in Long Island. And one of the teams to support Dominic is Dominic's Dominators. So go to my website and on Facebook and check out how to support that and how to contribute. And a great little kid and hopefully everyone is out there walking on Saturday for Dominic.

GUILFOYLE: All right. God bless Dominic and his family. Very sweet.

OK, Greg.

GUTFELD: Time for this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Plugs


GUTFELD: You know, it's pointing at my hair.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: Isn't that funny? Stupid.

GUILFOYLE: That's supposed to be a secret.

GUTFELD: Somebody sent this to me, a guy names Kevin Lee Smith. It says - - it's "What Happened?" It's like her book, it's Hillary Rotten Clinton, kind of clever. But if you open up every page on it, it just has a picture of her face on every single page. This is what he did.

And I thought it was kind of cute because I can put notes in here. And he said that I inspire him to do this. So that means if you sell any books, I get half or I'm going to come and sue you. I don't care if you're in England. I'll fly there. I'll get you. I'll take your money. I'll evict you from your house. I'll take your dog, your cat.


GUTFELD: All your chipped china. I'll take everything.

TURNER: And this book was perfect for him. It doesn't have any words.


TURNER: They didn't even know that when they mailed it to him.

WILLIAMS: I think she just got you back.


GUTFELD: It took her an hour.

GUILFOYLE: Way to make creds (ph) on live TV. Awesome, Greg. Won't be seeing you tomorrow.

GUTFELD: Whoa! I won't be here tomorrow. I'll be doing a speech in Texas.

GUILFOYLE: See, it was fake news. OK. Gillian.

TURNER: So you might not think of koala bears as being great swimmers but you would be wrong, because this past weekend the volunteer coast guard of Australia found this little guy 300 meters, which is 328 yards out to sea off the coast of Warneet in Victoria. They saved him, and he lived happily ever after as a koala bear. He's been delivered to a place called Quail Island to live happily ever after.

GUTFELD: They're mean. No, they're not happy animals.

TURNER: Thank you to the Australian Volunteer National Coast Guard.

GUTFELD: They are mean little animals. Mean. Mean.

TURNER: I could make a joke right now that I'm not going to.

GUILFOYLE: I was going to say, takes one to know one.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: That was about you, Greg.

GUTFELD: I know.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. OK. Set your DVR if you could, so you never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" up next.

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