This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 31, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Emily Compagno, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and her bean bag chair is an actual beanbag, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

Well, that was a little weird affair last night. It was less of a debate and more of awkward family squabble done in front of all the neighbors.


JOHN HICKENLOOPER: I think if we're going to force Americans to make these radical changes, they're not going to go along. Throw your hands up. But you haven't --


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN: It was also mention in this.

JAKE TAPPER: We're going to come to you in one second.

BERNIE SANDERS: Every credible poll that I have seen has me beating Donald Trump.

TIM RYAN: Hillary Clinton was winning in the polls, too.

TAPPER: Who is offering a false choice here?

BETO O'ROURKE: You have some.

JOHN DELANEY: I think Democrats win when we run on real solutions, not on impossible promises. When we run on things that are workable, not fairy tale economics.

WARREN: I don't understand why anybody does to all the trouble of running for President of the United States just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for.



GUTFELD: Guys, guys, guys, let's bring the group counselling inside. It's making the kids and dogs uncomfortable. Thank God there was a therapist on hand to make things better or worse.


DON LEMON: What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry?


GUTFELD: Oh, no bias there. So what do you say to half the country who are racists? No wonder CNN is bleeding viewers. Next time, leave the hard news to Jake and Bash. But much of the debate came down to a three-part episode. First, a left-wing candidate explains how to make everything free. Second, someone smarter points out how you can't make everything free. Third, someone shouts, but evil Trump. Thank God, Ms. Cleo showed up.


MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: If you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collective eyes hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I'm afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days.


GUTFELD: Love her or hate her, she's got two things in common with Trump.  She's no politician and she's got a point of view. Just don't ask her about her pet.



WILLIAMSON: Do I have a pet? I have a cat, and the cat died.


GUTFELD: The cat died. That ain't no politician's answer. But she wasn't the only one with Trump on the brain.


WARREN: Donald Trump.

RYAN: Donald Trump.

STEVE BULLOCK: Donald Trump.

BERNIE SANDERS: Trump is a pathological liar.

O'ROURKE: Donald Trump.


AMY KLOBUCHAR: Donald Trump.

HICKENLOOPER: That's how we're going to beat Donald Trump.

BULLOCK: Donald Trump.

WILLIAMSON: Donald Trump.

WARREN: Donald Trump disgraces the office of president.

WILLIAMSON: Donald Trump.


RYAN: We've got to get rid of Donald Trump.

SANDERS: Donald Trump.

O'ROURKE: Donald Trump.

DELANEY: Donald Trump is the symptom of a disease.

BUTTIGIEG: Donald Trump.

WARREN: Donald Trump.

KLOBUCHAR: Let's get real. Tonight, we debate but ultimately we have to beat Donald Trump.


GUTFELD: You know, maybe it's me but all that talk about Trump makes him even more alluring. It's like when dad says stay away from those magazines at the barber shop. You think, hey, let's go check out those magazines at the barber shop. Juan laughed at that. It's weird how ten people talking trash about you makes you seem so much bigger.

Yet, Trump loomed over the debate like the devil in the exorcist. Reducing the party to a bunch of possess children helplessly shaking in their beds.  No comfort came from that room, but also no candidate either.

Dana, I saw one of your perceptive tweets last night, and you do that thing where you -- I notice not only what was there but what wasn't there. And what wasn't there -- what wasn't mention, Dana?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, first of all, CNN, I praise them for starting the debate at 8 PM, but what wasn't there was the truth that it was three hours long --


PERINO: -- not two hours long. I don't know --

GUTFELD: You see there's no mention of impeachment, and no Mueller, no collusion.

PERINO: Yeah. And also, no send her back.


PERINO: Send her back was a big -- and no Biden.

GUTFELD: No Biden.

PERINO: Like, nobody mentioned any of those things. That, obviously, is not going to be the case tonight when Biden is on the stage. The other thing that you mentioned that Marianne has that Trump had, she also has a following.


PERINO: A ready-made following. They've been following her for decades.  It's not the same crowd that followed President Trump through -- if you followed him in New York when he was on The Apprentice who became an international star. Marianne is an international star as well.

So I think she's confounding Democrats a little bit because -- like, why does she have all this support? Where is it coming from? She's been building it for years.

GUTFELD: I also like -- I do like the fact that I understand what she's saying. She's waging a psychological battle, Juan. Like, she's talking about the psyche of the nation, and I think people can understand that.  What did you make of like the family feud last night between the moderates and the not moderates?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: First, you know, I listened to your monologue with such interest, and then I heard about Ms. Cleo.


WILLIAMS: And I thought to myself, isn't that -- she was the -- was she a black woman on TV?

GUTFELD: She was psychic. Wasn't she Ms. Cleo the psychic? The 1-800 number.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that was it. You could dial 1-800.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

WILLIAMS: So now, 1-800 you get Marianne.


WILLIAMS: You get Marianne and -- but I don't know if she gets the White House. But I must say she got lots of attention. I read -- and because this is so alien to me. I read she was the most searched person on the stage last night in terms of googling and the like, right? So I guess people are like, oh, who is she? What's this about?

I think some of you know who she is. I really don't know who she is because, politically, she's a nobody. So it's a little-bit of a stunner.  I get the whole Trump analogy (INAUDIBLE) like Trump. But, you know what, at some point, I think, would she fall off the stage for the next round?  Apparently not.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I think she might gone up --

PERINO: She has a following.

GUTFELD: Was there anybody like -- you thought -- out of the group that you thought was the strongest?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think, clearly, Elizabeth Warren came on the stage as the strongest and left as the strongest. I don't think anybody did any damage to Elizabeth Warren. To me, the whole notion that it's a family feud I think it's healthy. I think that's what we should be seeing. We should be seeing a debate that helps to determine who the candidate.

I mean, you look back to 2016. Republicans were far more divided. Lying Ted, Little Marco, low-energy. You think about the wall. There was only one guy up there who said, yeah, the wall is a great idea. Trade, foreign trade, non-intervention -- war in Iraq. Donald Trump didn't tell the truth, but he said that he had opposed the war in Iraq or something.

GUTFELD: He kind of did.


GUTFELD: Directionally told the truth.

WILLIAMS: You know, but I thought that it was a real substantive debate about Medicare for all, about the environment with Delaney playing the foil to Sanders and Warren, making some real good points and forcing them to defend their points. And then when he spoke about the costs --

GUTFELD: We'll do that in the B-block.

WILLIAMS: OK. Let's do it in --

GUTFELD: B-block. All right, Jesse.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: You called it a squabble. You called it a feud. I say that it was an intervention. This was the rise of the realist who are trying to rescue the party away from socialism. And Bernie and Warren, they're just lighting themselves on fire right now. This is a big bonfire of socialism. And all these realist were like throwing water -- hey, math, reality, this is going to get us killed in a landslide. But they don't care. They just want to light everything on fire and so the audience. And the audience claps every time some socialist says something crazy --

WILLIAMS: You know why? Because it's popular.

WATTERS: It is -- socialism is popular --


WATTERS: So were cults too in the 70's, Juan. I'm not saying this is going to work. Something popular doesn't mean it's going to be good. But, right now, I think what's happening is, Warren, I disagree. I thought she was frenetic. I thought she was annoying.


WATTERS: She failed the commander-in-chief test when she took the first nuke strike option off the table. Like she's going to sacrifice an American city and let North Korea throw a missile over here, and then respond after we lost millions of people. Absolutely crazy. She refused to answer the question about whether she'd raise taxes on the middle class.  And then Bernie gets out there. Bernie is a nothing in Washington his whole career. He only knows how to take. He doesn't know how to create.  And he's just a rage-a-holic.

No one was presidential timber. No one had any sense of humor. Marianne Williamson, she's like homeopathic therapy. Everyone's on stage is like Advil and aspirin and bare, and she's like yoga, like CBD oil, and she's -- but she's tapped into some real energy in the country. I just don't think that energy is fully formed yet, but she's got into it.

GUTFELD: What about you, Emily? What did you -- what were your highlights and low lights?

EMILY COMPAGNO, GUEST CO-HOST: Yeah. It's interesting, I agree with part of what you said. To me, it was like a Hunger Games style big fish in a small pond. And the progressives won to me. I think Bernie emerged as the commander, and that he and Elizabeth were clearly the pros on stage, but they failed at that commander level, I agree. I think, to me, it was clear that the progressives won. But at what cost to the party, at what cost to the reality of the moderate faction, which to me was eclipsed.

I think that the a-ha moments, and the dramatic moments, and the zingers and quips got all the applause and got all the excitement. But in reality, I think a lot of voters at home were like, wait, I would like, actually, more info from that moderate over there, and I would like more air time from that moderate over there. And so, to me, it was analogy of, once again, CNN taking away the choice from the voter at home --


PERINO: You couldn't really get full answers because the rules that they had set out had the moderators were forced then to try to -- to cut off everybody just as they were about to make a point --


PERINO: -- they'll cut them off.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I thought two-thirds of the moderators did a really good job. I thought that they must have been cringing with Lemon going -- just editorializing, I thought it was a bit odd. I mean, it's like having me up there.


WILLIAMS: That's what Trump said. So Trump went after Lemon, right?


WILLIAMS: And I mean, you know, he's in self-defense mode. But, you know, to me there were two outstanding moments for the Democrats. One, when Elizabeth Warren says to the so-called moderates, I think they're more conservative, hey, why are you running for president just to tell us what we can't do? The other one was Pete -- Mayor Pete saying, oh, you know what? The Republicans are going to call us socialist whether you are liberal or conservative.

GUTFELD: Typical socialist.

PERINO: They're called conservatives now, but the ground has shifted under their feet --


PERINO: -- it's like because the party has moved so far-left, then you ended up -- you end up being called a conservative Democrat.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

COMPAGNO: Did you see who the most tweeted about candidate was, though, by the way. It was still Trump.


COMPAGNO: No matter what happened, it was still Trump.

GUTFELD: There you go. All right, we've got to move on. We've got another segment. The gloves come off with socialists battling moderates for Medicare for all.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Second of all -- second of all --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wrote the damn bill.



GUTFELD: More of the heated debate moments, next.


COMPAGNO: Peter chose that.

PERINO: I don't know? Peter chose it. OK. The fireworks in Detroit as the debate brawl breaks out over Medicare for all. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren attacking private health insurance while clashing with moderates over how to pay for their progressive plans. Now, both Warren and Sanders forced to defend their policies last night, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He has called the idea a political suicide that will just get President Trump re-elected. What do you say to Congressman Delaney?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): You're wrong.


SANDERS: When you end up in a hospital in Canada, you come out with no bill at all. Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. I believe that. I will fight for that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But we don't have to go around and be the party of subtraction and telling half the country who has private health insurance that their health insurance is illegal. But why do we got to be the party of taking something away from people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No is the party --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's what they're running on. They're running on telling half the country that your health insurance is illegal.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): We are not about trying to take away healthcare from anyone. That's what the Republicans are trying to do. And we should stop using Republican talking points in order to talk with each other about how to best provide that healthcare.


PERINO: Republican arguments aren't necessarily just talking points, Jesse. But that got pretty heated.

WATTERS: Sometimes they're just points.

PERINO: Yes, the arguments.

WATTERS: How are you going to pay for it? Are you going to raise taxes?  And how is it going to work? Apparently, that's a partisan talking point.  If Obamacare was so great, why is everyone talking about repealing and replacing Obamacare on a Democrat debate? I mean, this is crazy. I couldn't even understand half of their plans. They don't make any sense at all.

Tim Ryan made the best point I think of everybody. These unions have negotiated these amazing healthcare plan, Cadillac plans they're so good.  They have their own name. Why would you rip those away? And not only that, and then give them to illegal immigrants? It makes no sense politically and as a policy, and Warren totally out of touch. I don't know about you guys, but I like my healthcare. I go to the doctor. I check in.  I give a $5 co-pay. He tells me I'm fine. I leave. I do no paperwork.  It's great. And 180 million Americans feel that way. Only 27 million Americans do not have health insurance right now.

Let's focus on them instead of tearing the whole system down. And Bernie, he thinks making a profit is evil. I don't know what he's talking about.  So many great things have been done through Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I don't think these are evil companies. I think these are good companies that need to bring costs down. And there's ways to do that without destroying a great system.

Trump can exploit this divide within the Democratic Party, and it's a gift because the Republicans -- I'm not really sure what their healthcare plan is, but the Democrats are making it so easy to exploit by offering up this socialist utopia that makes no sense and does remove healthcare from a lot of people.

PERINO: And it felt like, Emily, that Delaney and others were trying to say, look, we know from the researcher out in the field, they're talking to people, you say Medicare for all, kind of popular. As soon as you start saying here's what could happen under it. And that's why I like Bernie Sanders is almost impervious to the consequences of the bill -- the damn bill that he wrote, right? So he's like -- he say I wrote the bill, like, yeah, there are consequence -- you can't say it's free.

COMPAGNO: Exactly. And I think that's why the momentum behind it stops at the tag line, right? It stops at Medicare for all, and then once you get into the iceberg below it, it's so obvious that as the cost came out today, the $3.2 trillion, it's not worth it. It takes away choice from people.  It ignores the fact that everything has a cost and somewhere it has to be absorbed. So if it's not you absorbing it, then it's a business absorbing it which means that you're fielding the cost later, etcetera.

So once -- again, I think it's just that kind of overarching approach that they're taking. And I think it was funny that immediately Bernie's camp would made the sticker, I wrote the damn bill, and he thought it was so amazing. And I think the GOP should make stickers that say 3.2 trillion --

PERINO: It's 32 trillion.

COMPAGNO: It's 32 trillion, thank you. Even more as rebuttal. Exactly.

PERINO: Healthcare we know, Juan, like one of the top issues. People worry -- and mostly about the cost of like hospital care, or unexpected expenses that they are worried would bankrupt them. So you think the Democrats have a plan for that, that's better than Republicans?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, because I think in action is not acceptable, Dana. And the Republicans have no plan. Remember, you had two years with Republicans in control of the House and the Senate and the White House and they did nothing. Jesse is talking about, oh, people don't like Obamacare. The polls show people now more than 50 percent like Obamacare. And guess what?  The Democrats are trying to build on Obamacare. It's only Biden who says he would just stick with Obamacare and built slightly repair its flaws.


WATTERS: People like their own companies-sponsored health insurance.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, they do. But the key point to me is --

WATTERS: So why do they want to take that away?

WILLIAMS: They don't want to take it --


WATTERS: Yes, they do. That's the Medicare for all plan.

WILLIAMS: Medicare for all would say that you actually get fewer deductions --


WATTERS: -- Fox News sponsored health insurance policy --

WILLIAMS: Excuse me, let me finish.

WATTERS: -- be given to the feds?

WILLIAMS: I'm not giving anything.

WATTERS: They manage the whole plan, Juan. It's a government-run plan.

WILLIAMS: And I'm saying I would get more coverage. My taxes would go up.  That's the thing that people are pointing to. And also the argument --


WILLIAMS: OK. Here's what I'm thinking to you. Taxes might go up. And secondly, people would say it's a big government plan. Do you really trust big government to deliver for the individual? And on both cases what you hear from Sanders and Warren is, yeah, your taxes might go up, but you would pay less for coverage and all those people --


WILLIAMS: All those people who have less than adequate coverage would be covered.

PERINO: Even just looking at the U.K., it's never enough.

GUTFELD: When the Democrats say taxes might go up, that means taxes are going up. OK. I always figure like let's do this to what the left really likes. Like education, the campus. We know Medicare for all will result in doctors being paid less. Hospitals being paid less. Procedures being paid less. Long waiting lines to see specialists and more pressure on a system especially primary care. So let's apply this. Let's do education for all. Not cancelling the debt because that only hurts the banks. But let's say free education for all. That would apply to professors, right?  The left.

They would have longer hours, they would have lower pay, they'll have more red tape, and there'd be no funding for all of their precious research because there wouldn't be any money. So if you applied Medicare for all into an area where you can't demonize the person like a doctor, but like, oh, the poor professors, they would run screaming. They'd have their pitchforks if they knew where they could buy them at the hardware store.

WILLIAMS: So you know what that's called? Public schools. Public schools work.

GUTFELD: I'm talking about universities.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I'm just saying, that's what we know.

PERINO: Actually, I love that. I think we should come back to it another day. But for now, Democrat candidates clash over -- guess what? Climate change and a green new deal, of course. The fiery showdown, but we heard it before when we return.


WATTERS: It wouldn't be a Democratic debate without liberal doomsday climate predictions and the green new deal. The candidates rolled out their tired talking points and there was also one big moment everyone is talking about. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Climate crisis is the existential crisis for our world. It puts every living thing on this planet at risk.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't have more than ten years to get this right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By 2030, we will have passed the point of no return on climate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is no choice. We have got to be super aggressive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The green new deal makes sure that every Americans guaranteed a government job if they want. That is a disaster at the ballot box. You might as well FedEx the election to Donald Trump.


WATTERS: All right. Dana, first of all, I thought it was 12 years was the time limit when we had to survive -- I don't know what happened?

PERINO: In 1997, when I first worked on the hill, and there was a hearing about this, it was 30 years -- so 12. I think by tonight's debate, it will be five weeks.


PERINO: Because they have to keep ratcheting it up, up and up.

WATTERS: And I think Al Gore said that in 2014 the earth was going to be decimated. And now it's 2019.

PERINO: 2019. Well, here we are. And I think that they've done to themselves a very good service of -- it's hard to do it in a sound bite, OK? To say the world is ending. We've just seen all of these huge fires in the arctic, right? The tundra is melting and the things are happening - - like, it's all happening -- like, they could say it's happening right now. The question is, then what do you do about it? How do you act on it?

And Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado, is basically trying to say you have to be realistic about this. You're talking about adaptation and how much it's going to cost, et cetera. Instead, I feel like the Democrats when they talk about climate change, it's literally the same discussion every time.

WATTERS: Right. And one of those things, Greg, is guaranteed income. And if you don't have a job, guaranteed wages, guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed housing, everything is free.

GUTFELD: They have the end but they don't have the means. The problem is it's really easy to propose these giant fantasies that it is to expose the brutal folly behind it because everybody tunes out. That's why you have to have an adult in the room that says hold on. Let's explain how we get there. We're not going to be taxing the rich. We're going to be taxing everybody 70 grand, and that's when the American people will be laughing at the green new deal, laughing at it, the original lyric in our country music song.

The problem is people don't like boring stuff. And boring stuff works, marriage, budgets, process, laws, all boring. But apocalyptic predictions are exciting and people eat them up and it's sad. Sad, I say.

WATTERS: You think, Juan, it was stupid for the Democrats to be in Detroit, you know, the automobile capitol of the world. You know, oil and gasoline is the life blood of Detroit, to go in and then say we have to get rid of oil, the thing that runs all the cars that all of you guys build.



WILLIAMS: I mean, to me, you can talk about innovation. And I think that's what people should be talking about. Look, I don't think there's any dispute something's going on. When you get 90 degrees in Alaska on July 4th, people are like, whoa, you know. And the wild fires and the salmon dying because of hot streams up in Alaska, you think, something real is taking place. I think --

GUTFELD: It's called nature.

WILLIAMS: -- only the fringe --

WATTERS: My salmon is dying, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Only the fridge think tanks that are funded by the oil and gas companies are the deniers here. I mean at this point it's kind of crazy.


PERINO: Defend himself.

WILLIAMS: I think that Trump though and the Republicans are stuck because Trump made so many promises to the coal people, the oil people, the gas people, so he can't deal with this effectively. But somebody I think most Americans know they want some real options. And so, you look at innovation, cap and trade at the moment is viewed as well, that's hard on big business. Look, we're going to have to do something. And I think what the Democrats are saying is, we have a problem and we think this is politically saleable.

GUTFELD: Then for nuclear. Let's do it.

WATTERS: Do you think climate change is going to make or break the general election?

COMPAGNO: No, but I do think it's going to play a big part. It actually was the second most tweeted about in this debate last night.

PERINO: Is that right?

COMPAGNO: Yes, the candidate's response to the Green New Deal.

GUTFELD: But who is tweeting?

COMPAGNO: Tweeters.

GUTFELD: It's a small segment of society.

WATTERS: Who is doing tweeting.

GUTFELD: It's people like me who are tweeting. And I'm crazy.

COMPAGNO: OK, the crazy. And I think the larger point I'm trying to make is that a large portion of the population wants an answer. Reasonable people want an answer and I think Governor Bullock was correct when he said look a lot of voters have spent their lives powering this country and you Democrats, we Democrats have been alienating those voters, because we're making it sound like they're part of the problem.

And then secondly, I think for a reasonable constituent like me, I would love to hear why. grandfather time and everyone else out there that's been on the Hill for decades, what are their answers to the commercial fishing industry which accounts for 50 percent of pollution rather than single use plastics, which is 0.3 et cetera.

So, rather than standing up and all of a sudden, we have this plan now. What's been going on for these past decade, the things that are real.

GUTFELD: It hasn't just been three years.

COMPAGNO: Solution.

GUTFELD: it's Trump. I mean--

COMPAGNO: Exactly.

GUTFELD: Come on, people.

WATTERS: I would have just taken a sip out of a nice paper straw. That's how you do it people. One straw at a time.

PERINO: Is that what you sound like when you drink the--

WILLIAMS: I'm with you.

WATTERS: All right. You guys are making fun of how I drink. That's fine. Sleepy Joe finally make up in tonight's debate or will he repeat his disastrous performance. We're going to preview it ahead.


WILLIAMS: It's round two tonight. 10 more Democrat candidates set to square off in Detroit, but all eyes are going to be on the rematch between front runner Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They had a testy exchange. I guess there was almost a month ago, Biden now warning he won't be polite this time. That's just one of the major story lines we're following. So, let's take it around the table and see what each of us is expecting tonight, Jesse.

WATTERS: Well, my prediction was that Gillibrand was going to be very rude and interrupt everything and try to attack Biden and she's going to have her time docked because of her rude interruptions. That is going to be my prediction.

But my prediction is still holds from yesterday. Biden is caught now because he's been called Sleepy Joe and he has to remain calm under attack, but he won't be, he'll overcompensate and spaz out.

And then also Biden has to be disciplined and perfect yet, it wasn't the reasons he's so liked is because he's imperfect and undisciplined. So, that's a catch 22 there. But ultimately, you just saw we got some new opposition research dropped. There is a report from Fox News that Kamala Harris accepted $5000 in donation from Donald Trump in 2011 at the height of Trump's birther innuendo. So, let's see if that's going to come up.

WILLIAMS: Didn't he also give to like Hillary.

WATTERS: He gave it to everybody. Remember that was before he was a politician.

WILLIAMS: All right, Emily in fact Biden is signaling that he's going to be tough this time. I don't know, you heard what Jesse said. I don't know if that makes a difference. What are you expecting?

COMPAGNO: Yes, I think with Biden it's my understanding that he's been prepping differently for this debate that he's been prepping with a smaller group of advisers who have been asking him what he thinks rather than over jamming and jamming his head with too much for him.

I think we are going to see a really strong Kamala, because this is where she's defending her championship essentially and where she needs to be strong and where I assume we will see her be strong is defending her health care plan and being specific about it, defending her criminal justice record which as a Californian I would have a ton of questions about her flip flopping and I hope the debate moderator goes deep enough on that.

And also seeing whether she has kind of that presidential level command of everything. And I think on Biden, we hopefully will see him, his reaction to how is he going to bridge the civil war. How is he going to unify the party? How is he going to be the complete package that up until now we have not seen one from the Democratic Party at all?

WILLIAMS: So, Dana before I ask you a question, tell me your predictions.

PERINO: My prediction is similar. Biden, I think he'll be very prepared for attacks from Kamala Harris and Cory Booker because they're going to be on either side of him. And so, remember because and then he gave the interview that it wasn't really prepared for those attacks.

So, I think he'll be prepared for those attacks. But I think he will not be prepared necessarily for some obscure attack from his 36-year voting record from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, because if she does not make some sort of waves tonight, she is not going to be on the September debate.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what I was going to ask you about because I think at this point, they say, you're going to have to have higher poll numbers and more donors to get on the stage in September.

PERINO: Yes. So, they have about 20 right now that are on the debate stage. There is a few more like Tom Steyer who is not even on the debate stage and he's also running. I think that they will - the voters like we're not whittling down the field, the voters themselves are whittling down the field and they'll probably only have 10 candidates by December - by September.

WILLIAMS: Do they allow you to hold knives, Greg, can you whittle.

GUTFELD: Yes, I love a good whittle.

PERINO: But you are so whittle.

WILLIAMS: Stop. Go, Greg, go.

GUTFELD: I think Beto might surprise us tonight.

WATTERS: Tonight, is Beto's night.


PERINO: He was on last night.

GUTFELD: He was. Thank you for following through on my joke. I think--

PERINO: I thought I would help you, because nobody--

GUTFELD: I think Booker will finally come out slugging. And probably make a fool out of himself, he'll try to do a Spartacus moment. I think Biden's going to be prepping with a long nap and perhaps some talcum powder to drive the certain stressful areas, so he won't get cranky, and Tulsi will rise to the occasion. I think that - I put my money on her as a sleeper.

WATTERS: No, she won't.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, I'll tell you my prediction is, I think actually the big fight tonight is not about Biden, but it's between Booker and Harris. Booker and Harris go after each other.


WILLIAMS: I think that they have a real incentive to say, hey I'm not the one who is trying to take down Joe Biden. But by the way guess what black voters you should be looking at me, not - because that's the basis of Biden's leads--

PERINO: Don't forget the Yang gang.

WILLIAMS: I don't think the Yang gang--

GUTFELD: Watch your language.

PERINO: What did I say?

WILLIAMS: Anyway, I thought - not Greg. OK. But anyway, Yang was a disappointment to me last time. I thought he was going to be a breaker.

PERINO: Because they cut his mic.

WILLIAMS: Is that what it is, they cut his mic. OK. I don't know. But I do think that Joe Biden has sent the signal to everybody else that he's been doing opposition research. You think it was Fusion GPS, Jesse?

And you know like he's going to say, if you bring up race and you start to attack me, I'm going to mention about Mr. Booker, Mayor Booker how you handled race and the police in Newark and Kamala Harris, I remember that you were a prosecutor. So, I think that they are going to have to go at each other maybe before they go at Biden.

WATTERS: All right.

WILLIAMS: All right. The wild brawl at the ballpark. Everyone's talking about this one. It was a real fight, not just a baseball standoff. Millennials too broke to date. And the Royals, they have a plan to save the planet. That's kind of odd. You're going to see it all here next in the Fastest 7.


COMPAGNO: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest 7. First up. Fists were flying at the ballpark. Check out this wild brawl when Cincinnati Reds pitcher Amir Garrett basically tries to fight the entire Pittsburgh Pirates team.


COMPAGNO: OK, I think my favorite part besides all the cop memes that arose from it ,with the cop that was going across the sideline like having no idea it was behind them was the fact that Amir really literally did not land one punch, but Juan you are the largest baseball fan among us. What are your thoughts about that, is that good for the audience or too much?

WILLIAMS: The audience. Oh! My Gosh. A lot of kids watch baseball, that's a terrible message. The second thing though is these are professional athletes, to get in a fight where you could be injured and put your professional paycheck at risk, I just think that's stupid.

But the most incredible part to me, Emily, I have never seen a fight start where the guy is not on the mound. It's didn't like he hit somebody, and the guy comes to the mat. He went to the other dugout, so he's going into the enemy. Talk about being in the wrong neighborhood. I mean he's crazy. I mean I have no idea.

WATTERS: Juan when I first saw this video, I thought of you. Yeah. You come into THE FIVE everyday outnumbered and--

WILLIAMS: Just swaying to everybody.

WATTERS: You don't care at all.

WILLIAMS: Well, I've got you to back me up.

WATTERS: I got you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you, brother.

WATTERS: I mean I think fighting in sports is necessary. Once in a while a good fight in hockey or baseball.

WILLIAMS: This is not hockey. In hockey, it's one guy. This was like dangerous.

WATTERS: Juan, these are highly paid professional athletes.

WILLIAMS: They shouldn't be doing this.

WATTERS: If they want to pop off. Let them pop off.


PERINO: I think we haven't seen a pitcher this tough since Nolan Ryan took on Robin Ventura in 1994.

WATTERS: What? Are you OK?

GUTFELD: All right. Who e-mailed you this?

PERINO: Secret source named Brian Parker.

GUTFELD: There you go.

PERINO: But the thing he pointed out to me is that the coach gave him permission. The guy game him a little pat like go for it. That's not usual.

WATTERS: I think he might have landed that left. I don't know.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so.

COMPAGNO: Well, I mean it is part of the MLB culture.

GUTFELD: Is it really?


GUTFELD: Is it really?


GUTFELD: Did you just add the word culture to things and all of a sudden, it's like OK, you make me sick. You love violence, don't you Emily. Your cheer it on. You're a sick person.

COMPAGNO: OK. Up next, it's tough to be a millennial these days especially if you're looking for love. A new study says 30 percent of people in the age group don't date because it's too expensive and 21 percent say, they don't even want a relationship until they've reached a certain income level. Greg will start with you.


COMPAGNO: Just because - this way I went that way.

PERINO: Because she is trying to be fair and balanced.

GUTFELD: Being broke never stop me from dating. I just made myself so irresistibly presentable that women didn't mind skipping dinner, drinks or a movie. When you're young, you look great. It's like you don't need money. Like when you're in your--

PERINO: At least ate at Taco Bell.

GUTFELD: You know, what you did when I lived in D.C. You found out where free stuff was. So, you invited him to like book parties.

WATTERS: Socialists.

GUTFELD: Yes. Hotels in D.C., all you can eat buffets and all you've got to do is walk in and eat and leave.  WATTERS: That's sexy.

PERINO: OK. So, I'm totally against this because I feel like in your 20s is when you should really invest in yourself. And I recently read a book called The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay. And she basically says, well, I don't really even know her.

I'm just saying, because it's saying all of these things that you think you want to do in your life. People think well, I'll do that between the ages of 31 and 35. It doesn't ever work out that way. You have to start earlier.

GUTFELD: You were a Satanist when you were young.

PERINO: What? Love.

WATTERS: I just don't see how millennials think dating is expensive because they make the woman pay for half of the meal. Isn't that what they do? And my first date, I think I just borrowed my dad's credit card, so they should do the same thing. Don't just put it on the credit card. That's what America does.

COMPAGNO: All right, Juan, what about you.

GUTFELD: Dine and dash.

WILLIAMS: I don't even know what to say to Jesse. That was incredible.

WATTERS: So, you're stealing free stuff. That's your dating guide.

GUTFELD: Dine and dash on a date.

WILLIAMS: I will say this; I think obviously the next generation is not as well off as the past. And this may be an indication, but the second thing is I was on the board of my college and they would talk about how there was no dating going on, people would go out in groups.


WILLIAMS: Everybody would just go out and then they would be hookups, for sex.


WILLIAMS: That's what it was.

WATTERS: For sex.

WILLIAMS: Yes. So, to me this is like--

WATTERS: Kids these days.

WILLIAMS: This is not long-term thinking.

WATTERS: Heavy--

PERINO: Oh! Jesse.

WILLIAMS: But i think it's you're going heavy petting and I don't. But I think it's you know developing relationships, I think is a good thing.

COMPAGNO: OK. Finally, real quick The Royals are going green. Prince Harry says he and his wife Meghan plan to only have two children because of climate change. Harry claims they'd like more but are doing it for the sake of the planet.

Meanwhile, he was one of what 114 pros that took private jets to Sicily. So, then the question is, but that's for security. Right.

PERINO: That's what they'll say that is for security. They'll never give up their private jets. The Royals.

COMPAGNO: So, do we take--

PERINO: I'm not asking them.

COMPAGNO: Decisions as hypocritical or well you're doing your part in what aspect.

PERINO: I just think they're trying to one up the William and Kate, right. They want to be like everybody should like us more because people are starting to like William and Kate more than Harry and Meghan and so now, I think that that's what's happening.

WATTERS: A Royal virtue signal.

GUTFELD: Here my idea that this is for people like them. I call them children offsets. So, every time you have a child, you throw another child into a volcano. It's an idea I had just now.

PERINO: Got to work on that.

WATTERS: Yes, compost the kids. That's right.

WILLIAMS: Oh! My Gosh.

WATTERS: I always thought this. Why deprive the world of like a little baby Al Gore or a little baby Elon Musk? Maybe your child could discover some green technology.


WATTERS: That could save the planet.  GUTFELD: Good point.

COMPAGNO: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: Oh! Come on, this is a family choice. I think it took people - some people decided to have no kids, some people decided to have 10 kids, happy life to you and to your children.

COMPAGNO: And on that note, One More Thing is up next.


GUTFELD: All right. One More Thing. I'll go first. I've got two things; you should look at. First one is one smart person and Greg Gutfeld on Fox Nation. I have the guest Bret Easton Ellis. He was the guy who wrote Less Than Zero, and of course American Psycho. And he's also on my One podcast which you go to Something like that. Whatever.

PERINO: Just Google.

GUTFELD: Google it., also I just tweeted it. But Bret Easton Ellis is a great interview. He has written a lot of great books; he has a new book out called White and you should read it. All right, who is up next.

PERINO: A little bit psycho.

GUTFELD: Yes. Dana?

PERINO: I know that song. I'm hip and happening OK. That might be a sign that the end is neither. You've heard these swarms of grasshoppers. You can see them even from space. That's happening in Las Vegas. This is what's happening, Las Vegas is having so much of this because of recent wet weather.

One pizza place has come up with an idea. The bagel shop Evil Pie announced a new specialty yesterday called the Canyon Hopper and it features lime and garlic roasted grasshoppers, so they're putting this to good use. And I think Jesse if you were there that you would do it. You are a daredevil and I think that you would have a--

GUTFELD: You know what they say what hops in Vegas.

PERINO: That's what they say and also, I'll be on Tucker tonight talking about my debate analysis since nobody would let me talk about it here.

GUTFELD: What? Why would you first--

WATTERS: A new vacation.


WILLIAMS: All right. Fastest 7, you just heard us talk about how millennials aren't dating. Well, folks it could come to this. Take a look at what happened on British television. A marriage between a woman and a dog.

PERINO: No, that's ridiculous.

WILLIAMS: Watch this. The headline for this wedding was for better or for woof. They were pronounced woman and dog at the very end.


WILLIAMS: The bride is 49-year-old Elizabeth Hoad and the groom is her golden retriever, Logan.

PERINO: OK, I'm totally against this.

WILLIAMS: Ms. Hoad said, she would give up all men after she had four engagements, 200 dates, she said she also tried all the websites, look folks, I'm for puppy love. You know that but I'm just too old fashioned. I think somebody needs therapy here.


GUTFELD: All men are dogs, so she marries one.

PERINO: That's ridiculous.

WATTERS: That was not the inappropriate joke. I thought you were--

GUTFELD: I know, you knew what I was going to do. All right, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right. So, this woman in Australia goes on a roller coaster and watch what hits her in the face.


WATTERS: Check it out. Yes, she gets smacked in the face by a bird during the roller coaster.

PERINO: Remember that happened to Fabio.


WATTERS: That's not just - it did happen?

GUTFELD: Broke his nose.

WATTERS: Really? And this bird is called an ibis. She took an ibis off the dump.

GUTFELD: What. Ibis.


GUTFELD: IBS. Yes. Interesting. She married the bird afterwards.

WATTERS: That's right.

GUTFELD: Had a civil ceremony.

PERINO: I like free vacation, Jesse.

GUTFELD: All right. Emily are you ready.

COMPAGNO: Yes, I'm ready. It's my turn. It is National Avocado Day. I'm not a millennial but I love some avocado toast. We have guacamole that we imported here from down the street--

GUTFELD: Imported.

WATTERS: Oh! Man. Avocado price is pretty high after that tariff.

COMPAGNO: Couple of fun facts for you guys about avocados including that it's higher in potassium than bananas. I have a really great, great guacamole recipe and the trick you guys is fresh lemon, top (ph) and soy sauce.

GUTFELD: What is an avocado by the way?

COMPAGNO: It's a fruit.

GUTFELD: Isn't it a berry.

COMPAGNO: No, it's a fruit.

GUTFELD: It's a berry.

WILLIAMS: Why did you - soy sauce with the sodium and the salt.

COMPAGNO: Yes, exactly. So, literally just avocado, lemon, soy sauce, top (ph).  WATTERS: I think your queso recipe sounds a lot better.

GUTFELD: Was amazing. Queso. All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." Love the queso.

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